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5 - 25 March 1992
by Niels Poul Dreyer
We were 13 people who joined a trip to Bolivia. It has been a very successful
trip and we saw almost 500 species of birds and for me 173 lifers. The
tour was well organized, and no delays occurred, because the company hired
Roberto Cossio (Casillis No 2424, Santa Cruz) to ensure that everything
ran smoothly. Roberto Cossio ensured through the Ministry of Tourism that
we would not be delayed by any police check point, which are otherwise
very common in Bolivia. If you have been travelling alone in Bolivia, you
will certainly have spent much time discussing with officers, before it
would be possible to continue down the Rd. The government has set up check
points in order to control drug trafficking.
We put much effort into seeing Red-fronted Macaw, because we did not
have any success near Tambo Valley during nesting season. It was necessary
to hire a truck, so we were able to get into the Pulquina area on a 4WD
In the cloud forest areas, trails are hard to find, so it can be a hassle
to see antpittas, antthrushes etc. Most of the hard-to-find birds have
been located by the guides during a previous 3 week scouting trip, and
tape playback gave us exceptional good views of Giant Antshrike, 6 Canasteros,
8 Spinetails (also tit), Ochre-faced Tody Tyrannulet, Fawn-breasted Wren,
Rufous Antpitta, Rufous-faced Antpitta for most people, several Tapaculos
and much more.
Accommodations near forest habitats are rare, so early morning starts
were more a rule than exception on this trip. Generally we were able to
be at the birding site at dawn. This is important as most birds are active
the first couple of hours in the morning. Too much sunshine and good weather
can bring a birding day to a standstill, but most days we had perfect overcast
weather during the day, and only one afternoon was lost because of rain
at Coroico the 22 March. However, we drove out of the rain and got some
good birds at Pongo Rd. March is just after the wet season, and the dry
intermontane valleys were green, full of flowers, and bird activity high.
At Santa Cruz March turned out to be more windy and birding more slow than
The Santa Cruz area is deteriorating rapidly, as the bush is cleared
for sugarcane. Otherwise most forests on the eastern slope of the Andes
remain in good condition, because population pressure is still not so high,
as only 6 million people live in a 1 million square kilometers country.
In the high Andes, native puno grassland and polylepis forests are endangered
from firewood collection and overgrazing. Bad erosion was seen enroute
from Siberia to Cochabamba and some places enroute to Oruro.
Description of Birding Sites:
Santa Cruz:
During the 3 days Stay in Santa Cruz we visited 4 main areas:
Rio Piray site which can be reached by driving North towards Montero, then
turn left after the Police Checkpoint. The woodlands which consist of dead
trees, wine tangled scrub, acacia trees is found along the road. In March
a few potholes with water can be worth checking. The area will change as
more areas is converted into sugarcane fields. The river is worth checking
for Pied-Plover and White-winged Swallow ec.
Weather: Partly cloudy and windy. 28°C
The park is reached just outside Santa Cruz towards Cabizas. A sign to
Lomas brings you down a dirt road to the left. Just 1-2 km down the road,
some marshes are worth checking for Brazilian Ducks and Yellow-throated
Spinetail. A few trails to the left are good for bush birding. We saw 90%
of the birds in the area along those trails. The reserve itself 5 km. down
the road, supports fewer birds, but has some wetlands among sand dunes,
where herons and other water birds can be seen. Before getting there we
drove along a river bed and passed a house, where an entry fee was paid.
Weather: Overcast, very windy 24°C
CAMPOS ROAD March 8 Morning:
The third day we went 15 km. down the Campos Road towards Camira. The habitat
was good for Puffbirds, Serimas, Tanagers, Parrots. The bird fauna was
different from the other places we visited, though the habitat looks very
much the same, maybe it was more extensive than the other areas around
Santa Cruz.
Weather: Overcast, windy and showers 25°C
OKINAWA RD March 8 afternoon:
Okinawa starts outside Montero, as we turned right twice, when coming from
Santa Cruz at a statue. We stopped several places, where suitable areas
like marshes or woodland were found along the road. An especially good
place was located 2 km. before Ingino sign posted towards Cicilia. Again
habitats do change rapidly all the time, so suitable habitat must be refound
all the time further away from Santa Cruz. On the way back through Montero,
we took a side road called Bilgarca, where some large trees supported lots
of Parrots and White Woodpeckers.
Weather: Overcast, windy and showers 25°C
A few km uphill from Angostura at 1200 meters a nice ravine with upper
tropical forest supports 2 trails on each side of a torrent called Samaipata
Trail. We saw very good birds like Slaty Gnatwren, White-backed Fireeye,
Ochre-cheeked Spinetail (seen by some), Green-cheeked Parakeet, Black-goggled
Tanager and Orange-headed Tanager and many more, which we only encountered
at this location.
Weather: Sunny in the morning, then some clouds 18-24°C
ACHIRA March 9 Lunch:
In a dry intermontane valley at 1450m we stopped for lunch. This place
near a river is more dry and its habitat is dominated by Acacia and Cactus
scrub. This was the only place we saw Red-peliated Finch and Rufous-bellied
Thrush. Also we found a pair of Tropical Screech Owl.
Weather: Dry sunny and warm.
EAST of LOS NEGROS March 9 afternoon:
Some undisturbed serix scrub mixed with cactus, thorn trees was worth a
stop east of the town Los Negros. The elevation was 1400m. Most of the
birds we saw here we located in Tambo, but we got good looks of Narrow-billed
Woodcreeper, and Yellow-rumped Euphonia.
Weather: Sunny, warm little wind.
TAMBO AREA March 10:
We stayed at the missionary school at Tambo during the children's vacation
time, This is the best and most comfortable place to stay. We drove up
in the valley and spent the morning among cactus, acacia and thorny scrub
and some gallery woodland. The place looks very much like South-east Arizona.
Any place in this habitat is good for birding. Marcapata (Rufous-capped)
Antshrike and Bolivian Earthcreeper and perhaps White-bellied Tyrannulet
is more easily found along river courses.
In the afternoon we went on a 4WD road into Pulquina area further into
the canyons than Tunal in order to find the Red-fronted Macaw. We were
lucky on 12 March to see 8 endangered Macaws flying among the hills low
over the scrub. Some woodlands at the junction between Pulquina and Tunal
roads were very good. Here we saw White-bellied Tyrannulet and Suiriri
Flycatcher and again two noisy Red-fronted Macaws! The Tunal area is 30
min west of Tambo.
Weather: Clear sunny, pleasant cool in morning, warm to hot later.
SIBERIA FOREST March 11,12,13 morning:
The road connecting Tambo and Cochabamba is very good for birding stops.
The first place called Siberia Cloud Forest at altitude 2600m can be reached
after a 2h drive uphill. The forest is restricted to 20000 hectares, but
is shrinking slowly as settlers are moving into the area from lower elevations.
We stayed at Tambo and drove up each day. If traveling alone it may be
a better idea to camp so it is possible to conduct some night birding.
Rufous-bellied Owl might be attracted from tape play-back in the very early
morning. The main attractions are the Black-winged Parrot, Giant Antshrike,
Blue-capped Puffleg and the common but very elusive Rufous-faced Antpitta.
Further to the west at 3000m the road passes through Siberia, and at 3100m
elevation it is worthwhile to stop near a small ravine forest. The place
supports a pair of the local Spot-breasted Thornbird, split from Freckle-breasted
Thornbird. In the flowers the Hooded Sunbeam is working hard at feeding.
Weather 11 March: Sunny the partly cloudy, wind
Weather 12 March: Overcast little wind which is ideal condition for
birding condition.
Weather 13 March: In morning clear and sunny.
About 100 km. south of Cochabamba in a valley near Monto Puno at the altitude
of 3100m with some remnant polylepis among fields and houses is worth a
birding stop. We saw some very interesting birds like Subtropical Doradito,
Maquis Canastero. To find the place: Look for an almost abandoned town
with a big football field, and then a bridge crossing a river. Big eucalyptus
trees grow near the bridge. Turn before the crossing up in the valley along
a dirt road to the left (if you are traveling towards Cochabamba). Continue
for a few km.
Weather: Partly cloudy, fresh weather
The place is uphill from Cochabamba along Quillacollo/Tunari Rd, and the
road climbs all the way from 2600m to 4200m. The polylepis grow from an
elevation of 3200 to 3600m. Any place along this stretch is good for birding.
Nearly all polylepis birds such as Fulvous-headed Bush-finch, Giant Hummingbirds,
and Brown-capped and Tawny Tit-spinetails was seen. Further uphill in the
wet puno we located the Short-tailed Finch and got fabulous views of the
Andean Condor.
Weather very clear and sunny day perfect for birding
CHAPARE FOREST March 15,16,17:
A large undisturbed temperate forest can be reached after a 2h drive from
Cochabamba. Unfortunately very few trails exist here, but it is worth taking
a side road to the left when the main road forks at 2800m near some houses.
This side road has very little traffic. Further down at 2400m the Chapare
road pass through a village and a police check point. Here the first cecrobia
trees can be seen and we are in the subtropical zone. At 2000m the descent
flattens and the road passes through a small village. We stopped for birding
and lunch just after the village on a plateau and some clearings. We spent
some time here and saw lots of good birds such as Versicoloured Barbet,
Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher and Red-headed Woodpecker. We continued further
down to 1700m, but here the road descends rapidly, so the traffic is intense
and noisy, as the trucks climb the hills in first gear.
Weather 15 March: Sunny morning, no wind, later a weak buildup
Weather 16 March: Sunny morning, build up, rain at lower elevations
Weather 17 March: Sunny in morning, weak build up but no rain
The first 40 km. of this road offer a lot of birding opportunities. We
made a stop just outside Cochabamba at a police check point (the second
and largest),where we could watch over some fields and scrub. There was
a lot of rubbish and dirt, so the place was not attractive. We saw the
Bolivian Blackbird, Brown-backed Mockingbird and Darwin Nothura here. Further
uphill we made several stops at 3200m, 3450m and 3820m. We saw Plain-mantled
Tit-spinetail, Rufous-banded Miner and D'Orbigny's Chat-Tyrant. Very little
was seen above 4000m as the landscape is barren, overgrazed and dry.
Weather: Clear sunny, few clouds some wind above 4000m
LAGO URU-URU and ORURO March 19:
This is a very good spot for water birds. We saw all 3 Flamingos and thousands
Wilson's Phalarope, some in breeding plumage. The lake is just outside
town. We stayed at Hotel Terminal, which was in reasonable condition, but
a little noisy, as the buses depart all night.
Weather: A beautiful day, nice thunderstorm build up in the afternoon
over the hills.
Enroute to La Paz, we made two major stops on a side road to the left where
we saw Gold-spotted Ground-dove and Mountain Parakeet in a canyon. Some
saw Spot-crowned Ground-tyrant here. Lago Vila-vila, 70 km from Oruro had
Andean Avocets.
Weather: Clear morning, buildup to storms we missed most of it. Cool
day at high elevation but little wind
The road to Coroico passes through La Cumbre Pass at an elevation of 5000m.
The area is worth exploring. We made a side trip the 24th up to 5500m to
the left (coming from La Paz) just after the lake. Here we saw Andean Snipe
and White-fronted Ground-tyrant.The area is good for Ground-tyrants and
we got some views and identified 4 species here.
On the eastern side of the pass the road drops rapidly down. At 3600m
elevation a side road called Pongo brings you down to a river. The area
has polylepis scrub, and the river can be checked for Torrent Duck. Further
down the main road there is a fork at 3100m. The Chuspipata road has less
traffic, and some fabulous birding can be done at 3000m. Stop any place
and be rewarded with Orange-browed Hemispincus, Hooded Mountain-tanager
and Plus-capped Finch.
Coroico road is very narrow and is almost cut into the cliff face, and
it passes directly under a waterfall. The buses and trucks have to reverse
in order to give way to one another. Knowing that a wrong turn can bring
the bus to a 1000m free fall can make everyone nervous. At 2600m-2700m
the road passes through a settlement called Sacramento Alto, and the farmer
is a good friend with our guides. He managed to get 20 people down from
La Paz in order to cut a 2-3km trail into the forest. The birding would
have been superb if we have spent more time here. During a couple hours
of birding, before the rain started, we managed to see Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner,
Crowned Chat-tyrant, Masked Trogon, Fruiteaters, A Rufous-bellied Owl was
flushed, we heard a Barred Antthrush, and we got very close to a calling
Rufous-faced Antpitta.
Weather 21 March: Clouds below 4000m overcast day perfect condition
for birding little wind.
Weather 22 March: Overcast from morning distant thunderstorms rain
developing after 1 p.m. lasting all day. We drove out of the rain when
we passed 3800m elevation.
Weather 24 March: Clear sunny weather at la Cumbre, clouds start in
the altitude of 3800m.
We visited the Bolivian side of Lake Titicaca especially around Sojacapa
town. Boat ramps and houses are constructed all the time, and the lake
is threatened by pollution from a growing population. However, we got good
views of the endemic Titicaca Grebe with 2 chicks. On the way back to La
Paz we stopped for lunch in a wet puno area. Many endemic frogs waweres
found and photographed.
Weather: Overcast, partly sunny later in the day.
05.03.92 23.00 Departure Miami-Santa Cruz Lloid Aero Boliviano.
06.03.92 06.00-08.30 Arrival to Viru-viru Airport
08.30-11.30 Drive to Rio Piray site Birding.
11.30-15.00 Lunch, rest at hotel La Palmas
15.00-18.00 Drive to Montero, birding north west of town
07.03.92 06.00-11.30 Birding around Lomas de Arena
11.30-14.30 Lunch at hotel La Palmas
14.30-21.00 Birding at Lomas, night birding
08.03.92 05.30-11.30 Birding along Campos Rd
11.30-12.30 Drive to Okinawa Rd,Lunch
12.30-16.00 Birding Okinawa Rd
16.00-18.30 Birding Bilgarca Rd
09.03.92 05.00-07.00 Drive to Samaipata trail
07.00-09.30 Birding Samipata trail
10.00-12.00 Drive birding enroute to Achira
12.00-14.00 Birding & Lunch Achira
14.00-16.30 Drive to Los Negros
16.30-17.30 Birding east of Los Negros
17.30-19.30 Drive to Tambo School
10.03.92 06.00-11.30 Birding in Tambo Canyon
14.00-18.00 Drive on truck to Pulquina area
11.03.92 04.30-06.30 Drive to Siberia
06.30-16.30 Birding Siberia
16.30-18.30 Return to Tambo School
12.03.92 04.30-06.30 Drive to Siberia
06.30-13.30 Birding Siberia
13.30-15.00 Return, truck to Pulquina
16.00-18.00 Birding Pulquina/Tunal Rd
13.03.92 05.00-07.30 Drive to west of Siberia
07.30-09.00 Breakfast & Birding
09.30-15.00 Drive birding enroute
15.00-17.00 Birding Puento Epunte
17.00-19.30 Drive to Cochabamba, Night Hotel Plaza.
