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Return to the Belize
24 January to 4 February 2003
by Richard Carlson
We just returned from birding and exploring Belize. We loved
it! The birding is outstanding, and this is a really easy to
visit, friendly and interesting country. We've birded Costa
Rica, Trinidad, Guatemala, Mexico and Ecuador. Among all these,
I'd recommend Belize (plus Tikal) as a first visit to tropical America,
particularly if you can't speak Spanish. Everyone in Belize, even
the Mayans, speaks English. The country is tiny, the roads are
good, the jungles are in surprisingly good shape, the food is
unexpectedly good, and pretty safe, and the people are amazingly
friendly and knowledgeable. They are really getting into
eco-tourism, so birding options are growing.
This was not a hard core birding trip -- my wife wilts if I try
that. We birded in the morning and usually explored something
else, like a ruin or cave, in the afternoon (they just happened to have
good birds). Nevertheless, we saw 183 species, with about 20
lifers for me.
You have to balance between clouds and drizzle early in the year and
heat later. We got the clouds and p.m. drizzle. You can't
wait too late in February or the Crooked Tree channels dry up.
This year they will be dry by mid-February. Also, the Pygmy
Kingfishers and Agami Herons don't show themselves at the lagoons until
early February. On the other hand, the Jabiru storks don't show in
numbers until later. We only saw 2.
We used Northwest frequent flyer miles on Continental. They have
by far the best schedule into much of Central America, and were a best
buy for our miles. Central American tickets cost only 35,000
miles for a ticket that would otherwise cost $900.
We are independent travelers, so always rent a car. We have found
that hotel shuttles traps you on $$$ hotel tours, are usually
overcrowded, guarantee a migraine for my wife, and they won't stop
along the road when something cool flies by. However, car rental
costs in Belize are horrible! We paid Budget about $130 a day for
a Suzuki SUV -- twice what it costs anywhere else we've been. We
split the cost with another couple, thankfully. The local rental
agencies will cost "only" about $100 a day. The best solution we
found was someone who drove an old car down from the states, donated it
to a local charity, and used the car whenever they returned to Belize!
We attended a Rotary conference at the Princess Hotel. BC isn't
nearly as bad as we feared, but it's no gem. Get off your plane;
just drive an hour to Crooked Tree and stay at the Bird's Eye View
Lodge. If you're forced to stay in Belize City, the Princess is a nice
hotel for $85 with marginal food and few birds. Frigate birds,
Tree Swallows, Kiskadees, Royal Terns and Pelicans are the
regulars. We also saw Scissor-Tailed Flycatchers, Social
Flycatchers, Cinnamon Hummers, Yellow-Throated Warblers, a few Sandwich
Terns, and one lost Brown Booby. The only good birding in the
town is at Bird Island just south of the town. The island plus
the adjacent parks are full of birds. We saw an Anhinga, a Green
Breasted Mango, Vermilion Flycatchers, Hooded Orioles, and Black-Headed
From Belize City we took a $100 cab ride to the Belize Zoo. The
zoo is great bird habitat. We saw Summer Tanager, Red-capped
Manakin, Blue-Gray Tanager, Yellow-throated Vireo, and White-eyed Vireo.
We spent two days birding and diving. By far the best birding was
at Caribbean Villas; stay there!
We saw Black Catbirds, Altamira, Orchard and Hooded Orioles,
Rufous-tailed hummer on the nest, and a Summer Tanager. Near the
south end of the airport, we had an amazing Black-headed Trogon,
Magnolia, Parula, Palm, Worm-eating and Tennessee Warblers and Yucatan
and Mangrove Vireos. We also drove a golf cart north to good
birding across the ferry. We found our only Bananaquit as well as
a Black-billed Cuckoo, Indigo Bunting and many Mangrove Warblers.
Cart rentals are $50 for a half-day. Try to reserve one ahead of
time at Carts-r-us for $30. They're the best buy in the area so
are always out. Diving and snorkeling are wonderful, but for just
birding it's worth only a day.
We foolishly got a late flight from San Pedro so wasted another night
at the Princess. Car rental hassle delayed us so we didn't get to
Guanacaste park until about 10:30
-- This is a gem of a
park. Light was poor but the park was still good. One tree had a
White-necked Jacobin along with a Green Kingfisher. Along the
trial was a Long-tailed Hermit. Another tree was full of orioles
-- Orchard, Baltimore, & Hooded -- as well as Blue-Gray and
Yellow-winged Tanagers.
