10 - 30 July 1999
by Roger & Jan Boyd
Bolivia stretches across the widest part of the Andean mountain chain and is one of the poorest, highest and most isolated of Latin American republics. The country is as varied as its people and ranges from steaming Amazonian rainforest, high saline lakes, mountain cloud forest and high steppe desert, rolling tropical savanna to snow covered peaks and glaciers. This varied habitats makes for one of the largest bird lists for a landlocked country in the world. The current species list is 1,370+ with 21 endemic species and 33 Aspecialities@. This trip was designed around these Bolivian endemics and specialities and we attempted to see as broad a selection of habitats and species as possible. We felt that we met our goal by recording a total of 520 species (498 seen, 22 heard), 11 of the endemics, and 20 of the specialties. Weather was generally cooperative except for dense fog, drizzle, and rain on 4 of the 5 visits to cloud forest areas. The three days in Santa Cruz were very windy with 30-40 mph winds. We felt fortunate that no one had any significant stomach problems and no one experienced altitude sickness. Accommodations were generally much better than I had anticipated and the food was good with huge portions at most restaurants. We were continually surprised by how long it took to go anywhere due to the condition of the roads. We had a group of 10, with one couple not continuing on to the Trinidad extension.
We flew from Miami to Santa Cruz on Lloyd Aereo Boliviano. We also flew with them from La Paz to Trinidad and back to Santa Cruz. Both times our tickets were bumped to standby. The excuse in Miami was that we did not confirm within 72 hours before departure from Miami. No excuse was given in Trinidad. In both cases we still got on the flights but it did provide some tense moments.
Day 1:
Upon arriving at 630 am in Santa
Cruz (elevation 1350 ft) we headed outside and across the parking lot
to start the day's birding.
We were greeted almost immediately by Guira Cuckoo, Burrowing Owls and
Southern Lapwings followed by Peach-fronted and Canary-winged Parakeets,
Red-winged Tinamou, Red-crested Finch, Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch and 2 Brazilian
Ducks in a small pond. A short distance down the road we saw our
first two Greater Rheas; we saw 40 on the entire trip. In the afternoon
we visited several neighboring savannahs and finished the day along Rio
Pirai. Several highlights included Pearl Kite, Campo Flicker, Ashy-tailed
Swift, and Gray Monjita. We stayed at Las Palmas Hotel in Santa Cruz.
Very nice accommodations.
Day 2:
We visited nearby Lomas de Arena. Here in the grassy savannas interspersed with stands of semi-deciduous woodland we found a wide diversity of birds. Some of the best ones were White-bellied Nothura, Whistling Heron, White-eared Puffbird, Long-winged Harrier, numerous Guira Cuckoos, White-rumped Monjita, White-banded and Chalk-browed Mockingbirds, Chilean Swallow, Spectacled Tyrant, Plush-crested Jays and a small pond full of Spectacled Caiman. We again stayed at Las Palmas Hotel.
Day 3:
We started the day at the Santa Cruz Botanic Gardens. The open areas of the central area provided good looks at a number of species early in the morning. Some of these species were White Woodpecker, Green-cheeked and Blue-crowned Parakeet, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, and Gilded Hummingbird. In the native woodlands at the back of the area we found Rufous Casiornis, Black-capped Antwren, Guira Tanager, Crimson-crested Woodpecker (pair) and Silvery Marmoset, among others. In the afternoon we headed north to the Okinawa area. The area was fairly dry with only a few water holes compatible for wildlife. We did see numerous White-browed Blackbirds and Spectacled Tyrants. We also had great looks at Black-backed Water-Tyrant, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Blue-winged Parrotlets, a gorgeous Scarlet-headed Blackbird and several Chestnut-capped Blackbirds. In all, we had 99 species for the day. Stayed at Las Palmas Hotel.
Day 4:
Today we headed towards Achira Resort near Samaipata. Several stops along the way produced a number of good birds. A stop along Rio Pirai at Angostura (elev. 3300 ft) was good for new ones like Spot-backed Puffbird, White-bellied Hummingbird, Sooty-fronted Spinetail, Black-capped Warbling-Finch, and great looks at several Great Antshrikes. It was also a good day for parrots with Golden-collared Macaw, Mitred, Yellow-chevroned and Green-cheeked Parakeet, Blue-winged Parrotlet and Scaly-naped, Scaly-headed, and Blue-fronted Parrot. For lunch we were at Laguna Volcan (elev 3800 ft) where we saw Masked Duck, Bat Falcon, our first of 8 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagles for the trip, and Tim flushed a Huayco Tinamou (recently split from Red-legged Tinamou). We arrived late afternoon at Achira Resort (5000 ft) as the sun was setting. Nice location. Mostly bunk beds.