14.03.92 05.00-06.30 Drive to Sierro Tinoa area
06.30-17.30 Birding Sierro Tinoa
17.30-18.50 Return to Cochabamba
15.03.92 05.00-07.00 Drive to 3100m Chapare
07.00-12.00 Birding 2800-3000m
12.50-15.00 Birding 2000m
15.30-18.00 return birding enroute
16.03.92 05.00-08.30 Drive to 2200m Chapare
08.30-18.00 Birding 2200-1700m Chapare
18.00-20.00 return to Cochabamba
17.03.92 06.30-09.30 Drive to 2000m Chapare
09.30-16.00 Birding 2000-3000m Chapare
16.00-18.30 return to Cochabamba
18.03.92 06.00-18.30 Drive to Oruro birding enroute
19.03.92 06.30-12.00 Birding Uru-uru
12.00-15.00 Lunch in town market day
15.00-18.00 birding Uru-uru
20.03.92 06.00-07.00 Drive to Thomas Barron
07.00-10.00 Birding on side road, breakfast
10.00-11.00 Drive to Vila-vila
11.00-13.00 Lunch & Birding Vila-vila
13.00-18.00 Drive to La Paz Hotel Librador
21.03.92 05.00-07.00 Drive to Chuspipata Rd 3000m
07.00-10.30 Breakfast & Birding Chuspipata
10.30-12.00 Drive down to 2700m Coroico Rd
Lunch & Birding.
12.00-17.00 return to 3000m birding trail
17.00-19.20 return to La Paz
22.03.92 05.00-07.50 Drive to 2700m Coroico Rd
07.30-13.00 Breakfast Coroico Birding trail.
13.00-15.00 Return to Pungo Rd area 3600m
15.00-16.30 Birding
16.30-19.00 Drive to La Paz birding enroute
23.03.92 06.00-09.00 Drive to Titicaca birding enroute
09.00-12.00 Birding for Grebes and in Sojacapa
12.00-15.00 return, field lunch, birding enroute
15.00-19.00 Shopping day La Paz
24.03.92 05.30-07.00 To La Cumbre pass
07.00-10.00 Birding La Cumbre area
10.00-11.30 Drive to Pungo Rd 3600m
11.30-14.00 Birding Pungo Rd,Lunch
14.00-16.00 Return to La Paz birding enroute
24.03.92 18.30-20.30 Departure Airport
20.30 Lloid Aero Boliviano to Miami
25.03.92 06.30 Arrival Miami.
08.30-12.00 Birding Miami
18.00- British Airways to London
Trip ends.
GREATER RHEA Rhea americanus aranipes no B3596
3 enroute Santa Cruz to Montro 6/3
BROWN TINAMOU Crypturellus obsoletus punensis
3 heard in Siberia forest 11/3 and 12/3, heard on Champare Rd at 2400m
the 15/3, 2 heard at 3000m Coroico Rd 22/3.
SMALL-BILLED TINAMOU Crypturellus parvirostris
2 heard Lomas reserve area Santa Cruz 7/3
TATAUPA TINAMOU Crypturellus tataupa
3 heard Lomas reserve area Santa Cruz 7/3
RED-WINGED TINAMOU Rhynchotus rufescens maculicollis B3597
2 seen 4km outside Viru-viru airport 6/3,the birds flew off the road
and showed distinct rufous wings. Heard at Lomas 7/3 and at Champos Rd
15 km from Santa Cruz 8/3.
ORNATE TINAMOU Nothoprocta o. ornata B3598
Good views of this large tinamou at 2400m enroute to Siberia Forest
the 11/3 in dry scrubs and potato fields.
ANDEAN TINAMOU Nothoprocta p pentlandii B3599
3 seen on road in 3000m Sierro Tinoa Rd North West of Cochabamba 14/3,a
small rufous Tinamou. Also heard at 3100m enroute to Chapare the 16/3 and
heard enroute 3000m to Oruro 18/3.
DARWIN NOTHURA Nothura darwinii agassizii B3600
4 on a field 10 km outside Cochabamba, police check point 2650m 18/3,
l 3600m enroute to La Paz 20km outside Oruro 20/3.
WHITE-BELLIED NOTHURA Nothura boraquira B3601
4 Airport Viru-viru 6/3,3 Lomas reserve area 7/3, 2 Campos rd 15 km
towards Camira 8/3.
LEAST GREBE Tachybaptus d. dominicus
2 in ponds near Rio Piriay North of Santa Cruz 6/3
WHITE-TUFTED GREBE Podiceps rolland chilensis
15 in Lake Uru-uru 19/3
TITICACA GREBE (Short winged) Centropelma micropterum
8+, 3 adults close including 1 pair with two chicks, great views in
Questar. One seen eating a big fish. The bill appears to be shorter and
thinner than illustrated by Jon Fjeldså in the Birds of the High
Andes. The grebes are found along shoreline from Inti Restaurant from
Sojacapa. The shores are developed and buildings are constructed all the
time. Population pressure can cause pollution of the lake. 23/3
SILVERY GREBE Podiceps occipitalis juninesis
7 mostly seen from Inti Restaurant Lake Titicaca 23/3
OLIVACEOUS CORMORANT Phalacrocorax olivaceus
10 near Montero Santa Cruz 6/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3, 11 enroute Siberia
to Cochabamba 13/3, 1 Serro Tinora 14/3, 1 lake 3100m. Chapare 15/3, 2
Lake Titicaca 23/3.
BANDED (RUFESCENT) TIGER-HERON Tigrisoma lineatum marmoratum
1 near a pond 5km from Lomas reserve, Santa Cruz 7/3, 1 enroute Camora
Rd to Santa Cruz 8/3.
COCOI HERON Ardea cocoi B3606
1 enroute from Santa Cruz to Ingino/Okinawa Rd 8/3
GREAT EGRET Casmerodius albus egretta
2 pond 1 km from main rd towards Lomas reserve Santa Cruz 7/3, 2 Montero
and 8 Okinawa Rd 8/3, 1 Lago Oruro 19/3
SNOWY EGRET Egretta thula
2 Rio Piriay 6/3, 1 Lomas Reserve Santa Cruz 7/3, +20 Lago Uru-uru
CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis
+50 Okinawa Rd 8/3, +20 Lake Titicaca 23/3
WHISTLING HERON Syrigma s. sibilatrix B3604
2 juv 5 adult Lomas Reserve Santa Cruz 7/3, 2 enroute Santa Cruz to
Okinawa Rd turnoff from Montero 8/3
STRIATED HERON Butorides striatus
3 Rio Piriay 6/3, 3 Lomas reserve 7/3, 1 enroute to Montero, 4 Okinawa
Rd 8/3,
CAPPED HERON Pilherodius pileatus B3605
1 1km North west of Montero, take 2 right turns north of Montero 6/3
BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON Nycticorax nycticorax
1 Okinawa Rd 2 km before Ingino sign, 6 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, +30 Lake
Titicaca Sojacapa 23/3
BUFF-NECKED IBIS Theristicus caudatus hyperorious B3608
7 on grass field 15 km down the Campos road towards Camiri 8/3
PUNA IBIS Plegadis ridgwayi
4 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 4 enroute Oruro to La Paz 21/3, +50 Titicaca 23/3
1 Santa Cruz 8/3
JABIRU Jabiru mycteria B3607
1 enroute Santa Cruz to Montero 8/3
CHILEAN FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus chilensis
110 Lago Uru-uru 19/3
ANDEAN FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus andinus B3609
6 in same flock as Chilean Lago Uru-uru 19/3
JAMES FLAMINGO Phoenicoparrus jamesi B3610
11 including 10 in separate group and l juv together with Andean and
Chilean Flamingos, it is much smaller, Lago Uru-uru 19/3.
SOUTHERN SCREAMER Chauna torquata B3611
1 2km west of Ingino on Okinawa Rd, great views in Questar 8/3
FULVOUS WHISTLING-DUCK Dendrocygna bicolor
1 fly by same place as Southern Screamer 8/3
1 west of Montero on Okinawa Rd 8/3
BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK Dendrocygna autumnalis discolor
1 fly-by Okinawa Rd 8/3
ANDEAN GOOSE Chloephaga melanoiptera
3 lake Titicaca town Sojacapa 23/3
BRAZILIAN DUCK Amazonnetta brasiliensis B2612
4 fly-by and in a pond enroute to Lomas Reserve Santa Cruz 8/3
TORRENT DUCK Merganetta armata garleppi
1 seen by James 3150m before Chuspipata 24/3
YELLOW-BILLED (SPECKLED) TEAL Anas flavirostris oxyptera
5 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, +50 Lago Vila-vila 20/3 enroute to La Paz 20/3,
2 Lake Titicaca 23/3.
CRESTED DUCK Anas speculariodes alticola
+30 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 4 Lago Vila-vila 20/3, 6 Titicaca 23/3
YELLOW-BILLED PINTAIL Anas georgica spinicauda
2 in dam at 3200m enroute from Capare forest to Cochabamba 17/3, +200
Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 6 Lago Vila-Vila 20/3, 20 Lake Titicaca 23/3.
PUNA TEAL Anas puna
+2000 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 25 Lago Vila-vila 20/3, 20 Titicaca 23/3.
CINNAMON TEAL Anas cyanoptera orinomus
+75 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 3 Lake Titicaca 23/3
RUDDY DUCK Oxyura jamaicensis ferruginea
8 Inti Raymi Restaurant near Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3
BLACK VULTURE Coragyps atratus foetens
Not counted, but is common at lower altitude +100 Vultures including
TV seen at Campos rd 15km from junction the 8/3.
TURKEY VULTURE Cathartes aura ruficollis
Not counted in Santa Cruz area, 1 seen Siberia 12/3, 3 3000m to 2600m
Capare Rd 15/3, 4 1700m Capare Rd 16/3, 2 at 2000m Capare Rd 17/3, 1 enroute
to Oruro 19/3, 6 seen between 3000m and 2500m Coroico Rd 22/3.
LESSERYELLOW-BILLED VULTURE Cathartes burrovianus urubutinga
A unusual record for Santa Cruz area, 1 spotted in afternoon at Lomas
Reserve (Parque Regional) 7/3.
ANDEAN CONDOR Vulur gryphus
1 outstanding adult, great views against hillside, and 1 imm was seen
at Sierro Tinoa 3900m 14/3.
KING VULTURE Sarcoramphus papa
1 seen by Bret Whitney and 6 tour participants, alt 1200m, west of
Angostura 9/3
AMERICAN SWALLOW-TAILED KITE Elanoides forficatus yetapa
4 Samaipata trail West of Angostura alt 1200m 9/3, 8 Capare Rd 1750m
2 enroute from Rio Piriay to Santa Cruz 6/3, 2 in the afternoon Lomas
reserve 7/3, 2 along Okinawa Rd 8/3.
SNAIL KITE Rostrhamus s. sociabilis
2 Enroute to Rio Piriay 6/3, 3 Lomas reserve Santa Cruz 7/3, 1 Okinawa
Rd 8/3
CINEREOUS HARRIER Circus c. cinereus
1 3820m enroute from Cochabamba to Oruro together with a Peregrine
falcon 18/3, 2 Lake Uro-uro 19/3, 1 lake Titicaca 23/3
1 Airport to Rio Piray 6/3, 3 dark phase and 1 light phase seen along
the road into Lomas Reserve 7/3, 2 enroute from Santa Cruz to Montores
8/3, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3.
PLAIN-BREASTED HAWK Accipiter ventralis B3762
1 at 1200m alt in Canyon west of Angostura 9/3 1 Chapare Rd 2000m the
SAVANNA HAWK Buteogallis meridionalis B3682
3 enroute to Rion Piray 6/3, 2 around Lomas Reserve Santa Cruz 7/3,
8 seen during the 8/3, mainly along the road from Santa Cruz and along
Okinawa Rd.
BLACK-CHESTED BUZZARD-EAGLE Geranoaetus melanoleucus
1 together with 3 Red backed Hawks at 3300m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
ROADSIDE HAWK Buteo mahnirostris leucorrhous
3 enroute to Rio Piray, 1 Montero 6/3, 2 Lomas Reserve morning 7/3,
1 15 km down road towards Camira on Campos Rd 8/3, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3, 1
canyon 1200m Augostura, 1 around Tambo 10/3, +5 seen altogether at Siberia
Forest the 11 and 12 March, 1 Cochabamba 14/3, about 3 seen each day from
3000 to 2000m along Chapare Rd the 15, 16. The 17 March one pair was seen
displaying at 2200m, 2 seen between 3000 and 2500m on Coroico Rd the 22/3.
However, the Roadside Hawk does occupy many habitats and is one of the
most common raptor in Bolivia.
SHORT-TAILED HAWK Buteo b. brachyurus
1 Siberia 12/3, 1 Capare Rd 2600m 16/3
RED-BACKED HAWK Buteo p. polyosoma
3 at 3300m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
PUNA HAWK Buteo peocilochrous
1 4000m Sierro Tinoa 14/3 not far from where we spotted Andes Condor,
1 above 3200m near dam enroute back from Chapare 17/3, 1 seen enroute at
3820m together with a Peregrine Falcon between Cochabamba to Oruro 18/3,
1 seen along road to La Paz 20/3, 1 in La Cumbe pass 22/3, 1 Lake Titicaca
23/3, 1 La Cumbre 5000m the 24/3. It has a broader wing and shorter tail
than the Rufous backed Hawk.
YELLOW-HEADED CARACARA Phalcoboenus c. chimachima
1 nw of Montero 6/3, 1 Lomas 7/3, 2 Okinawa Rd 8/3
MOUNTAIN CARACARA Phalcoboenus megalopterus
1 enroute Siberia Cochabamba 13/3, 5 between 3000 and 4200m Sierro
Tinoa 14/3, 4 enroute from Capare Rd to Cochabamba 3200m 15/3, 2 in forest
Capare 16/3, 1 together with Puna Hawk above 3200m near dam enroute back
from Chapare 17/3, 8 seen between Cochabamba to Oruro 18/3 including two
together with a Peregrine Falcon at 3820m, 4 around Lago Uro-uro 19/3,
6 seen enroute from Oruro to La Paz 21/3, 4 in forest at 2800m Chuspipata,
3 seen at the pass Cumbre 5200m 22/3, 6 seen enroute to Lake Titicaca and
back again the 23/3, 7 seen from La Cumbre pass down to 3100m on east side,
polylepis growth 24/3. About 51 birds seen alltogether on the trip.
