30 August - 7 September 1993
by Mark Lockwood
This was our first trip to Costa Rica and we chose to visit Rancho Naturalista, Rancho Chacons and the Tarcol Lodge on the recommendation of a good friend, Martin Reid. I had been to northeastern Mexico once (1985), so this was our first indoctrination to tropical birding. We prepared a list of birds likely to be seen at the locations we were to visit and studied them diligently in preparation for the trip. We chose a time that was convenient for us, but is definitely not the most popular time to visit Costa Rica. There is a short dry period in the rainy season in late August and early September. On only day of our trip did we get rained out. It rained almost everyday, but in maost cases it was in the mid-afternoon and did not cause us any significant loss of birding time.
Rancho Naturalista is a fantastic place to visit. The birds are great, as are the accommodations. I know there have been considerable improvements to the trails and there have been hummingbird feeders put up since our visit in 1993. We did see one very unexpected bird at Rancho, a Dusky Nightjar. We heard the bird on two evenings and actually saw the bird once as fed over the yard of the lodge. This was the first record for the lodge and I am not certain that it is on the current list of birds for that location. We took one-day trip to Tapanti.
We visited Rancho Chacons in order to see Resplendent Quetzals and other high elevation species. Chacons in near the Cerro de la Muerta, which has the highest annual rainfall of any location in Costa Rica. We arrived just before noon on 3 September. We were able to get in about two hours of birding before heavy rain began to fall. The next day it began raining at about 10:00 AM. However, in the five hours of birding prior to that time we were able to find may of our target birds. We did however miss several species that are fairly common in the area.
The Tarcol Lodge sits at the mouth of the Rio Tarcoles near Carara Biological Reserve. It is a short distance from the reserve and mangroves, beach and riparian areas as well as areas of second growth are within short walking distance from the lodge. We birded the straight trail (Vigilancia Trail in the Keith Taylor guide) along the Rio Tarcoles and the trail at the reserve office. We also took a s couple of short boat rides along the Rio Tarcoles from the lodge.
Key to Locations:
RN = Rancho Naturalista - in Caribbean foothills east of Turrialba (3000 - 3300 ft), 30 Aug - 3 Sept
TP = Tapanti Reserve - in Caribbean foothills south of Paraiso (4000 - 5000 ft), 31 Aug
CATIE = CATIE agricultural center east of Turrialba (2300 ft), 31 Aug
CH = Rancho Chacons - north end of Cordillera de Talamanca (near Cerro de la Muerta) (7300 - 7500 ft), 3-4 Sept
CM = Cerro de la Muerta - northernmost peak in Cordillera de Talamanca (8000 - 10,900 ft), 3-4 Sept
TL = Tarcol Lodge - mouth of the Rio Tarcoles (sea level), 4-7 Sept
CA = Carara Reserve - south Pacific lowlands near Tarcoles (near sea
level), 5-7 Sept
Brown Pelican | Abundant along Pacific coast at TL |
Neotropic Cormorant | Common along Rio Tarcoles at TL |
Magnificent Frigatebird | Three on 5th & 10 on 6th over mouth of Rio Tarcoles |
Great Blue Heron | Singles along Rio Tarcoles on 4th & 5th |
Great Egret | Common along Rio Tarcoles at TL |
Snowy Egret | One on 5th & three on 6th along Rio Tarcoles |
Little Blue Heron | Uncommon along Rio Tarcoles |
Tricolored Heron | Single individual at low tide at TL on the 6th |
Cattle Egret | Abundant west of San Jose down to Pacific coast |
Green Heron | Three at CATIE, uncommon at TL |
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | Abundant along Rio Tarcoles |
Boat-billed Heron | Six at CATIE and three were seen near dark along the Rio Tarcoles on the 6th |
White Ibis | Common along Rio Tarcoles |
Roseate Spoonbill | Small number along Rio Tarcoles |
Wood Stork | Common along Rio Tarcoles with 15 on the 5th |
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck | Fifteen birds at TL on 5th and 6th |
Blue-winged Teal | Female at mouth of Rio Tarcoles on 5th |
Black Vulture | Fairly common except at CH/CM |
Turkey Vulture | Abundant except at CH/CM |
King Vulture | Adult along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Osprey | One at mouth of Rio Tarcoles on the 5th |