Day 5:
Early morning birding around the resort added Red-billed Parrot and Two-banded Warbler. Much better birding was near a waterfall several km up the road (elev 5300 ft) where we located a Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper that Tim knew about, along with Planalto Hermit that Don spotted, several species of swifts and a foraging flock with Brown-capped Vireo and Pale-legged Warbler as well as 6 other species. The best birding of the day, however, was on the Pipeline Road on the east hills of Samaipata (elev 5600 ft). It started out slow but when we finally located a foraging flock things picked up as we recorded 10 species. The best finds were several calling Giant Antshrikes, of which most of the group got to see one of them, as well as Narrow-billed Woodcreeper and Ultramarine Grosbeak. That evening we stayed at the Mission School in Tambo (elev 5700 ft). We were to stay in a dorm-type facility but it was unavailable and so we stayed in a vacant house on the compound. Some of the beds were on the floor and others were cots. Our cook was able to use their kitchen and cook some excellent evening meals for us, as well as the usual breakfast and lunch on the road.
Day 6:
The bird of the day was a toss-up between Red-fronted Macaw and Andean Condor, of which we saw at least 6. We arrived early at San Raphael (elev 5800ft) to see the macaws come out of their roost but somehow missed them. We had to Aput up with@ 3 other species of parrots and White-fronted Woodpecker, Black-and-Chestnut and Rufous-sided Warbling-Finch, Gray-crested Finch, and Epaulet Oriole. David and Bob convinced us it was time to sit down to breakfast alongside the road, and as they had predicted 2 very cooperative macaws flew overhead and at low altitude! We also saw 2 condors but at great distance. Later, around the Mission School Don found 4 more condors right overhead and fairly low. We also located numerous other birds as well, including White-tipped Plantcutter, Yellow-browed Tyrant, Greater Wagtail Tyrant, Striped Woodpecker, Saffron-billed Sparrow and Bolivian Earthcreeper (heard only). Night at Mission School.
Day 7:
Today was our first day at the southern-most stretch of cloud forest located in the southwestern corner of Amboro National Park. We were at an elevation of 8000 ft. and in the area referred to as Siberia. However, the town of Siberia is much further up the road and at an elevation of 11,550 ft in arid puna habitat. The cloud forest was a chilly 46 F with dense clouds, wind and periodic rain. Not a good day for birders but typical for this habitat as we discovered. Several in the group were able to observe one endemic Rufous-faced Antpitta out of at least 6 birds calling at VERY close range. Others that were easier to see included Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Tyrian Metaltail and Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Cinerous and Blue-backed Conebill and Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager. On the way back to Tambo we stopped in an scrubby arid canyon and got an excellent look at a Cream-backed Woodpecker, among other species. Night at Mission School.
Day 8:
Today we once again visited the cloud forest with a repeat of the previous day's weather. We were perhaps better prepared mentally and did see several nice foraging flocks consisting mostly of Rufous-naped and Stripe-headed Brush-Finch, Common Bush-Tanagers, Montane Woodcreeper, Pearled Treerunner, Spectacled Redstart. We also saw several Masked and Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer. I did locate a Cochabamba Thistletail (still considered part of Black-throated) but was unable to show it to others. We then headed for Cochabamba. We made a lunch stop at a river (elev 9500 ft) near the town of Pojo. In the scrubby arid habitat along the river we recorded Golden-rumped Euphonia, 2 Maquis Canasteros and had fantastic looks at a male and female Red-tailed Comet. We arrived in Cochabamba (elev 8400 ft) and after difficulty finding our hotel the driver finally had Porfilio ride in a taxi so we could follow them to Hotel Regina. Once again, very nice accommodations and close to some excellent restaurants.
Day 9:
We had an optional morning trip to Laguna Alalay on the south side of Cochabamba. This turned out to be our best day for waterfowl. We saw Cinnamon, Puna, and Speckled Teal, Yellow-billed and White-cheeked Pintail, Red Shovelor, Rosy-billed Pochard, Lake Duck, Fulvous Whistling-Duck, White-tufted, Least and Pied-billed Grebe. We also had Plumbeous Rails at close range along with Chiguanco and Great Thrush, a Gray-bellied Shrike-Tyrant and Glittering-bellied Hummingbirds. We also saw wild Guinea Pigs around the edge of the lake. We left town at 11:30am to traverse the Chapare Road on our way to Villa Tunari. Our first stop on the far side of the pass was KM68 (10,500 ft). This was excellent cloud forest and shortly after arrival we located a large foraging flock moving along the cliff face on the opposite side of the road. The birds didn=t seem to mind the heavy traffic but it did make communications between us difficult. We saw 14 species in the flock of which Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Scaled Metaltail, Blue-capped and Rust-and-yellow Tanager, Light-crowned Spinetail, Moustached Flower-Piercer, and Buff-browed Foliage-Gleaner were new.
Several more kilometers down the road we tried to eat lunch but were interrupted 3 times by sightings: Andean Parakeet, Black-hooded Sunbeam, and Barred Fruiteater. A little further down the road the bus slid off into the ditch along a section of road that was under construction. No significant damage other than the driver's pride and our main side door (which was later repaired with a large rock). While we waited for a truck to stop and pull us out (about 20 min.), we located Azara=s Spinetail and Fawn-breasted Tanager. We stopped briefly along the infamous APipeline Trail@ at KM98 (elev 6000 ft). We were there fairly late in the afternoon but we did add several species including Hooded Mountain-Toucan, Green Trainbearer and heard Spectacled Owl. Arrived Villa Tunari (4950 ft) after dark, stopped at restaurant for dinner and then went on to the charming Hotel El Puente outside of town. Total of 97 species for the day.