Next we stopped at Blue Hole park
and found a feeding group of Rose-throated Ant Tanagers along with more
orioles and tanagers. We did see one confusing hawk: it looked
like a Plumbeous Kite but had a pink rump! No guidebook mentions
this. At the entrance to St. Herman's Cave was a Sulfur -rumped
Flycatcher. We then foolishly hiked the trail to the
Lookout. It got us into "cockpit" country with incessant ups and
downs over slippery rocks. It was awful. The only redeeming
features were a Pale-billed Woodpecker and a pair of Red-legged
If you leave early, both these parks can be visited on the way to San
Ignacio. We didn't get out of Belize City until 9:30, but
still birded both sites and got to Chaa Creek at dusk. We had a
good cheap meal at the last restaurant on the way out of Belmopan --
follow the truckers, works in Belize as well as the U.S.
We woke to find ourselves at Chaa Creek .
This was long on luxury, service, great food and $$$, but a bit short
on birds. At almost $300 per day for the two of us, with meals,
taxes and service I had expected better birding. It clearly is
moving from the birder's market to luxury jungle lodge. Most of
the clients are now non-birders and the managers keep it so sterile
that we joked that our one bat must be plastic. The trees and
lawn were so closely trimmed and mowed that there were no bugs, no
frogs, no snakes, and only a smattering of birds. This is Disney
jungle, maybe an ideal spot to bring a non-birding spouse. The morning
bird hike just covered the grounds where we saw a White-necked
Puffbird, Yellow-tailed Orioles, Band-backed Wrens, Pygmy Owls,
Red-throated Ant-tanagers, Blue-Crowned Mot-mot, Aracaris,
White-crowned and White-fronted Parrots, and Red-billed Pigeons.
There were no feeders (Best tropical birding we've ever had was at Asa
Wright Center's feeders in Trinidad.) We never saw real jungle
birds like an Antbird, Antshrike, or Woodcreeper.
The first guide, Rudy, was excellent, but he just couldn't find that
That afternoon we found much better birding at Che Chem Ha cave about 10
miles to the south. If you're really adventurous, you can stay
here for about $40 a night. There were Aracari's, Woodcreepers,
Trogons, Parrots, Black-faced Grosbeaks and Tanagers everywhere in the
middle of the day. It must be incredible in the morning. On
the hike to the cave the guide found a Black & White Owl and a
Spadebill. He was an incredible birder, and he didn't even have his
binoculars along!
We found good birding along the road to Chaa Creek. In the swampy
area are Blue-black Grassquits, Fork-tailed Flycatchers, Amazon
Kingfishers, Gray Martins and Aztec Parakeets.
The next morning we asked the guide to try a new area for us, since we
were the only birders out of 20 or so guests. We had a
Gray-necked Wood-rail walk up to us, but not much else new.
Frustrated, we went to nearby DuPlooys where
we found an active feeder and a great canopy walk. I wished we
had stayed here, but my wife preferred Chaa Creek. The food was
about 2/3 the cost of Chaa Creek. We saw Rose-throated Becards,
Tityra, Aracaris, and the usuals in just a few minutes. The
nearby ponds had Black-bellied Whistling-ducks, Blue-winged Teal and
We then went to Xunantunich; great ruins, but few birds in
mid-day. From the ferry we saw Ringed and Green Kingfishers.
On the final day we goofed. We spent most of it driving to the
allegedly "very birdy" Laguna Aguacate. It was a long drive
and there was nothing there. We picked up Meadowlarks and
Red-lored Parrots on the way. That night we went a night hike,
and saw a very close Pauraque -- bring your dive lights or big
We had only one day here, it deserves more. It took us about 2
1/2 hours to drive from Chaa Creek to Crooked Tree. We stayed at
wonderful Bird's Eye View lodge
. For $80, it was the best buy of the trip; comfortable, good
food, and birds at your doorstep. This area is great for both
land and water birds. The habitat ranges from swamp to scrub, to
savanna to large tree jungle. It was surprising to see deep
forest birds like Ivory-billed Woodcreepers here. The lodge supplies
excellent guides and a superb boat trip. On the evening boat trip
we had excellent looks at Agami Herons, Pygmy Kingfishers, Tiger Herons
and Black- Collared Hawks as well as scores of the more common waders,
a large crocodile and a Howler monkey. Snail Kites and Osprey are
everywhere. That night the owner, Verna, led us to an Aracari
nest and we spotlighted Pauraques on the lodge lawn. Their cries kept
us awake that night. The next morning we had a Bat Falcon, an
Olivaceous Woodcreeper, a Barred Antshrike and a Lesser Greenlet near
the lodge. We then drove across the island to find the Jabiru
Stork nest as well as such pine-savanna birds as Green and Yucatan
Verna can organize trips to Lamanai from here. She also has
sources for car rental.
Richard Carlson
Full-time Birder, Biker and Rotarian
Part-time Economist
Tucson, AZ & Lake Tahoe, CA
rccarl AT