7 - 15 March 1997
by Francis Toldi and Peter Metropulos
We recently had the pleasure of birding in Colima and adjacent Jalisco. These trip notes are in two parts: first, a detailed description of the locations and selected sightings; second, an annotated species list. Latin names only appear in the species list.
When we first contemplated this trip, there was only a modest amount of information available on birding in the area. In the year between the idea and the actual trip, a number of articulate birders visited the area and left a substantial amount of helpful information.
1. Books.
--Howell and Webb, A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America. Essential for preparation and planning at home, and daily use on trip.
--Howell, Birdfinding in Mexico [not sure of exact title]. Steve Howell is nearing completion of a guide to birdfinding in Mexico. The book will draw on Mr. Howell's decades of experience in the study of the Mexican avifauna. We were fortunate enough to see selections relevant to the Colima region, which were extremely helpful and throough. When published, this book should be in the library of every lover of Mexican birds. Many of the areas addressed below are discussed in considerable detail in this book.
--Edwards, Finding Birds in Mexico. Now a bit dated (most recent update 1985), but still with some good information (e.g. if you have some time in Puerto Vallarta, this is the only location guide that really gives any good information on where to look; birding at Km 176 covered in these notes resulted from a reference in this book).
--Schaldach, The Avifauna of Colima and Adjacent Jalisco, Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, Vol 1 No. 1 (April 1963). This pioneering reference work is not really critical to one's trip, but is really great to read. While much of the information is sadly out of date (deforestation continues, as always), there is still a wealth of helpful and interesting information. Good luck finding a copy!
--Mason and Mason, A Handbook of Mexican Roadside Flora, Univeristy of Arizona Press. Can be a bit awkward to use, but it is packed with information on the plants and trees throughout Mexico, concentrating on common roadside species. The key is necessarily broad and a little ambiguous and organization of the text is by family. If your question is "what's the tree with the big yellow flowers?" you will have to do a bit of page flipping to find out that it is Amapa (Tabebuia chrysantha).
--Wright, A Guide to Mexican Mammals and Reptiles, part of "Minutiae Mexicana" series. Not much of a book, but not too many alternatives that I am aware of other than bulky technical manuals. The excellent Neotropical Rainforest Mammals guide does not really extend this far north.
--Wauer, A Naturalist's Mexico. Very entertaining account of a naturalist/tour leader's excursions in Mexico includes a chapter on the Volcan and Puerto Los Mazos areas.
--Whipperman, Pacific Mexico Handbook (Moon). There are various options for travel guides in the area. This one covers the area well, including the city of Colima, and worked well for us. We also include some food and lodging information in the location entries, below.
2. Maps.
--Guia Roji series works well enough for general highway navigation. #13 Jalisco covers the entire area. #6 Colima is also useful, but doesn't really add much that isn't on the Jalisco map (the Manzanillo Airport road and Playa de Oro Road are shown accurately, for what it's worth). I believe that both maps are included in a Guia Roji Road Atlas, which makes sense if you are traveling to other areas in Mexico. I found this series selling at Rand McNally and Thomas Brothers stores in San Francisco.
--Topographical maps are nice to have, especially the 1:250,000 series, which cover a fair amount of ground (2 maps cover most of this trip region, plus 1 additional map if you absolutely positively need to have the Puerto Vallarta/El Tuito area on a topographical map). These maps show elevations, natural features, and out-of-date road information. The 2 you want are Colima E13-3 and E13-2-5. Order them from MapLink (805-692-6777), who will also send an index sheet for all of Mexico, or Omni Resources (800-742-2677). Real map junkies can also order up the 1:50,000 series, although at $10 per map the habit can get pretty expensive. If you are interested, the Volcan de Fuego area is covered on map #E13B25 (Ciudad Guzman). Locating specific areas in the 1:50,000 series requires a certain amount of hit-or-miss ordering.
3. Checklists. Howell publishes "A Field Check-List to the Birds of Mexico" which works just fine. The most recent ABA catalog shows a new revision to the 1987 one we used, but to date it is not yet in stock. There are certainly other checklists available from various sources. You can find one on-line at http://siti.simplinet.com/musave.dir/htm.dir/filogene.htm
4. Trip Lists. The August 1996 issue of The American Birding Association's Winging It newsletter contained a very helpful article by Clyde Morris and Joelle Buffa on birding in the Volcan de Fuego and adjacent areas. Many birders have kindly made available their trip notes, most of which can be found at http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~elbryan/triplist.html.
5. Tapes. We recommend bringing the Coffey tapes, and making a compilation of the others so you don't have to rent a trailer for your cassette library.
--Coffey and Coffey, Songs of Mexican Birds. 2 volumes, essential for anyone serious about Mexican birds.
--Delaney, Bird Songs of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico. Has many species not typically available on other tapes.
--Specialty tapes. A variety of helpful tapes contain whole families of birds, e.g. Voices of New World Owls, Voices of the Wrens, etc. Most (all?) are carried by ABA Sales.
1. Where to Land.
Puerto Vallarta gives you the possibility of a few extra northern species, and Military Macaws at El Tuito. If time is short, you would be better off flying into Guadalajara or Manzanillo. Manzanillo must be the most picturesque place to land, but it is the smallest airport and probably requires a plane change elsewhere in Mexico. Guadalajara would be the best bet if you are just going to the Volcan.
2. Car Rental.
Car rental is the single largest expense of most Mexican birding trips. In some regions it is possible to do without a car (e.g. Cozumel Island, Palenque), but without a lot of extra time it would be difficult in this region. We reserved a Jeep Wrangler from National Rent a Car (not particularly recommended) in Puerto Vallarta. At the counter the clerk talked us into switching to a Nissan Sentra (same rate). The car was comfortable, had A/C and a lockable trunk, all good features. It was also expensive and not particularly rugged (one bad hole in Playa Del Oro Road cost us two flat tires). On other trips I have rented VW bugs--they are very durable and economical. There isn't much trunk space, however. If I do this trip again I will probably go with the Bug.
