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MEXICO -- NAYARIT (San Francisco)

8 - 15 March 1998

by Robin Carter

To celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary my wife Caroline Eastman and I spent a week at the Costa Azul Adventure Resort ( in San Francisco (San Pancho), Nayarit, Mexico from 8 to 15 March, 1998.  This resort is on the Pacific, about 50 km northwest of Puerto Vallarta, about 2 km from the village in an area of fancy beach homes, surrounded by Sinaloa thorn scrub, Colima palm forest, and farm lands, as well as the Pacific Ocean, with both sandy and rocky shoreline, and a small freshwater estero at the mouth of a small river at the village.  We did not rent a car, but took a taxi to and from the resort, and went on several day trips organized by the resort. The weather was the same each day -- cool at night; clear and hot during the day, with temperatures ranging between 18 degrees C. (65 degrees F.) and 35 degrees C. (95 degrees F.)  All of our visit was at or near sea level.

Sunday, 8 March 1998.

This day was characterized by a hectic international flight from Atlanta to Mexico City, and a very stressful change of planes in Mexico City.  We arrived at Puerto Vallarta late in the afternoon, went through customs (for the second time, since we had also done so in Mexico City), and got a cab from the airport to the resort, very late in the day.  In fact we arrived after sunset.  From the cab we noticed the following birds --

(state of Jalisco)

Snowy Egret               2
Cattle Egret             25
Great-tailed Grackle    250
House Sparrow             4

Monday, 9 March 1998.

Today we explored the resort area on foot.  Early in the morning we walked along the beach to the freshwater estuary at the village, and then returned from the village via the unpaved road to the resort, which goes through excellent thorn scrub. After lunch we hiked up the mountain inland from the resort on a 3 km trail through a palm forest (very rough).  At dusk we returned to the estuary along the beach, and then back via the road through the thorn scrub.  Here is our day list (state of Nayarit):

Blue-footed Booby              10
Brown Booby                   100
Brown Pelican                 200
Neotropic Cormorant           200
Magnificent Frigatebird        30
Great Blue Heron                2
Great Egret                    20
Snowy Egret                    50
Tricolored Heron                4
Green Heron                     3
Black-crowned Night-Heron       2
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron     12
White Ibis                     50
White-faced Ibis                2
Black Vulture                  50
Turkey Vulture                100
Blue-winged Teal               10
Osprey                          1
Cooper's Hawk                   1
Gray Hawk                       2
American Kestrel                3
American Coot                  25
Wilson's Plover                 2
Killdeer                        6
Northern Jacana                 4
Willet                          5
Spotted Sandpiper               3
Whimbrel                        1
Heermann's Gull               500
Herring Gull                    1
Royal Tern                      8
Elegant Tern                    3
Red-billed Pigeon               2
Inca Dove                       8
Ruddy Ground-Dove               5
Orange-fronted Parakeet        20
Military Macaw                  2  (in a garden; tame?)
Groove-billed Ani              10
Belted Kingfisher               2
Green Kingfisher                2
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker       8
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper        1
Vermilion Flycatcher            2
Nutting's Flycatcher            2  (I.D. by call)
Great Kiskadee                  6
Social Flycatcher               4
Tropical Kingbird               6
Thick-billed Kingbird           3
Masked Tityra                   4
Plumbeous Vireo                 1
Golden Vireo                    4
Warbling Vireo                  2
Mangrove Swallow                4
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  30
Barn Swallow                    3
Sinaloa Wren                    8
Happy Wren                      3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher          12
Black-capped Gnatcatcher        1
Northern Mockingbird            3
Yellow Warbler                  2
MacGillivray's Warbler          3
Wilson's Warbler               10
Yellow-breasted Chat            1
White-collared Seedeater        1
Stripe-headed Sparrow           4
Yellow Grosbeak                 3
Blue Grosbeak                   4
Indigo Bunting                  2
Painted Bunting                 1
Great-tailed Grackle           25
Bronzed Cowbird                 2
Hooded Oriole                   3
Yellow-winged Cacique           8

Tuesday, 10 March 1998

Today we continued our exploration on foot of the area around the resort.  In the morning we walked a road through the thorn scrub out to some farm lands about 4 km from the resort.  In the afternoon we walked a shady road through some nice Colima palm forest, even though it was quite hot and there was not much bird activity.