Swallow-tailed Kite | Eight at TP on the 31st |
Bicolored Hawk | One imm at RN on the 1st |
Crane Hawk | One seen flying along the straight trail at Carara on the 5th |
Mangrove Black-Hawk | Three in mangroves along Rio Tarcoles on the 6th |
Gray Hawk | One west of San Jose on 4th & two at TL on the 6th |
Roadside Hawk | One at Turrialba on 30th & 3rd |
Red-tailed Hawk | Two at CH on 4th |
Crested Caracara | Three at TL on 5th & 6th |
Yellow-headed Caracara | Adult at TL on the 5th & 6th |
Barred Forest-Falcon | Adult at RN on the 3rd |
Bat Falcon | Adult along loop trail at CA on the 6th |
Gray-headed Chachalaca | Three on 1st & 10 on 2nd at RN |
White-throated Crake | Two adults with two young at RN 1st thru 3rd |
Purple Gallinule | Common at CATIE on the 31st |
Black-bellied Plover | Common along beach at TL on the 6th |
Collared Plover | Two along beach at TL on the 6th |
Wilson's Plover | Common at low tide at TL on the 6th |
Semipalmated Plover | Abundant at low tide at TL on the 6th |
Northern Jacana | Twenty (including chicks) at CATIE on the 31st and approx. 25 along Rio Tarcoles 5th & 6th |
Lesser Yellowlegs | Three on beach at TL on the 6th |
Willet | Common at TL |
Spotted Sandpiper | Common at TL |
Whimbrel | Common at TL with at least 35 on the 6th |
Ruddy Turnstone | Uncommon at TL |
Sanderling | Common at TL |
Western Sandpiper | Abundant at TL |
Least Sandpiper | Several with the Westerns at low tide on the 6th |
Long-billed Dowitcher | About 10 birds at low tide on the 6th |
Laughing Gull | Imm. over TL on the 5th |
Gull-billed Tern | One at TL on the 5th |
Royal Tern | Adult on beach at TL on the 6th |
Black Tern | Common along Rio Tarcoles |
Rock Dove | Small numbers in Turrialba and Tarcoles |
Pale-vented Pigeon | Three on 5th and one on the 6th at TL |
Red-billed Pigeon | Abundant at RN |
Ruddy Pigeon | One on the 3rd and five on the 4th at CH |
Short-billed Pigeon | Three at RN on the 2nd & 3rd |
Inca Dove | Uncommon at TL |
Common Ground-Dove | Three on soccer field near TL on the 6th |
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove | One on soccer field near TL on the 6th |
Ruddy Ground-Dove | Abundant at TL & CA |
Blue Ground-Dove | Female at office of CA on the 6th |
White-tipped Dove | Singles seen at TL on the 4th, 5th, & 6th |
Gray-chested Dove | One well seen along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Purplish-backed Quail-Dove | Two at RN on the 1st & 2nd |
Sulphur-winged Parakeet | Three at Orosi on the 31st |
Crimson-fronted Parakeet | Common at CATIE and RN |
Orange-fronted Parakeet | Fifteen at office of CA on the 6th |
Scarlet Macaw | Forty-five on 5th & 50+ on 6th at CA & over Rio Tarcoles |
Barred Parakeet | Flock of about 30 at CH on the 3rd |
Orange-chinned Parakeet | Abundant at CA on 5-7th |
White-crowned Parrot | Single on 30th and 2 on 2nd at RN |
Red-lored Parrot | Four along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Mealy Parrot | Common at CA |
(parrot sp) | Parrots were seen flying to roost over Rio Tarcoles on 5th & 6th |
Squirrel Cuckoo | Common at RN & CA |
Groove-billed Ani | Abundant everywhere except CH/CM |
Lesser Nighthawk | Three on beach at TL on the 6th |
Common Pauraque | Singles at RN (1st) and TL (4th) |
Dusky Nightjar | Seen and heard on night of the 31st at RN, also heard on night of 1st |
Chestnut-collared Swift | Four at CH on the 3rd |
White-collared Swift | Two at RN on the 30th & 150+ at Orosi on the 31st |
Vaux's Swift | Fifty+ at CH on the 3rd |
Band-rumped Swift | Fifty+ along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift | One near Turrialba on the 3rd |
Green Hermit | Two at RN on the 1st & 2nd |
Long-tailed Hermit | Singles at RN (1st) and CA (5th) |
Little Hermit | One on 1st & two on 2nd at RN, one at CA on the 5th |
Green-fronted Lancebill | Two at RN on the 2nd |
Green Violet-ear | Two at TP on the 31st |
Green-breasted Mango | Singles at TL on the 5th & 6th |
Violet-headed Hummingbird | Five/day at RN and one at TP on the 31st |
Black-crested Coquette | Male & female at ranch flowers at RN (31st-3rd) |
Crowned Woodnymph | Female at RN on 1st, male on 2nd |
