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16 - 30 March 1987

by Peter Joost, Eric & Lorna Salzman


Monday, March 16 - New York to Panama
Tuesday, March 17 - Cerro Jefe; Smithsonian offices; Tocumen Marsh
Wednesday, March 18- Barro Colorado Island; Pipeline Road
Thursday, March 19 - Pipeline Road; Madden Dam
Friday, March 20 - Nusangandi (Cuna Indian reserve east of canal on Atlantic slope)
Saturday, March 21 - Nusagandi; Tocomen Marsh
Sunday, March 22 - Panamericana to Volcan; Bambito, lower Cerro Punta
Monday, March 23 - Cerro Punta; Lagunas di Volcan
Tuesday, March 24 - Cerro Punta; Bambito; drive to Boquete
Wednesday, March 25 - Boquete (Finca Lerida)
Thursday, March 26 - Fortuna Road to fBocas de Toro and back
Friday, March 27 - Fortuna Road; Panamericana to Colon
Saturday, March 28 - Achiote Road, S9 road, Tiger Trail (owling in the evening with Dodge Engleman)
Sunday, March 29 - Achiote Road, Tiger Trail, Fort Sherman
Monday, March 30 - Tocumen Marsh; return to New York

Trip List:

N.B.: This list follows Ridgely/Gwynne Birds of Panama, 1981 edition

1.      Great Tinamou (Tinamus major) - Tiger Trail, 3/29
2.      Little Tinamou (Crypturellus soui) - Achiote Rd (heard; seen by LS)
3.      Least Grebe (Podiceps dominicus) - 3/18, nr Pipeline Rd
4.      Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) - Lagunas
5.      Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) - Panama Canal 3/87
 6.      Neotropic (Olivaceous) Cormorant (Phalacrocorax olivaceus) - Canal Zone
7.      Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) - nr Pipeline Rd, 3//18/87
8.      Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens)
9.      Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) -Tocumen, etc
10.     White-necked (Cocoi) Heron (Ardea cocoi) - Tocumen, 3/12/87
11.     Great (Common) Egret (Casmerodius albus) - Tocumen, etc
12.     Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) - Gatun 3/28,29/87
13.     Little Blue Heron (Florida [Egretta] caerulea) - Tocumen, etc
14.     Green Heron (Butorides virescens) - Lagunas di Volcan 3/23/87
15.     Striated Heron (B. striatus) - Tocumen 3/17, 30/87
16.     Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
17.     Rufescent Tiger-Heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) - Tocumen, 3/21/87
18.     Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (T. mexicanum) - Tocumen, 3/30/87
19.     Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) - Tocumen 3/30/87
20.     Boat-billed Heron (Cochlearius cochlearius) - Coco Solo (Colon) 3/28/87
21.     Wood Stork (Mycteria americana) - W Panama lowlands (from Panamericana)
22.     Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata) - Panama Canal, 3/17/87 etc
23.     Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) - Lagunas di Volcan 3/23, Gatun 3/28,29
24.     King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) - Pipeline Rd 3/19; S9 Rd 3/28
25.     Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) - widespread
26.     Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) - widespread
27.     White-tailed (Black-shouldered) Kite (Elanus leucurus) - Tocumen, other Pacific lowlands
28.     Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) - Chiriqui, cntl Panama
29.     Gray-headed Kite (Leptodon cayanensis) - Nusagandi 3/20; Achiote Rd 3/29
30.     Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus) -   Achiote Rd 3/28
31.     Plumbeous Kite (Ictinia plumbea) - Nusagandi 3/20; also Chiriqui
32.     Mississippi Kite (I. mississippiensis) - migration over Achiote Rd 3/28
33.     Tiny Hawk (Accipiter superciliosus) - Bocas del Toro 3/26
34.     Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) - Finca Lerida 3/25
35.     Zone-tailed Hawk (B. albonotatus) - Gatun Locks area 3/28
36.     Swainson's Hawk (B. swainsonii) - huge migrating flock on ground, dawn, Tocumen, 3/30
