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11 - 18 June 1999

by Ted Floyd

During the past week (6/11-6/18) I traveled from Reno to Las Vegas and back.  My objective was to find as many species of Nevada breeding birds as possible.  The following summary of my findings is broken down into three parts:


For those who are tempted to jump straight to Section C, here's the bottom line: I found 168 species during the week, all but 3 of which are known or suspected breeders in Nevada.  (For perspective, 234 species have been recorded during the first two full field seasons of the Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas.) Highlights included: LEAST BITTERN, GREEN HERON, BALD EAGLE, PEREGRINE FALCON, BONAPARTE'S GULL (non-breeding summer resident), WHITE-WINGED DOVE, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO, NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL, COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD, CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD, WHITE-HEADED WOODPECKER, GILDED FLICKER, WILLOW FLYCATCHER, VERMILION FLYCATCHER, AMERICAN DIPPER, CRISSAL THRASHER, BELL'S VIREO, GRAY VIREO, CASSIN'S VIREO, NORTHERN PARULA (non-breeding vagrant), AMERICAN REDSTART (non-breeding vagrant), SUMMER TANAGER, INDIGO BUNTING, BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW, HOODED ORIOLE, RED CROSSBILL, and EVENING GROSBEAK.

If you would like to learn more about the Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas, please contact me ( or check out this web site:


DAY 1 (FRIDAY 11 JUNE 1999): Reno to Moapa.

I got my first four birds while waiting for the Enterprise Car Rental driver to pick me up at my house (just outside downtown Reno).  It was an unspectacular beginning: HOUSE FINCH, HOUSE SPARROW, ROCK DOVE, and EUROPEAN STARLING.  But I was glad to tick them off, and to be on my way!

As we drove through town to the car rental site, I got: BARN SWALLOW, CLIFF SWALLOW, CALIFORNIA GULL, BREWER'S BLACKBIRD, and MALLARD.  I got most of these birds as we drove along the Truckee River in downtown Reno.

I got the car and headed east on I-80 toward Fernley.  I-80 parallels the Truckee River between Reno and Fernley, so I was able to pick up a typical smattering of river birds like: DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT, AMERICAN COOT, MOURNING DOVE, and AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN.

In Fernley I picked up US-50 which I took into Fallon.  The stretch between Fallon and Fernley is characterized by a "salt desert scrub" plant community, which produced species such as: TURKEY VULTURE, COMMON RAVEN, WESTERN KINGBIRD, RED-TAILED HAWK, and AMERICAN KESTREL.

After Fallon I headed south, toward Tonopah, on US-95.  The first part of the drive, just past the far western edge of Carson Lake, was reasonably interesting and yielded: AMERICAN ROBIN, RING-BILLED GULL, AMERICAN CROW, BULLOCK'S ORIOLE, YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD, WHITE-FACED IBIS, BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE, NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW, KILLDEER, LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE, and HORNED LARK.

At this point, I had driven about 75 miles and had 29 species on my list.  The next 300+ miles would produce a grand total of zero new species.  At least, the highways had exciting names: "Grand Army of the Republic Highway", "Extraterrestrial Highway", and the like.

Species Number 30 came in an impressive joshua tree forest between Rachel and Hiko (in Lincoln County): a BURROWING OWL on a fence post.  A little while later, I stopped briefly at the Key Pittman Wildlife Management Area, where I found: YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT, YELLOW WARBLER, WESTERN MEADOWLARK, GREAT BLUE HERON, and REDHEAD.

Next it was south toward Moapa along US-93, through the beautiful Pahranagat Valley, where I found a SWAINSON'S HAWK.

I finally arrived at Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge, in northern Clark County, at around 7:00 P.M.  (I was late because of road construction between Hawthorne and Tonopah, and because I couldn't resist the temptation to stop in at the Area 51 Hangar and at the "Little Alie-Inn" along the Extraterrestrial Highway.) My hosts at Moapa Valley were Bruce and Flo Lund, who put me up in the refuge station for visiting researchers.  Birds right around the station included: BLACK-THROATED SPARROW, BLACK PHOEBE, and GAMBEL'S QUAIL.

