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5 - 7 September 2000

by Daniel Brooks

Site Lists:

5 September -- Metropolitan Park, Panama City
7 September -- Gamboa Ammo Dump, Gamboa
7 September -- Pipeline Road, Soberania NP
7 September -- Summit Park Ponds, Summit
7 September -- Perico Island, Panama City
Metropolitan Park, Panama City, birded w/Rosabel (PN Audubon), ~7-9 am, 5 Sept. 2000
~20 Turkey vulture soaring
1? Zone-tailed Hawk soaring
~(30) Orange-chinned Parakeets Trop. Forest interior
(2,2) Yellow-crowned Amazon flying over forest
1 Snowy-bellied Hummer Trop. Forest interior
1 Blue-chested (?) Hummer Trop. Forest interior
1 Long-tailed (?) Hermit Trop. Forest interior
1.1 Slaty-tailed Trogon Trop. Forest interior
1 Blue-crowned Motmot Forest Edge
1, (2,2) Keel-billed Toucans Trop. Forest interior
(h2) Black-cheeked Woodpeckers Forest Edge
3 Lineated Woodpeckers Trop. Forest interior
4 Buff-throated Woodcreepers Trop. Forest interior
~10-15 Dusky Antbirds Trop. Forest interior
3 Dot-winged Antwrens Trop. Forest interior
2 White-bellied Antbirds Trop. Forest interior
~10-15 Lance-tailed Manakins 1 lek in edge,others in clearings
1 Squirrel Cuckoo Forest Edge
(1-2)? Purple-throated Fruitcrows Trop. Forest interior
2 Tropical Kingbirds Forest Edge
1 Dusky-capped Flycatcher (?) post-canopy, Trop. For.
1 Southern Bentbill Forest Edge
1 Golden-fronted Greenlet Forest Edge
1 Streaked Flycatcher (?) Trop. Forest interior
1 F Blue Dacnis Forest Edge
2-4, (~6-8) Black-bellied Wren Trop. Forest interior
(2-3)  Rufous and White Wren Trop. Forest interior
2 Long-billed Gnatwren Trop. Forest interior
~5-10 Clay-colored Thrush Forest Edge
2 Red-eyed Vireo Forest Edge
1 Black and White Warbler Forest Edge
2 F American Redstart Semi-edge, canopy
1 Scarlet-rumped Cacique Trop. Forest interior
(~2) Yellow-tailed (?) Oriole Trop. Forest interior
2 ? Euphonias Trop. Forest interior
4 Palm Tanagers Forest Edge
3 Blue-gray Tanagers Forest Edge
~15-20 Red-throated Ant Tanagers Forest Edge
~3-4 Rosy Thrush Tanagers Trop. Forest interior
~3-5 White-shouldered Tanagers Trop. Forest interior
1 Gray-headed Tanager Trop. Forest interior
3 Slate-colored Grosbeak Trop. Forest interior
2 Orange-billed Sparrow Trop. Forest int. (ground)
1 Agouti Trop. Forest interior
band of 10 Coatis Trop. Forest interior (Note #2)

Note 1 - 3-4 leks of 1 Ad. M, 1 Juv. M, 1 Ad. F
Note 2 - 1 was 1/2 grown
Gamboa Ammo Dump, Gamboa, PAN, w/Rosabel and Carmen Martino (PN Audubon) 

and Fernando Gonzalez-G., ~7-7:30 am, 7 Sept. 2000

(~1) Little Tinamou Edge
1 Brown Pelican Canal
1 Rufescent Tiger Heron Pond
2 Grey-necked Wood Rails Pond
(~2) White-throated Crakes Pond
~5-10 Wattled Jacanas (black form) Pond
~20-30 Orange-chinned Parakeets Forest edge
4 Yellow-crowned (?) Amazon Forest edge
4 Greater Anis Forested Pond
1 Groove-billed Anis Cane
4 Pale-vented Pigeons Edge
1 Ruddy Ground Dove Edge
4 White-tipped Doves Forest edge
1 Red-crowned Woodpecker Edge
~20 Barn Swallows flying over water
~2 Mangrove Swallows flying over water
3 Social Flycatchers Edge
2 Lesser Kiskadees Forested Pond
2 Red-eyed Vireo Edge
2 Palm Tanagers Edge
1 Blue-gray Tanager Edge
2 Crimson-backed Tanagers Edge
1 Yellow-crowned (?) Euphonia Edge
2 Black-striped Sparrow Ground
1 Variable Seedeater Cane
1 Coati Open Bank

Pipeline Road, Soberania NP, PAN, w/Rosabel and Carmen Martino (PN Audubon) 

and Fernando Gonzalez-G., ~7:30-10:30 am there and 10:30-11:45 back, 7 Sept. 2000