37.     Gray Hawk (B. nitidus) - Achiote Rd, 3/29
38.     Broad-winged Hawk (B. platypterus) - migrating flock above Tocumen, 3/21
39.     Black-chested (Barred) Hawk (Leucopternis princeps) - Fortuna Rd 3/27
40.     Savanna Hawk (Heterospizias meridionalis) - Tocumen area 3/21
41.     Great Black-Hawk (Buteogallus urubitinga) - Chiriqui 3/87
42.     Crane Hawk (Geranospiza caerulescens) - Achiote Rd
43.     Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) - Barro Colorado I, Tocumen 3/30
44.     Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima) - Panamericana, common
45.     Crested Caracara (Polyborus plancus) - Tocumen
46.     Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) - Tocumen, Gatun Lake
47.     Bat Falcon (F. rufigularis) - Nusagandi 3/20; Bocas 3/21
48.     *Crested Guan (Penelope purpurascens [purpurescens?]) - Barro Colorado I (heard)
          Gray-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps) - possibly seen by Peter
49.     Crested Bobwhite (Colinus cristatus) - side of Panamericana
50.     *Spotted Wood-Quail (Odontophorus guttatus) - Chiriqui (heard)
51.     White-throated Crake (Laterallus albigularis) - Tocumen
52.     Common Gallinule (Moorhen) (Gallinula chloropus) - Tocumen, etc
53.     Purple Gallinule (Porphyrula martinica) - Pipeline Rd
54.     Northern (Middle American) Jacana (Jacana spinosa) - Lagunas di Volcan
55.     Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana) - Tocumen
56.     Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria) - Tocumen 3/30
57.     Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia) - Tocumen, etc
58.     Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) - Tocumen 3/30
59.     Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) - Ft Sherman area (on pipe) 3/29
60.     Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) - Tocumen 3/30
61.     Laughing Gull (Larus atricilla) - Panama Canal
62.     Pale-vented Pigeon (Pipeline Rd, Nusangandi, Achiote Rd) - Pipeline Rd, Nusagundi, Achiote Road
63.     Band-tailed Pigeon (Finca Lerida) - Finca Lerida
64.     Ruddy Pigeon (Cerro Punta, Finca Lerida) - Cerro Punta, Finca   Lerid a
65.     Short-billed Pigeon (Nusagandi, Achiote Rd) - Nusagandi, Achiote Rd
66.     Mourning Dove (Tocumen, 3/30) - Tocumen
67.     Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti) - very common
68.     Blue Ground-Dove (Claravis pretiosa) - Pipeline Rd 3/28, Achiote Rd 3/28
69.     White-tipped (White-fronted) Dove (Leptotila verrauxi) - many sightings, low and high
70.     Gray-chested Dove (L. cassinii) - Pipeline Rd
71.     Crimson-fronted Parakeet (Aratinga finschi) - Bocas del Toro 3/26; also Cerro Punta
72.     Sulphur-winged Parakeet (Pyrrhura hoffmanni) - Chiriqui, common
73.     Orange-chinned (Brown-shouldered) Parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis) - common
74.     Red-fronted Parrotlet (Touit costaricensis) - Fortuna Rd 3/21 - 2  flying
75.     Brown-hooded Parrot (Pionopsitta haematotis) - Nusagandi 3/20
76.     Blue-headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus) - Bocas Rd 3/26; also Achiote
77.     Red-lored (Red-fronted) Parrot (Amazon) (Amazona autumnalis) - Barro Colorado I 3/18
78.     Mealy Parrot (Amazon) (A. farinosa) - Achiote Rd 3/28
79.     Squirrel Cuckoo (Piaya cayana) - several sightings
80.     Greater Ani (Crotophaga major) - Maddan Dam 3/19
81.     Smooth-billed Ani (C. ani) - common
82.     Groove-billed Ani (C. sulcirostris) - common
83.     Vermiculated Screech-Owl (Otus guatemalae) - Achiote Rd 3/28
84.     *Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata) - Achiote Rd (heard)
85.     Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillatus) - Nusagandi 3/21
86.     Andean (Mountain) Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium jardinii) - Cerro Punta 3/23
87.     *Mottled Owl (Ciccaba virgata) - Achiote Rd (heard)