About 25 kilometers south of Puerto Vallarta on Highway 200 there is a large pull-off on the right just past the kilomter 176 marker. This is an area of dry oaks with some pines (the pines rapidly become more prominent just above this area) with a thin scrub understory. This area is described in Edwards, Finding Birds in Mexico. It makes a great late afternoon destination after landing at Puerto Vallarta. There are quite a few of the dry low to mid elevation forest species, and at about 6:10 p.m. we had superb looks at a pair of Military Macaws. Other birds included Orange-fronted Parakeet, Cinnamon Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, White-throated Thrush, migrant warblers and tanagers and Stripe-headed Sparrow.
Between Km 175 and 174 on Highway 200 is a good dirt road heading directly east of the highway. There are a number of old signs rusting away at the turnoff. If you continue south on Highway 200 to the town of El Tuito you have gone too far. Proceed up the dirt road past the abandoned quarry buildings for about 2 km. The road winds up and down a ridge, and various overgrown service or fire roads take off from the main dirt road. Birding is good (at least in the morning when we were there) at the very beginning of the road and up on the ridges. We identified 38 species of birds in this area, including Short-tailed Hawk, Military Macaw (calling from the canyon below--the same canyon that cuts near the highway at Km 176), Lilac-fronted Parrot, Berryline Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, Buff-bellied Flycatcher, Brown-backed Solitaire, Happy Wren, various migrant warblers, Rufous-capped Warbler, Grayish Saltator, Varied Bunting, Black-headed Siskin.
LODGING NOTE: There is a nice looking simple, small hotel in El Tuito. We didn't stay there, but it looked possible, and would certainly be convenient.
Just off Highway 200, approximately 150 km south of Puerto Vallarta are some obvious ponds and surrounding wetlands near the town of Chamela. The town is south of the town of Jose Maria Morelos, but north of Emiliano Zapata. Chamela itself is not on the highway, nor is it immediately visible from the ponds. Park off the highway and walk along the dirt road that runs west toward the ocean. One road is posted, but another fork is not. The ponds are surrounded by thorn scrub, and closer to the ocean, mangrove thickets. We had our best showing of shorebirds and waterfowl in this location, even better than the Manzanillo Ponds (although they have other attributes these ponds do not). Birds included Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpiper, Black Skimmer, Vermillion Flycatcher, Mangrove Swallow, San Blas Jay, Stripe-headed Sparrow. Not far from here is an interesting looking Nature Preserve. Other travelers to this area have written about it in trip notes (see above).
Not really a birding destination, but a wonderful place to stay. See if Butch is still running snorkel trips out of Manglito's Restaurant, and if he is, take a break from birding for a day. Another idea would be to arrange for a trip up into the mangroves lining the lagoons behind Barra. The lagoons abound with herons, including Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and Reddish Egret. Magnificent Frigatebirds and Brown Boobies cruise overhead allowing close observation, and gulls and terns make themselves heard and seen. Go fishing and have Manglito's cook up your catch for a few dollars.
FOOD/LODGING NOTE: There are any number of simple, acceptable places to stay in Barra. We stayed at the Hotel Barra de Navidad, which was fine (around $30/night for 2 beds). We avoided the very nice looking Hotel Delfin simply because it is right across the street from a disco. The food in Barra is very good, again with plenty of choices. Our favorite was Restaurant Paty, a simple sidewalk barbeque place. El Manglitos is also nice, but more touristy. The food in the place across the street from the Hotel Barra de Navidad is fine (Ramon's?), but on 2 separate occasions we had serious questionss about the bill.
This area of grassy wetlands is very convenient and easy to bird, but watch out for chiggers and biting ants in the thick grass and Acacia scrub. It is located in the state of Colima about 35 km north of Manzanillo and 6.5 Km south of Cihuatlan. The turnoff is well-marked from Highway 200. The permanent ponds are located about 5 Km down the road toward the airport, but the whole area can be good. Surrounding the ponds is acacia scrub, with mangroves closer to the airport You can bird from the road or walk along dirt roads around the ponds. Highlights of the 69 species we saw here were Anhinga, Roseate Spoonbill, Cinnamon Teal, West Mexican Chachalaca, Limpkin, Golden-cheeked Woodpecker, Thick-billed Kingbird, San Blas Jay, Bell's Vireo, Palm Warbler (among many other migrants), Greyish Saltator, Streak-backed Oriole, Yellow-winged Cacique.
We mention this location with mixed feelings. Although carloads of birders and bird tours have stopped here regularly at all hours, it is apparently a somewhat unsavory area. We were warned by several locals that it is a "bad" road, where assaults and thefts occurred regularly, and is a dumping ground for stolen rental cars. We were not reassured by the thatched bus shelter that burned in the week separating our two brief visits to this spot, nor by the 2 flat tires we suffered here on our first stopover. If you do choose to drive and bird this road, WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG HOLE IN THE COBBLE about 50 yards down the road. It comes complete with sidewall-mauling rebar, and is cleverly concealed by grass growing to the level of the rest of the cobbles. Otherwise the road isn't so bad, at least as far as we drove it. When we return to this part of Mexico--as we most assuredly will--we will probably try to find an alternative locale (perhaps the Chamela Preserve) for this habitat (dry coastal thorn forest). On our brief stops here we did manage to locate Collared Forest-Falcon, Lilac-crowned Parrot, Thick-billed Kingbird, White-throated Magpie-Jay, San Blas Jay, Sinaloa Wren, Orange-breasted Bunting, Stripe-headed Sparrow and Yellow-winged Cacique.