Day 10:
Today we birded along a portion of the Chapare Road close to Villa Tunari, that has been abandoned for main travel due to a land slide further up. We added many lowland species such as Long-billed Starthroat, Brown-capped Vireo, Muscian Wren, Flavescent Warbler, Plain-winged Antshrike, Andean Cock-of-the-Rock and Cuvier's Toucan. We also walked along the trail to the Oilbird Cave (river crossing washed out, however) and ran into the largest foraging flock for the trip with 22 species. Some of the best species were Masked Trogon, Yungas Manakin, Yungas Tody-Tyrant, Paradise, Bay-headed, Orange-headed and Magpie Tanager, Rufous-bellied Euphonia, Blue-naped Chlorophonia and Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher. We returned to Hotel El Puente and discovered a fruiting fig tree in the yard. There we added Blue-headed Parrot, Black-spotted Barbet, and Golden-olive Woodpecker.
Day 11:
We returned to the Pipeline Trail (KM98) on Chapare Road. Just as we turned off of the highway, Jan spotted 2 Blue-banded Toucanets in a tree top. On the lower portions of the road we had several different foraging flocks with Saffron-crowned, Beryl-spangled, White-winged, Hooded, Blue-and-black, Black-goggled and Golden-naped Tanagers as well as Bluish and Deep-bluish Flower-Piercer, Andean Guan, Scaled and Barred Fruiteater and White-eared and Andean Solitaire. We arrived back at Hotel Regina in Cochabamba after dark.
Day 12:
As a complete contrast to the previous day, we visited a dry Andean valley above Quillacocha where stands of mature Polylepis woodland still existed. This is referred to as Cerro Tunari Road. We went up to 13,500 ft before turning around. We saw as many as 20 Giant Hummingbirds, a number of Great Sapphirewings along with Andean Hillstar and Sparkling Violetear. We also found the endemic Cochabamba Mountain-Finch and near endemic Rufous-bellied Saltator. Also of interest were Black-winged Ground-Dove, Gray-hooded Parakeet, Tufted and Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant, Black-hooded Sierra-Finch, Thick-billed Siskin, Giant and Cinerous Conebill, Tawny and Brown-capped Tit-Spinetail, Fulvous-headed Brush-Finch, Rock and Plain-breasted Earthcreeper, Rusty-vented (Creamy-breasted) Canastero and White-winged Diuca-Finch. We returned to Hotel Regina for the night.
Day 13:
Today we had a long drive through the mountains to the windswept altiplano and the town of Oruro. We started the day by locating the endemic Bolivian Blackbird near the town of Suticollo which is west of Cochabamba. Also had a number of White-tipped Plantcutters at close range as well as 2 Glossy-black Thrushes. In the scrub at the side of the road, during breakfast we also got great looks at a Stripe-crowned Spinetail. At a pull-off at about 13,000 ft, we located a Puno Canastero among the rocks and grass tufts and at what appeared to be a long ways off, several large Mountain Plover-sized birds. After huffing and puffing across the valley, we discovered they were 5 Tawny-throated Dotterels. Among the grasses with them was a small flock of Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant, a Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant, and a single Plain-breasted Earthcreeper, in and among some rock ruins. In the area of our lunch stop at 14,475 ft, we were treated to a pair of Puna Miners. When we finally reached the altiplano one of the first birds we saw were Common Miners, which turned out to be fairly common. Next we had the rare treat of seeing 4 Vicunas at about 100 m from the road. We spent the night at the International Park Hotel in Oruro.
Day 14:
We awoke to 30 degrees and spent nearly the entire morning looking for access to Lake Uru-uru (12,140 ft). We did find a small pond fairly early with a good number of waterfowl, including Crested Ducks and watched half a dozen Andean Negritos jumping around on the ice. Along the edge of the pond we located a group of Golden-spotted Ground-Doves and a Short-billed Pipit. We went to the village of Poopo before turning around and returning to Machacamarquita. The residents knew little about the lake other than it had been Agone@ for some time. Back on the highway we could see a large body of water over the dunes to the north and about 7-8 km away without any access roads. Apparently, out of sight, out of mind. We decided to try returning to Oruro and take a road leading to Toledo that would be on the west side of the lake and apparently cross Rio Desaguadero, which connects Lake Titicaca and Lake Uru Uru during wet years.