(~2) Little Tinamou Tropical Forest Edge
2 Greater Ani Tropical Forest Edge
1.1 Black-throated Trogon Tropical Forest Edge
(~1) Slaty-tailed Trogon Tropical Forest Edge
1 Broad-billed Motmot Tropical Forest Edge
1 Rufous Motmot Tropical Forest Edge
(~2) Keel-billed Toucans Tropical Forest Edge
(~6) Chestnut-mandibled Toucans Tropical Forest Edge
2 Red-crowned Woodpeckers Tropical Forest Edge
(~1) Crimson Crested Woodpecker Tropical Forest Edge (Note #1) 
1, (2-3) Cocoa Woodcreepers Tropical Forest Edge
~20 Dusky Antbirds Tropical Forest Edge
2, (2) Chestnut-backed Antbird Tropical Forest Edge
1, (1) White-flanked Antwrens Tropical Forest Edge
2 Dot-winged Antwrens Tropical Forest Edge
(~7) Slaty Antshrike Tropical Forest Edge
2, (2) Golden-collared Manakins Tropical Forest Edge
1 F Lance-tailed Manakins Tropical Forest Edge
1, (1) Red-crowned Manakins Tropical Forest Edge
- Squirrel Cuckoo Tropical Forest Edge
(~20) Purple-throated Fruitcrows Tropical Forest Edge
1, (2) Bright-rumped Atila Tropical Forest Edge
(~5) Yellow-Green Shrike Vireo Tropical Forest Edge
2 Tropical Kingbirds Tropical Forest Edge
~5 Eastern Kingbirds Tropical Forest Edge
1 Black-tailed Flycatcher Tropical Forest Edge
1 Blue Dacnis Tropical Forest Edge
2, (4) Black-bellied Wren Tropical Forest Edge
1, (2) Bay Wren Tropical Forest Edge
1 Song Wren Tropical Forest Edge
1 Tropical Gnatcatcher Tropical Forest Edge
~8 Red-eyed Vireo Tropical Forest Edge
1 Black and White Warbler Tropical Forest Edge
1 F American Redstart Tropical Forest Edge
(~4) Scarlet-rumped Cacique Tropical Forest Edge
(~1) Crested Oropendola Tropical Forest Edge
2 Yellow-backed Oriole Tropical Forest Edge
2 Palm Tanagers Tropical Forest Edge
(~2) Red-throated Ant Tanagers Tropical Forest Edge
(~1) Rosy Thrush Tanager Tropical Forest Edge
1 White-shouldered Tanagers Tropical Forest Edge
1 Gray-headed Tanager Tropical Forest Edge
1 Tamandua Tropical Forest Edge (Note #2)
5, 5 Mantled Howler Monkeys Tropical Forest Edge (Note #3) 
1 Coatis Tropical Forest Edge
1 Red-tailed Squirrel (Brown form) Tropical Forest Edge
1 Agouti Tropical Forest Edge
1 Vine Snake Tropical Forest Edge (note #4) 
1 Whiptail (?) Lizard Tropical Forest Edge

Note #1 -- double knock
Note #2 -- northern form (w/jacket)
Note #3 -- both troops with babies
Note #4 -- more than 4feet in length
Summit Park Ponds, Summit, PAN, w/Rosabel (Audubon) and Fernando Gonzalez, ~12:15-12:45 pm, 7 Sept. 2000
(~1) Green Heron Pond
2 Greater Anis Pond
1 Long-tailed (?) Hermit Heliconia patch
1 Black-throated Mango Edge
1 Rufous-tailed Hummer Edge
1 Snowy-bellied Hummer Heliconia patch
1 Green Kingfisher Pond
~10 Southern Rough-winged Swallow Pond
2 Southern Beardless Tyrannulet Edge
1 Rusty-margined Flycatcher Edge
1 Clay-colored Thrush edge
1 Mangrove Warbler Pond
1 Blue-black Grasquit Cane
(~2) Black-striped Sparrows Cane
~10 Pond Sliders Pond

Perico Island, Panama City, w/Rosabel (Audubon) and Fernando Gonzalez, ~1-2 pm, 7 Sept. 2000
~6 Frigatebirds Ocean
~10 Brown Pelicans Ocean
2 Neotropic Cormorants Ocean
1 Great Egret Marsh
1 Whimbrel Shore
~10 Gray-breasted Martins Forest Edge
1 Tropical Mockingbird Forest Edge
1 Cattle Tyrant Field
1 Fork-tailed Flycatcher Field

Daniel M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Houston, TX

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