The charming small city of Colima is a great location to rest, shop (much better handicraft prices here than on the coast), restock with supplies and take a break from birding. Better yet, it would be a great place to retire! For birds drive toward Jiquilpan on Highway 110 to the fairly obvious microwave towers and shrine. Stay left at the intersection of the side road that goes to the small town of Piscila, then shortly after (about 7 Km from Colima), turn right up the steep but good cobble road signed "Microondas La Cumbre" to the top of the hill (about 3.5 Km to the top). There is a semi-ruined shrine with a huge statue of the Virgin Mary on top. Others have reported good birds late in the afternoon, but we found only wind, garbage and spectacular views at that time. The bats emerge from the statue within a half hour after sunset. Least (Colima) Pygmy Owl was calling from the very dry thorn forest about halfway down the cobble road about an hour after sunset. A Buff-collared Nightjar sat in the middle of the road, 10 feet in front of the car.
We went back in the early morning, at which time the summit was calm. Near the glider-launching platform on the south-west side of the hill were a good collection of birds warming and singing in the morning sun, including West-Mexican Chachalaca, Lesser Roadrunner, Rufous-naped Wren, Orange-breasted Bunting, and Black-chested Sparrow. A track about 2/3 of the way up had some of these as well as a Red-breasted Chat, but the thick undergrowth and very wary birds prevented good views.
FOOD/LODGING NOTES: The often-recommended Motel Los Candiles is very nice, and well-located for a quick morning getaway to the Volcan. It ran about $42 per night for two beds with A/C (which wasn't really necessary). Economical rooms with a fan only would have been about $25, I think. We also spent a night at the Hotel Ceballos ($17 for 2 beds and a fan). It was right in the middle of town, which is good and bad. Good, because we could stroll out for dinner, sit in the square, shop a little, etc.; bad, because it was very noisy, and getting out of the locked parking lot before dawn could be difficult (we slept in that day!). The food was good--one night at El Charco de la Higuera near a little park and church, and another night at El Naranjo (a steakhouse) near the Ceballos.
Truly one of the best places for birds we have ever been. Others (see especially the Winging It article) describe the access and logistics of a visit here. Briefly stated, from the town of Atenquique head back toward Colima on old ("libre", as opposed to "cuota") Highway 110. About 2 Km south of town the dirt road (marked "Telmex R.M.O. Cerro Alto") takes off to the right. Road conditions are extremely variable. It was obvious that there will be times when the road is simply impassable, or would require extremely high clearance, while at other (most?) times the typical rental car can make it if you drive slowly and carefully. Spending the night would be ideal; we didn't because we were concerned that late afternoon thundershowers might make certain stretches of the road too difficult. It just depends on your car, your attitude, the weather. On earlier trips our friend Al DeMartini solved this problem by walking up the whole way and spending a number of days on the mountain--surely the most economical and enjoyable way to see this splendid locale.
By all means allow enough time here. A good plan would be to allow at least one morning on the lower elevation stretches, one on the middle zone (above and below the microwave towers at around Km 13.1) and one on the higher forested elevation areas. By not spending the night we missed the night birds and we had only a fleeting glimpse of the often-heard Long-tailed Wood Partridges, but we saw most everything else (the inevitable misses didn't have to do with what time we were up on the mountain). During our visit the first few kilometers had mostly north-bound migrants, but this was some of the most fun birding on the trip. Gorgeous birds were popping out of every bush, flying every which way.
Our bird list during 2 full days (starting at dawn at Atenquique) totaled 115 species with a wealth of endemics and beautiful common species such as Short-tailed Hawk, Great Black Hawk, West Mexican Chachalaca, Crested Guan, Long-tailed Wood-Partridge, Banded Quail, Lesser Roadrunner, White-eared Hummingbird, Mountain Trogon, Strickland's and Gray-crowned Woodpeckers, White-striped Woodcreeper, Tufted Flycatcher, a large number of empids, Gray-collared Becard, Mexican Chickadee, Gray-barred and Happy Wrens, Brown-backed Solitaire, Blue Mockingbird, Grey Silky-Flycatcher, Golden Vireo, Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo, 16 species of warbler including Red-faced, Crescent-chested, Red, Rufous-capped, Golden-browed and Olive, Flame-colored Tanager, Greyish Saltator, Green-striped Brushfinch, Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow, Collared Towhee and Streak-backed Oriole.
Our big misses were the night birds (see above), Dwarf Vireo, Colima Warbler, Red-headed Tanager and Rufous-capped Burshfinch. With all the other birds we were seeing, frankly, it was hard to care.
LODGING NOTES: If you don't stay up on the volcano, Ciudad Guzman is somewhat closer, and has plenty of fine looking motels. Colima is much nicer, and not more than a half hour further away. Getting away at/before dawn isn't that difficult, and the roads from either place are excellent.
Just north of Ciudad Guzman are permamanent lakes and seasonal wetlands. The species mix does not include many of the "specialities" of the Colima/Jalisco area, but does allow for interesting day lists. How many times can you see Lesser Roadrunner, Black-chested Sparrow Clark's Grebe and Snow Goose on the same day? We counted 50 species, among which were many herons and ducks, the aforementioned Snow Goose (100 or so in scattered flocks, probably the remnants of large winter flocks), a possibly out of range Ferruginous Hawk, sandpipers, Loggerhead Shrike, Common (Chapala) Yellowthroat, and Yellow-headed Blackbird.