We found our way to the southwestern part of Oruro and started on the road to Toledo only to be diverted onto the very lake bed as a detour! We drove out as far as we could without getting stuck and then walked another 1.5 km or so to the current edge of the water. The whole purpose of our search was to find flamingoes. We had the incredible good fortune of having 11 of what we believed to be Andean Flamingoes fly over us near Poopo but none were evident on this part of the lake. We did see 150 Andean Geese, 37 Puna Plover, 20 Andean Avocets, 6 White-backed Stilts and another 80 negritos, none of which appeared to be Austral. We also had numbers of other ducks and Puna Ibis. As we reached the edge of Oruro again a group of juvenile flamingoes flew in and landed in what appeared to be a cesspool of runoff. They did not feed but stayed around for us to determine that they must be Chilean Flamingoes. We headed northwest out of town towards LaPaz and made one last stop at another lake where we saw several more Chilean Flamingoes, many ducks and coots and 27 Silvery Grebes. We arrived at El Alto overlooking LaPaz towards the end of a parade celebrating the founding of the town. Near downtown LaPaz we stayed at Hotel Rosario. That evening we sampled the famed Lake Titicaca trout (la Trucha) in Rosario=s restaurant and hurriedly went through our species list before being serenaded by one of the local bands.
Day 15:
This was the first of two days on the Coroico Road. As we reached La Cumbre (the summit at 15,200 ft) the mountains and the valley to the east were clear. However, by the time we had descended to Pongo we were in dense fog. We continued to the villa of Chuspipata (9,800 ft). From here the road to Coroico is one-way up or down depending upon the time of day. We walked down a side road towards the highway construction camp. In that stretch we found two foraging flocks and picked up Band-tailed Fruiteater, Golden-crowned Chat-Tyrant, Hooded Mountain-Tanager, Bar-bellied Woodpecker, and Golden-collared Tanager. On the far side of the camp we added Scaled Metaltail, Speckle-faced Parrot, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, and Citrine Warbler. Unfortunately it was 43 degrees and alternating between mist and rain. We returned to Cotapata and with no change in weather decided to head back up the road towards the pass.
We stopped at a bog at about 14,000 ft and flushed 5 Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe. We were able to see them after they landed but it was now sleeting and snowing and we stayed only long enough to see White-winged Diuca-Finch and White-fronted Ground-Tyrant nearby. At the pass we found Puna Ground-Tyrant. By late afternoon we had returned to Hotel Rosario in La Paz for some drying out and shopping.
Day 16:
Today we had an optional return to the Coroico road. Half of our party had had enough of the clouds, rain, and snow from the day before. The other half were hoping it wouldn't happen two days in a row. This time we stopped at Cotapata (10,330 ft) first and walked that trail. The clouds were mostly downhill but we were in intermittent sun and clouds. We had great looks at several birds especially White-collared Jay, Three-striped Hemispingus, Chestnut-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Light-crowned Spinetail (this subsp had a bright white crown, unlike the one seen on the Chapare Road), Black-throated Thistletail, Blue-mantled Thornbill and Rufous-capped Antshrike. We also heard at least 3 individuals of the Diademed Tapaculo (Scytalopus schulenbergi).
Downhill at Chuspipata we saw many of the same species as the previous day but added Drab Hemispingus. At La Cumbre several of us headed up over the mountain to check out a large bog for Diademed Sandpiper-Plover (at 15,500 ft, this turned out to be a death march for a flat lander). What we found was a new road coming into the bog, a recently constructed hut, and 3 large trenches draining about 1/3 of the bog with significant portions already cut for peat. We did see the following new species while enroute: Short-tailed Finch, Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant, Slender-billed Miner, and Gray-breasted Seedsnipe. We then returned to Hotel Rosario.
Day 17:
We decided to again alter our itinerary and cancel our plans to go to Lago Ayuyani (14,355 ft) for Giant Coot or to Sorata for Berschlep's Canastero. Instead we had a delightful trip along the shores of Lake Titicaca. We did find a family of 2 adults and 3 young of the near endemic flightless Short-winged Grebe. We also conservatively estimated 6,000 Andean Coots on the lake and saw many other waterbirds. Others new for the trip were Peruvian Sierra-Finch and Black Siskin. We arrived in La Paz mid-afternoon for shopping and relaxing on this last day in the high thin air of the Andes!
Day 18:
This morning we flew to the bustling town of Trinidad (600 ft), by way of Santa Cruz. We arrived just before lunch. After lunch we walked along the road between the airport and Rio Mamore. We had a fantastic afternoon with a total of 99 species. Some of the new ones were: Rufous-sided Crake, Southern Screamer, Chaco Chachalaca, White-tailed Goldentail, White-bearded Hermit, Rufous-throated Sapphire, Scissortail Nightjar (Pocho and Sandra located this incredible bird!), White-barred Piculet, Mato Grosso Antbird, Rufous Cacholote, and Three-toed Sloth. Our night lodgings were near downtown Trinidad at Hotel Gran Moxos.
Day 19:
Today we drove to Estancia San Miguel, approximately 150 km north of Trinidad. The habitat enroute is open flooded fields and scrubby pasture with occasional savannahs of palms and other trees. We left Trinidad at 7am and arrived at the ranch at 3pm. This road was very dusty, very bumpy and our 15 passenger Toyota van had very little leg room.