Here is our day list (state of Nayarit):

Blue-footed Booby              5
Brown Booby                   15
Brown Pelican                 50
Neotropic Cormorant           50
Magnificent Frigatebird       20
Snowy Egret                    3
Cattle Egret                   8
Black Vulture                 30
Turkey Vulture                50
Gray Hawk                      2
Roadside Hawk                  1
Zone-tailed Hawk               2
Collared Forest-Falcon         1
Willet                         3
Laughing Gull                  5
Heermann's Gull             1000
Caspian Tern                   1
Royal Tern                    10
Elegant Tern                   2
Red-billed Pigeon              4
Inca Dove                     10
Ruddy Ground-Dove              5
White-tipped Dove              3
Ruddy Quail-Dove               1
Orange-fronted Parakeet       30
Yellow-headed Parrot           1
Groove-billed Ani              8
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl          5  (one seen well)
Elegant Trogon                 4
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker     10
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet  2
Gray Flycatcher                1
Pacific-slope Flycatcher       1  (I.D. by call)
Dusky-capped Flycatcher        3
Nutting's Flycatcher           1
Brown-crested Flycatcher       1
Great Kiskadee                 4
Social Flycatcher              4
Tropical Kingbird             10
Thick-billed Kingbird          1
Gray-collared Becard           1
Masked Tityra                  5
Bell's Vireo                   2
Golden Vireo                   2
Warbling Vireo                 1
Black-throated Magpie-Jay     12  (one flock)
Mangrove Swallow               1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 10
Sinaloa Wren                   5
Happy Wren                     4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher         15
Northern Mockingbird           1
Orange-crowned Warbler         1
Virginia's Warbler             2
Yellow Warbler                 1
Black-throated Gray Warbler    3
Black-and-white Warbler        1
MacGillivray's Warbler         2
Wilson's Warbler              12
Yellow-breasted Chat           1
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager        1
Summer Tanager                 1
White-collared Seedeater      10
Olive Sparrow                  5
Stripe-headed Sparrow         10
Grayish Saltator               2
Blue Grosbeak                  6
Indigo Bunting                 3
Orange-breasted Bunting        1  (female plumaged)
Painted Bunting                1
Hooded Oriole                  1
Yellow-winged Cacique         12

Wednesday, 11 March 1998.

Today we hiked along the road into the palm forest northwest of the resort, and we went on one of the "adventure trips", a boat trip to the Islas Marietas, rocky islands a few kilometers from shore, combined with a shore picnic at Punta Mita before returning to our "port", the village of Sayulita, which is 4 km south of San Pancho.  The islands were quite interesting, since they were covered with nesting boobies and gulls.  We also got in a little bit of snorkeling.

Here is our day list (state of Nayarit):

Blue-footed Booby              50
Brown Booby                   250
Brown Pelican                 200
Neotropic Cormorant           150
Magnificent Frigatebird       100
Great Blue Heron                2
Great Egret                    20
Snowy Egret                    10
Little Blue Heron               2
Tricolored Heron                4
Cattle Egret                   20
White-faced Ibis                1
Black Vulture                 100
Turkey Vulture                 50
Osprey                          1
Common Black-Hawk               2
Red-tailed Hawk                 1
Sanderling                      1
Red Phalarope                  12
Laughing Gull                 100
Heermann's Gull              2000
Royal Tern                      4
Elegant Tern                    2
Red-billed Pigeon               4
Inca Dove                      10
Ruddy Quail-Dove                1
Orange-fronted Parakeet        50
Squirrel Cuckoo                 1
Groove-billed Ani               5
Elegant Trogon                  3
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker       5
Pale-billed Woodpecker          1
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper        1
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet   4
Dusky-capped Flycatcher         5
Nutting's Flycatcher            1
Masked Tityra                   2
Golden Vireo                    2
San Blas Jay                    2
Common Raven                    1  (Punta Mita)
Sinaloa Wren                    4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher          12
Black-throated Gray Warbler     1
Wilson's Warbler                3
Lark Sparrow                    2  (Punta Mita)
Blue Bunting                    1
Great-tailed Grackle           25
House Sparrow                  10

Thursday, 12 March 1998.