This is another microwave tower road located about 15.7 kilometers south-west of Autlan de Navarro off Highway 80 (the main highway between Barra de Navidad area and Guadalajara). The road climbs 4.7 kilometers through dry oak forest up to somewhat wetter forest near the summit of the towers. The road continues on beyond, but through less appealing habitat. It could eventually reach higher elevation cloud forest, so maybe there is an opportunity for an adventuresome birder with time to spare. This spot was a little disappointing after the Volcan, but is still worth checking. On a shorter trip that includes the Volcan I would consider skipping this spot. The road may be walked, and possibly driven to the top (check in with official at the forestry hut at the beginning of the road). There was a Hook-billed Kite in the trees right at the gate at the start of the road (snails, anyone, in dry oak tree tops?). In a morning of birding we found 44 species, most notably including Hook-billed Kite, Berylline Hummingbird, Mexican Woodnymph, Gray-crowned Woodpecker, Ivory-billed Woodcreeper, Bright-rumped Attila, Happy Wren, Brown-backed Solitaire, Blue Mockingbird, Grey Silky-Flycatcher, Golden Vireo, Crescent-chested, Golden-crowned and Rufous-capped Warbler , Green-striped Brushfinch, Black-headed Siskin.
FOOD/LODGING NOTES: The Hotel Autlan is a very comfortable hotel oriented toward Mexican business travelers. Our room was large, quiet, with 2 beds and a fan (no A/C necessary when we were there), all for about $20/night. The desk clerk recommended a couple of restaurants, but both were closed (Monday night), so we ate at the hotel, which was adequate. On the road between Autlan and Barra is the town of La Huerta. Restaurant Los Arcos was really great--$12 got us nicely prepared red snapper, beer, botanos, all on a shady patio with good local music on the jukebox. Say hi to Willy if he's still waiting tables there.
BARRANCA CHINCHO (Lazaro Cardenas).
This canyon is a lush riparian corridor in otherwise dry thorn forest and
agricultural areas. Many previous trip reports name it "Lazaro Cardenas
Canyon", after the nearby town of the same name. Actually the main
canyon is named Barranca Chincho, and the side canyon (up which the main
dirt road goes) is Barranca Puerto Este. We might as well use the proper
name from here on. There is water in Chincho, but Puerto Este was dry
at this time of year. An early morning trip is well worth it.
This is another of the great destinations in the area, with very satisying
numbers of species and good viewing conditions. We noted 36 species
including Zone-tailed Hawk, Collared Forest-Falcon, Laughing Falcon, Lilac-crowned
Parrot, Golden-crowned Emerald, Cinnamon Hummingbird, Plain-capped Starthroat,
Citreoline Trogon, Golden-cheeked Woodpecker, Rose-throated Becard, San Blas
Jay, Louisiana Waterthrush, Yellow Grosbeak, Blue Bunting and Yellow-winged
Location abbreviations:
Barra = Barra de Navidad, Jalisco
Volcan = Volcan de Fuego, Colima/Jalisco
La Cumbre = Microwave towers/shrine near Colima,
PLM = Puerto Los Mazos, near Autlan, Jalisco
Atoyac = lakes/wetlands north of Ciudad Guzman, Jalisco
BC = Barranca Chincho near Lazaro Cardenas, Jalisco
PDO = Playa de Oro Road, Colima
Manz Ponds = Manzanillo Airport Ponds, Colima
El Tuito = El Tuito Quarry road, Jalisco
K176 = Turnout off Highway 200 at kilometer 176
La Huerta = ponds near La Huerta on Barra/Autlan
Chamela = wetlands near Chamela, visible from Highway
(PJM only) means seen only by Peter Metropulos
* Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus). 2 in pond near highway toll booth near Atenquique (3/9).
* Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus p. podiceps). La Huerta, including 3 chicks (3/12).
* Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster). Common offshore, and inside lagoon at Barra; good vantage point for close observation is entrance to harbor/lagoon at Barra (3/7, 13-15).
* American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos). Manz ponds (3/8, 13), Atoyac (3/11).
* Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis). Common offshore throughout (3/7, 8, 12-15).
* Neotropic (Olivaceous) Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus brasilianus). Common near water throughout (3/8, 11-15).
* Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga leucogaster). 3 at Manz ponds (3/15).
* Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens). Common along coast throughout (3/7, 8, 12-15).
* Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12).
* Great Egret (Egretta alba egretta). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12), roadside wetlands (3/7, 13).
* Snowy Egret (Egretta thula). Atoyac (3/11), Barra (3/12, 14), Manz Ponds (3/15), roadside wetlands (3/8, 13).
* Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Ponds near Chamela (3/8), Barra (3/14).
* Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Ponds near Chamela (3/8), Atoyac (3/11).
* Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens). In mangroves in lagoon at Barra, seen from small boat (3/14).
* Cattle Egret (Bubulcus I. ibis). Abundant throughout, seen every day.
* Green [Green-backed] Heron (Butorides virescens). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), La Huerta (3/12), Atoyac (3/11), Barra 3/14).
* Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli). Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax violaceus). Barra, in lagoon, seen from boat but would have been visible from shore (3/14).
* White Ibis (Eudocimus albus). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), roadside wetlands (3/12), Manzanillo area (3/13), Barra (3/14).
* White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), La Huerta (3/12), Atoyac (3/11), Manzanillo area (3/13).
* Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja). Small numbers at Manz Ponds (3/8, 15).
* Wood Stork (Mycteria americana). Manz Ponds (3/8), Manzanillo area (3/13), high overhead Barra Lagoon (3/14).
* Snow Goose (Anser c. caerulescens). 50+ birds, remnants of the winter flocks, at northern Atoyac (3/11).
* Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca carolinensis). Atoyac (3/11).
* Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors). Manz Ponds (3/8), ponds near Chamela (3/8).
* Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium). 1 mixed in with larger numbers of Blue-winged, at both Manz Ponds (3/8) and Atoyac (3/11).
* Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata). Manz Ponds (3/8), ponds near Chamela (3/8). American Wigeon (Anas americana). 2 at ponds near Chamela (3/8), others at Atoyac (3/11).
* Ruddy Duck (Oxyura j. jamaicensis). In small pond near toll booth near Atenquique (3/9), Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12).
* Black Vulture (Corayps atratus). Seen every day, throughout.
* Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). Seen every day, throughout.
* Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12), Barra (3/14).
* Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus). PLM (3/12). A bit of a surprise in dry oaks at start of road, and another flying over ridge near microondas.
* White-tailed [Black-shouldered] Kite (Elanus leucurus majusculus). Volcan (lower elevation) (3/9), El Gruyo area (near Autlan) (3/11).
* Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus hudsonius). El Gruyo area (near Autlan) (3/11).
* Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus). 1 only, Volcan (3/10).
* Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperi). Surprisingly widespread, along roadsides (3/8-10, 15).
* Common Black Hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus). 1 poorly seen along roadside south of Puerto Vallarta (3/7).
* Great Black Hawk (Buteogallus urubitinga ridgwayi). 1 well seen on Volcan at around K15 (3/10). Definitely a case of "in the right place at the right time."
* Grey Hawk (Buteo nitidus). Common along roadside (3/8, 15), Mirador Beltran (near Atenquique) (3/9), Atoyac (3/11).
* Roadside Hawk (Buteo magnirostris). Fittingly, along roadside (3/8, 15).
* Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyrurus fullginosus). Single birds overhead at El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10).
* Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni). 1 only in vicinity of La Huerta (3/12)(PJM).
* White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus hypospodius). 1 circling over brush fire near Mirador Beltran off toll road near Atenquique (3/9), possibly the same bird nearby but from the old highway (3/10).
* Zone-tailed Hawk (Buteo a. albonotatus). Fairly frequently seen roadside in various locations including Atoyac (3/11), Barranca Chincho (3/13), and along Highway 200 (3/8, 15).
* Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). Widespread but not common, Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12), roadside (3/13, 15).
* Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis). 1 at Atoyac, in field just north of Ciudad Guzman (3/11); represents expansion from range reported in Howell & Webb; well seen (large-winged hawk with rust/brown back and shoulders, black wings, white patches near end of upper wing).
* Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8, 15), BC (3/13).
* Laughing Falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans). 2 heard only at top of Barranca Puerto Este (drier side canyon off BC)(3/13).
* Collared Forest-Falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus naso). 1 directly over head at BC (3/13), 1 heard at PDO 3/15).
* American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). Commmon and widespread, seen every day.
* Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus). 1 overhead on Volcan, from about K8 (3/9).
* West Mexican Chachalaca (Ortalis poliocephala). Volcan (3/9-10), La Cumbre (3/11), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds (3/15); a chachalaca flashing across the road near El Tuito (3/8) may have been a somewhat darker-bellied example of this species or possibly a Rufous-bellied [West Mexican] Chachalaca (O. Wagleri), which would have been slightly out of range (in either case it goes down as an unconfirmed sighting).
* Crested Guan (Penelope purpurascens). Calling all over Volcan (3/10), with a few individuals well seen.
* Long-tailed Wood-Partridge (Dendrotyx macroura). Heard on Volcan in morning hours 3/9-10), with one individual calling as low as around 5000'; 1 bird flushed from the road that was probably this species (3/10).
* Banded (Barred) Quail (Philortyx fasciatus). A covey of 7 birds seen right in road at K1 on Volcan at dawn (3/10). Not seen in same area later in the day.
* Purple Gallinule (Porphyrula martinica). 3 in ponds near turnoff to Melaque from Highway 200 (3/8).
* Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus cachinnans). Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* American Coot (Fulica a. americana). Widespread on fresh water.
* Limpkin (Aramus guarauna dolosus). 1, possibly 2 at Manz Ponds; 1 standing in middle of dirt dike road around perimeter of ponds (3/15).
* Killdeer (Charadrius v. vociferus). Atoyac (3/11), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus m. mexicanus). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana). Manz Ponds (3/8), Atoyac (3/11).
* Northern Jacana (Jacana s. spinosa). Ponds at Melaque turnoff from Highway 200 (3/8), Atoyac (3/11), La Huerta (3/12).
* Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca). Chamela (3/8), Atoyac (3/11), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). Chamela (3/8).
* Willet (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus). Barra (3/13-14).
* Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia). Chamela, Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Barra (3/14).
* Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus). On beach near Manzanillo power station outflow (3/14).
* Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa). Chamela (3/8).
* Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla). Chamela (3/8).
* Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus). Single birds mixed in with Long-billed Dowitchers at Chamela (3/8) and Atoyac (3/11).
* Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus). Chamela and Manz Ponds (3/8), Atoyac (3/11).
* Laughing Gull (Larus atricilla). Widespread along coast (3/7-8, 12-15).
* Heerman's Gull (Larus heermani). Barra (3/12-15), Manzanillo power plant outflow (3/13).
* Gull-billed Tern (Sterna nilotica). A few individuals mixed in with masses of Common Terns at Manzanillo power plant outflow (3/13).
* Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15).
* Royal Tern (Sterna m. maxima). Barra (3/12-15), Manzanillo power plant outflow (3/13).
* Elegant Tern (Sterna elegans). Manz Ponds (3/8), Barra (3/13-14).
* Common Tern (Sterna h. hirundo). Hundreds at Manzanillo power plant outflow (3/13), a few at Barra (3/14).
* Black Skimmer (Rynchops n. niger). Chamela (3/8), Barra (3/12, 14).
* Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) (Columba livia). Common in towns throughout. Seen every day.