DAY 2 (SATURDAY 12 JUNE 1999): Mormon Ranch, Meadow Valley Wash, and Overton W.M.A.

Bruce and I spent the morning at the 1200-acre Mormon Ranch that abuts the wildlife refuge.  The ranch is a private holding along the Muddy River, and it is in fairly good shape.  And the birding is wonderful.  It produced all of the following additions to the trip list: RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD, SONG SPARROW, VERDIN (numerous), BLUE GROSBEAK (about 10), NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD (numerous), PHAINOPEPLA (up to 20), LUCY'S WARBLER (at least 10, including a confirmed breeder), ABERT'S TOWHEE (numerous), LESSER GOLDFINCH, VERMILION FLYCATCHER (11, including 9 males), COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, LESSER NIGHTHAWK, LADDER-BACKED WOODPECKER, BLACK-TAILED GNATCATCHER (several breeding pairs), ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER, BELL'S VIREO (singing persistently), WILLOW FLYCATCHER (2 singing), VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW, BEWICK'S WREN, GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE, WHITE-THROATED SWIFT, BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK (non-breeding?), CRISSAL THRASHER (an animated pair), WESTERN WARBLING-VIREO (non-breeding?), AMERICAN REDSTART (presumably a non-breeding vagrant), SAY'S PHOEBE, WESTERN TANAGER (non-breeding?), and HOODED ORIOLE.

After the Mormon Ranch, we visited one of Bruce's Breeding Bird Atlas blocks, along Meadow Valley Wash near the border between Lincoln and Clark Counties.  Bruce's Atlas block is intriguing: a tiny sliver of green that cuts a narrow canyon in bone-dry Mojave Desert scrub.  The canyon walls produced ROCK WREN and CANYON WREN, and we were able to find nests of both species.  We also heard something that sounded tantalizingly like a rufous-crowned sparrow, but we were unable to track down the elusive songster.  The wash itself contained many of the birds that we got at the Mormon Ranch, including 3 bell's vireos and 1 singing willow flycatcher.  New species for the list included: a female LAZULI BUNTING, a GREAT HORNED OWL that flew out of the wash and up onto a ledge on one of the canyon walls, a MARSH WREN at a beaver pond, and a loudly calling SUMMER TANAGER.

Next it was onto Overton for ...  a cello recital.

After the concert, Bruce and I visited the Overton Wildlife Management Area, at the northern tip of Lake Mead.  We were looking for a place called Honeybee Pond, where clapper rail had recently been reported.  It took us a long time to find the pond, but in the process we managed to come across: a singing YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO, a WILD TURKEY running through a barren field, and a RING-NECKED PHEASANT calling off in the distance.  We finally did find the pond, but we couldn't turn up a clapper rail.  However, we did manage to get all of the following: PIED-BILLED GREBE, RUDDY DUCK (several family groups), GREEN HERON (a pair), FORSTER'S TERN, WESTERN GREBE, CLARK'S GREBE, and even a single LEAST BITTERN.

We wound down the day with a quick pass by Bowman Reservoir, which produced lots of jet-skis but no new birds.  The last bird of the day was a GREATER ROADRUNNER, just off the highway near Overton.

DAY 3 (SUNDAY 13 JUNE 1999):  Southern Clark County.

I departed from Moapa around sun-up and headed for the hottest and driest part of Nevada, down near the towns of Searchlight and Laughlin.

My first stop was the Cottonwood Desert Management Area (CDMA), in the arid foothills of the Irateba Mountains, just north of Searchlight.  I worked my way from north to south, and picked up Mojave Desert species such as: CACTUS WREN, SCOTT'S ORIOLE, and COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD.  The best bird was GILDED FLICKER; I saw 3 (2 adults and 1 juvenile).  This is a species that was not known to breed in Nevada until a few weeks ago, when Joe Kahl and others discovered several birds (including 1 definite breeder) at a site a little to the north of where I was.  In addition to the interesting birds, CDMA proved to be a good place for other Mojave Desert spectacles.  The highlight for me was my first desert tortoise, and I also saw rattlesnakes, jackrabbits, kangaroo rats, tarantula hawks, robber flies, flowering cacti, enormous joshua trees, and impressive dust devils.