CRESTED CARACARA Polyborus p. plancus
5 seen enroute from Airport to Rio Piray, 6 seen nw of Montero 6/3,
6 Lomas reserve 7/3, 26 on a field with 7 Buff-necked Ibis 15 km down the
Campos Rd towards Camira, 5 along Okinawa Rd 8/3, 1 in desert cactus area
Tambo 10/3.
AMERICAN KESTREL Falco sparverius cinnamominus
1 enroute from Rio Piray to Santa Cruz 6/3, 1 Lomas 7/3, 1 15 km down
Campos Rd 8/3, 1 at 1200m Samaipata trail West of Angostura 9/3, 1 enroute
from Siberia to Cochabamba 13/3, 1 seen enroute Oruro to Cochabamba 18/3,
4 seen around Lake Titicaca 23/3
APLAMADO FALCON Falco fermoralis
5 including 2 juveniles hovering around the fields with Kestrel and
Serima 15 km down the Campos Rd in the Santa Cruz area 8/3, 1 seen near
Sojacapa town at Lake Titicaca 23/3, 1 chasing a Ochre-naped Ground Tyrant
at 5300m La Cumbre 24/3.
PEREGRINE FALCON Falco perigrinus anatum
2 great close views at 3820m 20 km from Cochabamba 18/3. They chased
around with two Mt Caracaras and a harrier. 1 seen flying low just outside
Oruro 19/3 in the late afternoon.
SPECKLED CHACHALACA Ortalis guttata subaffinis B3763
1 near Rio Piriay 6/3, 1 15 km down Campos road 8/3
ANDEAN GUAN Penelope montagnii sclateri
2 sitting in tree close to the road Siberia 12/3. Female seems to be
larger than male. Back more rich chestnut, while male is more streaked
and has more red on throat. Especially the male has a distinct grayish
eye brow. On both sexes the the tail is uniform brown and the breast rusty.
On shoulders the streaks is very fine. Both had a crest. The Guans was
vomiting something. Also 3 was seen flying down in a canyon at 3100m treeline
in early morning on Capare Rd the 16/3.
SICKLE-WINGED GUAN Chamaepetes goudotii rufiventris B3608
A pair was seen in a gully 3150m in early morning on Coroico Rd, altitude
2900m, the 22 March. The birds were very tame and spent considerable time
feeding and handling leaves to each other. This is a high elevation record
for this species. The race rufiventris seen on Coroico Rd is smaller, than
the northern race with much reduced facial pattern, which only covers a
patch on face extending from bill to eye. The breast was freckled spotted
with much less contrast to the ferruginous belly. Upperparts uniform slaty
grey all the way down to tail tip and the legs were pink. The bird has
only been recorded a few times before and is considered rare in Bolivia.
It may be split to a separate species
STRIPE-FACED WOODQUAIL Odontophorus balliviani
A glimpse of one Wood-quail rushing away in mossy forest 3100m Capare
Rd 15/3
PLUMBEOUS RAIL Rallus s. sanguinolentus
A pair seen and 2 birds heard in reed around Lago Uru-uru 19/3
GREY-NECKED WOODRAIL Aramides c. cajanea
A great look of one rail on road near the ponds Lomas reserve 7/3
ASH-THROATED CRAKE Porzana a. albicollis
1 heard Lomas de Arena 7/3
PURPLE GALLINULE Porphyrula martinica
2 in pond near Rio Piray 6/3, 2 Lomas reserve 6/3, 3 enroute along
Okinawa Rd 8/3
COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus
1 Lomas, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3, +50 Uru-uru 19/3
+250 Uru-uru 19/3, 350 Lake Titicaca 23/3
LIMPKIN Aramus g. guarauna B3609
2 2 km nw of Montero 6/3, 1 near Lomas Reserve, morning, 3 Lomas afternoon
7/3, 2 afternoon along Okinawa Rd after Ingino sign 8/3.
RED-LEGGED SERIEMA Cariama cristata B3610
2-3 adults and l young on field, same place as Aplomado falcons, 15
km down Campos Rd 8/3
PIED PLOVER Vanellus cayanus
1 on a sandy bank in Rio Piray 6/3
SOUTHERN LAPWING Vanellus chilensis lampronotus B3611
1 near Rio Piray 6/3, 17 together with Buff-necked Ibis, 15 km down
Campos Rd to Camiri.
ANDEAN LAPWING Vanellus replendens
2 4000m enroute to Oruro 18/3, 2 near Uru-uru 19/3, +40 Enroute to
La Paz 20/3, 15 Lake Titicaca 23/3
LESSER GOLDEN-PLOVER Pluvialis dominica
15 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, +250 on a field close to La Paz 20/3
COLLARED PLOVER Charadrius collaris
3 Rio Piray 6/3, 2 River at Lomas Reserve 7/3, 1 Uru-uru 19/3 Apparently
new for Oruro.
PUNA PLOVER Charadrius alticola B3613
+15 Uru-uru 19/3, 5 Lago Vila-Vila 20/3
BLACK-NECKED STILT Himantopus mexicanus
+75 Uru-uru 19/3, 2 Lago Vila-vila 20/3. The birds had white colour
on lover neck where it met with the back.
ANDEAN AVOCET Recurvirostra andina B3614
12 seen at Uru-uru John Rowlet 19/3, 6 Vila-vila 20/3
GREATER YELLOWLEGS Tringa melanoleuca
5 3200m puno enroute from Capare 17/3, +200 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 1 Vila-vila
20/3, 5 in wet puno enroute Titicaca-La Paz 23/3 (together with 3 Lesser
2 3200 puno, same place as above, enroute from Capare 17/3, +50 Uru-uru
19/3, 3 with 5 Greater Yellowlegs Titicaca-La Paz 23/3.
SOLITARY SANDPIPER Tringa solitaria B3612
3 Rio Piray 6/3, 4 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 2 Okinawa Rd 8/3
SPOTTED SANDPIPER Actitis macularia
1 enroute to Lomas Reserve 7/3, 1 3200m puno west of Capare 17/3
LEAST SANDPIPER Calidris minutilla
1 spotted with a Baird's Sandpiper late afternoon along road out to
Lago Uru-uru 19/3, first record for Dep Oruro!
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER Calidris bairdii
2 seen close to Oruro 18/3, about 200 Uro-uro 19/3, 10 Lago Villa-villa,
12 in Titicaca Area and between Titicaca and La Paz in wet puno and creeks
PECTORAL SANDPIPER Calidris melanotos
3 together with Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs 3200m puno enroute from
Capare 17/3, +50 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 2 Titicaca 23/3
STILT SANDPIPER Calidris himantopus
10 Lago Uru-uru 19/3
WILSON'S PHALAROPE Phalaropus tricolor
+8000 Lago Uru-uru, and a few molting into breeding plumage, 17 Lago
Vila-vila, 1 Titicaca 23/3
PUNA SNIPE Gallinago adinana
1 flushed and seen well at 5300m La Cumbre side road to highest puno
before snow 24/3.
GREY-BREASTED SEEDSNIPE Thinocorus orbignyianus ingae
2 about 10km outside Oruro 18/3, 1 near Uru-uru 1973, 1 pair La Cumbre
5100m 24/3.
ANDEAN GULL Larus serranus
4 enroute from Siberia to Cochabamba, 2 enroute on way back from Capare
puno 3200m 17/3, 20 or more Uro-uro 19/3, 15 Titicaca area 23/3, 4 La Cumbre
ROCK DOVE Columba livia
Common especially along settlements.
PALE-VENTED PIGEON Columba cayennensis sylventris
2 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 25 flock 15km down the Campos Rd 8/3
PICAZURO PIGEON Columba p. picazuro
A few seen in Santa Cruz area
BAND-TAILED PIGEON Columba fasciata albilinea
+30 Coroico rd 2600m-2700m 21/3, 20 Chuspipata 2900m 22/3 Large numbers
of this bird occur only in an undisturbed environment. As for Scaly-naped
Amazon, they are the first to disappear when a forest becomes fragmented.
RUDDY PIGEON Columba s. subvinacea
1 2500m Chapare 15/3, 4 2200m Capare 16/3
EARED DOVE Zenaida auriculata chrysauchenia
7 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 4 in drier hills at 1400m east of Los Negros,
5 cactus area Tambo 10/3, 5 enroute to Oruro 18/3, enroute to La Paz 20/3,
+50 around Titicaca
PICUI GROUND-DOVE Columbina picui B3615
3 Cactus scrub Tambo 10/3, 2 enroute Siberia Cochabamba, 1 3300m Sierro
Tinoa 14/3, 2 2650m at Cochabamba police check-point enroute to Oruro 18/3
BARE-FACED GROUND-DOVE Metriopelia ceciliae gymnops
2 3300m Sirro Tinoa 14/3, 6 at Oruro 19/3, +20 10km outside Oruro 20/3,
+25 Lake Titicaca area 23/3
BLACK-WINGED GROUND-DOVE Metriopelia m. melanoptera
15 Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3
GOLDEN-SPOTTED GROUND-DOVE Metriopelia aymara B3616
+30 side road to Thomas Barron enroute to La Paz 20/3 We saw the golden
spots on the lesser wing coverts and the chestnut patch on the underwing
in the Questar!
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE Columbina talpacoti
3 NW of Montero 6/3, 3 before Lomas reserve 7/3, 5 Okinawa Rd before
Ingino sign 8/3.
WHITE-TIPPED DOVE Leptotila verreauxi chalcauchenia
1 dry cactus area Tambo 10/3, 3 enroute to Cochabamba 13/3 at Puento
Epunte 100km s of town.
WHITE-FACED (LARGE-TAILED) DOVE Leptotila m. megalura B3617
1 seen flying through the forest at Samaipata trail 1200m 9/3
SCALED PIGEON Columbia speciosa
5-6 15km down the Campos Rd 8/3
WHITE-THROATED QUAIL-DOVE Geotrygon f. frenata
heard Samaipata trail 8/3
GREEN-CHEEKED PARAKEET Pyrrhura m. molinae B3621
+20 Samaipata trail West of Angostura at 1200m 9/3 Mega views, +10
Capare Rd 1700m 16/3
BLUE-CROWNED PARAKEET Aratinga a. acuticaudata B3919
+20 seen in dry serix, cactus, acacia thorny scrub at 1400m altitude
east of Los Negros 9/3, +15 Tambo canyon 1500m 10/3, +40 Pulquina area
12/3.Great views in Questar.
MITRED PARAKEET Aratinga m. mitrata
+30 Pulquina area 10/3 and +25 same place 12/3
WHITE-EYED PARAKEET Aratinga l. leucophthalmus
+100 Lomas Reserve 7/3, +50 Campos Rd 8/3
DUSKY-HEADED PARAKEET Aratinga weddellii
8 site at Piray River 6/3, 5-10 afternoon NW of Montero 6/3, +20 Bilgarca
+20 amazing views in the Questar 2km northwest of Montero 6/3, Heard
by John at Lomas reserve 7/3, 1 seen well, but perhaps more were present
along Okinawa Rd? 8/3. +25 at the elevation 1350m west of Angostura 9/3
RED-FRONTED MACAW Ara rubrogenys B3618
We saw 5 Red-fronted Macaws flying at eye level above acacia and cactus
scrub near Pulguina area and another 3 close in sun against the hillside
on Tunal road 2200m the 12/3. John & Bret arranged a special trip on
a truck into the area in the afternoons both of 10/3 and 12/3 in order
to see those endangered aras, we failed the first day, but our efforts
was more than rewarded with the observation of 8 birds the 12 March. The
road into the area is rough and it was not possible to travel by our bus
into the area. It was a lifetime experience to study the colors of the
birds, such as the orange, red and blue wings and its call is a. Perhaps
this is my the top bird. Only 2000 Macaws, maybe less, still remain in
this relatively undisturbed habitat, but bird trapping is the major treat
to the species. Perhaps this will be one of the few birds which may disappear
well before its habitat is destroyed. The Red-fronted Macaw nests in March,
so it can be harder to see them at this time of year than in October where
they disperse into adjacent areas, which can be reached in a conventional
car or bus.
YELLOW-COLLARED MACAW Ara auricollis B3624
2 seen well together with Chestnut-fronted Macaw at the Rio Piray site,
the 6/3, Despite habitat changes around Santa Cruz where land is cleared
for sugar canes. Parrots still occur in good numbers in the area. 4 were
seen in the Questar between Santa Cruz to Montero the 8/3.
CHESTNUT-FRONTED MACAW Ara severa castaneifrons
+10 site at Rio Piray 6/3, 6 nw of Montero 8/3
GREY-HOODED PARAKEET Bolborhynchus aymara B3625
4 Puento Epunte 100 kilometers south of Cochabamba 13/3, +35 between
3100 and 3600m Sierro Tinoa, 6 at 3470 enroute to Oruro 18/3.
MOUNTAIN PARAKEET Bolborhynchus aurifrons margaritae
1 Sierro Tinora 14/3, +50 in scrub 10 kilometers outside Oruro towards
La Paz 20/3, great views in the Questar
ANDEAN PARAKEET Bolborhynchus orbygnesius
Big flocks +50 seen well in the Pulquina area 10/3
BLUE-WINGED PARROTLET Forpus xanthopterygius flavescens B3622
25 Rio Piray site, 2+8 seen close near fence Lomas Reserve 7/3, +10
Bilgarca 8/3, 2 Achira 1450m 9/3
YELLOW-CHEVRONED PARAKEET Brotogeris chiriri behni B3623
+100 Rio Piray site 6/3, +50 Okinawa Rd, and+100 Bilgarca 8/3 Chiriri.
It has no white in wings and very little blue, which is restricted to base
of primaries. Other subtle periocular and loral differences is hard to
see in the field.
BLACK-WINGED (EARED) PARROT Hapalopsittaca m melanotis B3628
5 Siberia 2500m flying over 11/3, 7 Siberia feeding close, mega views
in the Questar 12/3, 5 seen 3100 meters elevation morning Capare 15/3,
2 2400m Capare 16/3. The Bolivian form at Siberia has blue forehead and
lores light green around grey eye, prominent nostril, lavender cheek, not
black as stated in the High Andes Book for Bolivian race, bill grey, feet
grey, flanks greenish, bluish primaries, tail bluish/black but has a blue
band across tail. Is is more gray in appearance than illustrated in The
Parrots of The World.
RED-BILLED PARROT Pionus sordidus corallinus
7 1800m Capare Rd 16/3
SCALY-HEADED PARROT Pionus maximiliani siy B3626
1 15km down Campos Rd 8/3 Good views in Questar.