Blue-throated Goldentail | Five males along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Beryl-crowned Hummingbird | Female along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Mangrove Hummingbird | Female in mangroves along Rio Tarcoles on 5th |
Steely-vented Hummingbird | One along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird | Abundant everywhere except CH/CM |
Snowcap | Two females at ranch flowers at RN (31st-3rd) |
Red-footed Plumeleteer | Female and single young on 1st & 3rd at RN |
Purple-throated Mountain-Gem | Two females at TP one the 31st |
White-throated Mountain-Gem | Male and three females at CH on 3rd & 4th |
Green-crowned Brilliant | Males on 1st & 2nd at RN |
Magnificent Hummingbird | Four at CH on 3rd & 4th |
Purple-crowned Fairy | Male at ranch flowers at RN 30th & 1st |
Volcano Hummingbird | Eight at CH on 3rd, three on 4th |
Black-headed Trogon | One along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Baird's Trogon | Pair on loop trail at CA on the 6th |
Violaceous Trogon | Female at RN on the 3rd |
Collared Trogon | Single females at RN on the 1st & 3rd, female at CH on the 3rd and a male on the 4th |
Slaty-tailed Trogon | Male on straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Resplendent Quetzal | Three males and a female at CH on the 4th |
Rufous Motmot | First bird seen at RN (on 30th) |
Turquoise-browed Motmot | Single bird seen in mangroves next to TL on the 5th |
Ringed Kingfisher | Singles in Tarcoles on 5th and 6th |
Green Kingfisher | Single bird seen daily at TL |
White-whiskered Puffbird | Female seen on straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Rufous-tailed Jacamar | Three at RN on the 2nd, pair at CA on the 5th |
Red-headed Barbet | Male on upper trail at RN on the 2nd |
Prong-billed Barbet | Two (pair?) at TP on the 31st |
Collared Aracari | Seen at RN on 1st thru 3rd, high of 4 on 3rd |
Fiery-billed Aracari | Two on straight trail at CA on 5th, one on loop trail on 6th |
Keel-billed Toucan | Seen at RN on 1st thru 3rd, high of 10 on 3rd |
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan | Four at CA office on the 6th |
Acorn Woodpecker | Abundant at CH |
Black-cheeked Woodpecker | Two or three daily at RN 1st thru 3rd |
Hoffmann's Woodpecker | One at Turrialba on 3rd, common at CA & TL |
Lineated Woodpecker | One on straight trail at CA, two at TL on 5th |
Pale-billed Woodpecker | Male on straight trail at CA on 5th |
Red-faced Spinetail | Single at TP along river trail on the 31st |
Spotted Barbtail | Five along river trail at TP on the 31st |
Ruddy Treerunner | Single at CH on the 4th |
Buffy Tuftedcheek | Singles at RN on the 1st & 3rd |
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner | Single constructing nest along river trail at TP on the 31st |
Streak-breasted Treehunter | Two along river trail at TP on the 31st |
Plain Xenops | Singles at RN on the 2nd & CA on 5th & 6th |
Streaked Xenops | Four on 2nd & one on 3rd at RN |
Plain-brown Woodcreeper | Single at RN on the 2nd |
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper | Single along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Long-tailed Woodcreeper | Single at RN on the 1st |
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper | Single along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Northern Barred-Woodcreeper | Single bird along lower trail at RN on the 1st |
Spotted Woodcreeper | Single on upper trail at RN on the 2nd |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper | Common At RN, CA, & TL |
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper | Common at CH/CM |
Barred Antshrike | Female at RN on the 3rd, five at CA on 5th & 3 on 6th |
Black-hooded Antshrike | Three along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Plain Antvireo | Single along lower trail at RN on the 1st |
Checker-throated Antwren | Pair at RN on the 2nd |
Slaty Antwren | One on 2nd, two on 3rd at RN; one on loop trail at CA on 6th |
Dot-winged Antwren | Pair at RN on 1st; four along loop trail at CA on 6th |
Dusky Antbird | One on 1st & 2 on 2nd at RN, 10 at CA on 5th, 3 on 6th |
Chestnut-backed Antbird | Two on 5th & four on 6th at CA |
Black-faced Antthrush | Single on loop trail at CA on the 6th |
Palty (Mistltoe) Tyrannulet | Common at RN |