After Cottonwood, it was onto another DMA: the El Dorado DMA, just south of the town of Calnevari.  It was a little higher (about 1500m) here, and there were a few pinyons and junipers, but there were very few birds.  The only addition was SPOTTED TOWHEE.  I think it was just too hot.

If El Dorado seemed hot, then my next destination was blistering: the temperature at Laughlin was 112F.  There wasn't much to see here, and I called it a day.  At this point, I headed north a little ways, to a campground at the Lake Mead National Environmental Disaster Area.  Some sights from around the campground included: a lone distant gull, a greater roadrunner, several rock doves, dozens of great-tailed grackles, and hundreds of motorboats and jet-skis.  It was surprisingly humid here, and I noticed a dense fog over the campground after nightfall.

DAY 4 (MONDAY 14 JUNE 1999): Southern Nevada Highlands.

I departed from Lake Mead at first light, and picked up my first and only WHITE-WINGED DOVE on the road up to Searchlight.

From Searchlight I headed into Las Vegas, to meet up with Chuck Rumsey and Liz Joyce of The Nature Conservancy.  En route I stopped off at urban Sunset Park, an amazing oasis of Mojave Desert habitat in a sprawling desert of pavement and air-conditioners.  Particularly impressive was a stand of mesquites in the northwestern corner of the park, which produced an excellent sampling of Mojave Desert birds: ladder-backed woodpecker, ash-throated flycatcher, verdin, cactus wren, black-tailed gnatcatcher, crissal thrasher (2 pairs), a loudly singing bell's vireo, and abert's towhee.  Sunset Park also produced my first BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRD of the trip, as well as a very tardy OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER.

After my brief detour at Sunset Park, it was onto TNC's headquarters, and then out to the west slope of the Mormon Mountains in southern Lincoln County.  We picked up Bruce Lund along the way, and began birding around 11:00 A.M.  - not a highly favorable time of day.  All the same, the birding would prove to be fairly good.

The drive up into the foothills of the Mormons took us through an impressive joshua tree forest, where the highlight was my 4th gilded flicker of the trip.  Either they're much more common in southern Nevada than we had imagined, or they've staged a mini-invasion into the northern Mojave Desert this year.

The ascent into the Mormons went reasonably quickly, and the transition between desert and montane forest was abrupt.  It wasn't too long before we were picking up birds like: BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER (several), GRAY VIREO (several pairs, including one with food for nestlings), BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW (carrying food), BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD, PLUMBEOUS VIREO, and PEREGRINE FALCON (a noisy pair up on a cliffside roost or nest).  Despite the presence of these pre-montane and montane species, one of the most common birds in the area was cactus wren.  Also, we saw a greater roadrunner carrying a lizard, just a hundred meters lower.  Definitely, there was a diverse avifauna compressed within this narrow transition zone.

We were back in Las Vegas by late afternoon.  Chuck and Liz urged me to spend the night on the Strip, but I opted for a high elevation campground in the Spring Mountains instead.  I arrived just before sun-down, but the area around the campground was hopping, with: TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE, CASSIN'S FINCH (a few), PINE SISKIN (several flying over), RED-SHAFTED FLICKER, HERMIT THRUSH (numerous), DUSKY FLYCATCHER (a rather agitated individual), WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE, MOUNTAIN CHICKADEE, OREGON JUNCO, HAIRY WOODPECKER, AUDUBON'S WARBLER, STELLER'S JAY, CHIPPING SPARROW, and even a RED CROSSBILL pair flying over.

I was disappointed to hear no owls overnight, but a western wood-pewee was quite vocal for much of the night.

DAY 5 (TUESDAY 15 JUNE 1999): Back to Reno.

There was a lot of ground to cover today, so I wasn't able to linger for long in the campground.  Still, I managed to get: RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET (several), RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER (a noisy pair), WESTERN BLUEBIRD (a pair), and NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL (1 singing bird).  Other species in the campground included: broad-tailed hummingbird (common), olive-sided flycatcher, violet-green swallow, western warbling-vireo, and western tanager.

On the way down, back into the Las Vegas Valley, I stopped off in a juniper - joshua tree transition, where I picked up my only JUNIPER TITMOUSE of the trip.