Today we went with a group from the hotel by bus to the Tovara Springs boat ride near San Blas.  After a stop at the crocodile farm and lunch at the restaurant at the spring, we returned by small boat to our bus, where we continued into San Blas for a little sightseeing at the fort overlooking the city and near the plaza.  The bus ride from the resort took about 3 hours each way.

Here is our day list (state of Nayarit):

Least Grebe                  1
Blue-footed Booby            5
Brown Booby                 20
Brown Pelican              100
Neotropic Cormorant        500
Anhinga                      4
Magnificent Frigatebird    150
Great Blue Heron             3
Great Egret                 50
Snowy Egret                 20
Little Blue Heron            3
Tricolored Heron             5
Cattle Egret               100
Green Heron                  5
White Ibis                  50
Wood Stork                   1
Black Vulture              200
Turkey Vulture             200
Blue-winged Teal            20
Northern Shoveler            2
Gray Hawk                    4
Great Black-Hawk             1
Red-tailed Hawk              1
American Kestrel            15
American Coot               25
Black-necked Stilt          12
Greater Yellowlegs           1
Willet                       1
Whimbrel                     2
Stilt Sandpiper              1
Long-billed Dowitcher       10
Laughing Gull               20
Heermann's Gull             100
Rock Dove                   50
Mourning Dove                3
Inca Dove                   15
Ruddy Ground-Dove           20
Orange-fronted Parakeet     15
Groove-billed Ani           10
Ringed Kingfisher            1
Belted Kingfisher            6
Green Kingfisher             4
Vermilion Flycatcher         2
Great Kiskadee              10
Social Flycatcher            4
Tropical Kingbird           30
Thick-billed Kingbird        2
Loggerhead Shrike            2
Black-throated Magpie-Jay    1
Sinaloa Crow               250
Mangrove Swallow             1
Barn Swallow                 4
Sinaloa Wren                 5
Common Yellowthroat          3
Great-tailed Grackle       500
Yellow-winged Cacique        5
House Sparrow               25

Friday, 13 March 1998.

Today we again explored near the hotel.  At dawn we walked northwest along the road into a beautiful palm forest.  In the afternoon and at dusk we explored the thorn forest along the road to the village.

Here is our day list for Friday (state of Nayarit):

Blue-footed Booby              20
Brown Booby                    35
Brown Pelican                 100
Magnificent Frigatebird        50
Cattle Egret                   20
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron      1
Black Vulture                 100
Turkey Vulture                100
Collared Forest-Falcon          2
American Kestrel                1
Bat Falcon                      1
Rufous-bellied Chachalaca      30
Heermann's Gull               100
Red-billed Pigeon               6
Inca Dove                      10
Ruddy Ground-Dove              10
Orange-fronted Parakeet        35
Mexican Parrotlet              50
Squirrel Cuckoo                 1
Groove-billed Ani              20
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl           1
Broad-billed Hummingbird        1
Cinnamon Hummingbird            1
Citreoline Trogon               1
Elegant Trogon                  6
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker       5
Lineated Woodpecker             1
Pale-billed Woodpecker          1
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper        1
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet   6
Greenish Elaenia                1
Willow Flycatcher               1  (I.D. by call note)
Bright-rumped Attila            1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher         5
Nutting's Flycatcher            1
Flammulated Flycatcher          2
Great Kiskadee                 10
Boat-billed Flycatcher          2
Social Flycatcher               3
Tropical Kingbird               8
Cassin's Kingbird               1
Masked Tityra                   6
Golden Vireo                    3
Warbling Vireo                  1
Mangrove Swallow                1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow   2
Sinaloa Wren                    2
Happy Wren                      6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher          15
Rufous-backed Robin             2
Nashville Warbler               1
Northern Parula                 1
Tropical Parula                 1
Black-throated Gray Warbler     2
MacGillivray's Warbler          1
Common Yellowthroat             1
Wilson's Warbler                4
Summer Tanager                  1
Western Tanager                 2
Olive Sparrow                   1
Stripe-headed Sparrow           3
Grayish Saltator                2
Indigo Bunting                  2
Streak-backed Oriole            1

Saturday, 14 March 1998.

Today we explored the thorn forest near the resort in the morning.  Late in the day we boarded a van to Puerto Vallarta, where we had a sunset sail on the Bay of Banderas before returning to our hotel.

