24 - 27 September 2000
by D.M. Brooks and J. Van Liere
* = denotes voucher recordings of selected species archived in Texas A&M
25 September 2000
~7:45 – 8:30 am
S. Nayarit: 4 km W Punta Mita exit, off Hwy. 200, unfinished development project with cobbled roads
hilly tropical coastal forest
1 Red-billed Pigeon
(5) Mourning Doves
5 Inca Doves
(1) White-tipped Dove*
1 Thick-billed Kingbird
(1) Citreoline Trogon*
2 Streak-backed Oriole*
~50 Yellow-winged Cacique*
~9 - 10:15 am
S. Nayarit: ~ 1km W Mezcales, off Hwy. 200 @ Ave. Mexico, towards Laguna Quelele
grassy fields and scrub, with some forest thicket mosaic
2 Cattle Egrets
2 Green Herons
4, 10 Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
8 Benson Quail (1 ind. eating in bean field, covey of 7 individuals comprised
of one or two adults and several full-size subadults)
(2) Killdeer
1 Black-necked Stilt
~5 Inca Doves
~10-15 Ruddy Ground Doves
6, 15 Mexican Parrotlet
6, 4 Groove-billed Ani
1 Lincoln’s Sparrow ?
2 Great Kiskadee
1 Tropical Kingbird
~10 Thick-billed Kingbird
1 Sinaloa Wren* (prob.)
3 Yellow Warblers (2 M, 1 F)
4 Thraupis Tanagers (as crazy as it sounds, appeared to be Palm, which
would be way out
of range…. DEFINITELY not Blue-Gray – waiting on pix)
~25-35 Blue-Black Grasquit* (incl. M displaying to F)
~10 (Cinnamon-rumped) Seedeater
~10 Bronzed Cowbird
1 Streak-backed Oriole
1 Yellow-winged Cacique
~1:30 pm
N. Jalisco: Mismaloya Beach
Riverine habitat draining into ocean
3 N. Rough-winged Swallows
2 Yellow-winged Caciques
~4 – 5:30 pm (sitting, overlooking forest)
N. Jalisco: ~16.5 km N El Tuito, R. Horcones W of Hwy. 200, Chico’s Paradise
hilly tropical riverine forest
1 Black Vulture
2 Turkey Vulture
~5 Orange-fronted Parakeet
1 Golden-cheeked Woodpecker
2 Social Flycatcher
1 Masked Tityra
2 Rufous-backed Thrush
1 Iguana
26 September 2000
~7:45 – 11:15 am
N. Jalisco: ~4.5 km N El Tuito, W of Hwy. 200 (uphill dirt road to abandoned quarry)
pine-oak montane forest
~20 Inca Dove
(3-5) Military Macaw*
~10 Orange-fronted Parakeet*
3 Groove-billed Ani*
1 Mountain Trogon (M)
5 Acorn Woodpecker*
2 Arizona Woodpecker
(1) Pale-billed Woodpecker (double tap, followed by 3rd tap after a pause)
2 Boat-billed Flycatcher* (pair harrassing / chasing Acorn Woodpeckers)
1 Western Kingbird (prob.)
(h) Green Jay (prob.)
(h) San Blas Jay* (prob.)
1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
1 Happy Wren (prob.)*
1 White-throated Thrush*
1 Cassin’s Vireo (prob.)
1 Yellow-Warbler (M)
2 Black and White Warbler
2 Rufous-capped Warbler*
4 Painted Redstart*
1 Red-breasted Chat
4 Hepatic Tanager (at least 2 M, 1 F)
2 Greyish Saltators (gulping proportionately huge round fruits ~1.5 cm)
4 Black-headed Siskin
2 Streak-backed Oriole*
7 Rusty sparrows (incl. 3 pairs)
27 September 2000
~8:45 – 9:30 am
S. Nayarit: ~5 km NE San Jose del Valle, off Route 58
agrarian pasture with trees and vines growing along fencerow
~40 Cattle Egret
~50 White-faced Ibis
~5 Common Ground Dove
~5 Ruddy Ground Dove
3-4 Groove-billed Ani
1 Golden-cheeked Woodpecker
2 Great Kiskadee
2 Social Flycatcher
2 Tropical Kingbird*
2 Western Kingbird*
~100 Barn Swallow (in town of San Jose del Valle)
2 Sinaloa Wren* (prob.)
2 Yellow Warbler (at least 1 M)
1 MacGillivray’s Warbler
1 Dickcissel*
~4 Blue-black Grasquits (incl. displaying M)
2-3 Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater (prob.)
4 Orchard Oriole (3 M, 1 F)
~5 Meadowlark (in field)
24 - 27 September 2000
casual observations from Hotel
N. Jalisco: Puerto Vallarta, Playa los Arcos Hotel
ocean front
~30 Brown Pelicans
2 Magnificent Frigatebirds (1 M, 1 F – some apparent courtship)
(3) Black-bellied Whistling Ducks