Now it was back toward Reno, but I would make a few stops along the way.

My first stop was at TNC's new Torrance Ranch property, just north of Beatty, in the Amargosa Valley of southern Nye County.  The Torrance Ranch is famous for its amargosa toads, of which I saw none.  However, I did find a beautiful singing male NORTHERN PARULA, in a low willow just off the highway.  It is very unlikely that this bird is a breeder.  In fact, its appearance is consistent with a pattern of vagrancy of eastern species in Nevada in early to mid June.  Another new trip bird at the Torrance Ranch was a VIRGINIA RAIL, singing out in some wetlands beyond the highway.

Next I made the long haul through the Great Basin Desert, and all the way to Carson Lake, just south of the town of Fallon.  Carson Lake is as good as any aquatic birding hotspot I have ever seen, and it didn't disappoint today - despite the advanced hour and date.  My first new bird was a lone BANK SWALLOW, probably a sentry from the near-by breeding colony at Soda Lake.

I checked in at the "headquarters" (such as they are), and headed out along the main dike.  I stopped less than a mile out, and picked up: SAVANNAH SPARROW (numerous), CATTLE EGRET, SNOWY EGRET, GREAT EGRET, AMERICAN AVOCET (I would see at least 2000 in the next 2 hours), BLACK-NECKED STILT (hundreds), BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON, LONG-BILLED CURLEW (4 birds, including a pair), GADWALL, NORTHERN SHOVELER, CINNAMON TEAL, (numerous), NORTHERN HARRIER, CANADA GOOSE (it was oddly gratifying not to get this species until Day 5 of the trip), NORTHERN PINTAIL, and GREEN-WINGED TEAL (an uncommon breeder in the region).

I continued, toward the "sump" road that bisects the lake from west to east.  Here I found: WILSON'S PHALAROPE (hundreds), BONAPARTE'S GULL (a non-breeder that will probably hang around for the summer), and BLACK TERN (a pair on an island).  At this point, the weather was turning nasty: the wind was whipping up an enormous cloud of salt spray and dust, so I decided to retreat.

On the way out, I stopped at a roadside slough, where I got my only WILLET of the trip.

Before heading back to Reno, I decided to stop by at several of the smaller bodies of water in the vicinity of Carson Lake.  First I went to S-Line Reservoir, where I found an OSPREY at a nest.  Then I went to Lahontan Reservoir, where I found a BALD EAGLE atop the only known nest of this species in Nevada.

DAY 6 (WEDNESDAY 16 JUNE 1999): Reno Area Hotspots.

I started off the day at the doctor's office, where I learned that a nasty case of pneumonia was in full remission.  There's nothing like a week of birding to restore one's health!

After the doctor's office I stopped off at near-by Oxbow Park, a surprisingly good strip of riparian habitat along the Truckee River in the western part of Reno.  Here I found birds such as the following to be numerous: black-chinned hummingbird, western wood-pewee, cliff swallow, black-billed magpie, bewick's wren, western warbling-vireo, yellow warbler, black-headed grosbeak, song sparrow, and lesser goldfinch.  I also added CALIFORNIA QUAIL (numerous), TREE SWALLOW, DOWNY WOODPECKER, COOPER'S HAWK (at a nest), and WESTERN SCRUB-JAY.

I spent the rest of the morning, plus the afternoon, in the office, trying to catch up on things.

But I managed to get out to the new Audubon refuge at Lemmon Valley Marsh, in the early evening.  This time I was accompanied by Nath Welch, an intern with TNC.  The road into Lemmon Valley Marsh cuts a narrow swath through the sagebrush, so we got out to look for birds typical of this habitat.  Right away, we found: SAGE THRASHER (a pair, including one bird carrying food), BREWER'S SPARROW (many singing birds), and SAGE SPARROW (a single bird).  Out on the open water, we found fair numbers of: cinnamon teal, gadwall, american coot, black-necked stilt, american avocet, wilson's phalarope, ring-billed gull, and california gull.  Basically, Carson Lake in miniature!  But we also found a bird that I was unable to get at Carson Lake: EARED GREBE, in decent numbers.

DAY 7 (THURSDAY 17 JUNE 1999): The Carson Range.