88.     Striped Owl (Rhinoptynx clamator) - Tocumen
89.     Pauraque (Nyctodromus albicollis) - common
90.     Rufous Nightjar (Caprimulgus rufus) - rd to Cerro Jefe 3/17
91.     White-tailed Nightjar (C. cayennensis) - Tocumen
92.     White-collared Swift (Streptoprocne zonaris) - Chiriqui (Boquete, Fortuna Rd)
93.     Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi) - Chiriqui
94.     Band-rumped Swift (C. spinicauda) - Nusagandi, Bocas del Toro
95.     Short-tailed Swift (C. brachyura) - nr beginning of Pipeline Rd (Gamboa) 3/18
96.     Green Hermit (Phaethornis guy) - Nusagandi
97.     Long-tailed Hermit (P. sperciliosus) - many localities
98.     Little Hermit (P. longuemareus) - Nusagandi 3/20, Achiote Rd 3/29
99.     Violet Sabrewing (Campylopterus hemileucurus) - below Cerro Punta 3/22
100.    Crowned Woodnymph (Thalurania colombica) - Barro Colorado I 3/18
101.    Fiery-throated Hummingbird (Panterpe insignis) - Cerro Punta 3/23
102.    Violet-bellied Hummingbird (Damophila julie) - Pipeline Rd 3/19 Achiote Rd (in bananas) 3/28,29
103.    Blue-chested Hummingbird (Amazilia amabilis) - Achiote Rd
104.    Snowy-breasted Hummingbird (A. edward) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
105.    Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (A. tzacatl) - common
106.    Variable (Chestnut-bellied) Mountaingem (Lampornis castaneoventris) - Dos Rios; Cerro Punta (common)
107.    Magnificent Hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens) - Cerro Punta 3/23
108.    Purple-crowned Fairy (Heliothryx barroti) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
109.    Scintillant Hummingbird (Selasphorus scintilla) - Finca Lerida 3/25
110.    Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) - all Chiriqui locations
111.    Slaty-tailed (Massena) Trogon (Trogon massena) - Barro Colorado I, S9 Rd  (nesting in termite nest)
112.    Lattice-tailed Trogon (T. clathratus) - Fortuna Rd 3/26
113.    White-tailed Trogon (T. viridis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
114.    Black-throated Trogon (T. rufus) - Barro Colorado I 3/18, Achiote Rd 3/28
115.    Violaceous Trogon (T. violaceus) - Achiote Rd, S9 3/28
116.    Ringed Kingfisher (Ceryle torquata) - Panama Canal 3/18, Lagunas di Volcan 3/23
117.    Belted Kingfisher (C. alcyon) - several locations, mainly low
118.    Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona) - Bocas del Toro 3/26, Tocumen 3/30
119.    Green Kingfisher (C. americana) - Dos Rios Hotel 3/22
120.    *Tody Motmot (Hylomanes momotula) - Fortuna Rd (heard only)
121.    Broad-billed Motmot (Electron platyrhynchum) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
122.    Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii) - Tiger Rail 3/28; heard on Pipeline 3/19
123.    *Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota) - heard only in several locales
124.    Great Jacamar (Jacamerops aurea) - Nusagandi 3/21
125.    Black-breasted Puffbird (Notharchus pectoralis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
126.    Pied Puffbird (N. tectus) - Barro Colorado I 3/18, Nusagandi 3/21
127.    Spot-crowned Barbet (Capito maculicoronatus) - Achiote Rd 3/28
128.    Red-headed Barbet (Eubucco bourcierii) - Finca Lerida 3/25, Fortuna Rd 3/26
129.    *Prong-billed Barbet (Semnornis frantzii) - rd to Fortuna (heard) 3/26
130.    Emerald Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus) - all Chiriqui locations
131.    Collared Ara E7ari (Pteroglossus torquatus) - common at various locales
132.    Yellow-eared Toucanet (Selenidera spectabilis) - Nusagandi 3/20-21
133.    Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) - common
134.    Chestnut-mandibiled (Swainson's) Toucan (R. swainsonii) - many locations especially eastern canal zone & highlands
135.    Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus) - Nusagandi, Fortuna Rd, etc