The birding, however, was fantastic. Some of the more spectacular finds were: Jabiru, Maguari Stork, Buff-necked and Plumbeous Ibis, White-faced Whistling-Duck, Toco Toucan, Blue-and-yellow Macaws, Hoatzin, Arrow-headed Piculet, Buff-throated Tody-Tyrant, Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher, White Monjita, Chotoy Spinetail, Masked Yellowthroat, Yellow-billed Cardinal, Unicolored Blackbird, and Velvet-fronted Grackle. We ended the day with 140 species. We also had some incredible looks at Capybaras, Pink River Dolphins, Red Brocket Deer, White Caiman, and some large Black Caiman. We spent the evening at the spacious facilities of San Miguel.
Day 20:
Early in the morning our goal was to find the rare and endemic Blue-throated Macaws (perhaps as few as 50 birds remain in the wild). Pocho, our local guide showed us a tree cavity that a pair was working on and then we went further up the road to a communal roost. We saw Chestnut-fronted, Blue-and-yellow and Red-and -green Macaws and finally a pair of Blue-throated...headed towards the nest tree. We drove back towards the nest tree and walked the last 200 yards. The macaws flew up in a large tree in front of us in full sunlight about 100 m away. They preened and Atalked@ and after about 15 minutes flew back towards the roost. Nearby we also saw Red Howler Monkeys, 4 Night Monkeys, and a Crab-eating Racoon. Some of the other good birds new for the day were Orinoco Geese, Solitary Eagle, Sunbittern (3), Pale-crested and Red-stained Woodpecker, Red-billed Scythebill, Chestnut-winged Foliage-Gleaner, Short-billed Leaftosser, Plain-crowned Spinetail, Fawn-breasted Wren, Red-rumped and Solitary Black Cacique. We had another great day with a total of 137 species. That night we heard Common Potoo, and Tropical and Austral Screech-Owls.
Day 21:
We left the ranch at 4:15 am and drove straight through to Trinidad, arriving at 9 am. In the wee hours of darkness Valerie tallied at least 20 Scissortail Nightjars and 19 Nacunda Nighthawks in the headlights of the van. We had 62 species just from the van windows on our way back. With difficulty, we finally flew back to Santa Cruz by way of Cochabamba. Our entire trip total was 520 species (498 seen, 22 heard only). The Trinidad segment included 194 species with 79 species being new to the trip. Some of the group went to Santa Cruz for shopping and others lounged around the airport. Our flight back to Miami left at midnight. Overall this was a fantastic trip with great birds and beautiful scenery.
Species List
Total Species: 498 seen + 22 heard = 520
Common names from Sibley, ask if you need scientific names for any.
S = Santa Cruz area(day 1-3);
F = Samaipata area (4-5);
T = Tambo area (6-7);
A = Siberia Cloud Forest (Amboro
NP, 7-8);
C = Cochabamba area including Cerro
Tunari (8-9, 12-13);
V = Villa Tunari and Chapare Rd
U = Oruro area (13-14);
L = LaPaz area including Titicaca
& Coroico Rd. (15-17);
E = Estancia SanMiguel and Trinidad
See trip report for more details
on locations.
Little Tinamou (H) | V |
Undulated Tinamou(H) | S, E |
Black-capped Tinamou(H) | V |
Red-winged Tinamou | S |
Huayco Tinamou (R.maculicollis) | F |
Ornate Tinamou | C |
White-bellied Nothura | S |
Greater Rhea | S, E |
White-tufted Grebe | C, L |
Short-winged Grebe | L |
Least Grebe | S, F, T, C |
Pied-billed Grebe | S, C |
Junin (Silvery) Grebe | U, L |
Neotropic Cormorant | C, U, L, E |
Anhinga | C |
Southern Screamer | E |
Fulvous Whistling-Duck | C, E |
White-faced Whistling Duck | E |
Masked Duck | F |
Andean Duck | C, U, L |
Andean Goose | U, L |
Orinoco Goose | E |
Brazilian Teal | S |
Torrent Duck | C |
Crested Duck | U, L |
Cinnamon Teal | C, U, L |
Red Shoveler | C |
White-cheeked Pintail | C |
Speckled Teal | C, U, L |
Yellow-billed Pintail | C, U, L |
Puna Teal | C, U, L |
Rosy-billed Pochard | C |
Chilean Flamingo | U |
Andean Flamingo | U |
Whistling Heron | S, E |
Snowy Egret | S,F,T,C,E |
Capped Heron | S |
Cocoi Heron | S, C, E |
Great Egret | S, T, C, E |
Cattle Egret | S,F,T,L,E |
Striated Heron | E |
Black-crowned Night-Heron | C, E |
Rufescent Tiger-Heron | S, E |