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet | Single along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Greenish Elaenia | Single along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Lesser Elaenia | Single at RN on 2nd |
Torrent Tyrannulet | One along Tuis river near RN on 3rd, two at CH on 4th |
Olive-striped Flycatcher | Single at RN on 2nd |
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher | Single at RN on 2nd |
Slaty-capped Flycatcher | Single along river trail at TP on the 31st |
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant | Two at RN on the 1st, one on the 3rd |
Northern Bentbill | Single along the straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Common Tody-Flycatcher | Two seen near ranch house daily at RN, also at TL |
Yellow-olive Flycatcher | Singles at TP on 31st, and RN on the 2nd |
Yellow-margined Flycatcher | Singles at RN on the 1st & 2nd |
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher | Singles at RN on 1st & 2nd, single at CA on 6th |
Tufted Flycatcher | Single at CH on the 3rd |
Dark Pewee | Single at TP on 31st, two at CH on the 3rd, singles on 4th & 5th |
Tropical Pewee | Three at TP on the 31st, singles at CA on 5th & 6th |
Yellowish Flycatcher | Two at CH on the 3rd |
Black-capped Flycatcher | Common at CH |
Black Phoebe | Two at CH on 3rd & 4th |
Rufous Mourner | Single at RN on the 3rd |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | Five at RN on the 2nd |
Panama Flycatcher | Two among the mangroves near TL on 5th & 6th |
Great Kiskadee | Four at CATIE on 30th, common at TL |
Boat-billed Flycatcher | Common at RN |
Social Flycatcher | Common at RN |
Gray-capped Flycatcher | Two at RN on the 30th & 2nd |
Golden-bellied Flycatcher | Three at TP on 31st, two at CH on 4th |
Streaked Flycatcher | Three along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Tropical Kingbird | Common everywhere |
Cinnamon Becard | Single at RN on the 1st & 2nd |
White-winged Becard | Single females at CA on the 5th & 6th |
Black-and-white Becard | Single female at RN on the 2nd |
Rose-throated Becard | Single female along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Masked Tityra | Two at RN on 1st; six at CA on 5th; two at TL on 6th |
Rufous Piha | Single at RN on the 2nd |
White-collared Manakin | Three to four daily at RN |
Orange-collared Manakin | Seven along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
White-ruffed Manakin | Female at RN on 2nd |
White-crowned Manakin | Female at RN on the 2nd |
Gray-breasted Martin | Three at TL on the 5th, five on the 6th |
Mangrove Swallow | Fifteen along Rio Tarcoles on 5th & 6th |
Blue-and-white Swallow | Common at RN, TP, CATIE, and CH |
Southern Rough-winged Swallow | Common at RN |
Bank Swallow | Common along Rio Tarcoles on 5th & 6th |
Barn Swallow | Common along Rio Tarcoles and in San Jose |
Brown Jay | Common at RN and CA |
Rufous-naped Wren | Six to ten around TL on 5th & 6th |
Black-bellied Wren | Single along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Bay Wren | Single on lower trail at RN on the 2nd |
Riverside Wren | Four along loop trail at CA on the 6th |
Stripe-breasted Wren | Single at RN on the 2nd |
Rufous-breasted Wren | Three along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Rufous-and-white Wren | Three around TL on the 5th & 6th |
Plain Wren | Singles at RN on the 2nd & 3rd |
House Wren | Single at TP on 31st; uncommon at RN |
Ochraceous Wren | Two at CH on the 4th |
Timberline Wren | Single at CM on the 4th |
White-breasted Wood-Wren | Four at RN on the 2nd |
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren | Eight at TP on the 31st |
Long-billed Gnatwren | Two at RN on the 2nd; one on loop trail at CA on 6th |
Tropical Gnatcatcher | Ten at RN on 2nd, four on 3rd; two at CA on 5th |
Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush | Two at CH on 3rd, eight at CH/CM on 4th |
Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush | Two along river trail at TP on 31st |
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush | Single at CH on 3rd |
Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush | Single seen at RN on 2nd |
Sooty Robin | Fifteen at CH/CM on 4th |
Mountain Robin | Five at CH on 3rd, 10 on 4th |
Pale-vented Robin | Single along river trail at TP on 31st |
Clay-colored Robin | Common everywhere |