* Red-billed Pigeon (Columba flavirostris). El Tuito (3/8), BC (3/13).
* White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), Volcan (lower elevations) (3/9-10).
* Inca Dove (Columbina inca). Volcan (lower elevations) (3/10), Atoyac (3/11), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Common Ground-Dove (Columbina passerina). Widespread roadside, seen nearly every day.
* Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), La Huerta (3/12), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* White-tipped Dove (Leptotila verreauxi). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Orange-fronted Parakeet (Aratinga canicularis). K176 (3/7), El Tuito (3/8), roadside Highway 200 (3/15).
* Military Macaw (Ara militaris). 2 well seen at 6:30 p.m. from K176 pullout (3/7), several heard, 1 seen in canyon below ridge at El Tuito in early morning (3/8).
* Mexican (Blue-rumped) Parrotlet (Forpus cyanopygius). Flock of 30+ flew over car near El Grullo; could be anywhere in El Grullo area (many fruiting fig trees scattered around valley) (3/11). Easy to miss this unpredictable bird.
* Lilac-crowned Parrot (Amazona finschi). El Tuito (3/8), BC (3/13), PDO Road (3/15).
* Squirrel Cuckoo (Piaya cayana). 1 flew in front of car near K176, surprinsingly, no others recorded on trip (3/7).
* Lesser Roadrunner (Geococcyx velox). Heard and quick look on Volcan (3/9), 1 sitting in morning sun at summit of La Cumbre (3/11).
* Groove-billed Ani (Crotophaga sulcirostris). Manz Ponds (3/8), Volcan (lower elevation) (3/9).
* Colima [Least] Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium palmarum). Heard only at about 7:30 p.m., halfway down cobble road at La Cumbre (3/9).
* Lesser Nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis). Barra (3/13).
* Buff-collared Nightjar (Caprimulgus ridgwayi). 1 sitting in road 10 feet in front of car at La Cumbre at about 7:30 p.m. (3/9).
* Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), Volcan (3/10).
* White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Golden-crowned [Fork-tailed] Emerald (Chlorostilbon auriceps). A real dazzler. 1 well up Barranca Puerto Este off BC (3/13).
* Mexican [Crowned] Woodnymph (Thalurania ridgwayi). 1 in dry oaks about 2.5 Km up PLM road (PJM only) (3/12).
* White-eared Hummingbird (Basilinna leucotis). The most common hummer at higher elevations, Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Berylline Hummingbird (Amazilia beryllina). K176 (3/7), El Tuito (3/8), PLM (3/12), BC (3/13).
* Cinnamon Hummingbird (Amazilia rutila). BC (3/13).
* Magnificent Hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens). Volcan (3/10), PLM (3/12).
* Plain-capped Starthroat (Heliomaster constantii). BC (3/13).
* Calliope Hummingbird (Archilochus calliope). PLM (3/12).
* Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus). Volcan (3/10), PLM (3/12).
* Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus). Volcan (3/10).
* Citreoline Trogon (Trogon citreolus). Pair at BC (3/13).
* Mountain Trogon (Trogon mexicanus). Once we learned the call, we discovered that they were quite common on the Volcan; 2 seen well, but quickly (3/9-10).
* Elegant Trogon (Trogon Elegans). K176 (3/7), El Tuito (3/8), probably heard on Volcan lower elevation) (3/9-10).
* Ringed Kingfisher (Ceryle t. torquata). Kingfishers in general were more scarce than expected. Manzanillo, near power plant outflow (3/13).
* Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), Barra (3/14), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana). 3 birds at Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus). Widespread in all forested areas, seen nearly every day.
* Golden-cheeked Woodpecker (Centurus chrysogenys). Puerto Vallarta (3/7), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10).
* Arizona [Stricklands] Woodpecker (Picoides arizonae [stricklandi?]). Volcan (3/9).
* Grey-crowned Woodpecker (Piculus auricularis). One just below Microondas on Volcan seemed a little high in elevation (3/9), PLM (3/12).
* Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus). PLM (3/12).
* Ivory-billed Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus flavigaster). PLM 3/12).
* White-striped Woodcreeper (Lepidocolaptes leucogaster). At around Km 11 on Volcan (3/10).
* Northern Beardless Tyrannulet (Camptostoma imberbe). Volcan (3/10).
* Tufted Flycatcher (Mitrephanes phaeocercus). Common on Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus borealis). Volcan (3/10).
* Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9), PLM (3/12), BC (3/13).
* Western Pewee (Wood-Pewee) (Contopus sordidulus). El Tuito (3/8).
* Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax trailii). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Volcan (3/9).
* Least Flycatcher (Empidonax minimus). BC (3/13) (PJM only).
* Hammond's Flycatcher (Empidonax hammondi). Volcan (3/9).
* Dusky Flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/13).
* Pine Flycatcher (Empidonax affinis). Volcan (3/9) (PJM only). Easy to overlook (I did!).
* Pacific-slope [Western] Flycatcher (Empidonax difficilis). 1 heard and seen well at BC (3/13).
* Cordilleran [Western] Flycatcher (Empidonax occidentalis). Many individuals seen and heard giving distinctive "broken" call on Volcan (3/9-10).
* Buff-breasted Flycatcher (Empidonax fulvifrons). El Tuito (3/8).
* Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus). Chamela (3/8), Volcan at Km 4 or so (3/9), Atoyac (3/11).
* Bright-rumped Attila (Attila spadiceus). Heard only, but commonly, at El Tuuito (3/8), PLM (3/12), BC (3/13). Will I ever see one of these?
* Dusky-capped (Olivacous) Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer). Common throughout in all forested areas. Seen most days.
* Nutting's Flycatcher (Myiarchus nuttingi). La Cumbre (3/11), BC (3/13).
