11 - 16 February 1993
by Eric & Lorna Salzman
This was a flying President's Day/Valentine's Day/Lorna's Birthday trip organized on no notice whatsoever. It was booked on Tuesday, February 9, departure on Thursday, February 11, arrival at Alajuela Airport, Costa Rica, c. 9:45 p.m. Car booked from ADA agency at c. 10:30 p.m. (in spite of previous information that no cars were available in Costa Rica) followed by an exciting drive to Poas area on mountain roads in the dark. One major wrong turn (due to bad directions) took us to the La Paz waterfall (quite a sight in the moonlight) at which point we figured something was wrong. We made it back up the hill and located the Poas Volcano Lodge at just about midnight.
Our return five days later was on an 8 a.m. flight, Tuesday, February 16; arrival at LaGuardia (delayed by snowstorms in the northeast) was c. p.m.
Our birding plan was organized to spend two days in the highlands and two on the Caribbean slope and lowlands. This was dry season so the weather was generally good but, after the usual early morning bursts, the birding was only fair. Breeding season for most birds (hummingbirds and a few other species excepted) had not yet begun. We did not try to run up a big list and made no attempt to find or look at common birds of open pastures and farms, many of which are missing from the following lists. In general we focused on forest birds with a specific agenda to find some of the ones were had missed during our previous trips to the neotropics (Trinidad, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Venezuela), an endeavor which was only partly successful.
Our itinerary was as follows:
Friday, February 12:
Volcan Poas in the morning, El Rodeo in the afternoon. What with late arrival the night before and a late 6:30 a.m. breakfast, we got to the Volcan Poas park a little late in the morning and found relatively few species (but some good ones). El Rodeo, a rare patch of surviving Central Valley dry forest, was hard to find, very hot and unbirdy in the afternoon.
Saturday, February 13:
Volcan Irazu in the morning, Tapanti Reserve in the afternoon. Succeeded in getting a 4:30 a.m. breakfast but because of the length of the trip (across San Jose) we got to summit well after dawn; even so the park was not yet open but we were able to do some birding on the road and around the park administration building. The craters and summit are extremely impressive but the best birding was on the roadside on the way down. Skipped the Lankaster Gardens (near Paraiso; supposed to be very good) and went on to the Tapanti Reserve which is the northeast part of the southwestern ranges and would be worth a whole day's visit (at least). Clouds rolled in and a steady drizzle provided the only rain of our trip and (not so coincidentally) the best afternoon birding of the trip. The feeding flocks included lots of North American warblers and other neo-tropical migrants. Back in the Poas area we had dinner at a local restaurant called Las Fresas where we meet a local agronomist and flower grower who recommended us to the Sarapiqui Ecoalbergue, his sister's place next to the La Selva Reserve in Puerto Viejo.
Sunday, February 14:
Morning at Virgen del Socorro, a forested ravine on one of the upper tributaries of the Rio Sarapaqui about 1/2 way down the slope to the Caribbean lowlands. This was by far the finest birding of the trip, especially for hawks, wrens and tanagers (not to forget the Tapaculo). For once we arrived at dawn but the birds remained active until c. 11 a.m. Had a charming, delicious and not-so-cheap lunch at the Ecolodge or Ecoalbergue which turned out to be literally next to the La Selva Reserve. La Selva (known for its hostility to tourists and birders) would not let us go in but we made a reservation for the following morning (we had tried to call ahead but without success). After briefly birding the Ecolodge property we drove back up the road a few kilometers to Chilamonte to bird the grounds of the Selva Verde Lodge (not to be confused with La Selva itself) on both sides of the river--with some success. You need instructions how to cross the river--north 2 or 3k to a right turn opposite the Chilamonte church; park just before bridge, walk across and take first path on right along river bank at edge of pasture until forest in reached. The forest is clearly posted and has several trails that are worth exploring. Note that the forest here and at La Selva are not, as one thinks, flat. Be prepared for some muddy climbing.
Monday, February 15:
La Selva Reserve. We arrive early but sign-in takes time and we are on the trails considerably after dawn. The early morning birding is excellent but after quiet-down time (c. 10:30 a.m.) not much is stirring. We return after lunch and follow several alternate trails in this beautiful forest but, unfortunately, we have to leave before dusk to get back to our lodge and prepare for our early departure the next morning.