After a morning of errands, my wife Kei and I struck out for the front range of the Sierra, just to the southwest of Reno.

On the way up the Mount Rose Highway, we stopped off in the sagebrush-covered foothills just below Galena.  The two most common birds here were rock wren and brewer's sparrow, a somewhat odd-seeming combination.

Higher up, we found a GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE along the road.

At around 10:30 A.M., we arrived in the town of Incline Village, where we met up with Pam Straley, Lucie Clark, and Jim Eidel.  Here we found an EVENING GROSBEAK pair, which Pam and Lucie have observed courting.

After the grosbeaks we visited one of Lucie's Breeding Bird Atlas blocks, where we found an AMERICAN DIPPER on a log in a mountain stream.  Earlier, Lucie had seen the bird carrying nesting material and food into a waterfall.  We all hung around for a little while, to try to see it on the nest.  (And Jim hung around for an eternity, to confirm that the bird was incubating.)

We spent the rest of the morning, plus the early afternoon, looking for birds in one of Pam's atlas blocks.  Here we found: MACGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER, RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH, and FOX SPARROW.  Just beyond Pam's block, we had a singing BROWN CREEPER.

Our last bird in Incline Village was a juvenile WHITE-HEADED WOODPECKER, calling loudly and incessantly from a nest-hole in a short wooden post in a very busy shopping center parking lot.  It was an incongruous sight: one of the true emblems of the High Sierra wilderness, literally just a few feet away from a small army of SUVs and soccer moms.

On the drive back to Reno, Kei and I stopped off in a high mountain meadow along the Mount Rose Highway.  There was still deep snow cover here, but this didn't seem to deter the local WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW population.  At the edge of the meadow, we added HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHER (3 birds) and a singing WILSON'S WARBLER.  We also noted several western warbling-vireos up here.

Our last stop was Galena County Park, at the lower edge of the ponderosa pines.  Things were a little slower here than usual, but we did add two more species to the list: CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD and CASSIN'S VIREO.

DAY 8 (FRIDAY 18 JUNE 1999): Truckee River Canoe Trip.

I spent the afternoon with TNC's Chuck Rumsey, and we canoed the Truckee River from Wadsworth to near Nixon.  As soon as we put in, a HOUSE WREN sang from a streamside tangle.  We would hear 4 more during the trip.  The next new bird was a SPOTTED SANDPIPER, and this species, too, would prove to be reasonably numerous along the river.  COMMON MERGANSER was especially common, and I estimated that we saw at least 40 (including several family groups) along the river.  The last new bird for the trip - and one of the best - was an INDIGO BUNTING that sang atop a streamside tree and then flew directly behind us.

Other birds on the river included: double-crested cormorant (a few), great blue heron (frequent), great egret (1), black-crowned night-heron (a few), northern harrier (3), downy woodpecker (3), black phoebe (1), tree swallow (1), bewick's wren (several), western warbling-vireo (several), yellow warbler (several), yellow-breasted chat (1), lazuli bunting (2), song sparrow (numerous), and bullock's oriole (a few).


To me, the most exciting thing about birding in Nevada is the potential for surprise and discovery.  When you ask people about the distribution and abundance of Nevada birds, a common reply is: "We really don't know".  To me, that's exciting.

What's also exciting is that, right now, we're in the process of learning quite a lot about Nevada's avifauna.  We're documenting the presence of several Mojave Desert species in areas considerably farther north than we had expected.  We're discovering that early summer is an excellent time of year for eastern vagrants.  We're finding that the Lahontan Valley wetlands and the Elko highlands harbor diverse and unique assemblages of bird species.  And we're seeing that the hundreds of mountain ranges and valleys are more distinct from one another than we had imagined.

To be sure, I encountered numerous surprises during the past week.  I didn't expect to see 4 gilded flickers.  I was surprised to find that cactus wrens and broad-tailed hummingbirds occur together in the Mormon Mountains.  I came across several species that aren't "supposed" to be in Clark County in the summer: swainson's hawk, forster's tern, northern pygmy-owl, spotted towhee, and others.  I was pleasantly surprised by the extensive high-quality riparian areas in the Moapa-Overton area.  I certainly wasn't expecting to get northern parula or american redstart.  The olive-sided flycatcher in downtown Las Vegas was unanticipated, and I was surprised to see the Indigo Bunting along the Truckee River.  The evening grosbeaks at Incline Village were unexpected, and red crossbills (by their very nature!) are always something of a surprise.  And Carson Lake is always surprising, no matter how often I visit there.