136.    Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) - common in Chiriqui
137.    Red-crowned Woodpecker (M. rubricapillus) - common
138.    Black-cheeked Woodpecker (M. pucherani) - common lowlands, Nusagnadi, Achiote Rd
139.    Smoky-brown Woodpecker (Veniliornis fumigatus) - Fortuna Rd 3/26
140.    Hairy Woodpecker (Dendrocopus villosus) - above Cerro Punta 3/23, Finca Lerida  3/26 (small local race)
141.    Pale-billed (Flint-billed) Woodpecker (Campephilus guatemalensis) - rd to Bocas 3/26
142.    Crimson-crested Woodpecker (C. melanoleucos) - Madden Dam 3/19, Achiote Rd 3/28
143.    Plain-brown Woodcreeper (Dendrocincla fuliginosa) - Pipeline Rd 3/18
144.    Ruddy Woodcreeper (D. homochroa) - Pipeline Rd (following army ant swarm) 3/19
145.    Long-tailed Woodcreeper (Deconychura longicauda) - Nusagandi 3/20
146.    Olivaceous Woodcreeper (Sittasomus griseicapillus) - Barro Colorado I3/18, 2 or 3 other locations incl Chiriqui
147.    Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (Glyphorhnchus spirurus) - Achiote Rd 3/29
148.    Buff-throated Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus guttatus) - S9 Rd, etc 2/18
149.    Black-striped Woodcreeper (X. lachrymosus) - Barro Colorado I 3/18
150.    Spot-crowned Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes affinis) - common in high
151.    Pale-breasted Spinetail (Synallaxis albescens) - Tocumen 3/30
152.    Red-faced Spinetail (Cranioleuca erythrops) - Finca Lerida 3/25
153.    Ruddy Treerunner (Margarornis rubiginosus) - Cerra Punta 3/24
154.    Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplux brunnescens) - Finca Lerida 3/25
155.    Striped Foliage-Gleaner (Woodhaunter) (Hyloctistes subulatus) - Nusagandi 3/20
156.    Spectacled (Scaly-throated) Foliage-Gleaner (Anabacerthia variegaticeps) - Finca Lerida 3/25 (a pair)
157.    Buff-throated Foliage-Gleaner (Automolus ochrolaemus) - French Canal
158.    Streak-breasted Treehunter (Thripadectes rufobrunneus) - Finca Lerida   3/25
159.    Plain Xenops (Xenops minutus) - Achiote Rd 3/28,29
160.    Scaly-throated Leaftosser (Leafscraper) (Sclerurus guatemalensis) -Barro Colorado I 3/18
161.    Fasciated Antshrike (Cymbilaimus lineatus) - Pipeline Rd 3/19, Achiote Rd 3/28
162.    Great Antshrike (Taraba major) - Achiote Rd 3/28
163.    Barred Antshrike (Thamnophilus doliatus) - common
164.    Slaty Antshrike (T. punctatus) - Pipeline Rd, Nusangandi, Achiote Rd, Barro Colorado
165.    Russet Antrshrike (Thamnistes anabatinus) - Nusagandi 3/20, flock
166.    Pygmy Antwren (Myrmotherula brachyura) - Achiote Rd (Peter & Lorna)
167,    Checker-throated (Fulvous-bellied) Antwren (M. fulviventris) - Barro Colorado 3/18
168.    White-flanked Antwren (M. axillaris) - Barro Colorado I 3/18
169.    Dot-winged Antwren (Microrhopias quixensis) - Barro Colorado I 3/18, Nusagandi 3/21, Achiote Rd 3/29
170.    Chestnut-backed Antwren (Myrmeciza exsul) - Nusagandi 3/20 or 21; S9  3/28
171.    Bicolored Antbird (Gymnophithys leucaspis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
172.    Spotted Antbird (Hylophylax naevioides) - Achiote Rd 3/29
173.    Ocellated Antbird (Phaenostictus meleannani) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
174.    Black-faced Antthrush (Formicarius analis) - Achiote Rd 3/29
175.    *Black-headed Antthrush (F. nigricapillus) - Nusagandi (heard)
176.    Streak-chested (Spectacled) Antpitta (Hylopezus perspicallatus) - Pipeline Rd 3/18 (Peter)
177.    Red-capped Manakin (Pipra mentalis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19. Nusagandi 3/20
178.    Lance-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) - Madden Dam 3/19
179.    Golden-collared Manakin (Manacus vitellinus) - Barro Colorado 3/18, Achiote Rd, etc
180.    *Thrushlike Manakin (Schiffornis turdinus) - Achiote Rd (heard) 3/29
181.    Blue Cotinga (Cotinga nattererii) - Nusagandi ( ), Ft Sherman 3/29