Some Useful Addresses & Numbers:
Poas Volcan Lodge, Aptdo #5723-1000; 506 41-9102; F# 506 41-9102 Carlos Coles 506 55-3486 (San Jose travel agent)
Estacion Biologica La Selva, Aptdo #676-2050 (San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Jose); 506 40-6696; Puerto Viejo: 506 71-6897
Adobe Rent-a-Car 506 21-5425
Selva Verde Lodge, Chilamonte (nr Puerto Viejo)
Items to Take: scope; binoculars; books (Stiles/Skutch; Ridge- way); torch; tape recorder; shotgun mic & blank tape; toilet paper; map of Costa Rica; insect repellent; sunblock (for high areas); cash and/or traveller's; AA battery
The following bird list follows Stiles, Skutch & Gardner, A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica, Comstock/Cornell, 1989 with assists from Ridgely & Gwynne, A Guide to the Birds of Panama, Princeton, 1989 revised edition "with Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras".
Great Tinamou (Tinamus major). Wandering through the forest understory at La Selva, 2/15/93; extremely tame.
Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga). Rio Sarapiqui & Rio Puerto Viejo, 2/14,15/93.
Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis). Everywhere.
Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerula). Rio Sarapiqui, adult & juv, 2/14/93.
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Rio Puerto Viejo, La Selva, 2/15/93.
Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). Everywhere.
Black Vulture (Corgyps atratus). Common.
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93; flying & calling with vultures.
Gray-headed Kite (Leptodon cayanensis). Virgen del Socorro, 2/15/93.
American Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus). Several, Virgen del Socorro, La Selva area, 2/14,15/93.
Plumbeous Kite (Ictinia plumbea). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93
Black-chested Hawk (Leucopternis princeps). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Great Black-Hawk (Buteogallus urubitinga). Two, Virgen del Socorro, 2/15/93.
White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus). El Rodeo, 2/12/93. (Stiles & Skutch say "no recent records" for the central highlands but this low-flying, hovering bird was unmistakable.)
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). Irazu (white-bellied bird), 2/13/93;
Virgen del Socorro (rufous-belled bird), 2/14/92.
American Kestrel (Falco sparvius). El Rodeo, 2/12/93.
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia). Rio Sarapiqui, 2/14/93
Rock Dove (Columbia livia). Feral.
Red-billed Pigeon (Columba flavirostris). Common roadside bird in lowlands along road to Puerto Viejo (in spite of statement in Stiles & Skutch that it is "uncommon over most of Caribbean lowlands"); 2/14,15/93.
Ruddy Pigeon (Columba subvinacea). Perched on tree-top below hill at eye level, Volcan Poas Lodge, early morning, 2/12/93
*Olive-backed (Veragua) Quail-Dove (Geotrygon veraguensis or costaricensis). Walking on trail, Selva Verde forest, far side of Rio Sarapiqui, 2/14/93.
Crimson-fronted Parakeet (Aratinga finschi). Large, noisy flocks at El Rodeo, 2/12/93, near Arosi, 2/13/93.
*Red-fronted Parrotlet (Touit costaricensis). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
White-crowned Parrot (Pionus senilis). Large, noisy flock (c. 50 birds) on lower part of road to Puerto Viejo, late after noon, 2/15/93.
Mealy Parrot (Amazon) (Amazona farinosa). Two, early morning by bridge over Rio Puerto Viejo, La Selva, 2/15/93.
Squirrel Cuckoo (Piaya cayana). El Rodeo, 2/12/95.
Groove-billed Ani, (Crotophaga sulcirostris). Roadside, Puerto Viejo road, 2/14/93.
Common Barn-Owl (Tyto alba). Road from Poas Lodge to Volcan Poas, 2/14/93.
Common Pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis). Several on road to Puerto Viejo, 2/14,15/93.
White-collared Swift (Streptoprocne zonaris). Many in a large flocking of feeding swifts, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi). Large flocks at La Paz waterfall & at Virgen del Socorro, 2/12-14/93. Other species may have been present in these flocks but not identified.
Long-tailed Hermit (Phaethornis superciliosus). Common in forests at Virgen del Socorro and La Selva, 2/14,15/93. 'Singing' on leks in the forest understory.
Little Hermit (P. longuemareus). Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde, La Selva, 2/14,15/93.
Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassimus). Several feeding in small ravine in high pasture below summit of Volcan Irazu with other hummers, 2/13/93.
Fiery-throated Hummingbird (Panterpe insignis). Common in 'elfin forest' near summit of Volcan Poas, 2/12/93.
*Blue-throated Goldentail (Hylocharis eliciae). Single, by bridge, La Selva, early morning, 2/15/93.
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl). Most common hummingbird in open areas around habitations at La Selva, 2/15/93.