Puna Ibis | C, U, L |
Plumbeous Ibis | E |
Buff-necked Ibis | E |
Green Ibis | E |
Roseate Spoonbill | E |
Wood Stork | S, E |
Maguari Stork | E |
Jabiru | E |
Pearl Kite | S, E |
White-tailed Kite | S, T |
Snail Kite | S, E |
Black-collared Hawk | S, E |
Long-winged Harrier | S |
Cinereous Harrier | T, L |
Plain-breasted Hawk | F, V |
Crane Hawk | E |
Great Black-Hawk | E |
Savanna Hawk | S, E |
Harris=s Hawk | T |
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle | F,T,A,C,V |
Solitay Eagle | E |
Gray-lined Hawk | S |
Roadside Hawk | S,F,T,C,V,E |
Red-backed Hawk | F, L |
Puna Hawk | C, L |
Mountain Caracara | V, C, U, L |
Crested Caracara | S, F, T, E |
Yellow-headed Caracara | S, E |
Laughing Falcon | E |
Collared Forest-Falcon(H) | F, T |
American Kestrel | S,F,T,C,V,U,L,E |
Aplomado Falcon | C |
Bat Falcon | F |
Black Vulture | S, F, T, E |
Turkey Vulture | S,F,T,C,V,U,L,E |
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture | S, E |
Andean Condor | T |
King Vulture | F, T |
Chaco Chachalaca | E |
Speckled Chachalaca | E |
Andean Guan | V |
Rufous-sided Crake | E |
Gray-necked Wood-Rail | S, E |
Plumbeous Rail | C, L |
Purple Gallinule | C |
Common Moorhen | S,F,T,V,L |
White-winged Coot | S |
Andean Coot | C, U, L |
Sunbittern | E |
Limpkin | S, F, E |
Wattled Jacana | S, F, C, E |
Greater Yellowlegs | C, L, E |
Solitary Sandpiper | E |
Baird=s Sandpiper | U |
Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe | L |
Gray-breasted Seedsnipe | L |
White-backed Stilt | C, U |
Andean Avocet | U |
Collared Plover | S, F, T |
Puna Plover | U |
Tawny-throated Dotterel | C |
Southern Lapwing | S, E |
Andean Lapwing | C, U, L |
Andean Gull | C, U, L |
Large-billed Tern | E |
Yellow-billed Tern | E |
Black Skimmer | S |
Rock Pigeon | S,F,T,C,V,U,L,E |
Scaled Pigeon | E |
Spot-winged Pigeon | U, L |
Band-tailed Pigeon | V |
Pale-vented Pigeon | S, F, E |
Plumbeous Pigeon | E |
Ruddy Pigeon | E |
Eared Dove | F, T, C, L |
Ruddy Ground-Dove | E |
Picui Ground-Dove | S,F,T,C,V,E |
Blue Ground-Dove | S, F, T |
Bare-faced Ground-Dove | C, U, L |
Black-winged Ground-Dove | C |
Golden-spotted Ground-Dove | U |
White-tipped Dove | T, C, E |
Blue&Yellow Macaw | V, E |
Blue-throated Macaw | E |
Red-and-Green Macaw | E |
Red-fronted Macaw | T |
Chestnut-fronted Macaw | S, V, E |
Golden-collared Macaw | F, E |
Blue-crowned Parakeet | S, F, T, C |
Mitred Parakeet | F |
White-eyedParakeet | S, E |
Dusky-headed Parakeet | E |
Peach-fronted Parakeet | S, E |
Green-cheeked Parakeet | S, F, V |
Monk Paratkeet | T |
Gray-hooded Parakeet | C |
Andean Parakeet (H) | V |
Blue-winged Parrotlet | S, F, E |
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet | S,F,T,E |
Cobalt-winged Parakeet | S, V, E |
Black-winged Parrot | A |
Blue-headed Parrot | V, E |
Red-billed Parrot | F |
Scaly-headed Parrot | S, F |
Speckle-faced Parrot | L |
Blue-fronted Parrot | F, T |
Yellow-crowned Parrot | E |
Scaly-naped Parrot | F, T |
Mealy Parrot | V, E |
SquirrelCuckoo | S, F, V, E |
Hoatzin | E |
Greater Ani | E |
Smooth-billed Ani | S, F, V, E |
Guira Cuckoo | S, F, T, E |
Austral Screech-Owl(H) | E |
Spectacled Owl (H) | V |
Burrowing Owl | S, L |
Common (Gray) Potoo(H) | E |
Nacunda Nighthawk | E |
Pauraque (H) | V, E |
ScissortailedNightjar | E |
White-collared Swift | F,V |
Ashy-tailed Swift | S |
White-tipped Swift | F, V |
Andean Swift | L |
Long-tailed Hermit | V |
White-bearded Hermit | E |
Planalto Hermit | F |
Green Violet-ear | F, V |
Sparkling Violet-ear | C |
Glittering-bellied Emerald | T, C, E |
Fork-tailed Woodnymph | V, E |
Rufous-throated Sapphire | E |
White-chinned Sapphire | V |
Gilded Hummingbird | S |
White-tailed Goldenthroat | E |
White-bellied Hummingbird | F, T |
Speckled Hummingbird | V |
Andean Hillstar | C |
Giant Hummingbird | C |
Black-hooded Sunbeam | A, V, L |
Great Sapphirewing | C, L |
Violet-throated Starfrontlet | A, L |
Amethyst-throated Sunangel | A,V |
Green-tailed Trainbearer | V |
Red-tailed Comet | C |
Scaled Metaltail | V, L |
Tyrian Metaltail | A, L |
Blue-mantled Thornbill | L |
Long-tailed Sylph | A |
Long-billed Starthroat | V |