* Brown-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus). Common along roadsides and throughout lower elevations including Manz Ponds. Only not seen in higher elevation areas.
* Boat-billed Flycatcher (Megarynchus pitanga). El Tuito (3/8).
* Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similes). Chamela (3/8), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris). Briefly seen at El Tuito (3/8).
* Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus). Widespread, seen every day.
* Cassin's Kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans). Volcan lower elevations (3/9-10), roadside on road to Atoyac (3/11).
* Thick-billed Kingbird (Tyrannus crassirostris). Manz Ponds, PDO (3/15).
* Grey-collared Becard (Pachyramphus major). One pair only, at around Km 16 on Volcan (3/10).
* Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae albiventris). BC (3/13).
* Masked Tityra (Tityra semifasciata). PLM (3/3/12), BC (3/13).
* Gray-breasted Martin (Progne chalybea). Roadside Highway 200 (3/7).
* Mangrove Swallow (Tachycineta a. albilinea). Chamela (3/8).
* Violet-green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina). (Volcan, Barranca Beltran (3/9).
* Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis). Widespread, seen almost every day.
* Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), Roadside near Colima (3/10), Atoyac (3/11), Barra (3/14), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Black-throated Magpie Jay (Calocitta colliei). Roadside Highway 200 near Puerto Vallarta (3/7) (PJM only).
* White-throated Magpie-Jay (Calocitta formosa). PDO (3/8), La Cumbre (3/11).
* Green Jay (Cyanocorax yncas). PLM (3/12).
* San Blas Jay (Cyanocorax sanblasianus). Chamela (3/8), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Gray-breasted (Mexican) Jay (Aphelocama wollweberi). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Northern (Common) Raven (Corax corax). Volcan (3/9).
* Mexican Chickadee (Parus sclateri). A small flock around Km 18 on Volcan (3/10).
* Bridled Titmouse (Parus wollweberi). Volcan (3/9), PLM (3/12).
* Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus). Including Black-eared form, on Volcan (3/9-10).
* White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). Volcan (3/9).
* Brown Creeper (Certhia americana). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Grey-barred Wren (Campylorhynchus megalopterus). Noisy and conspicuous on Volcan (3/9-10).
* Rufous-naped Wren (Campylorhynchus rufinucha). At summit of La Cumbre (3/11).
* Canyon Wren (Catherpes mexicanus). Heard only, at Mirador Beltran (3/9).
* Happy Wren (Thryothorus felix). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9), PLM (3/12).
* Sinaloa Wren (Thryothorus sinaloa). Probably pretty common throughout, but only one seen well, on PDO (3/15).
* Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii). An old friend at Volcan (3/9) and Atoyac (3/11).
* Brown-throated [House] Wren (Troglodytes brunneicollis). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris). Heard only at Atoyac (3/11).
* Grey-breasted Wood-Wren (Henicorhina leucophrys). Heard only, on Volcan (3/10).
* Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Blue-grey Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea). Widespread, seen almost every day. Try as we might, we could never make any of these into other gnatcatcher species.
* Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis). Volcan (3/9), PLM (3/12).
* Brown-backed Solitaire (Myadestes occidentalis). Heard everywhere at higher elevations, rarely seen (though most easily at PLM). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush (Catharus aurantiirostris). PLM (3/12).
* White-throated Thrush (Robin) (Turdus assimilis). K176 (3/7), Volcan (3/10).
* Blue Mockingbird (Melanotis caerulescens). Common even at fairly high elevations. A pretty good mimic--1 at Km 13.1 on Volcan was doing a credible version of Mexican Whip-poor-will alternating with a Mountain Trogon and others. Be careful with casual "heard only" calls in odd places. Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos leucopterus). Roadside Highway 200, especially North toward Puerto Vallarta (3/7, 15).
* Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Grey Silky (Silky-Flycatcher) (Ptilogonys cinereus). Abundant on Volcan (3/9-10) and PLM (3/12). 1st sighting was low on Volcan Road (around Km 4), in snag with Cedar Waxwings, framed against the blue sky with the smoking volcano in the background--what a sight!
* Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus). Atoyac (3/11).
* Bell's Vireo (Vireo belli). Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Blue-headed [Solitary] Vireo (Vireo s. solitarius). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12). The AOU has not recognized the split with the following species.
* Plumbeous [Solitary] Vireo (Vireo plumbeus). El Tuito (3/8).
* Hutton's Vireo (Vireo huttoni). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Golden Vireo (Vireo hypochryseus). Much scarcer than expected. Heard on Volcan (3/10), heard and briefly glimpsed at PLM (3/12).
* Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus). Chamela (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), BC (3/13).
* Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo (Vireolanius melitophrys). Pair seen well (but heard first) on Volcan right at road junction to microondas as Km 13.1 (3/9), also heard further up road (3/10). Best bet is to learn the song and call well.
* Orange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata). Common and widespread throughout, seen almost every day. Song is similar to Colima Warbler, but every one we tracked down was an Orange-crowned.
* Nashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla). Seen every day in every major locale.
* Crescent-chested Warbler (Vermivora superciliosa). This pretty warbler is not at all hard to find, Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Tropical Parula (Parula pitiayumi). BC (3/13).
* Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Atoyac (3/11), Barra (3/12).
* Yellow-rumped [Audubon's] Warbler (Dendroica coronata auduboni). K106 (3/7), El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), Atoyac (3/11).
* Black-throated Grey Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10).
* Townsend's Warbler (Dendroica townsendi). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Hermit Warbler (Dendroica occidentalis). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Grace's Warbler (Dendroica graciae). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10).
* Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum). Unexpected vagrant at Manz Ponds, possibly 2 birds (3/15).
* Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12), BC (3/13).
* American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Manz Ponds (3/15)(PJM only).
* Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15).
* Louisina Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla). Heard only along stream at BC (3/13).
* MacGillivray's Warbler (Oporornis tolmiei). PDO (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). Manz Ponds (3/15), "Chapala" subspecies (G.t. chapalensis) at Atoyac (3/11).
* Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla). Seen widely nearly every day.
* Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Red Warbler (Ergaticus ruber). Another stunner. Fairly common on Volcan, including at lower elevations than expected, starting around Km 14 (3/10).
* Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus). Volcan (3/9-10), PLM (3/12).
* Golden-crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus). PLM (3/12) (PJM only).
* Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9), PLM (3/12).
* Golden-browed Warbler (Basileuterus belli). Initially casually misidentified as Rufous-capped, though actually quite different, Volcan (3/10).
* Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens). Manz Ponds (3/8, 15), Volcan (3/10).
* Red-breasted Chat (Granatellus venustus). Seen well enough to identify, but not well enough to admire, which is too bad, La Cumbre (3/11).
* Olive Warbler (Peucedramus taeniatus). Volcan (3/9) (PJM only).
* Hepatic Tanager (Piranga flava). K176 (3/7), PLM (3/12).
* Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra). K176 (3/7), Volcan (3/10), BC (3/13).
* Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana). BC (3/13).
* Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata). Volcan (3/10), PLM (3/12).
* Grayish Saltator (Saltator coerulescens). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Yellow Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysopeplus). BC (3/13).
* Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus). Male at El Tuito (3/8), sub-adult male in tree with Black-headed Grosbeak on Volcan (3/10).
* Black-headed Grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocepahlus). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina). We had to work harder for this one than we had thought would be necessary, but they proved to be common at BC (3/13).
* Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea). Volcan, at lower elevations (3/9-10).
* Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea). Volcan (3/9), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Varied Bunting (Passerina versicolor). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), La Cumbre (3/11).
* Orange-breasted Bunting (Passerina leclancherii). A jewel, worth the whole trip. Best seen at La Cumbre (3/11), also well up Puerto Este at BC (3/13), PDO (3/15).
* Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris). Female at Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Green-striped Brushfinch (Atlapetes virenticeps). Volcan (3/10), PLM (3/12). A real skulker, but not impossible.
* Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow (Melozone kieneri). Volcan (3/9).
* Collared Towhee (Pipilo ocai). Abundant on Volcan, but very hard to get a good look at one (3/9-10).
* Canyon [Brown] Towhee (Pipilo fuscus). Volcan, lower elevations (3/9).
* Blue-black Grassquit (Volatinia jacarina spendens). Only a few, on the lower elevations of the Volcan (3/9), or were we just not really looking?
* White-collared [Cinnamon-rumped] Seedeater (Sporophila t. torqueola). Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer (Diglossa baritula). Heard only, on Volcan around Km 20 (3/10). This one tantalized us for a good 20 minutes with repeated loud song and chatter, but we couldn't get it to pop out into view.
* Black-chested Sparrow (Aimophila humeralis). A pair in some kind of breeding ritual (each alternately raising one wing after the other) at summit of La Cumbre (3/11).
* Stripe-headed Sparrow (Aimophila ruficauda). Very common in all low-middle elevation habitats. Missing only at the Volcan, PLM and around the lakes at Atoyac.
* Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina). Volcan, lower elevation (3/9).
* Lark Sparrow (Chodestes grammacus). Volcan, lower elevation (3/9).
* Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii). Volcan, lower elevation (3/9), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana). Manz Ponds (3/15) (PJM only).
* Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus). Atoyac (3/11), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). Huge flocks in cattails at Atoyac (3/11).
* Brewer's Blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus). Atoyac (3/11).
* Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus). Abundant in most habitats (not Volcan, PLM), seen almost every day (only missed when we weren't paying attention).
* Bronzed (Red-eyed) Cowbird (Molothrus aeneus). Roadside Highway 200 (3/8), Roadside Colima/Autlan area (3/11-12), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Roadside Colima area (3/10), Atoyac, Autlan vicinity (3/11-12).
* Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius). Barra (3/14), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Hooded Oriole (Icterus cucullatus). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9).
* Streak-backed Oriole (Icterus pustulatus). The most common oriole throughout; seen at El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds (3/15).
* Bullock's [Northern] Oriole (Icterus bullockii). El Tuito (3/8), Volcan (3/9-10).
* Yellow-winged Cacique (Cacicus melanicterus). Roadside Highway 200 (3/7-8), BC (3/13), Manz Ponds, PDO (3/15).
* House Finch (Carpocacus mexicanus). Volcan (3/9-10).
* Black-headed Siskin (Carduelis notata). El Tuito (3/8), PLM (3/12).
* Lesser Goldfinch (Carduelis psaltria colombiana). Volcan (3/9-10).
* House Sparrow (Passer d. domesticus). Seen every day in populated
TOTAL: 263 species + 1 Howell & Webb species
MAMMALS: There is quite a bit of guesswork involved in mammal ID, due to brief looks and minimal reference material.
* Hog-nosed Skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) - seen on Volcan, lower elevation
* rabbit sp (probably Sylvilagus floridanus or cunicularis) - seen on Volcan at mid-elevation
* tree squirrel sp. - seen on Volcan, throughout mature oak forest
* "godzilla" vole - on Volcan in lower agricultural area; it had the shape of a vole--blocky body with rounded edges, very small tail, small (barely visible) ears, but it was pretty good size--body perhaps 8-12 inches long!?
* Coyote (Canus Latrans)
Francis Toldi
701 Walnut Avenue
Burlingame, CA 94010
(415) 344-1919 (home)
(415) 433-0660 (work)
e-mail: ftoldi@hooked.net