182.    *Bright-rumped Attila (Attila spadiceus) - common (heard)
183.    *Rufous Mourner (Rhytipterna holeythura) - Fortuna Rd (Umbrellabird Rd)
184.    Rufous Piha (Lipaugus unirufus) - Nusagandi 3/20
185.    Cinnamon Becard (Pachyramphus cinnamomeus) - Bocas del Toro 3/26
186.    Barred Becard (P. versicolor) -   at nest, Lagunas di Volcan
187.    Masked Tityra (Tityra semifasciata) - common
188.    Black-crowned Tityra (T. inquisitor) - Bocas del Toro
189.    Purple-throated Fruitcrow (Querula purpurata) - Pipeline Rd 3/19, Achiote 3/29
190.    Bare-necked Umbrellabird (Cephalopterus glabricollis) - flock of 5, Umbrellabird Rd (!), 3/26
191.    Three-wattled Bellbird (Procnias triarunculata) - Finca Lerida 3/25, Umbrellabird Rd 3/26
192.    Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans) - Volcan 3/22,23
193.    Sirystes (Sirystes sililator) - Nusagandi 3/21
194.    Long-tailed Tyrant (Colonia colonius) - Nusagandi 3/20
195.    Pied Water-Tyrant (Fluvicola pica) - Tocumen
196.    Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Muscivora tyrannus) - common, Tocumen & entire Panamericana into the highlands
197.    Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) - Nusagandi, Escobal Rd, etc
198.    Tropical Kingbird (T. melanicholicus) - abundant
199.    Gray Kingbird (T. dominicensis) - Tocumen 3/21
200.    Piratic Flycatcher (Legatus leucophaius) - Cerro Jefe 3/19
201.    Streaked Flycatcher (Myiodynastes maculatus) - Barro Colorado I, etc (common, many locations)
202.    Golden-bellied Flycatcher (M. hemichrysus) - Umbrellabird Rd, Fortuna Rd 3/26,27
203.    Boat-billed Flycatcher (Megarhynchus pitangua) - common, esp east Canal Zone and also in highlands
204.    Social (Vermilion-crowned) Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis) - common
205.    Gray-capped Flycatcher (M. granadensis) - Bocas del Toro & highlands
206.    Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) - common
207.    Lesser Kiskadee (P. lictor) - Tocumen 3/30
208.    Great Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitis) - Achiote Rd 3/29
209.    Panama Flycatcher (M. panamensis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19, Achiote Rd 3/29
210.    Dusky-capped (Olivacous) Flycatcher (M. tuberculifer) - Lagunas di Volcan 3/23
211.    Olive-sided Flycatcher (Nuttallornis [Contopus] borealis) - Nusagandi 3/20
212.    Dark Pewee (Contopus lugubris) - Bambito, Fortuna Rd
213.    Tropical Pewee (C. cinerus) - Barro Colorado I, etc
214.    Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empidonax flaviventris)
215.    Empidonax spp - no yellow
216.    Yellowish Flycatcher (E. flavescens) - Cerro Punta 3/24
217.    Black-capped Flycatcher (E. atriceps) - above Cerro Punta 3/23
218.    Tufted Flycatcher (Mitrephanes phaeocercus) - Finca Lerida 3/25
219.    Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher (Myiobius sulphureipygius) - Umbrellabird Rd 3/26
220.    Northern Royal-Flycatcher (Onychorhynchus mexicanus) - Nusagandi 3/20
221.    Common Tody-Flycatcher (Todirostrum cinereum) - widespread
222.    Southern Bentbill (Oncostoma olivaceum) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
223.    Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant (Lophotriccus pileatus) - Nusagandi 3/21
224.    Yellow Tyrannulet (Capsiempis flaveola) - rd to Nusagandi 3/20
225.    Torrent Tyannulet (Serpophaga cinerea) - Bambito 3/23
226.    Yellow-bellied Elaenia (Elaenia flavogaster) - Pipeline Rd, Nusagandi, etc
227.    Lesser Elaenia (E. chiriquensis) - Cerro Jefe 3/18, Nusagandi 3/20
228.    Mountain Elaenia (E. frantzii) - Cerro Punta 3/24
229.    Paltry Tyrannulet (Tyranniscus vilissimus) - Finca LErida 3/25
230.    Mangrove Swallow (Tachycineta albilinea) - common
231.    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) - abundant
232.    Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon phrrhonota) - Dos Rios, Volcan, 3/22; also Panama Canal