*Purple-throated (White-throated or Variable) Mountain-gem (Lampornis castaneo ventris or calolaema). Feeding in garden, early morning, Volca n Poas Lodge, 2/12/93.
Magnificent Hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens). Several feeding in small ravine in high pasture below summit of Volcan Irazu with other hummers, 2/13/93.
Scintillant Hummingbird (Selasphorus scintilla). Many (at least a dozen) feeding in small ravine in high pasture below summit of Volcan Irazu with
Green Violet-ears and Magnificent Hummingbirds, 2/13/93. All Selasphorus birds were in female or juvenal plumage with speckled or even stripy throats. Similar to Volcano Hummingbird (see next species) but very rufous on the underparts and tail. Note Stiles & Skutch, p. 231: "After breeding some may ascend to 8000 ft as on Volcan Poas"; breeding season is given as September-February.
*Volcano Hummingbird (Selasphorus flammula). Near summit, Volcan Irazu, 2/13/92. [Birds seen feeding in ravine in pasture area below summit appear to have been Scintillant Hummingbirds based on the amount of rufous on underparts and tail (see preceding). In either case, all the birds seen appear to have been young fledged in the breeding season just drawing to a close.]
Collared Trogon (Trogon collaris). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Black-throated Trogon (Trogon rufus). Female seen in Selva Verde forest on the far side of the Rio Sarapiqui, 2/14/93.
Violaceous Trogon (Trogon violaceus). Perched just above eye level near bridge, La Selva, late afternoon, 2/15/93.
Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona). Rio Sarapiqui at Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Green Kingfisher (C. americana). Rio Sarapiqui at Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Red-headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii). Feeding just above eye level right off of trail at Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
(*)Emerald (Blue-throated) Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus or caeruleogularis). 3 at Volcan Poas Lodge, 2/12/93; several at Vigen del Socorro, 2/14/93. [If caeruleogularis is a good species than this is a lifer.]
Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus). La Selva, 2/14, 15/93. Chestnut-mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii). La Selva, 2/14/93.
Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus). Pasture just below Irazu summit, 2/13/93.
Golden-olive Woodpecker (Piculus rubiginosus). Virgen del Socorro near beginning of Virgen del Socorro trail, 2/14/93.
Buff-throated Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus guttatus). Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
*Black-striped Woodcreeper (X. lachrymosus). In garden of Ecolodge next to La Selva, 2/14/93.
Streak-headed Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes souleyetii). In forest feeding flock at La Selva, 2/15/93.
Red-faced Spinetail (Cranioleuca erythrops). Tapanti, 2/13/93 57)
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner (Automolus ochrolaemus). La Selva, 2/15/93.
Plain Xenops (Xenops minutus). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/90.
Slaty Antwren (Myrmotherula schisticolor). Virgen del Socorro 2/14/93.
Chestnut-backed Antbird (Myrmeciza exul). Pair in forest understory, La Selva, 2/15/93.
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo (Scytalopus argentifrons). Two foraging in brush, base of hillside by margin of the path, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93; best bird of trip! Cinnamon Becard (Pachyramphus cinnamomeus). With feeding flock at bridge, Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Masked Tityra (Titrya semifasciata). El Rodeo, 2/12/93; La Selva, 2/15/93.
Rufous Piha (Lipaugus unirufus). Deep forest at La Selva, 2/15/93; one of the few birds active and noisy in the afternoon heat.
Red-capped Manakin (Pipra mentalis). Like preceding species, active and noisy in afternoon heat at La Selva, 2/15/93; several birds (apparently all males) on a lek in forest understory.
*White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo leucorrhoa). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
*White-collared Mankin (Manacus candei). Single male by bridge at Selva Verde Lodge, actively displaying to female, 2/14/ 93. Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans). By streams, Tapanti, 2/13/93.
Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus). Very common even at higher altitudes.
Boat-billed Flycatcher (Megarhynchus pitangua). In open areas near residences, La Selva, 2/15/93.
Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis). Common high and low.
Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus). Common high and low.
Rufous Mourner (Rhytipterna holerythra). Several calling birds on grounds of Ecolodge next to La Selva Reserve, 2/14/93.
Tropical Pewee (Contopus cinereus). Tapanti, 2/13/93.
North American migrant Empidonax spp; probably two species: Yellow-belled Flycatcher (E. flaviventris) (very yellow below) and birds with much whiter breasts, possibly Acadian Flycat chers (E. virescens). Tapanti, 2/13/93
Black-capped Flycatcher (E. atriceps). This local Empid seen below summit of Irazu in pasture area, 2/13/93.
Tufted Flycatcher (Mitrephanes phaeocercus). Virgen del Socorro, late morning, 2/14/93.