Black-tailed Trogon | V, E |
White-tailed Trogon | S |
Masked Trogon | V |
Blue-crowned Trogon | S, V, E |
Ringed Kingfisher | S, F, V, E |
Amazon Kingfisher | S, F, E |
Green Kingfisher | F, E |
Rufous-tailed Jacamar | S, E |
White-eared Puffbird | S |
Spot-backed Puffbird | S, F, T |
Blackfronted Nunbird | S, E |
White-barred Piculet | E |
Arrowhead Piculet | E |
White Woodpecker | S, F, E |
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker | S, F, E |
White-fronted Woodpecker | T |
Striped Woodpecker | T |
Bar-bellied Woodpecker | L |
Smoky-brown Woodpecker | S, E |
Little Woodpecker | S, F, E |
Red-stained Woodpecker | E |
Golden-olive Woodpecker | V, E |
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker | L |
Andean Flicker | U, L |
Campo Flicker | S, E |
Pale-crested Woodpecker | E |
Lineated Woodpecker | S, F, E |
Red-necked Woodpecker | V |
Crimson-crested Woodpecker | S, V, E |
Cream-backed Woodpecker | T |
Black-spotted Barbet | V |
Blue-banded Toucanet | V |
Chestnut-eared Aracari | F, V, E |
Hooded Mountain-Toucan | V |
Cuvier=s Toucan | V |
Toco Toucan | E |
Streak-necked Flycatcher | A, V |
White-eyed Tody-Tyrant | E |
Yungas Tody-Tyrant | V |
Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant | V, E |
Buff-throated Tody-Tyrant | E |
Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher | E |
Common Tody-Flycatcher | E |
Bolivian Tyrannulet | V, L |
Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet | A |
S. Beardless Tyrannulet | S, C |
S. Scrub Flycatcher | F |
White-crested Elaenia | A, V |
Small-billed Elaenia | S |
Lesser Elaenia | C |
Highland Elaenia | F, V |
White-throated Tyrannulet | A |
Buff-banded Tyrannulet | V |
White-crested Tyrannulet | E |
White-bellied Tyrannulet | S, F |
Greater Wagtail-Tyrant | T |
Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant | C, L |
Tufted Tit-Tyrant | C |
Many Colored Rush Tyrant | C, L |
Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant | V |
Bran-colored Flycatcher | E |
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher | V |
Cliff Flycatcher | F, T, C |
Black Phoebe | F, C, V |
Vermilion Flycatcher | S, F, T, V, E |
Crowned Chat-Tyrant | V |
Golden-browed Chat-Tyrant | L |
Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant | A, V, L |
Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant | C |
Gray Monjita | S |
White-rumped Monjita | S, E |
White Monjita | E |
Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant | U |
Gray-bellied Shrike-Tyrant | C |
Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant | U |
Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant | U |
Puna Ground-Tyrant | L |
Cinereous Ground-Tyrant | C |
White-fronted Ground-Tyrant | L |
Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant | L |
Andean Negrito | U |
White-winged Black-Tyrant | C, L, E |
Spectacled Tyrant | S, E |
Black-backed Water-Tyrant | S, E |
White-headed Marsh-Tyrant | E |
Yellow-browed Tyrant | T, E |
Cattle Tyrant | S, E |
Rufous Casiornis | S |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | F, E |
Brown-Crested Flycatcher | F, E |
Tropical Kingbird | S, F, V, E |
Boat-billed Flycatcher | S, F, V, E |
Streaked Flycatcher | V |
Social Flycatcher | S, E |
Variegated Flycatcher | E |
Greater Kiskadee | S,F,T,C,V,E |
Lesser Kiskadee | E |
Masked Tityra | V |
Band-tailed Fruiteater | L |
Barred Fruiteater | V |
Scaled Fruiteater | V |
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock | V |
White-tipped Plantcutter | F, T, C |
Yungas Manakin | V |
Common Miner | U |
Puna Miner | U |
Slender-billed Miner | L |
Rock Earthcreeper | C |
Plain-breasted Earthcreeper | C, U |
Bolivian Earthcreeper(H) | T |
Bar-winged Cinclodes | C, U, L |
White-winged Cinclodes | C, L |
Pale-legged Hornero(H) | E |
Rufous Hornero | S,F,T,A,C,V,U,E |
Brown-capped Tit-Spinetail | C |
Tawny Tit-Spinetail | C |
Black-throated Thistletail | L |
(S. harterti harterti) | |
Cochabamba Thistletail | A |
(S. harterti bejeranoi) | |
Chotoy Spinetail | E |
Sooty-fronted Spinetail | F |
Azara's Spinetail | V, L |
Plain-crowned Spinetail | E |
Stripe-crowned Spinetail | F, C |