PLUM-CROWNED PARROT Pionus t. tumultuosus
1 heard Sacramento alto 2400m 22/3
BLUE(TURQUOISE)-FRONTED AMAZON Amazona aestiva xanthopteryx B3627
2 enroute from Achira 1450m to Los Negros 1400m 9/3, 2 Tambo canyon
SCALY-NAPED AMAZON Amazona mercenaria
12 seen on 12m distance feeding in Questar, best views ever for John
and Bret, who has led tours in the last 15 years to South America, feeding
in polylepis scrub at 2600m not far from the cloud forest east of Siberia
11/3, 14 seen enroute through Siberia the 13/3, 8 Capare Rd 2700m-3000m
15/3, heard at 2800m on Coroico Rd 22/3. An indicator bird for healthy
cloud forest habitat.
SQUIRREL CUCKOO Piaya cayana mogenseni
1 Lamos reserve 7/3, 1 Samaipata trail 1300m west of Angostura 9/3,
2 Capare Rd 2600m 15/3, 1 2200m Capare Rd 16/3
GUIRA CUCKOO Guira guira B3630
+80-100 seen during the day 6/7, +25 Lomas 7/3, +50 seen the 8/3, 5
Achira 1450m 9/3, 2 Puento Epunte 13/3
GREATER ANI Crotophaga major
+25 seen during the day 6/3, +10 Lomas 7/3, +20-35 the 8/3
SMOOTH-BILLED ANI Crotophaga ani
Very common along roadside in Santa Cruz area between 50 to 100 seen
every day 6/3 to 8/3, 4 seen enroute to Tambo the 9/3.
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO Coccyzus erythrophtalmus
1 juv seen Tambo Canyon 10/3. First record ever for Dep Santa Cruz
state. This is a North American migrant.
TROPICAL SCREECH-OWL Otus choliba wetmorei B3630
l pair roosting in Acacia tree at Achira 1450m 9/3 Two phases, a gray
and rufous has decided to be partners.
BURROWING OWL Athene cunicularia
4 boliviana seen just outside Viru-viru Airport in grass 6/3,
4 in sand dune section of Lomas Reserve 7/3, 2 on Campos Rd 8/3, 1 juninensis
seen at Vila-vila lake 20/3, 1 Titicaca-La Paz 23/3
RUFOUS-BANDED OWL Ciccaba albitarsus tertia
1 flushed at 2600m in forest off Coroico RD 22/3
BAND-WINGED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus longirostris atripunctatus
1 spotted early dawn at 4500m La Cumbre 21/3
LITTLE NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus p. parvulus B3631
1 female Lomas Reserve 7/3
CHESTNUT-COLLARED SWIFT Cyseloides rutilus brunnitorques
+100 at 2600m Capare Rd 16/3
WHITE-COLLARED SWIFT Streptoprocne z. zonaris
25 3200m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
ANDEAN SWIFT Aeronautes a. andecolus
4 at 3300m Polylepis Enroute Siberia to cochabamba 13/3
LONG-TAILED HERMIT Phaethornis superciliosus bolivianus
1 Lomas reserve 7/3
BUFF-BELLIED HERMIT Phaethornis subochraceus B3632
3 birds seen by the group, one seen well, but briefly, has a long white
tail and a olivish brown back at Samaipata trail 1200m west of Angostura
GREEN VIOLETEAR Colibri thalassinus crissalis
1 at 2700m Coroico Rd 22/3
15 Sierro Tinora between 3000 and 3600m in Polylepis, outstanding views
of this very handsome and performing hummer 14/3, 1 2600m Capare 17/3,
2 in Polylepis at 3200m enroute to Oruro 18, 1 seen Chuspipata Rd 21/3,
2 near Titicaca Sojacapa 23/3, 1 polylepis 3400m down and east of La Cumbre
pass 24/3
GLITTERING-BELLIED EMERALD Chlorostilbon aureoventris B3752
2 Tambo canyon 10/3
WHITE-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD Amazilia chonogaster hypoleucus
1 Los Negros 9/3, 1 Tambo area 10/3, 1 Tambo School 11/3
SPECKLED HUMMINGBIRD Adelomyia melanogenys inorata
1 Siberia forest 11/3, 2 Siberia forest 2600m 12/3, 3 Capare Rd 2000m
16/3, 2 at 2600m Capare Rd 17/3, 1 2700m Coroico Rd 22/3 this race inornata
belongs to the southeast Peruvian race chlorospila.
STRIPE-BILLED (ANDEAN) HILLSTAR Oreotrochilus e. estella
1 race boliviana seen above 4000m by Bret Sierra Tinoa 14/3,
1 estella female feeding and hanging in a flower near La Cumbre
at 4000 meters altitude 22/3, 3 4500m La Cumbre 24/3.
GIANT HUMMINGBIRD Patagona gigas peruviana
+10 at 3100m to 3500m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 at 3200m polylepis enroute
to Oruro 18/3.
BLACK-HOODED SUNBEAM Aglaeactis palela B3634
1-2 stop west of Siberia 3000m 13/3, 10 very good views at the Capare
Rd 3150 m. altitude 15/3
GREAT SAPPHIREWING Pterophanes cyanopterus peruvianus
1 pair at same site as the Sunbeams 3150 m. altitude Capare 15/3
BRONZY INCA Coeligena coeligena boliviana
1 Chapare Rd 1800m 16/3
GOULD'S (COLLARED) INCA Coeligena torquata inca
2 at 1800m-2000m Capare Rd 16/3, 3 at 2700m Coroico Rd, very good views,
Black head, rusty collar, very different from the Peruvian form 22/3.
5-8 seen both days at Siberia 11/3 and 12/3, 1 3000 west of Siberia
13/3, 1 at Black-hooded Sunbeam place Capare 3150m 15/3, 4 3100m Chuspipata
road 21/3
AMETHYST-THROATED SUNANGEL Heliangelus a. amethysticollis
3 at Chuspipata Rd 3000m 21/3, 1 at 2600m Coroico Rd 22/3
BLUE-CAPPED PUFFLEG Eriocnemis glaucopoides B3635
2 seen well the 11/3 Siberia 2600m, 1 west of Siberia 3000m seen the
RED TAILED COMET Sappho s. sparganura B3636
3 Siberia 2600 11/3, 3 seen enroute at Puento Epunte 13/3, 4 seen between
3000m and 3600m Sierro Tinora 14/3, 1 seen at 3050 in canyon enroute to
Oruro 18/3. I did only see females and young nicely. Male has been seen
by some on the tour.
REDDISH (SCALED) METALTAIL Metallura aeneocauda malagae
2 3150m Capare 15/3 (same place where Saphirewing, Sunbeams, Tyrian
Metaltail and Starfrontlet was seen, What a hummer place, but flowers was
plentiful. Most hummers are seen in high elevation on the slopes facing
towards the Amazon), 1 seen same elevation on Capare 17/3.
TYRIAN METALTAIL Metallura tyrianthina smaragdinicollis
10 or more Siberia 11/3, 4 same place 12/3, 3 altitude 3000m west of
Siberia 13/3, 3 3150m elevation Capare 15/3, 2 Capare 2900m 16/3, 2 about
3000m Chapare, 4 at 2900 m Chuspipata Rd 21/3, 1 2700m elevation Coroico
Rd 22/3
1 seen by John Rowlet Siberia 2500m 12/3
BLACK-THROATED MANGO Anthracothorax nigricollis
5 Bilgarca Santa Cruz 8/3
1 close Siberia 2600m 12/3, the streamers were more turquoise than
deep blue.
BLUE-TUFTED STARTHROAT Heliomaster furcifer B3768
1 Lomas de Arena 7/3
MASKED TROGON Trogon personatus submontanus
1 Siberia Forest 11/3, 1 Chapare 2000m-1800m 16/3, 1 seen very close
2700m Sacramento Alto track off Corico Rd 22/3. We observed a male trogon
and its tail. The underside of the black section of the tail had fine white
bars, (between the white distal sections), but they were barely visible
even in the Questar. This could be the most reliable character of submontanus
race of the Masked Trogon.
2 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 2 along Okinawa Rd 8/3
GOLDEN-HEADED QUETZAL Pharomachrus auriceps
1 pair at 2150m Capare Rd 16/3, 1 same place 17/3, The golden bronze
head was conspicuous. However we did not record any response from any Quetzals
including Crested. Perhaps it would be better to watch Quetzals in October,
as they defend territories at that time. The pair here in Capare was found
by luck, as they were feeding in a Cecropia close to the road.
1 at Rion Piray site 6/3, 1 at creek on Okinawa Rd 8/3
AMAZON KINGFISHER Chloroceryle amazona
1 same place as Ringed Kingfisher Okinawa Rd 8/3
WHITE-EARED PUFFBIRD Bucco chacuru unirostris B3637
4 very responsive Puffbirds came right onto a close telephone wire
after tape playback 15km down Campos Rd 8/3
SPOT-BACKED PUFFBIRD Bucco maculatus striatipectus B3638
Heard Lomas 7/3 by John Rowlet, 2 a pair, seen at 1350m near upper
tropical forest, sitting on a fence in the front of a house west of Angostura.
We got amazing views in the Questar 9/3. 5 Puffbirds were seen at the Police
Checkpoint just outside Cochabamba enroute to Oruro 18/3.
VERSICOLORED BARBET Eubucco v. versicolor
1 pair seen at 2100m on Capare Rd 17/3. This outstanding bird should
have been included in The Birds of the High Andes as it reaches
the lower temperate zone in Bolivia and Peru. No illustration is currently
available in any bird book as far I know! The male was very colourful:
He had a scarlet head, bordered with thick light blue lores from eye to
bluish grey bill, red throat, yellow breast with red band across belly.
Lower belly has green bars in yellow, back green. When calling, he bent
his head down. The guides did use tape playback when mixed species flocks
passed through the forest, which brought this great bird into view in the
Questar. This was absolutely one of the highlights on the trip.
CHESTNUT-EARED ARACARI Pteroglossus castanotis australis
1 seen at junction Cicilia and Okinawa Rd 8/3.
BLUE-BANDED TOUCANET Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis B3640
1 pair at 1800 meter Capare, 1 pair 2200m Capare 16/3. The bird had
bluish bill, brownish cap and a weak blue band on the dark green breast.
It was seen well in the Questar. 1 pair seen at 2000m the 17/3 Capare
HOODED MOUNTAIN TOUCAN Andigena cucullata B3639
2 seen very close after some tape playback as they came up all the
way from the bottom of the valley 500m below, Capare 15/3. The bill was
much more yellow than the green color illustrated in the The Birds of
the High Andes. The elevation was 3189 m. Capare Rd 15/3. It was heard
on Chuspipata Rd 21/3.
WHITE-WEDGED (ARROWHEAD) PICULET Picumnus a. albosquamatus B3641
1 Lomas Reserve area 7/3, brief look, 2 heard but it did not respond,
Okinawa Rd 8/3
OCELATED PICULET Picumnus d. dorbygnianus
2 Samaipata trail at the altitude 1200m west of Angostura 9/3, 2 Tambo
Canyon 10/3
WHITE WOODPECKER Leuconerpes candidus B3642
6 Rio Piray site 6/3, 3 was drinking in tree hollow, Questar views
at Bilgarca 8/3. The White Woodpecker was flying straight and did sometimes
snap for insects in the air like a flycatcher. They like to visit and work
on telephone poles. A social bird.
YELLOW-TUFTED WOODPECKER Melanerpes cruentatus
2 Rio Piray site 6/3, 1 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3
WHITE-FRONTED WOODPECKER Melanerpes cactorum B3643
2 feeding in a cactus Tambo Canyon 10/3
STRIPED WOODPECKER Picoides lignarius B3646
2 also in Cactus Tambo Canyon 10/3
BAR-BELLIED WOODPECKER Veniliornis n. nigriceps
2 seen in mixed species flock 3000m Chuspipata Rd 21/3
SMOKY-BROWN WOODPECKER Veniliornis f. fumigatus
Heard by John and Bret at 1800m Capare red 16/3
LITTLE WOODPECKER Veniliornis passerinus agilis
1 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 1 Bilgarca 8/3, 1 1800m Capare Rd 16/3
GOLDEN-OLIVE WOODPECKER Piculus rubiginosus tucumanus
1 at 2000m Capare Rd 15/3, 3 same place Chapare Rd 16/3
CRIMSON-MANTLED WOODPECKER Piculus rivolii atriceps
1 at 2000m Capare Rd 15/3, 1 same place and perhaps same bird 17/3,
3 at 3000m Chuspipata Rd 21/3, 1 at 2600m off the road Coroico Rd 22/3.
Sometimes can be a hard bird to see in the northern Andes, but apparently
it easy to see here in Bolivia.
GOLDEN-BREASTED WOODPECKER Colaptes m. melanochloros B3645
3 seen about 75km south of Cochabamba in farmed puno with eucalyptus
13/3, 1 at 3300m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, heard 3400m 18/3
ANDEAN FLICKER Colaptes r. rupicola
3 above 3800m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 2 at 4000m enroute to Oruro 18/3,
2 Lago Vila-vila 20/3, 3 at Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3, 1 La Cumbre 4500m-5000m
CAMPO FLICKER Colpates c. campestris B3644
2 Lomas reserve 7/3, 2 Campos Rd 8/3
LINEATED WOODPECKER Dryocopus l. lineatus
1 Okinawa Rd 8/3, 1 heard Chapare Rd 2000m the 15/3
RED-NECKED WOODPECKER Campephilus rubricollis olallae
1 female seen in the Questar at 2500m elevation Siberia 11/3, 1 stunning
pair at lunch stop at 2000m 17/3. This bird does only reach high elevations
in Bolivia, as competitors like the Powerful Woodpecker are absent here.
CRIMSON-CRESTED WOODPECKER Campephilus m. melanoleucos
2 Okinawa Rd 8/3
COMMON MINER Geositta cunicularia titicacae
2 4000m near Oruro 18/3, 30 Lago Uru-uru 19/3, 10 enroute to La Paz
20/3, 1 Titicaca to La Paz 23/3
PUNA MINER Geositta punensis B3649
1 a very pale unstreaked Miner, Uru-uru 19/3
RUFOUS-BANDED MINER Geositta rufipennis fasciata B3648
2 at 3470 m. altitude enroute to Oruro 18/3, in polylepis and scrub
on a cliff face along the road. It had much rufous in wing 18/3.