Yellow-margined Flycatcher (Tolmomyias assimilis). With feeding flock at Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Common Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum cinereum). Open area near bridge at La Selva, 2/15/93.
Torrent Tyrannulet (Serpophaga cinerea). On river rocks, bottom of gorge, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Mountain Elaenia (Elaenia frantzii). Volcan Poas and Volcan Irazu, 2/12,13/92.
Slaty-capped Flycatcher (Leptopogon superciliaris). Tapanti, 2/13/93; Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Southern Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis). Common in lowlands along Puerto Viejo road, 2/14,15/93.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis). Fairly common in highlands, 2/12,13/93. These two swallows are sympatric in Costa Rica and, for this reason, have been separated into two species.
Blue-and-White Swallow (Notiochelidon cyanoleuca). Common in highlands. The first bird of our trip was a Blue-and-White Swallow flying around our room at the Volcan Poas Lodge at midnight! It apparently had been roosting under the eaves and came into the room when we turned on the light! 2/11-13/93.
Brown Jay (Cyanocorax morio). Poas area, El Rodeo, Tapanti, 2/12,13/93. Fairly common in highlands (also occurs in Caribbean lowlands but, oddly enough, we did not notice it there).
American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus). River at bottom of gorge, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93; this bird, on rocks in the rushing stream (one of the principal feeders of the Sarapi qui), was quite a bit lighter than our North American birds, particularly on the front.
*Striped-breasted Wren (Thyrothorus thoracicus). Common wren of the forest understory at La Selva, 2/15/93.
Bay Wren (T. nigricapillus). Common in the forest understory on the slopes of Virgen del Socorro; also in the forest at La Selva; 2/14,15/93.
*Black-throated Wren (T. atrogularis). Pair at the first turn of the road descending into the gorge at Virgen del Socorro (Bay Wrens more common further down towards river), 2/14/93.
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) [Southern House Wren (T. musculus)]. In shrubbery around Volcan Poas Lodge and common else where in both high- and lowlands.
*Timberline Wren (Thyrorchilus browni). Around Administration Building, Volcan Irazu Park, 2/13/93; apparently resident pair; singing loudly in early morning sounding very much like Winter Wren (which presumably does not occur in Costa Rica).
White-breasted Wood-Wren (Henicorhina leucosticta). Virgen del Socorro & La Selva, 2/14/93.
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (H. leucophrys). Volcan Poas, 2/12/93. Clay-colored Robin (Turdus grayi). Common thrush of open areas, low to high. Mountain Robin (T. plebejus). Common in highland areas near forests; seen at Poas, Irazu, Tapanti, 2/12,13/93.
Black-faced Solitaire (Myadestes melanops). Exquisite song heard at Poas Mountain Lodge, Tapanti, 2/12,13/93.
Ruddy-capped or Highland Nightingale-Thrush (Catharus frantzii). Heard at Tapanti, 2/13/93.
Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush (C. gracilirostris). Seen and heard at Volcan Poas, 2/12/93; dropped out of paramo vegetation onto pavement to feed several times.
*Black-and-Yellow Silky-Flycatcher (Phainoptila melanoxantha) Volcan Poas, 2/13/93; male and female feeding with a flock of Sooty-capped Bush Tanagers in shrub paramo vegetation next to parking lot. This extraordinary bird (with the Tapaculo, the outstanding bird of the trip) looks and acts more like a large tanager than a waxwing; the black-capped female with yellow flanks and rump, at first unidentifiable, proved to be the giveaway.
Solitary Vireo (Vireo solitarius). A single unmistakable bird in a mixed flock at Tapanti, 2/13/93. Stiles & Skutch call this species "Very rare or casual winter visitor...C highlands (...Cerro de la Muerte)" which location is adjacent to or part of the range that includes Tapanti.
Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola). Virgen del Socorro, La Selva, 2/14,15,93.
Black-and-White Warbler (Mnioltilta varia). In feeding flocks, Tapanti, 2/13/93; Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). Yes, Virginia, there still is a Golden-winged Warbler but you have to go to Costa Rica to see it! After the Chestnut-sided, the most common warbler in feeding flocks; Tapanti, Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde Lodge, 2/13/93, 2/14/93.
Tennessee Warbler (V. peregrina). Fairly common in feeding flocks from the slopes of Irazu to Tapanti and Virgen del Socorro, 2/13,14/93.
Tropical Parula (Parula pitiayumi). Several birds at Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Black-throated Green Warbler (Dendroica virens). Male & female at Tapanti, 2/13/93.