233.    Gray-breasted Martin (Progne chalybea) - everywhere
234.    White-thighed Swallow (Neochelidon tibialis) - Nusagandi 3/21,22
235.    Blue-and-White Swallow (Pygochelidon cyanoleuca) - common, highlands
236.    (Southern) Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis [uropygialis]) - common
237.    Brown Jay (Psilhorinus morio) - Bocas del Toro 3/26
238.    Black-chested Jay (Cyanocorax affinis) - Bocas del Toro 3/26, Achiote Rd 3/29
239.    Silvery-throated Jay (Cyanolyca argentigula) - above Cerro Punta 3/23
240.    American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) - Bambito 3/22
241.    Band-backed Wren (Campylorhynchus zonatus) - Bocas del Toro 3/26
242.    Buff-breasted Wren (Thryothorus leucotis) - Ft Sherman, French Canal 3/29
243.    Plain Wren (T. modestus) - Lagunas di Volcan 3/23, Tocumen 3/30
244.    Bay Wren (T. nigricapillus) - Cerro Jefe, Achiote Rd 3/29,30
245.    Rufous-breasted Wren (T. rutilus) - Cerro Punta 3/23
246.    (Southern) House-Wren (Troglodytes musculus) - Nusagandi 3/20 etc
247.    Ochraceous Wren (T. ochraceus) - Cerro Punta 3/28, etc
248.    *White-breasted (Lowland) Wood-Wren (Henicorhina leucosticta) - heard, several locales
249.    Gray-breasted (Highland) Wood-Wren (H. leucophrys) - Cerro Punta 3/23, etc
250.    Song Wren (Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus) - Nusagandi, 3/21
251.    Nightingale Wren (Microcerculus marginatus) - Nusagandi (heard)
252.    Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus gilvus) - Gamboa, etc
253.    Black-faced Solitaire (Myadestes melanops) - Cerro Punta, Finca Lerida
254.    White-throated Thrush (Robin) (Turdus assimilis) - Finca Lerida 3/25, Lagunas di Volcan (heard)
255.    Clay-colored Thrush (Robin) (T. grayi) - everywhere
256.    Mountain Thrush (Robin) (T. plebejus) - Cerro Punta & all high places
257.    Wood Thrush (Hylocichla [Catharus] mustelina) - Finca Lerida 3/25
258.    Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) - Finca Lerida 3/25
259.    Gray-cheeked Thrush (C. minimus) - Finca Lerida 3/25
260.    Veery (C. fuscescens) - Fortuna Rd 3/26
261.    Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush (C. frantzii) - Cerro Punta 3/23
262.    Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush (C. aurantiirostris) - Boquete 3/25
263.    Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush (C. gracilirostris) - Cerro Punta 3/23
264.    Tropical Gnatcatcher (Polioptila plumbea) - Achiote Rd 3/28; also Pipeline Rd
265.    Tawny-faced (Half-collared) Gnatwren (Microbates cinereiventris) - Nusagandi 3/20
266.    Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher (Ptilogonys caudatus) - Cerro Punta, Finca Lerida 3/23,24
267.    Rufous-browed Peppershrike (Cyclarhis gujanensis) - Lagunas di Volcan 3/23, Finca Lerida, etc
268.    Green (Emerald) Shrike-Vireo (Smaragdolanius pulchellus) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
269.    Yellow-winged Vireo (Vireo carmioli) - Cerro Punta 3/24
270.    Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) - Boquete
271.    Yellow-Green Vireo (V. flavoviridis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19, Nusangandi
272.    Brown-capped Vireo (V. leucophrys) - common in highlands
273.    Lesser Greenlet (Hylophilus decurtatus) - Cerro Jefe, etc
274.    Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola) - Nusangandi, Achiote Rd
275.    Slaty Flower-piercer (Diglossa plumbea) - Cerro Punta
276.    Shining Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes lucidus) - Cerra Azul
277.    Red-legged Honeycreeper (C. cyaneus) - Pipeline Rd 3/18
278.    Green Honeycreeper (Chlorophanes spiza) - Nusagandi
279.    Blue Dacnis (Dacnis cayana) - Bafrro Colorado I, Achiote Rd
280.    Scarlet-thighed Dacnis (D. venusta) - below Cerro Punta 3/22
281.    Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia) - Volcan (Lagunas?)