ROCK EARTHCREEPER Upucerthia andaecola B3650
3 seen well and responsive to tape at Puento Epunte 100 km south of
Cochabamba 13/3, 1 3300m altitude, Sierro Tinoa 14/3
PLAIN-BREASTED EARTHCREEPER Upucerthia jelskii pallida
5 seen along rocky streams at 4000 meters Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 seen
at 3800 meters enroute at Thomas Barron 20/3
BOLIVIAN EARTHCREEPER Upucerthia harterti B3651
1 seen by some Tambo 9/3?, 3 seen close and was very responsive to
tape playback, 3 seen later in other places at Tambo Canyon 10/3. It had
a long straight bill which was conspicuous.
BAR-WINGED CINCLODES Cinclodes fuscus albiventris
1 seen between Puento Epunte and Cochabamba 13/3, 6 above 3800m Sierro
Tinoa 13/3, 2 enroute high puno 3800m to Oruro 18/3, 1 La Cumbre 21/3,
4 La Cumbre 4500m 22/3, 5 in wet puno before Titicaca 23/3, 4 la Cumbre
5000m 24/3
WHITE-WINGED CINCLODES Cinclodes a. atacamensis
4 4000m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 enroute to Oruro 18/3
RUFOUS HORNERO Furnarius rufus commersoni B3652
+10 seen in different places 6/3, 5 around Lomas 7/3, 8-10 scattered
around along the roadside 8/3, +5 enroute to Tambo 9/3, 1 Tambo valley,
perhaps more, 3 Pulquina area 11/3, and +5 the 12/3, several seen enroute
to Cochabamba 13/3, 2 near town 2800m Sierro Tinoa, 2 Capare Rd 16/3, 2
puno area enroute back Chapare 17/3, 2 Oruro 19/3.
WREN-LIKE RUSHBIRD Phleoccryptes melanops schoenobaenus
2 in the reeds Uru-uru 19/3
BROWN-CAPPED TIT-SPINETAIL Leptasthenura f. fuligiriceps B3660
1 Puento Epunte 100km south of Cochabamba 13/3, 2 in polylepis 3400m
Sierro Tinoa 14/3
TAWNY TIT-SPINETAIL Leptasthenura yanacensis
4 Polylepis 3300m to 3600m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 Polylepies 3500 east
of La Cumbre Chuspipata Rd 22/3, 1 at 3500m Polylepis 24/3
PLAIN-MANTLED TIT-SPINETAIL Leptasthenura aegithaloides berlepschi
2 seen in Polylepis at 3470m and also 3820m enroute to Oruro 18/3,
2 seen off Tomas Barron enroute to La Paz 20/3
BLACK-THROATED THISTLETAIL Schizoeaca harterti B3654
4 seen at 3150m start on Chapare descent in treeline forest form Bejeranoi,
with black throat, 2 seen at Chuspipata, was more brownish in appearance
with grey brown throat, form harterti
CHOTOY SPINETAIL Schoeniophylax phryganophila B3655
2 in Lomas area 7/3
SOOTY-FRONTED SPINETAIL Synallaxis frontalis fuscipennis B3656
3 east of Los Negros 1400m dry sexix, cactus scrub, 4 Tambo Canyon
AZARAS SPINETAIL Synallaxis azarae
race azarae: 1 Siberia 11/3, 2 Siberia 12/3, heard several times
along Chapare Rd 15, 16, 17 March. Race carabayae also heard at
Chuspipata and Coroico Rd 21/3 and 22/3.
YELLOW-THROATED SPINETAIL Carchiaxis cinnamomea B3657
1 pair nw of Montero 6/3, 3 pairs one build nest in swamp 5km from
Lomas Reserve 7/3
STRIPE-CROWNED SPINETAIL Cranioleuca pyrrhophia striticaps B3659
6 seen well Siberia 11/3, also some the 12/3
LIGHT-CROWNED SPINETAIL Cranioleuca albiceps discolor B3658
3 great view with creamy orange crown Siberia 11/3, 1 great views at
3000m Chapare 17/3, 1 race albiceps with pale white crown 3000m
Chuspipta Rd 21/3.
OCHRE-CHEEKED SPINETAIL Poecilurus scutatus whitii
seen by some in canyon west of Angostura 9/3
CORDILLERAN CANASTERO Asthenes modesta rostrata B3661
Heard enroute to Oruro 18/3, 1 seen finally on the rocks at 4400 m
altitude at La Combre 24/3. Breast plain grayish buff, eyebrow buff, rufous
edges on tail, brownish back. It cocks its tail much more than Puno and
CREAMY-BREASTED CANASTERO Asthenes d. dorbignyi B3662
1 Tambo canyon 10/3, 1 responded in bushes to tape playback at 3300m
Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 was seen by other people at Puento Epunte 13/3
MAQUIS CANASTERO Asthenes heterura B3670
1 seen well at Puento Epunte 13/3. The bird had rusty orange throat,
spots on breast, dark eyeline, but much less rufous on its long cocked
tail than shown in The Birds of the High Andes. It also had much
less rufous on wing and more restricted to the shoulder. It was an unexpected
endemic which so kindly showed up here.
PUNO CANASTERO Asthenes p. punensis B3764
1 was present at 4500m west side of La Cumbre pass 24/3. This was a
darker bird than the Argentine form, with dark brown tail. It was hard
to see any rufous edges in the tail even when he was close in scope. He
did have big rufous patch in wing.
STREAK-THROATED CANASTERO Asthenes humilis robusta
2 25km from Oruro 18/3. The bird had a brown tail with rufous edges
but was otherwise very pale, maybe an immature bird. This could be the
first record for Dep Oruro. 2 seen in Questar singing at La Cumbre 22/3
on rocks, 2 seen the 20/3 enroute to La Paz, 1 La Cumbre 4500m-5000m 24/3.
SCRIBBLE-TAILED CANASTERO Asthenes maculicauda B3663
1 seen in Questar 3300m close to Dam Chapare in tussock grass with
small bushes, an endangered habitat due to overgrazing 15/3. The bird reminded
me of an Australian Grasswren (convergence of evolution to related habitat),
as it was very streaked and had a similar skulking behavior. However he
did respond to tape playback. Asthernes maculicauda is very contrasting,
lower back more brown, and streaks more clear white on back, especially
on nape than illustrated in The Birds of the High Andes. Tail brown
and pointed. Also seen at 3200m in polylepies remnants at La Cumbre canyon
the 22/3.
RUFOUS-FRONTED THORNBIRD Phacellodomus rufifrons sincipitalis B3668
1 heard Rio Piray site 6/3, 4 seen at Lomas area 7/3, 2 nests with
birds 15 km. down Campos Rd 8/3
STREAK-FRONTED THORNBIRD Phacellodomus s. striaticeps B3667
2 at nest Tambo Canyon 10/3, heard Puento Epunte 13/3, 1 Sierro Tenioa
3300m the 14/3, 1 nest with a pair seen at 3050m in dry canyon enroute
to Oruro 18/3
SPOTTED-BREASTED THORNBIRD Phacellodomus striaticollis maculicetus
1 pair seen west of Siberia alt 3100m paramo shrub 13/3. The Thornbird
has been split from the lowland Freckle-breasted Thornbird Phacellodomus
striaticollis. Ether speices has been mentioned in The Birds of
the High Andes, though it occurs at 3100m. altitude. The Thornbird
had a long tail which was rufous brown. He had a reddish rufous front on
head, the underparts was pale brown to grayish brown. The spots on breast
and throat were defined and conspicuous. If the bird was seen in proper
light, the spots would according to the literature be larger than on the
lowland form. The bird appears to be smaller and more rufous than striaticollis.
GREATER THORNBIRD Phacellodomus ruber B3666
2 Piray site, 2 northwest of Montero 6/3, 6 along Okinawa Rd 8/3
PEARLED TREERUNNER Margarornis squamiger
+10 Siberia 12/3, 1 Chapare Rd 2700m. altitude 15/3, 3 2000m-1700m
Chapare 16/3, 1 1900m Capare 17/3. 2 alt 2700m Coroico Rd 22/3.
BUFF-BROWED FOLIAGE-GLEANER Syndactyla rufosuperciliata cabanisi
1 heard by John Rowlet 2000m Chapare, 1 seen very well on forest trail
which was cut through a temperate forest at 2700m altitude at the Coroico
Rd 22/3. It was a conspicuous foliage-gleaner with a creamy throat, the
side of head had fine streaks and a weak buffy eyebrow and a rufous tail.
STREAKED XENOPS Xenops minutus connectens
2 at Samaipata trail West of Angostura 9/3
SPOTTED BABTAIL Premnoplex brunnescens stictonotus
1 bird seen well at 1935m Chapare Rd 16/3. A high elevation record
for this species.
OLIVACEOUS WOODCREEPER Sittasomus griseicapillus viridis
1 Samaipata trail West of Angostura 9/3, 1 1700m Chapare Rd
STRONG-BILLED WOODCREEPER Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus lineatocephalus
1 heard at 2000m John Rowlet 15/3, 1 seen by Bill at 2200m altitude
Chapare 17/3
STRAIGHT-BILLED WOODCREEPER Xiphorhynchus picus peruvianus
Heard Lomas de Arena Reserve 8/3
BUFF-THROATED WOODCREEPER Xiphorhynchus guttatus dorbignyanus
Heard along Okinawa Rd 8/3
OLIVE-BACKED WOODCREEPER Xiphorhynchus triangularis bangsi
1 1700m Chapare Rd 16/3
NARROW-BILLED WOODCREEPER Lepidocolaptes angustirostris hellmayri
1 seen east of Los Negros enroute to Tambo 9/3, Heard in Tambo Canyon
SPOT-CROWNED WOODCREEPER Lepidocolaptes affinis bolivianus
3 2500m Siberia, 2 Siberia 12/3, 1 Chapare 2000m 15/3, the same bird
seen the 17/3. 1 at 2700m Coroico Rd.
GIANT ANTSHRIKE Batara cinerea B3671
1 female seen well at Siberia Forest the 12/3. It was so huge, that
it is hard to imagine. She had large heavy rufous bars on upperparts and
bands on brown tail, huge rufous crest and a large grey bill. The same
species occurs in SE Brazil. This bird should have been included in The
Birds of the High Andes, as it occurs at 2700m altitude in the lower
temperate zone. We tried play-back the 11/3, but the weather was too sunny
and windy.
GREAT ANTSHRIKE Taraba m. major
1 Rio Piray site 6/3
BARRED ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus doliatus radiatus
2 Rio Piray site, 1 seen, several heard Lomas 7/3.4 seen Campos Rd,
several heard along Okinawa Rd 8/3
BOLIVIAN (VARIABLE) ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus caerulescens connectens
2 at 1400m east of Los Negros, (black & white form).
MOUNTAIN (VARIABLE) ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus caerulescens melanochrous
This black form which is a Peruvian form is not known to occur south
of the Puno province. The male seen at Sacramento Alto may have been an
intermediate race which could be placed between melanochous and
in the systematic order.
BAR-BELLIED (VARIABLE) ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus caerulescens aspersiventer
1 Chapare Rd 2000m 15/3, one heard the same place 16/3 and also lower
down to 1800 meters altitude.
MARCAPATA (RUFOUS-CAPPED) ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus ruficapillus cochabambae
1 seen well with a rufous crest and a scaly or mottled breast in the
Tambo Canyon 10/3. The race subfasciatus which is living in wet
forest at 2700m was also spotted at Sacramento Alto off Coroico Rd 22/3
BLACK-CAPPED ANTWREN Herpsilochmus Atricapillus B3672
4 very close look Samaipata trail altitude of 1200m west of Angostura
MATTO GROSSO ANTBIRD Cercomacra melanaria B3674
A very responsive pair at Lomas gave us a perfect look 7/3
WHITE-BACKED FIREEYE Pyriglena leuconota hellmayri B3673
1 seen on Samaipata trail west of Angostura 9/3
SHORT-TAILED ANTTHRUSH Chamaeza campanisona boliviana
1 heard only Chapare Rd 1800m 16/3
BARRED ANTTHRUSH Chamaeza mollissima yungae
1 heard only 2700m off Coroico Rd 22/3
SCALED ANTPITTA Grallaria guatimalensis regularis
1 heard at 1850m altitude Chapare 16/3
RUFOUS-FACED ANTPITTA Grallaria erythrotis
An example of a nightmare, seen by all people on the tour except me
as I was block off from viewing vision at a critical moment. Antpittas
were calling from 3-4 different places at Siberia, 2 heard Chapare, 5 heard
Coroico Rd between 3000-2600m. I tried play-back alone and got a bird within
2-3 meters, but it was obscured from vision behind some branches.
RUFOUS ANTPITTA Grallaria rufula cochabambae B3675
Heard at Chapare and, several heard at 2900-3100m Coroico Rd, but we
got a nice view on a trail which led into a primary temperate forest. We
all got terrific views of one singing, responsive male, after a long "Dances
with the Pitta." It is my observation that Antpittas and to some extend
Asian Pittas respond to tape playback at certain times of the year (generally
during the wet season). If they respond, they place themselves on a spot
and sing for a while before they come closer. When the bird moves, it does
not call. You may think, the bird does not respond, but it is coming closer!
At this critical time, it is important to find the bird quickly, as it
gets tired of listing to playback after a short while, and it will disappear.
Consequently, you are better off trying another bird, if it is available
nearby. If a group of 13 people shall get on an Antpitta, it would be harder
as antpittas are generally shy and skulking bastards. If you want to go
antpitta watching, it would be an advantage to use Carl Zeiss 7x42 B/GA
T Binoculars, as they are designed for birding in dark dense forests.
SLATY GNATEATER Conopophaga a. ardesiaca B3676
6 seen well as 3 pairs responded to tape playback on the Samaipata
trail, west of Angostura 9/3
OLIVE-CROWNED CRESCENTCHEST Melanopareia maximiliani B3678
We got amazing mega views in Questar of this colourful Tapaculo enroute
to the Siberia Forest in dry highland bushes at 2600m 11/3.
UNICOLORED TAPACULO Scytalopus unicolor parvirostris B3677
1 or more heard at Siberia 11/3, 1 juvenile seen well Siberia 12/3,
heard 2000m Chapare 16/3, l adult seen well Coroico Road 3000m altitude.
He had rufous vent and lower belly, very blackish slaty body, brownish
wing. We heard one at 3100 m altitude 22/3.
HIGHLAND RUFOUS-VENTED TAPACULO Scytalopus femoralis bolivianus
1 seen at 3150m Chapare Rd, heard Corioco 3000m-2800m altitude 21/3
Also called Southern White-crowned Tapaculo.
1 heard at 1800m Chapare Rd.