Here is our list of land birds (near the hotel and along the road to Puerto Vallarta, state of Nayarit):

Blue-footed Booby              25
Brown Booby                    10
Brown Pelican                  35
Neotropic Cormorant             5
Magnificent Frigatebird        30
Great Egret                     3
Cattle Egret                   15
Black Vulture                  50
Turkey Vulture                 50
Fulvous Whistling-Duck        100  (along MX 200)
American Kestrel                2
Laughing Gull                   5
Heermann's Gull               100
Elegant Tern                    3
Rock Dove                      25
Inca Dove                       5
Ruddy Ground-Dove               2
White-tipped Dove               1
Orange-fronted Parakeet        30
Mexican Parrotlet              20
Groove-billed Ani               4
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl           1
Cinnamon Hummingbird            1
Citreoline Trogon               2
Elegant Trogon                  1
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker       4
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet   2
Pacific-slope Flycatcher        1
Dusky-capped Flycatcher         3
Nutting's Flycatcher            1  (I.D. by voice)
Flammulated Flycatcher          2
Great Kiskadee                 10
Social Flycatcher               5
Tropical Kingbird              10
Thick-billed Kingbird           2
Rose-throated Becard            1
Masked Tityra                   4
Bell's Vireo                    2
Plumbeous Vireo                 1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow   3
Happy Wren                      3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher          10
Northern Mockingbird            1
Orange-crowned Warbler          1
Yellow Warbler                  1
Black-throated Gray Warbler     3
Black-and-white Warbler         1
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat       1
Wilson's Warbler                6
Yellow-breasted Chat            2
Stripe-headed Sparrow          12
Blue Grosbeak                   2
Painted Bunting                 1
Great-tailed Grackle           30
Streak-backed Oriole            1
Yellow-winged Cacique           5

Here is our list from the city of Puerto Vallarta and the sailing trip on the Bay of Banderas (state of Jalisco):

Blue-footed Booby              25
Brown Booby                   100
Brown Pelican                  50
Magnificent Frigatebird        50
White Ibis                      1
Black Vulture                  20
Turkey Vulture                 30
Sanderling                      1
Laughing Gull                 200
Heermann's Gull               500
Black Tern                     12
Mangrove Swallow                1
Barn Swallow                    5
Great-tailed Grackle           20

Sunday, 15 March 1998.

This was our last day at the resort.  We had time for one last dawn walk in the thorn forest, and then took a taxi to the Puerto Vallarta airport for the flight home.

Here is our list for the walk near the resort and the road to the airport (state of Nayarit only):

Blue-footed Booby             6
Brown Pelican                10
Anhinga                       1
Magnificent Frigatebird       5
Great Blue Heron              1
Great Egret                   2
Black Vulture                25
Turkey Vulture               15
Fulvous Whistling-Duck      100
Laughing Falcon               1
American Kestrel              1
Willet                        1
Heermann's Gull               50
Elegant Tern                  4
Rock Dove                    10
Inca Dove                     5
Ruddy Ground-Dove             2
White-tipped Dove             1
Citreoline Trogon             2
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker     5
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet 1
Willow Flycatcher             1  (I.D. by call)
Bright-rumped Attila          1
Ash-throated Flycatcher       2  (I.D. by call)
Great Kiskadee                6
Tropical Kingbird            12
Masked Tityra                 2
Bell's Vireo                  1
Sinaloa Wren                  4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher        15
Rufous-backed Robin           2
Orange-crowned Warbler        3
Black-throated Gray Warbler   3
Wilson's Warbler              8
White-collared Seedeater      1  (Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater)
Stripe-headed Sparrow        12
Blue Grosbeak                 3
Indigo Bunting                4
Painted Bunting               1
Great-tailed Grackle         20
Streak-backed Oriole          1
Yellow-winged Cacique        10

As we waited for our flight we found these last birds at the Puerto Vallarta airport (state of Jalisco):

Magnificent Frigatebird         1
Great Egret                     1
Tricolored Heron                1
Black Vulture                  10
Turkey Vulture                 10
Great Kiskadee                  1
Tropical Kingbird               5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow   5
Great-tailed Grackle           10

---- end of report ----

Robin Carter
4165 East Buchanan Drive
Columbia, SC 29206