282.    Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) - Nusagandi
283.    Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) - Pipeline Rd
284.    Tennessee Warbler (V. peregrina) - common
285.    Flame-throated Warbler (V. guttaralis) - Cerro Punta, Bosquete
286.    Tropical Parula (Olive-backed Warbler) (Parula pitiayumi) - Cerro Punta, etc
287.    Yellow Warbler (Dendroica aestiva) - Tocumen 3/30
288.    Black-throated Green Warbler (D. virens) - highlands
289.    Blackburnian Warbler (D. fusca) - highlands
290.    Chestnut-sided Warbler (D. pensylvanica) - common in Canal Zone
291.    Bay-breasted Warbler (D. castanea) - common in Canal Zone
292.    Northern Waterthrush (Seirus noveboracensis) - Ft Sherman area, etc
293.    Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia) - Achiote Rd
294.    Chiriqui Yellowthroat (Geothlypis chiriquensis) - Lorna
295.    Hooded Warbler (Wilsonia citrina) - Pipeline Rd
296.    Wilson's Warbler (W. pusilla) - highlands, common
297.    American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla)
298.    Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus) - Cerro Punta, etc (Yellow-bellied form)
299.    Collared Redstart (M. torquatus) - Cerro Punta 3/23
300.    Three-striped Warbler (Basileuterus tristriatus) - Finca Lerida (Peter)
301.    Black-cheeked Warbler (B. melanogenys) - Finca Lerida
302.    Chestnut-capped Warbler (B. delatrii) - Cerro Jefe 3/18
303.    Buff-rumped Warbler (B. fulvicauda) - Achiote Rd
304.    Montezuma Oropendola (Gymnostinops montezuma) - Bocas del Toro, Achiote Rd
305.    Chestnut-headed Oropendola (Zarhynchus wagleri) - Cerro Azul 3/17
306.    Crested Oropendola (Psarocollius decumanus) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
307.    Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela) - Barro Colorado I 3/18
308.    Scarlet-rumped Cacique (C. uropygialis) - Pipeline Rd 3/19, Bocas del Toro 3/26
309.    Giant Cowbird (Scaphidura oryzivora) - Lagunas di Volcan
310.    Bronzed Cowbird (Molothrus aeneus) - Tocumen 3/21
311.    Great-tailed Grackle (Cassidix mexicanus)
312.    Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) - Cerro Azul 3/17
313.    Yellow-tailed Oriole (I. mesomelas)
314.    Yellow-backed Oriole (I. chrysater) - Nusagandi 3/20
315.    Northern (Baltimore) Oriole (I. galbula)
316.    Red-breasted Blackbird (Leistes [Sturnella] militaris) - Tocumen 3/20
317.    Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) - common, Pacific lowlands; also Chiriqui
318.    Golden-browed Chlorophonia (Chlorophonia callophrys) - Cerro Punta, Finca Lerida, Fortuna Rd
319.    Blue-hooded Euphonia (Euphonia elegantissima) - Lagunas di Volcan, Boquete area
320.    Tawny-capped Euphonia (E. anneae) - Cerro Jefe 3/18
321.    White-vented Euphonia (E. minuta) - Cerro Jefe 3/18
322.    Fulvous-vented Euphonia (E. fulvicrissa) - Ft Sherman (French Canal) 3/29
323.    Thick-billed Euphonia (E. laniirostris) - Nusagandi, etc
324.    Emerald Tanager (Tangara florida) - Cerro Jefe 3/18
325.    Silver-throated Tanager (T. icterocephala) - Cerro Jefe 3/18
326.    Golden-hooded (Golden-masked) Tanager (T. larvata) - Nusagandi, Barro Colorado I, etc
327.    Plain-colored Tanager (T. inornata) - Cerro Azul 3/18
328.    Bay-headed Tanager (T. gyrola) - Boquete 3/25
329.    Rufous-winged Tanager (T. lavinia) - Nusagandi 3/20
330.    Spangle-cheeked Tanager (T. dowii) - Umbrellabird Rd 3/26