ANDEAN TAPACULO Scytalopus megellanicus semonsi B3679
1 sitting on a tree stump 2 meters above ground in sun Puerto Epunte
13/3, 1 seen well in polylepies 3300m-3500m Sierro Tinoa 14/3. This bird
belongs to the acutirostris group
1 juvenile, 1 adult seen at 3000m altitude on a trail off the Corioco
Rd 22/3 the bird had a large white forehead extending from eyes all around
the front of the head while the rest of body was slaty bluish black. The
call was different from the Andean Tapaculo. The juvenile had more weak
white eye stripe. Tapes and full description are available from Bret Whitney,
Austin Texas, Field Guides Inc. and John Rowlet, 918 Rosser Lane, Charlottesville.
VA 22903. Field Guides Inc.
SCLATER'S TYRANNULET Phyllomyias s. sclateri B3683
1 seen at 2000m Chapare 16/3, 1 seen 1800m Chapare 16/3 He flicks his
wings, which just reach start of the tail, wing markings very contrasting.
TAWNY-RUMPED TYRANNULET Phyllomyias uropygialis B3705
1 seen each day 11/3 and 12/3 Siberia, 1 Chapare 2000m altitude 16/3.
1 Chapare 1800m 16/3, 2 Chuspipata Rd 2900m 21/3
BOLIVIAN TYRANNULET Zimmerius b. bolivianus B3706
2 at 2900m Chapare 15/3, 4 between 2000-1800m Chapare 16/3, 1 at 2000m
Chapare 17/3, 1 seen at 2600m Corioco Rd the 21/3, 22/3. We got mega views
of the bird in the Questar. The bird had a uniform olive appearance, throat
pale olive, underparts olive, upperparts dark olive, bill black, eye grayish
white, and the outer tail had yellowish feathers. He had a small crest.
When he was sitting on a branch the bird vomited a seed and then put it
on the branch so a new mistletoe could establish.
MOUSE-COLORED TYRANNULET Phaeomyias murina ignobilis
1 in bird party 2400m Siberia 11/3
2 at junction Pulquina and Tunal Rd afternoon 12/3
YELLOW-BELLIED ELAENIA Elaenia f. flavogaster
1 Lomas de Arena reserve 7/3
LARGE ELAENIA Elaenia spectabilis
heard Tambo area 10/3
WHITE-CRESTED ELAENIA Elaenia a. albiceps
Race chilensis: 2 Tambo canyon 10/3, 1 seen Siberia 12/3 and
13/3, Race albiceps: 1 3200m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
SMALL-BILLED ELAENIA Elaenia parvirostris B3701
2 Lomas area 7/3, 5 Tambo Canyon 10/3
LESSER ELAENIA Elaenia chiriquensis albivertex B3702
1 Lomas Reserve 7/3
SIERRAN ELAENIA Elaenia pallatangae exsul
1 Siberia 11/3
SLATY ELAENIA Elaenia strepera B3703
1 responded to tape Tambo Canyon 10/3. Its breeding range is restricted
to Bolivia and northwest Argentina, but migrates north to Columbia and
WHITE-THROATED TYRANNULET Mecocerculus leucophrys
1 seen Siberia 13/3, 1 seen Chapare 15/3, 2 seen Chuspipata Road 21/3
BUFF-BANDED TYRANNULET Mecocerculus hellmayri B3700
1 seen in mixed species flock both the 11 and 12 March Siberia. Wings
has buffy orange bars, not greenish as given in The Birds of the High
Andes, back more olive than green.
WHITE-BANDED TYRANNULET Mecocerculus strictopterus taeniopterus
1-2 Chuspipata Rd 21/3
1 Tambo Canyon 10/3, 1 junction between Pulquina Rd and Tunnal 12/3.
The Tyrannulet raised its crest.
PLAIN TYRANNULET Inezia inornata
1 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 1 Bilgarca 8/3
GREATER WAGTAIL-TYRANT Stigmatura b. budytoides B3698
4 Tambo Canyon 10/3.Endemic to Bolivia.
TUFTED TIT-TYRANT Anairetes parulus aequatorialis
1 polylepies bushes Puento Epunte 13/3, 2 at 3500m Sierro Tinoa 14/3,
1 3470m enroute Cochabamba Oruro 18/3, 1 polylepies 3400m east of La Cumbre
TAWNY-CROWNED PYGMY-TYRANT Euscarthmus m. meloryphus
Heard Lomas 7/3, but it did not respond to tape.
STREAK-NECKED FLYCATCHER Mionectes s. striaticollis
2 at 2000m Chapare 15/3, 2 1800m-2000m Chapare 16/3, 1 2000m Chapare
SLATY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER Leptopogon superciliaris albidiventer
2 at 1800m Chapare Rd 16/3
NARROW-BILLED (MOTTLE-CHEEKED) TYRANNULET Phylloscartes ventralis angustris
1 Siberia in party 2500m Siberia, 1 at 2000m Chapare 15/3, 3 at 1800m
16/3, 2 at 2000m Chapare 17/3.
PEARLY-VENTED TODY-TYRANT Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer ruficeps
1 seen well as it responded to the tape at the Lomas area 7/3
YUNGA'S TODY-TYRANT Hemitriccus spodiops B3695
1 at 1600m Chapare Rd 16/3. It had less contrast, the wing bars were
less conspicuous, and the white eye streaks on the breast had a less distinct
pattern than shown in The Birds of the High Andes,.
OCHRE-FACED TODY-FLYCATCHER Todirostrum plumbeiceps obscurum B3694
1 pair seen well at 2000m both the 15/3, and 17/3, 1 pair at 2600m
Coroico Rd 22/3. The Bird had distinct buffy 2 bars on wing, slaty cap,
the ochre face pattern was distinctly bounded against the slaty grey cap,
and the neck and the belly were more grey than white.
6 seen between 3000m and 2700m. altitude Coroico Rd 21/3
BRAN-COLORED FLYCATCHER Myiophobus fasciatus auriceps
1 Siberia 12/3
CINNAMON FLYCATCHER Pyrrhomyias c. cinnamomea
4-5 Siberia 11/3, 12/3, 2 seen west of Siberia 13/3, 2 3000m Chapare
Rd, 4 2200m-1800m Chapare Rd 16/3, 2 Chapare 2000m, 3 Chuspipata 3000m
21/3, 2 2700m Cocoico rd 22/3
YELLOW-OLIVE FLYCATCHER Tolmomyias sulphurescens pallescens
2 Lomas Arena 7/3
1 at 2000m Chapare Rd 15/3
SMOKE-COLORED (SMOKY) PEWEE Contopus f. fumigatus
1 at 2000m Chapare Rd 15/3
WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE Contopus s. sordidulus
1 at 2000m Chapare 15/3, 1 at 1800m Chapare Rd 16/3, 1 at 2000m Chapare
Rd 17/3.
ALDER FLYCATCHER Empidonax alnorum
1 Lomas area 7/3
WHITE-WINGED (BLACK) PHOEBE Sayornis nigricans latirostris
2 Samaipata trail west of Angostura 9/3, 1 Chapare 2200m 17/3
SLATY-BACKED CHAT-TYRANT Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris
1 at 2200m Chapare Rd seen both 16 and 17 March, heard at 2700m Coroico
Rd 22/3
CROWNED CHAT-TYRANT Silvcultrix frontalis boliviana B3686
1 pair seen well alt 2700m on trail off Cocoico Rd 22/3. The race boliviana
has a fragmented distribution as perhaps more than one taxon is involved.
The former Latin name is ochtoeca
RUFOUS-BREASTED CHAT-TYRANT Ochtoeca r. rufipectoralis
5 seen well at 3000m Chapare Rd 15/3, 3 2800m Chapare rd 16/3
BROWN-BACKED CHAT-TYRANT Ochthoeca fumicolor berlepschi
2 seen in polylepis at 3300m east of La Cumbre pass 22/3, 2 seen in
Questar polylepis 3400m Pungo Rd east of La Cumbre 24/3
D'ORBIGNY'S CHAT-TYRANT Ochthoeca o. oenanthoides
4 at 3050m enroute from Cochabamba to Oruro 18/3. Dry canyon with bushes
not far from Cochabamba.
WHITE-BROWED CHAT-TYRANT Ochthoeca l. leucophrys
2 at Puento Epunte 13/3, 5 at 3300m to 3600m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
GOLDEN-BROWED CHAT-TYRANT Silvicultrix p. pulchella
1 pair at trail 2700m Coroico Rd 22/3
STREAK-THROATED BUSH-TYRANT Myiotheretes striaticollis pallidus
Heard Chapare Rd 16/3, 1 seen trail off Coroico Rd 22/3
WHITE-RUMPED MONJITA Xolmis velata B3684
2 Campos Rd 8/3
SPOT-BILLED GROUND-TYRANT Muscisaxicola m. maculirostris
1 seen side trip Thomas Baron enroute to La Paz by other people 20/3
RUFOUS-NAPED GROUND-TYRANT M. rufivertex pallidiceps
1 Oruro 19/3
1 seen by Bill at 5200m La Cumbre 24/3
1 seen at 4000m Sierra Tinoa 14/3, 1 seen at La Cumbre 22/3, 3 at La
Cumbre pass 5000m 24/3
1 5100m La Cumbre 24/3
1 seen at 5400m snowline, but was later chased around by an Aplomado
falcon, La Cumbre 24/3
8 La Cumbre pass in 5000m 22/3, 5 seen same place 24/3
10 Uru-uru lake area 19/3
PLUMBEOUS TYRANT Knipolegus signatus B3687
2 river at 2300m Chapare 16/3
WHITE-WINGED BLACK-TYRANT Hymenops perspicillata
1 river Samaipata West of Angostura 1200m 9/3, 1 sen enroute 3000m
13/3, 3 at 3300m Sierra Tinoa 14/3, 6 seen Police Check Point Cochabamba
on Rd to Oruro 18/3
YELLOW-BROWED TYRANT Satrapa icterophrys B3765
1 seen Lomas area 7/3, 1 seen Okinawa Rd 8/3
CLIFF FLYCATCHER Hirundinea ferruginea pallidior
1 east of Los Negros 9/3, 1 Tambo Valley 10/3, 1 Sierra Tinoa 14/3
CATTLE TYRANT Machetornis rixosus B3688
3 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 3 Camos Rd 8/3
1 seen by David at Samaipata trail of Angostura 1200m 9/3
DARK-CAPPED FLYCATCHER Myiarchus tuberculifer atriceps
1 seen both the 11 and 12 March Siberia
GREAT KISKADEE Pitangus sulphuratus
1 race maximiliani Lomas 7/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3, Race bolivianus
at Police check point Rd to Oruro at Cochabamba 18/3. 1 also seen at 3100m
Puento Epunte 13/3, first thought as a Boat-billed Flycatcher
BOAT-BILLED FLYCATCHER Megarhynchus pitangua
1 Okinawa Rd 8/3, 1 at 3100m Puento Epunte 13/3.
SOCIAL FLYCATCHER Myiozetetes s. similis
1 Rio Piray 6/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3
GOLDEN-CROWNED FLYCATCHER Myiodynastes c. chrysocephalus B3691
1 seen in scope 2200m Chapare Rd 16/3, seen by some at Siberia Forest
the 11/3.
SOLITARY (STREAKED) FLYCATCHER Myiodynastes maculatus solitarius
2 east of Los Negros 1400m 9/3
VARIEGATED FLYCATCHER Empidonomus v. varius B3689
2 east of Los Negros 1400m 9/3, same place as streaked, 1 seen Puento
Epunte 13/3.
CROWNED SLATY-FLYCATCHER Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus B3690
2 Rio Piray site 6/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3, 1 Pulquina area 12/3 afternoon
TROPICAL KINGBIRD Tyrannus melancholicus
Common in lowlands, 3-5 seen every day at Chapare and Yungas, absent
in high Andes.
EASTERN KINGBIRD Tyrannus tyrannus
1 at Lomas area 7/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3
Migration of Fork-tailed Flycatcher has started, and more than 50 birds
seen every day in Santa Cruz area. Many flycatchers assemble in late afternoon,
1 seen in Tomas Barron 3700m 18/3, which is a very high altitude record
for this species.
BARRED BECARD Pachyramphus versicolor meridionalis
2 seen in bird flock at 2500m Siberia 11/3, first record for Department
of Santa Cruz, heard Chapare Rd 2000m 15/3, 1 seen by some Chuspipata Rd
3000m 21/3.
CRESTED BECARD Pachyramphus validus audax B3681
1 male Siberia 11/3
BLACK-TAILED TITYRA Tityra c. cayana
1 Campos Rd 8/3
SUBTROPICAL DORADITO Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis B3697
1 female with weak yellow eyebrow, olive cap, straight bill 3100m Puento
Epunte 13/3.
RED-CRESTED COTINGA Ampelion rubrocristatus
2 seen, 1 in same tree as Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Siberia 11/3, 3
including 1 juvenile which joined a Chestnut-crested Cotinga juvenile Siberia
12/3, 1 seen Siberia 13/3, 1 Sierro Tinoa 3300m 14/3. Our birds apparently
constitute a new record for Department Santa Cruz.
1 seen in tree with Red-crested and 1 seen later 11/3, 1 adult and
1 juv seen 12/3 both days in Siberia. It was possible to make a comparison
between both species of Cotingas. The juvenile, which is not shown in The
Birds of the High Andes, was a dull brown version of the adult bird.
He had a brown head and throat, breast belly yellow with broad heavy streaks
like the adult, back and tail brown, shoulder is brown not rufous chestnut.
The adult had retained the plumage of juvenile but intensified the colors.
The juvenile Red-crested was much more gray and more streaked than the
adult. However the juveniles is described in The Cotingas, British
Museum 1982 by David Snow. The Cotinga performed crest display after tape
play-back. This species is not known to occur south of La Paz
BAND-TAILED FRUITEATER Pipreola intermedia signata B3680
1 seen very close a berry tree at the Giant Antshrike and Cotinga place,
Siberia12/3. The head was bluish black, 3 seen at 2900 meters at Chapare
15/3, 1 seen 2200m Chapare 16/3, one heard Coroico Rd 22/3. Perhaps a new
department record.
BARRED FRUITEATER Pipreola arcuata viridicauda
1 nice female Siberia 11/3, 1 also the 12/3 Siberia, heard at 2000m
Chapare Rd 17/3, 1 seen Chuspipata Rd 21/3, 1 seen 2600m Coroico Rd 22/3.
Apparently a new department record
YUNGA'S MANAKIN Chiroxiphia boliviana
1 heard at 2000m Chapare Rd 17/3
WHITE-TIPPED PLANTCUTTER Phytotoma rutila angustirostris B3707
2 Tambo Canyon 10/3, 3 at 3300-3600m Sierra Tinoa 14/3, 6 Police Check
point Cochabamba road to Oruro 18/3
GREY-BREASTED MARTIN Progne chalybea macroramphus
2 Rio Piray site 6/3
SOUTHERN MARTIN Progne elegans
Only two identified properly at the beginning of Okinawa Rd 8/3. The
martins are large with some white in wings.