Blackburnian Warbler (D. fusca). One or two in feeding flocks at Tapanti, 2/13/93.
Chestnut-sided Warbler (D pensylvanica). Extraordinarily abundant at Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde Lodge and La Selva, 2/14,15/93.
Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla). Slopes of Irazu, Tapanti, 2/13/93. Fairly common.
Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus). Feeding flocks, Tapanti and Virgen del Socorro, 2/13,14/93.
Collared Redstart (M. torquatus). Feeding flock, Tapanti,2/13/93
Three-striped Warbler (Basileuterus tristiatus). Feeding flock, Tapanti, 2/13/93.
Chestnut-headed Oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri). On river at Tapanti; active around nest tree, 2/13/93; also Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde Lodge and La Selva, 2/14,15/93.
Montezuma Oropendula (P. montezuma). Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde Lodge, La Selva, 2/14,15/93.
Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus). Abundant in settled areas everywhere.
Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna). Pasture areas, slopes of Irazu, 2/13/93.
Tawny-capped Euphonia (Euphonia anneae). Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
*Olive-backed Euphonia (E. gouldi). Selva Verde Lodge, La Selva Reserve, 2/14,15/93
Silver-throated Tanager (Tangara icterocephala). In feeding flocks, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Bay-headed Tanager (T. gyrola). In feeding flocks: Tapanti, Virgen del Socorro, 2/13,14/93.
Spangled-cheeked Tanager (T. dowii). In feeding flocks, Tapanti, 2/13/93.
Shining Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes lucidus). Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus). Open garden area near Orosi, 2/13/93. Palm Tanager (T. palmarum). Open garden area near Orosi, 2/13/93.
Scarlet-rumped Tanager (Ramphocelus passerinii). Common in edge and shrub areas, Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde Lodge, La Selva, 2/14,15/93.
Crimson-collared Tanager (Phlogothraupis sanguinolenta). First turn on the road down to Virgen del Socorro, Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) [or Hepatic Tanager (P. flava)]. With feeding flock, Tapanti, 2/13/93. Not well seen; probably Summer Tanager based on call.
Red-throated Ant-Tanager (Habia fuscicauda). In understory and on ground with feeding flock at bridge, Selva Verde Lodge, 2/14/93.
Dusky-faced Tanager (Mitrospingus cassinii). Noisy groups moving through the understory of the forest at La Selva often with other species (or, at any rate, stirring up other species), 2/15/93.
Black-and-Yellow Tanager (Chrysothlypis chrysomelas). With feeding flock, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Common Bush-Tanager (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus). Tapanti, 2/13/93. Seems to replace next species at middle elevations.
Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager (C. pileatus). Common in elfin forest and shrub areas at Volcan Poas and Volcan Irazu, 2/12,13/93.
Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager (C. canigularis). One or two in feeding flocks, Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93.
Buff-throated Saltator (Saltator maximus). Selva Verde Lodge, La Selva, 2/14,15/93.
*Black-faced Grosbeak (Caryothraustes poliogaster). Flock of a dozen birds in shrubs and trees near bridge, early morn ing, La Selva, 2/15/93.
Black-thighed Grosbeak (Pheucticus tibialis). Single on slope at Virgen del Socorro, 2/14/93. This altitude appears to be a little low for this species but it was unmistakable with all field marks including a Rose-breasted Grosbeak style call.
Yellow-faced Grassquit (Tiaris olivacea). Foothill pastures, road to Puerto Viejo.
Blue-black Grassquit (Volatina jacarina). Open pastures and grassy areas everywhere.
Slaty Flowerpiercer (Diglossa plumbea). Common and easily found at high elevations including Poas Mountain Lodge, Volcan Poas and Irazu; 2/12,13/93.
Large-footed Finch (Pezopetes capitalis). Pair in elfin vegeta tion in paramo, Volcan Poas; located by song and noisy duetting; 2/12/93.
Orange-billed Sparrow (Arremon aurantiirostris). Pair in forest understory, La Selva, 2/15/93. These birds showed a lot of yellow on wings (much more than as usually illustrated or seen on other birds of this species in Mexico, Venezuela or Ecuador).
*Volcano Junco (Junco vulcani). Common and prominent (first bird seen getting out of car) at Irazu from Park Administration Building to crater's edge, 2/13/93.
Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis). Everywhere in highlands right up to top of Irazu.
Lesser Goldfinch (Carduelis psaltria). On thistles in pasture on high slopes of Irazu, 2/13/93.
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). Domesticus here as elsewhere.
Eric Salzman
29 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone & Fax: 718 522-6138
e-mail: esalzman@aba.org