331.    Blue-and-Gold Tanager (Bangsia arcaei) - Umbrellabird Rd
332.    Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus) - everywhere
333.    Palm Tanager (T. palmarum) - Boquete, Achiote Rd
334.    Crimson-backed Tanager (Ramphocelus dimidiatus) - Cerro Jefe/Cerro Azul 3/18
335.    Scarlet-rumped Tanager (R. passerinii) - Cerro Punta, Bambito 3/22, Bocas del Toro 3/26
336.    Yellow-rumped Tanager (R. icteronotus) - Nusagandi 3/20
337.    Hepatic Tanager (Piranga flava) - Cerro Jefe/Cerro Azul 3/18
338.    Summer Tanager (P. rubra)
339.    Scarlet Tanager (P. olivacea) - several locales
340.    Flame-colored (Stripe-backed) Tanager (P. bidentata) - Bambito, Boquete, Fortuna Rd
341.    White-winged Tanager (P. leucoptera) - Bambito
342.    Carmiol's (Olive) Tanager (Chlorothraupis carmioli) - Pipeline Rd, Nusagandi, Cerro Jefe/Cerro Azul
343.    Red-throated (Dusky-tailed) Ant-Tanager (Habia fuscicauda) - Achiote Rd, etc
344.    White-lined Tanager (Tachyphonus rufus) - Nusagandi 3/20
345.    White-shouldered Tanager (T. luctuosus) - Barro Colorado I 3/18
346.    Tawny-crested Tanager (T. delatrii) - Pipeline Rd 3/19
347.    Sulphur-rumped Tanager (Heterospingus rufrifrons) - Barro Colorado I
348.    Dusky-faced Tanager (Mitrospingus cassinii) - Achiote Rd 3/28
349.    *Rosy (Rose-breasted) Thrush-Tanager (Rhodinocichla rosea) - rd to Nusangandi, Achiote Rd
350.    Black-and-Yellow Tanager (Chrysothlypis chrysomelas) - Cerro Jefe 3/18, Fortuna Rd
351.    Common Bush-Tanager (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus) - Bambito, etc
352.    Tacarcuna Bush-Tanager (C. tacarcunae) - Cerro Jefe 3/18
353.    Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager (C. pileatus) - Cerro Punta
354.    Black-headed Saltator (Saltator atriceps) - Bocas del Toro, Achiote Rd
355.    Buff-throated Saltator (S. maximus) - widespread, low & high
356.    Streaked Saltator (S. albicollis) - Cerro Punta, Lagunas di Volcan
357.    Black-thighed Grosbeak (Pheuticus tibialis) - Umbrellabird Rd
358.    Rose-breasted Grosbeak (P. ludovicianus) - common, many locales
359.    Blue-black Grosbeak (Cyanocompsa cyanoides) - Cerro Jefe, Pipeline Rd, etc
360.    Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) - Achiote Rd, Chiriqui, Escobal Rd
361.    Blue-black Grassquit (Volatinia jacarina) - common
362.    Yellow-faced Grassquit (Tiaris olivacea) - Cerro Jefe/Cerro Azul, Chiriqui highlands
363.    Variable Seedeater (Sporophila aurita) - common
364.    Yellow-bellied Seedeater (S. nigricollis) - Gamboa
365.    Ruddy-breasted Seedeater (S. minuta) - Tocumen
366.    Thick-billed Seed-Finch (Oryzoborus funereus) - Nusagandi
367.    Large-footed Finch (Pezopetes capitalis) - Cerro Punta
368.    Yellow-thighed Finch (Pselliophorus tibialis) - Cerro Punta, etc
369.    Yellow-throated Brush-Finch (Atlapetes gutturalis) - Cerro Punta
370.    Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch (A. brunneinucha) - Bambito, etc
371.    Black-striped Sparrow (Arremonops conirostris) - common, low & high
372.    Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis)
373.    Yellow-bellied Siskin (Spinus xanthogaster) - Cerro Punta, etc
374.    House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) - Panamericana

Eric Salzman
29 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone & Fax: 718 522-6138

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