Nevada has much to offer to the birder looking for the unexpected.  Our knowledge of the state's avifauna is minimal, compared to what we know from neighboring states such as California and Arizona.  If you're going to be in Nevada (it's on the way to California, after all!), please let me know.  I'll be happy to show you around, or to point you toward someone who can.  In the meantime, you can learn more about the birds of Nevada, by visiting the web site of the Great Basin Bird Observatory:


I saw 168 species, all but 3 of which are known to have bred in Nevada.  That comes out to a little more than 70% of all the species that have been documented as known or suspected breeders during the first two years (1997-1998) of the Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas.  Here's the breakdown, using standard breeding bird status classifications:

Presumed non-breeders  

3 Possible breeders  
62 Probable breeders  
55 Confirmed breeders  48
Total    168

Here is the complete list.  The entries in the first two columns require no explanation.  In the third column, a letter "e" after an entry means "estimated"; generally, all counts in the double digits (or higher) are estimates.  (However, I couldn't stop myself from counting all those vermilion flycatchers!)

Species                       Status      Abundance
Pied-billed Grebe             Possible       4
Eared Grebe                   Probable      20e
Western Grebe                 Confirmed     20e
Clark's Grebe                 Confirmed    100e
American White Pelican        Possible     200e
Double-crested Cormorant      Possible      50e
Least Bittern                 Possible       1
Great Blue Heron              Possible      20e
Great Egret                   Possible      20e
Snowy Egret                   Possible      20e
Cattle Egret                  Possible       2
Green Heron                   Probable       2
Black-crowned Night-Heron     Possible      10e
White-faced Ibis              Probable     200e
Turkey Vulture                Possible      80e
Canada Goose                  Confirmed     30e
Green-winged Teal             Possible       1
Mallard                       Confirmed    200e
Northern Pintail              Probable       3
Cinnamon Teal                 Confirmed     50e
Northern Shoveler             Confirmed     20e
Gadwall                       Confirmed     10e
Redhead                       Confirmed     70e
Common Merganser              Probable      40e
Ruddy Duck                    Confirmed    100e
Osprey                        Confirmed      1
Bald Eagle                    Confirmed      1
Northern Harrier              Probable       8
Cooper's Hawk                 Confirmed      1
Swainson's Hawk               Possible       3
Red-tailed Hawk               Confirmed     20e
American Kestrel              Probable      10e
Peregrine Falcon              Probable       2
Ring-necked Pheasant          Possible       1
Wild Turkey                   Possible       3
Gambel's Quail                Confirmed    100e
California Quail              Confirmed     30e
Virginia Rail                 Possible       2
American Coot                 Confirmed   3000e
Killdeer                      Confirmed     40e
Black-necked Stilt            Confirmed    300e
American Avocet               Confirmed   2000e
Willet                        Possible       1
Spotted Sandpiper             Probable       8
Long-billed Curlew            Probable       4
Wilson's Phalarope            Probable     200e
Bonaparte's Gull              Observed       1
Ring-billed Gull              Possible      70e
California Gull               Possible      80e
Forster's Tern                Probable      10e
Black Tern                    Possible       2
Rock Dove                     Probable     100e
White-winged Dove             Possible       1
Mourning Dove                 Confirmed    100e
Yellow-billed Cuckoo          Possible       1
Greater Roadrunner            Confirmed      6
Great Horned Owl              Possible       1
Northern Pygmy-Owl            Possible       1
Burrowing Owl                 Possible       2
Lesser Nighthawk              Possible       1
White-throated Swift          Probable      30e
Black-chinned Hummingbird     Probable      10e
Costa's Hummingbird           Possible       2
Calliope Hummingbird          Probable       2
Broad-tailed Hummingbird      Probable      20e
Red-naped Sapsucker           Probable       2
Ladder-backed Woodpecker      Probable      10e
Downy Woodpecker              Probable       5
Hairy Woodpecker              Possible       1
White-headed Woodpecker       Confirmed      1
Gilded Flicker                Confirmed      4