BROWN-CHESTED MARTIN Phaeoprogne tapera fusca
3 Rio Piray site 6/3, 3 sitting on a wire Okinawa rd 8/3
WHITE-WINGED SWALLOW Tachycineta albiventer
1 seen on a sandy island on river Piray 6/3
BLUE-AND-WHITE SWALLOW Pygochelidon c. cyanoleuca
1 Lomas 7/3, 10 seen enroute to Cochabamba 13/3, x Sierra Tinoa 14/3,
2 Chapare 16/3, +50 seen enroute to Oruro 18/3, +25 Uru-uru 19/3, +20 Vila-vila
and other places to La Paz 20/3, 10 Chupipata 21/3, 5 Coroico Rd 22/3
BROWN-BELLIED SWALLOW Notiochelidon murina cyanodorsalis
5 seen west of Siberia town stop at Polylepis 3100m 13/5, together
with Andean Swallows. They were very dark.
PALE-FOOTED SWALLOW Notiochelidon flavipes
+25 at 2800m alt Coroico Rd, good views, look for a rufous buff throat
and white belly.
TAWNY-HEADED SWALLOW Stelgidopteryx fucata B3709
+12 seen morning Lomas 7/3
BANK SWALLOW Riparia r. riparia
1 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 1 on wire Ingino/Okinawa Rd 8/3, 5 lovely views
on wire with Andean and Barn Swallow Uru-uru 19/3. They were smaller and
lighter grey than the Andean. He had white on side of the head reaching
half way around the neck, a white throat and a grey band across breast.
ANDEAN SWALLOW Hirundo a. andicola
+40-50 together with Brown-bellied 3100m west of Siberia town 13/3,
very common Sierra Tinoa 14/3, +12 Uru-uru 19/3, 5 Vila-vila
BARN SWALLOW Hirundo pyrrhonota erythrogaster
Very common, big flocks in Santa Cruz area 6 march to 9 March, +35
Uru-uru 19/3, 6 Titicaca area 23/3
CLIFF SWALLOW Hirundo pyrrhonota melanogaster
2 Campos Rd 8/3
PLUSH-CRESTED JAY Cyanocorax c. chrysops B3759
5 Lomas Reserve area 7/3, 8 West of Angostura alt 1200m the 9/3
PURPLISH JAY Cyanocorax cyanomelas B3758
1 Lomas area 7/3, 2 Campos Rd 8/3, 12 Angostura 9/3, seen 1800m Chapare
WHITE-COLLARED JAY Cyanolyca v. viridicyana
1 heard Chapare 2000m 16/3, 6 seen well 2600m Coroico Rd, the white
front on head more distinct and conspicuous than illustrated in The
Birds of the High Andes.
GREEN JAY Cyanocorax y. yncas
1 1900m Chapare Rd 16/3
BLACK-CAPPED DONACOBIUS Donacobius atricapillus albovittatus
2 Okinawa Rd 8/3. He had auricular elongated plumes instead of postocular
PLAIN-BREASTED (THRUSH-LIKE) WREN Campylorhynchus turdinus unicolor
Heard Rio Piray site 6/3, 2 heard at Lomas 7/3, heard Okinawa Rd 8/3.
SEPIA-BROWN WREN Cinnycerthia peruana fulva
5 at 2600m Coroico Rd 22/3. The birds had a huge buff eyebrow, broader
from eye towards bill, belly buffy, rest of upperparts brown chocolate.
This bird was the subspecies fulva
FAWN-BREASTED WREN Thryothorus guarayanus B3710
1 Lomas area 7/3, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3, The bird was singing and very responsive
HOUSE WREN Troglodytes solstitialis rex
2 East of Los Negros 9/3, 2 Puento Epunte 13/3, 2 Sierro Tinoa 14/3,
1 3000m Chapare 15/3, 2 Chuspipata 21/3, 1 Coroico Rd 22/3 1 race puna
Sojacarpa Titicaca Lake 23/3
GREY-BREASTED WOOD-WREN Henicorhina leucophrys boliviana
Heard Samaipata trail 9/3, Heard 3000m Chapare Rd 15/3, 3 1900m Chapare
16/3, 2 at 2000m Chapare 17/3, Heard Chuspipata 21/3, 1 seen at 2600m Coroico
Rd 22/3.
WHITE-CAPPED DIPPER Cinclus leucocephalus
1 seen Bret Samaipata trail west of Angostura 9/3, heard at 2700m Chapare
15/3, 1 seen in a stream 2850m Coroico Rd both the 21 and 22 March
MASKED GNATCATCHER Polioptila dumicola B3715
1 Tambo Canyon 10/3, 1 Tunal Rd 12/3
Race athracinus: 2 seen in Siberia, 5 Puento Epunte 13/3, 20
Sierro Tinoa 14/3, Race chiguanco: +5 seen each day enroute to Chapare
Rd, some seen at 2600-3000m enroute to Oruro 18/3
GREAT THRUSH Turdus f. fuscata
3-4 on Chapare Rd between 2000 and 3000m in Forest 15 to 17 March,
also in forest areas 3-4 seen Chuspipata and Cocoico Rd the 21 and 22 March.
GLOSSY-BLACK THRUSH Turdus s. serranus
1 at 2500 elevation Siberia Forest 12/3
RUFOUS-BELLIED THRUSH Turdus r. rufiventris B3714
1 bird seen in dry acacia scrub at Achira in 1450m altitude 9/3
CREAMY-BELLIED THRUSH Turdus amaurochalinus
1 Campos Rd 8/3, 1 Samaipata trail west of Angostura 9/3, 3 in dry
scrub Tambo Canyon 10/3
SPOTTED NIGHTINGALE-THRUSH Catharus dryas maculatus B3713
2 seen well, responded to tape playback at 1900m and 1800m, and an
extra one heard Chapare Rd 16/3.
SWAINSON'S THRUSH Catharus ustulatus swainsoni
1 seen high in tree at right trail Samaipata west of Angustura 1200m
CHALK-BROWED MOCKINGBIRD Mimus saturninus modulator B3711
3 Lomas area 7/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3
2 at Police check point in Cochabamba towards Oruro 2 seen well 18/3,
surprising that so few mockingbirds were seen!
SHORT-BILLED PIPIT Anthus furcatus B3710
+5 Thomas Barron and 5 around Vila-vila enroute to La Paz 20/3
CORRENDERA PIPIT Anthus correndera
1 seen close in wet puno on return from Titicaca 23/3. The upperparts
was speckled like as the back of the common snipe with strong white back
stripes in the bight buff pale feathers, white eyebrow, pink legs, breast
broadly striped but streaks restricted, especially on the sides, throat
pale white, dark streaks on top of crown. The bird is close to catamarcae,
perhaps coming as migrant from Antofagasta, Northern Chile. The Peruvian
form calcaratus may visit the same plains in October.
BROWN-CAPPED VIREO Vireo leucophrys laetissimus
1 heard at 2000m Chapare 15/3, 1 seen 1800m Chapare 16/3, 1 seen 2000m
Chapare 17/3.
CHIVI (RED-EYED) VIREO Vireo olivaceus chivi
3 Tambo canyon 10/3, 1 Pulquina Area 12/3
TROPICAL PARULA Parula pitiayumi
Race pitiayumi: 1 Tambo 10/3, race melanogenys: 1 Chapare
Rd 16/3 and 17/3.
YELLOW-BELLIED (SLATE-THROATED) REDSTART Myioborus miniatus verticalis
2 between 2000m and 1700m Chapare 16/3, 2 at 2000m Chapare 17/3
BROWN-CAPPED REDSTART Myioborus brunniceps B3753
3 Siberia 11/3 and 4 seen 12/3, 3 Siberia area 13/3, 4 Sierro Tinoa
SPECTACLED REDSTART Myioborus melanocephalus
+25 seen between 3000 and 1700m Chapare in several bird flocks both
15 & 16 March, fewer 17 March, +20 Coroico Rd and Chuspipata 21 and
22 March.
BLACK-FRONTED (CITRINE) WARBLER Basileuterus luteoviridis euophrys
Very common at 3000-2700m Coroico and Chuspipata 21 and 22 March, could
be more than 25 each day.
PALE-LEGGED WARBLER Basileuterus signatus flavovirens
+5-10 seen Siberia both 11 and 12 March, 1 Siberia 13/3 1 seen by some
Coroico Rd 22/3
TWO-BANDED WARBLER Basileuterus bivittatus argentinae
10 or more at Samaipata trail west of Angostura 9/3
THREE-STRIPED WARBLER Basileuterus tristriatus
Race inconspicuous: 4 or more Chuspipata Rd 3000m 21/3, Race
5 at 2700m Coroico Rd 22/3
RUSSET-CROWNED WARBLER Basileuterus coronatus notius
1 at 2000m Chapare 17/3
CINEREOUS CONEBILL Onirostrum c. cinereum
4 Sierro Tinoa 14/3
WHITE-BROWED CONEBILL Conirostrum ferrugineiventre
2 Siberia 12/3, 2 Polylepis 3100m west of Siberia, 4 Sierro Tinoa 14/3,
5 Polylepis 3400-3600m La Cumbre-Chuspipata 22/3, 2 Pungo Rd 3600m 24/3
BLUE-BACKED CONEBILL Conirostrum sitticolor cyaneum
4 Chuspipata Rd 3000m 21/3, 1 Coroico Rd 22/3
SAFFRON-CROWNED TANAGER Tangara xanthocephala lamorotis
6 at 2000m Chapare 15/3, +20 2000m-1700m Chapare 17/3, 10 at 2000m
STRAW-BACKED TANAGER Tangara a. argyrofenges
1 Alt 1700m Chapare seen by John Rowlet
BERYL-SPANGLED TANAGER Tangara nigroviridis berlepschi
1-2 seen each day at Chapare between 2000-1700m
BLUE-BLACK TANAGER Tangara vassorii atrocoerulea
2 seen at 1750m Chapare 16/3, 1 at 2000m Chapare 16/3, 8 at 2800-2700m
Coroico Rd 21/3
BLUE-NAPED CHLOROPHONIA Chlorophonia cyanea longipennis
1 east of Los Negros 1400m 9/3, 1 at 1700m Chapare 16/3
FAWN-BREASTED TANAGER Pipraeidea melanonota venezuelensis
2-3 seen each day Siberia 11 and 12 March, 1 at 3100m west of Siberia
13/3, 1 2900m Chapare 15/3, 1 Coroico Rd 2000m 22/3
PURPLE-THROATED EUPHONIA Euphonia chlorotica sierrirostris
1 ravine forest Angostura 9/3
GOLDEN-RUMPED EUPHONIA Euphonia cyanocephala aureata B3769
3 seen, 1 male east of Los Negros 1400m alt 9/3
ORANGE-BELLIED EUPHONIA Euphonia xanthogaster ruficeps
2-3 or more 2000m Chapare 15/3, 3 2000-1700m Chapare 16/3, 1 at 2000m
Chapare 17/3. Endemic race to La Paz and Cochabamba. Rufous forecrown and
rufous feathers on the breast and vent is characteristic for this southern
SAYACA TANAGER Thraupis sayaca obscura B3745
4 Rio Piray Site 6/3, 5 Lomas area 7/3, 3 Campos Rd 8/3, 2 Samaipata
trail 9/3
BLUE-CAPPED TANAGER Thraupis c. cyanocephala
3 before Siberia 11/3, 2 Siberia 12/3, 5 at 3000-2700m Chapare 15/3,
1 at 3000m Chapare 17/3, 3 at 3000m Chuspipata Rd, 5 at 2700m Coroico Rd
BLUE-AND-YELLOW TANAGER Thraupis bonariensis composita
10 seen around and at Siberia the 11 and 12 March, 1 at 2600m Cochabamba
18/3, maybe more seen by other people.
HOODED MOUNTAIN-TANAGER Buthraupis m. montana
2 Polylepies 3500m Sierro Tinoa by other people?, 8 seen close Chuspipata
Rd 3000m 21/3
CHESTNUT-BELLIED MOUNTAIN-TANAGER Delothraupis c. castaneoventris
3 Siberia 12/3, 1 west Siberia 13/3, 2 Chapare 3000m 15/3, 1 3100m
Chapare 17/3, 5 Chuspipata 21/3, 1 Coroico 2900m 22/3
SCARLET-BELLIED MOUNTAIN-TANAGER Anisognathus i. igniventris
8 3100-2900m Chapare 15/3, 4 3100m Chapare 17/3, +15 3400m-2900m Chuspipata
the 21 and 22 March
BLUE-WINGED MOUNTAIN-TANAGER Anisognathus somptuosus flavinucha
3-5 seen Siberia 11 and 12 March, 2 at 2000m Chapare 15/3, 8 1700-2200m
Chapare, 2 at 2000m Chapare 17/3. 3 at 2700m Coroico Rd 22/3. Former Latin
name A. flavinucha, but is changed in Sibley&Monroe to A.
somptuosus flavinucha.
GOLDEN-COLLARED TANAGER Iridosornis jelskii bolivianus
1 at 3150 m Chapare 15/3, 2 Chuspipata 3000m 21/3
SLATY TANAGER Creurgops dentata
Seen by Bill & Bret at 1800m Chapare 16/3
WHITE-WINGED TANAGER Tachyphonus luctuosus ardens
1 sitting as quiet as a flower singing persistently 1700m Chapare 16/3
1 Pulquina area 12/3
SILVER-BEAKED TANAGER Ramphocelus carbo atrosericeus
2-3 Rio Piray site 6/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3. Males are very dark and females
virtually all black, the later feature unique to this taxon.
BROWN-HEADED (COMMON-BUSH-TANAGER) Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
1 argentinus form Samaipata trail 9/3; +10 seen Siberia 11 and
12/3, were a more bright form with more white behind eye than shown on
form in The Birds of the High Andes. This race has however in Sibley&Monroe
been split to fulvigularis; +10 seen Chapare especially at higher
elevations 15, 16, 17 March were also
fulvigularis; but the +20
less bright forms more like Peruvian birds seen 21 and 22 March near Sacramento
Alto were the bolivianus form.
ORANGE-BROWED HEMISPINGUS Hemispingus calophrys B3743
15 Chuspipata Rd 3000m 21/3
2 Chuspipata Rd 3000m 21/3
DRAB HEMISPINGUS Hemispingus xanthophthalmus
2, grey & white eye so striking Chuspipata Rd 3000m 21/3. This
bird may constitute a different taxon.