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher | Two at CH on the 3rd |
Yellow-winged Vireo | Four at CH on 3rd, one at CM on 4th |
Red-eyed Vireo | Single at RN on 1st & 3rd |
Yellow-green Vireo | Single at RN on 2nd |
Lesser Greenlet | Ten along straight trail at CA on 5th |
Tropical Parula | Singles at RN on 30th, 1st, & 2nd; CA on 5th |
Flame-throated Warbler | Two at CH on 3rd, three at CM on 4th |
"Mangrove" Warbler | Male and female at TL on 5th, two females on 6th |
Blackburnian Warbler | Single at RN on 2nd |
Blackpoll Warbler | Single at RN on 30th |
Cerulean Warbler | Two at RN on the 1st, one on the 2nd |
Black-and-white Warbler | Two at RN on the 1st, one on the 2nd |
American Redstart | Female at RN on the 2nd |
Northern Waterthrush | Two at CH on 4th, one at CA on 5th |
Louisiana Waterthrush | One at CH on 4th |
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat | Pair at TL on the 6th |
Wilson's Warbler | One at CH on 4th |
Slate-throated Redstart | Common at TP and RN |
Collared Redstart | Ten at CH on 3rd & 4th |
Rufous-capped Warbler | Singles at RN on 2nd & 3rd |
Black-cheeked Warbler | Seven at CH on 4th, one at CM |
Bananaquit | Three to five seen daily at RN & TP |
Silver-throated Tanager | Ten at TP on 31st |
Speckled Tanager | Single along upper trail at RN on the 2nd |
Bay-headed Tanager | Abundant at RN |
Golden-masked Tanager | Abundant at RN, two at CA on the 6th |
Spangle-cheeked Tanager | Fifteen at TP on the 31st |
Blue Dacnis | Female along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Green Honeycreeper | Seen daily at RN, high of 6 on 2nd |
Yellow-crowned Euphonia | Common at CA |
Thick-billed Euphonia | Common at CA |
Yellow-throated Euphonia | Single male at RN on the 2nd |
Blue-hooded Euphonia | Single at CH on 4th |
Tawny-capped Euphonia | Five at TP on 31st; 1-2 at RN on 1st & 2nd |
Blue-gray Tanager | Common everywhere |
Palm Tanager | Two to five daily at RN, one at CA on the 6th |
Olive Tanager | Four on the 2nd at RN, two on the 3rd |
Gray-headed Tanager | Single along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
White-shouldered Tanager | Pair on 2nd at RN |
White-lined Tanager | Single male at RN on the 2nd |
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager | Two along straight trail at CA on the 5th |
Red-throated Ant-Tanager | Male at TP on the 31st; four at RN on the 2nd |
Flame-colored Tanager | Single female at CH on the 4th |
White-winged Tanager | Pair at TP on the 31st |
Crimson-collared Tanager | Single male at RN on the 2nd |
Passerini's Tanager | Abundant at RN |
Cherrie's Tanager | Two at CA on the 5th |
Common Bush-Tanager | Abundant at TP on the 31st |
Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager | Twenty-five at CH/CM on the 4th |
Black-and-yellow Tanager | Single male at RN on the 2nd |
Buff-throated Saltator | One to three daily at RN & CA |
Black-headed Saltator | Common at RN, particularly around lodge |
Blue Grosbeak | Single male near soccer field at TL |
Yellow-thighed Finch | Three above CH on 3rd, five on 4th |
Large-footed Finch | Five seen on way to CH on CM on 3rd, one on 4th |
White-naped (Yellow-throated) Brush-Finch | Four along river trail at TP on the 31st, one at RN on 2nd |
Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch | Three at RN on 2nd |
Orange-billed Sparrow | Two on 1st & one on 2nd at RN |
Black-striped Sparrow | Common at RN, easily seen at feeder |
Blue-black Grassquit | Four at RN on 2nd, Common in fields around TL |
Variable Seedeater | Abundant at RN and TL |
Yellow-faced Grassquit | One to three seen daily at RN |
Peg-billed Finch | One seen across from La Gorgina on the CM (4th) |
Stripe-headed Sparrow | Four in tall grass near soccer field at TL (6th) |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | Two at TP (31st), one at RN (2nd), Abundant at CH |
Volcano Junco | One an the 4th at CM |
Great-tailed Grackle | common in disturbed habitats |
Bronzed Cowbird | One in Paraiso on the 3rd |
Black-cowled Oriole | One imm. bird was seen daily at the lodge (RN) |
Yellow-billed Cacique | One bird came to RN feeder daily |
Montezuma Oropendola | Common at RN |
Yellow-bellied Siskin | About 10 on the 3rd & 4th at CH |
House Sparrow | About five in Cartago on the 5th |