Red-shafted Flicker           Possible       8
Olive-sided Flycatcher        Possible       3
Western Wood-Pewee            Probable      20e
Willow Flycatcher             Possible       3
Hammond's Flycatcher          Possible       3
Dusky Flycatcher              Possible       2
Black Phoebe                  Probable      10e
Say's Phoebe                  Possible       2
Vermilion Flycatcher          Probable      11
Ash-throated Flycatcher       Possible      20e
Western Kingbird              Probable      60e
Loggerhead Shrike             Probable      40e
Bell's Vireo                  Probable       5
Gray Vireo                    Confirmed      5
Cassin's Vireo                Possible       2
Plumbeous Vireo               Possible       2
Western Warbling-Vireo        Probable      20e
Steller's Jay                 Probable      60e
Western Scrub-Jay             Possible       4
Black-billed Magpie           Confirmed    200e
American Crow                 Possible       5
Common Raven                  Confirmed    100e
Horned Lark                   Probable     100e
Tree Swallow                  Possible       2
Violet-green Swallow          Probable      30e
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Probable      50e
Bank Swallow                  Possible       2
Cliff Swallow                 Probable     200e
Barn Swallow                  Confirmed     20e
Mountain Chickadee            Probable      30e
Juniper Titmouse              Possible       1
Verdin                        Confirmed     50e
Red-breasted Nuthatch         Possible       3
Brown Creeper                 Possible       1
Cactus Wren                   Confirmed     20e
Rock Wren                     Confirmed     20e
Canyon Wren                   Confirmed     10e
Bewick's Wren                 Confirmed     30e
House Wren                    Possible       5
Marsh Wren                    Probable      90e
American Dipper               Confirmed      1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet          Possible       5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher         Confirmed     10e
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher      Confirmed     20e
Western Bluebird              Probable       4
Townsend's Solitaire          Probable       6
Hermit Thrush                 Possible       5
American Robin                Confirmed     90e
Northern Mockingbird          Probable      20e
Sage Thrasher                 Confirmed      2
Crissal Thrasher              Probable       7
Phainopepla                   Probable      20e
European Starling             Confirmed    300e
Lucy's Warbler                Confirmed     20e
Yellow Warbler                Probable      70e
Audubon's Warbler             Confirmed     10e
Northern Parula               Observed       1
American Redstart             Observed       1
MacGillivray's Warbler        Possible       1
Common Yellowthroat           Probable      20e
Wilson's Warbler              Possible       1
Yellow-breasted Chat          Probable      20e
Summer Tanager                Possible       1
Western Tanager               Probable      10e
Black-headed Grosbeak         Possible       6
Blue Grosbeak                 Probable      10e
Lazuli Bunting                Possible       3
Indigo Bunting                Possible       1
Green-tailed Towhee           Possible       2
Spotted Towhee                Possible      10e
Abert's Towhee                Probable      20e
Chipping Sparrow              Possible      10e
Brewer's Sparrow              Probable      20e
Black-chinned Sparrow         Confirmed      4
Black-throated Sparrow        Probable      50e
Sage Sparrow                  Possible       1
Savannah Sparrow              Probable      20e
Fox Sparrow                   Possible       1
Song Sparrow                  Confirmed     60e
White-crowned Sparrow         Probable      10e
Oregon Junco                  Confirmed     10e
Red-winged Blackbird          Probable     100e
Western Meadowlark            Confirmed     40e
Yellow-headed Blackbird       Confirmed    100e
Brewer's Blackbird            Probable      80e
Great-tailed Grackle          Confirmed    300e
Brown-headed Cowbird          Probable     200e
Hooded Oriole                 Possible       1
Bullock's Oriole              Possible      20e
Scott's Oriole                Probable      10e
Cassin's Finch                Probable      10e
House Finch                   Probable     300e
Red Crossbill                 Possible       2
Pine Siskin                   Possible      10e
Lesser Goldfinch              Confirmed     50e
Evening Grosbeak              Probable       2
House Sparrow                 Confirmed    300e

Ted Floyd
Reno, Nevada