THREE-STRIPED HEMISPINGUS Hemispingus trifasciatus
1 at 3100m Chapare 17/3, 4 at 3000m Chuspipata Rd 21/3
BLACK-GOGGLED TANAGER Trichothraupis melanops B3744
1 Samaipata trail west of Angostura 1200m 9/3, the black around the
lores and side of head was more extensive as shown and described in The
Oscine Passerines by Robert Ridgely, as it almost reached the nape,
crown orange buff.
ORANGE-HEADED TANAGER Thlypopsis s. sordida B3748
5 Samaipata trail west of Angostura 1200 elevation 9/3
GRASS-GREEN TANAGER Chlorornis riefferii boliviana
4 at 2800m Coroico Rd 21/3, at 2600m Coroico rd 22/3
BLACK-FACED TANAGER Schistoclamys melanopis olivina B3661
2 Campos Rd 8/3
ORANGE-EARED TANAGER Chlorochrysa calliparaea fulgentissima B3747
1 in bird flock 1800m Chapare 16/3
RUFOUS-BELLIED SALTATOR Saltator rufiventris B3740
1 Puento Epunte 13/3, 6 between 3300-3600m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 2 3470m
enroute to Oruro 18/3, can be a different species from the Argentine form.
BLACK-THROATED SALTATOR Saltator atricollis B3739
2 adults and 1 juvenile Campos Rd (15km from Santa Cruz) 8/3
GOLDEN-BELLIED SALTATOR Saltator aurantiirostris hillmayri
4 Tambo 10/3, +12 Puento Epunte 13/3, +25 Sierro Tinoa, 20 enroute
to Oruro, mostly in beginning of Rd from Cochabamba 18/3
GRAYISH SALTATOR Saltator c. coerulescens
2 Rio Piray 6/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3
BLACK-BACKED GROSBEAK Pheucticus a. aureoventris
1 Tambo Canyon 10/3
ULTRAMARINE GROSBEAK Cyanocompsa brissonii argentina B3741
1 Pulquina area 10/3, 1 Tambo School 11/3, Pulquina area 12/3
RED-CRESTED CARDINAL Paroaria coronata B3738
1 Lomas area near water ponds 7/3
RED-CAPPED CARDINAL Paroaria gularis cervicalis
1 Okinawa Rd, 1km before sign to Ingino 8/3
RED-CRESTED (PELIATED) FINCH Coryphospingus cucullatus fargoi B3766
1 plus a pair Achira elevation 1450m 9/3
RUFOUS-NAPED BRUSH-FINCH Atlapetes r. rufinucha B3736
+10 seen both the 11 and 12 March Siberia, 2 Siberia 13/3, 5-8 seen
Chapare 15, 16, 17 March, +5-10 Chuspipata and Coroico Rd 21 and 22/3
FULVOUS-HEADED BUSH-FINCH Atlapetes fulviceps B3737
1 seen close alt 3600m Polylepis Sierro Tinoa 14/3
STRIPE-HEADED BRUSH-FINCH Atlapetes t. torquatus
1 dark form assimilis juv, 1 adult Siberia 11/3, 2 at 2000m
Chapare 16/3
SAFFRON-BILLED SPARROW Arremon flavirostris dorbignii B3735
3 Samaipata trail west of Angostura, 2 east of Los Negros 9/3
BLUE-BLACK GRASSQUIT Volatinia j. jacarina
1 Lomas area 7/3
LINED SEEDEATER Sporophila l. lineola
3 males 2 females Okinawa road/Ingino 8/3, One did not have white on
LESSONS SEEDEATER Sporophila bouvronides B3732
3 not far from Lined Seedeater, has no stripe on crown 8/3, not recorded
in Dep Santa Cruz? A migrating bird from north.
DOUBLE-COLLARED SEEDEATER Sporophila caerulescens
1-2 Achira alt 1450m, 3-4 east Los Negros 9/3
BLACK-BACKED (WHITE-BELLIED) SEEDEATER Sporophila leucoptera bicolor
7 Rio Piray site, some NW of Montero 6/3, 2 Lomas area 7/3, 2 Okinawa
Rd 8/3.
6 Lomas area, same place as White-bellied Seedeater 7/3
BAND-TAILED SEEDEATER Catamenia a. analis
4-5 seen enroute to Cochabamba 13/3, +10 identified Sierro Tinoa 14/3,
more could have been seen in the puno areas, but not positively identified
the other days.
PLAIN-COLORED SEEDEATER Catamenia i.inornata B3733
2 in edge of polylepis 3700m Sierro Tinoa, 1 3470m Oruro Rd 18/3, 1
Tomas Barron 3700m 20/3
RUSTY FLOWER-PIERCER Diglossa s. sittoides B3750
+30 Polylepis 3300m-3700m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
MOUSTACHED FLOWER-PIERCER Diglossa m. mystacalis
2 at 3100m-2900m Chapare 15/3, 1 Chuspipata 21/3
GREY-BELLIED FLOWER-PIERCER Diglossa carboaria B3749
2 Polylepis 3100m west of Siberia 13/3, +25 Polylepis 3300m-3600m Sierro
Tinoa 14/3, 2 at 3150m Chapare 15/3, 2 Polylepis on La Cumbre-Chuspipata
road 3600m 21/3, 1 Pungo Rd 3450m 24/3
BLACK-THROATED FLOWER-PIERCER Diglossa b. brunneiventris
2 in Polylepis 3600m La Cumbre -Chuspipata 22/3
1 alt 1800m Chapare, seen by some 16/3
MASKED FLOWER-PIERCER Diglossa cyanea melanopis
5 alt 3000m Chapare 15/3
1 male singing from side road from Thomas Barron near a nest with 4
maroon-blotched blue eggs that had been dislocated and placed on the floor
of a concrete culvert 18/3. It may constitute one of the northeasternmost
records of this species. 1 seen beautifully Titicaca area-La Paz 23/3.
Huge flocks +250 at 4000m Sierro Tinoa, 1 male behaved like a plover,
wanting to distract an intruder from his nest in playing injured. His wings
was hanging out and down as he begged to an uninterested female. +20 seen
enroute to Oruro 20/3, 20 Lago Uro-uro.
CITRON-HEADED YELLOW-FINCH Sicalis luteocephala B3734
1 Puento Epunte 13/3. Endemic to Bolivia
GREENISH YELLOW-FINCH Sicalis o. olivascens
25 Sierro Tinoa above 3800m 14/3, +10 enroute to Oruro 18/3, 4 Rd off
Thomas Barron 20/3.
SAFFRON-FINCH Sicalis flaveola pelzelni B3729
Very common, especially at lower elevations, +100 seen in Santa Cruz
area, 10 Achira 9/3, 5-10 Chapare area, several seen other places but not
GREY-CRESTED FINCH Lophospingus griseocristatus B3742
+10 Tambo Canyon 10/3. A restricted species.
WHITE-WINGED DIUCA-FINCH Diuca s. speculifera
20 above 4000m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
SHORT-TAILED FINCH Idiopsar brachyurus B3742
1 at 4200m Sierro Tinoa 14/3
PERUVIAN SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus p. punensis
8 Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3, same bird species as Gray-hooded in Peru.
BLACK-HOODED SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus atriceps B3717
1 Puento Epunte 13/3, 3 Polylepis Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 4 alt 3200m enroute
to Oruro 18/3
MOURNING SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus fruticeti peruvianus
2 Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3
PLUMBEOUS SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus unicolor tucumanus
+50 most above 3800m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 4 la Cumbre 21/3
ASH-BREASTED SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus p. plebejus
+200 in puno 4000m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, +100 enroute to Oruro 18/3, 40
enroute to La Paz 20/3, 4 enroute to Chuspipata 21/3, 2 La Cumbre 22/3,
3 Titicaca to La Paz 23/3
BAND-TAILED SIERRA-FINCH Phrygilus alaudinus excelsus
10 enroute Oruro-La Paz 20/3, 3 near Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3
BOLIVIAN WARBLING-FINCH Poospiza boliviana B3720
1 Polylepis 3300m enroute to Cochabamba, +5 about 3400m Sierro Tinoa
RUFOUS-SIDED WARBLING-FINCH Poospiza h. hypochondria B3721
3 before Siberia forest 2500m Polylepis scrub 11/3, 3 Polylepis 3300m
same place as Bolivian WF 13/3, 2 at 3300m-3600m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 3470m
enroute to Oruro 18/3
RUSTY-BROWED WARBLING-FINCH Poospiza erythrophrys cochabambae B3722
1 pair Siberia Forest 12/3
BLACK-AND-CHESTNUT WARBLING-FINCH Poospiza nigrorufa whitii B3723
2 before Siberia Forest in polylepis scrub 11/3
RINGED WARBLING-FINCH Poospiza torquata B3724
3 Tambo Canyon 10/3, 1 3300m Sierro Tinoa, 1 enroute 3400m to Oruro
BLACK-CAPPED WARBLING-FINCH Poospiza melanoleuca B3725
1 close to Ringed WF Tambo Canyon 10/3
1 Puento Epunte, 2 at 3400m-3500m Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 1 alt 3200 polylepis
scrub enroute to Oruro 18/3. Very good views
WEDGE-TAILED GRASS-FINCH Emberizoides h. herbicola B3727
2 enroute from Airport to Rio Piray 6/3, 1 Lomas Reserve 8/3
OLIVE PAMPA-FINCH Embernagra platensis olivascens B3728
3 before Siberia forest 11/3, 2 enroute to Chapare 15/3 and 5 same
place 16/3, 3 near Police Check Point Cochabamba 18/3
GRASSLAND SPARROW Ammodramus humeralis xanthornus B3716
1 seen NW Montero 6/3, 1 Lomas 7/3, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3
YELLOW-BROWED SPARROW Ammodramus a. aurifrons
1 Chapare 2000m 15/3
RUFOUS-COLLARED SPARROW Zonotrichia capensis
15 Tambo area 10/3, 20 Cochabamba- Sierro Tinoa 14/3, +5 seen along
Chapare Rd 15, 16, 17 March, +20 Enroute to Oruro 18/3, 10 enroute to La
Paz, +5 seen both days on Coroico Rd, 3 Titicaca 23/3. Three forms seen
on this trip depending on altitude: hypoleuca, pulacayensis and
DULL-COLORED GRASSQUIT Tiaris o. obscurra B3767
1 Tambo canyon 10/3
+35 Uru-uru 18/3
+10 Okinawa Rd 2km before Ingino Rd 8/3
WHITE-BROWED BLACKBIRD Sturnella superciliaris B3757
+15 enroute to Rio Piray and to Montero 6/3, +25 Lomas area 7/3, 30
along Campos and Okinawa Rd 8/3
CHOPI BLACKBIRD Gnorimopsar chopi sulcirostris B3756
Very common, more than 75-100 seen every day in Santa Cruz area.
BOLIVIAN BLACKBIRD Oreopsar bolivianus B3756
+20 at Police Check Point Cochabamba-Oruro Rd, 2 at 2950m further down
Oruro Rd 18/3. They were looking for hollows in the earth bank along Rd.
Has brownish flight feathers, no shining or glossy. Endemic to Bolivia
SHINY COWBIRD Molothrus bonariensis
5 or more same place as first sight of Bolivian Blackbird 18/3
BAY-WINGED COWBIRD Molothrus badius bolivianus B3754
4 Tambo Valley 10/3, 7 Puento Epunte 13/3, 6 Sierro Tinoa 14/3, 3 enroute
to Chapare 16/3, 30 lower elevations enroute to Oruro 18/3.
GIANT COWBIRD Scaphidura o. oryzivora
2 Lomas area 7/3
ORANGE BACKED (TROUPIAL) ORIOLE Icterus icterus croconotus
3 Rio Piray site 6/3, 1 Okinawa Rd 8/3 According to Ridgely's Oscine
Passerines this bird belongs to croconotus rather than the jamacii
3 Chuspipata Rd 21/3, heard Coroico Rd 22/3
SOLITARY CACIQUE Cacicus solitarius
3 Rio Piray site 6/3, 1 Campos Rd 8/3
CRESTED OROPENDULA Psarcolius decumanus maculosus
1 Rio Piray site 6/3, 8 Lomas Reserve 7/3, 4 Campos Rd 8/3, 6 Angostura
DUSKY-GREEN OROPENDULA Psarocolius atrovirens
4 nest alt 2000m Chapare 15, 16, 17 March.
PLUSHCAP Catamblyrhynchus diadema citrinifrons
5 Chuspipata 3000m 21/3, 1 at 2600m Coroico Rd
HOODED SISKIN Carduelis magellanica boliviana
4 Tambo Valley 10/3, 2 Tambo School 11/3, +15 Pulquina area 12/3, 10
enroute to Cochabamba 13/3, 20 Sirro Tinoa 14/3, enroute from Chapare 17/3,
more seen later but not recorded.
OLIVACEOUS SISKIN Carduelis olivacea
1 alt 2000m Chapare 15/3, 3 alt 2600m Coroico Rd 22/3
BLACK SISKIN Carduelis atrata
3 enroute back from Coroico Rd 22/3, 4 Sojacapa Titicaca 23/3, 2 La
Cumbre down to Pungo Rd 3600m 24/3
THICK-BILLED SISKIN Carduelis atrata amadoni B3760
Family of 1 adult 2 female in cultivated sunflower in a garden in Caracolla
at 3760m 18/3
HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus
Common near human settlement.
DUSKY TITI MONKEY Callicebus moloch
2 Okinawa Rd 8/3. creamy grayish all over, with darker hair around
Creamy white with black back Siberia 11/3
Rufous above, dark tail, buff below Chapare 1800m 16/3
Rufous with light buffy belly, long tail at 3300m enroute to Chapare
Thick green 2m long, had red / yellow lips 1800m Chapare 16/3
Fjeldså, J., Krabbe. N., 1990. The Birds of the High Andes,
Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Apollo Books, Svendborg Denmark.
Remsen, J.V.Jr., Traylor, M. A. Jr,1989. An Annotated list of the birds
of Bolivia, Buteo Books, South Dakota, USA.
Ridgely, R. S., Tudor, G. 1989. The Birds of South America, The Oscine
Passerines, University of Texas press 1989
Rowlet, J., Whitney B.,1992. Personal information Field Guides Incorporated
Austin, Texas.
Sibley, C.G., Monroe B.L. jr., 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds
of the World. Yale University Press, London
Snow, D., Woodcock, M., 1982. The Cotingas, British Museum. Oxford
University Press, UK
Niels Poul Dreyer,
c/o Hesselbjerggård, Kongstedvej 17,
4291 Ruds-Vedby, Denmark,
Telephone 4553561010;