Light-crowned Spinetail | V, L |
Yellow-chinned Spinetail | S |
Maquis Canastero(A.heterura) | C |
Puno Canastero | U |
Rusty-vented Canastero | C |
(A.dorbignyi dorbignyi) | |
Plain Thornbird | S |
Little Thornbird | E |
Greater Thornbird | S, E |
Wren-like Rushbird | C, L |
Pearled Treerunner | A, V |
Rufous Cacholote | E |
Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner | F, V |
Chestnut-winged Foliage-Gleaner | E |
Tawny-throated Leaftosser(H) | S, F |
Short-billed Leaftosser | E |
Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper | F |
Olivaceous Woodcreeper | S |
Strong-billed Woodcreeper | S,V,E |
Black-banded Woodcreeper | E |
Straight-billed Woodcreeper | S |
Narrow-billed Woodcreeper | F,T,E |
Montane Woodcreeper | A, V |
(Lepidocolaptes affinis) | |
Red-billed Scythebill | E |
Giant Antshrike | F |
Great Antshrike | F, E |
Barred Antshrike | S, E |
Chestnut-backed Antshrike | F |
Upland Antshrike | V |
Plain-winged Antshrike | V |
Variable Antshrike | F, A, V |
Rufous-capped Antshrike | L |
Gray Antwren (H) | E |
Black-capped Antwren | S, F |
Mato Grosso Antbird | E |
Black-faced Antbird(H) | V |
White-throated Antpitta(H) | A |
Rufous-faced Antpitta | A |
Olive-crowned Crescent-chest(H) | C |
Unicolored Tapaculo(H) | A |
Diademed Tapaculo (H) | L |
White-browed Tapaculo(H) | A |
Rufous-browed Peppershrike | S,F |
Brown-capped Vireo | V |
White-collared Jay | L |
(Cyanolyca viridicyana) | |
Purplish Jay | S,F,V,E |
Plush-crested Jay | S,F,E |
Green Jay | V |
White-capped Dipper | C |
Andean Solitaire | V |
White-eared Solitaire | V |
ChiguancoThrush | T,C,V,L |
Great Thrush | C,V,L |
Glossy-black Thrush | C |
Rufous-bellied Thrush | F, T |
Creamy-bellied Thrush | S,F,C,V,E |
Black-billed Thrush | E |
White-necked Thrush | F |
Chalk-browed Mockingbird | S,F,E |
Brown-backed Mockingbird | C,V |
White-banded Mockingbird | S |
Black-capped Donacobius | E |
Thrush-like Wren | S,F,E |
Moustached Wren | S,F |
Fawn-breasted Wren | E |
House Wren | S,F,T,C,E |
Mountain Wren | A,L |
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (H) | V |
Musician Wren (H) | V |
Masked Gnatcatcher | S,F,T, |
White-winged Swallow | S,E |
Chilean Swallow | S |
Brown-chested Martin | F,E |
Gray-breasted Martin | E |
Brown-bellied Swallow | L |
Blue-and-white Swallow | T,C,V,E |
S. Rough-winged Swallow | F |
Andean Swallow | C,U,L |
Barn Swallow | C,V |
House Sparrow | S,F,T,C,V,U,L,E |
Short-billed Pipit | U |
Yellowish Pipit | S |
Thick-billed Siskin | C |
Hooded Siskin | T,C,V |
Black Siskin | L |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | S,T,A,C,U,L |
Grassland Sparrow | S |
Yellow-browed Sparrow | F,V |
Saffron-billed Sparrow | F,T |
Rufous-naped Brush-Finch | A,V,L |
Fulvous-headed Brush-Finch | C |
Stripe-headed Brush-Finch | A |
Red-crested Cardinal | S,C,E |
Red-capped Cardinal | S,E |
Yellow-billed Cardinal | E |
Tropical Parula | S,F,V |
Masked Yellowthroat | E |
Slate-throated Redstart | V,L |
Brown-capped Restart | F,A,V,C |
Spectacled Redstart | A,V,L |
Two-banded Warbler | F |
Pale-legged Warbler | F,A |
Citrine Warbler | L |
Golden-crowned Warbler | S |
Flavescent Warbler | V |
Bananaquit | V |
Cinereous Conebill | T,C |
White-browed Conebill | V |
Blue-backed Conebill | A,V |
Giant Conebill | C |
Magpie Tanager | V |
Common Bush-Tanager | F,A,V |
Drab Hemispingus | L |
Three-striped Hemispingus | L |
Orange-headed Tanager | V |
Rust-and-yellow Tanager | V,L |
Guira Tanager | S |
Hooded Tanager | V |
Slaty Tanager | A |
Black-goggled Tanager | V |
Highland Hepatic-Tanager | T |
(Piranga hepatica) | |
White-winged Tanager | V |
Silver-beaked Tanager | F,V,E |
Sayaca Tanager | S,F,T,C,E |
Palm Tanager | E |
Blue-capped Tanager | V,L |
Blue-and-yellow Tanager | F,T,A,C |
Hooded Mountain-Tanager | V,L |
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager | V,L |
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager | A,V |
Golden-collared Tanager | L |
Chestnut-bellied Mountain-Tanager | A,L |
Fawn-breasted Tanager | V |
Purple-throated Euphonia | S,F,T,C,E |
Thick-billed Euphonia | E |
Golden-rumped Euphonia | C |
Orange-bellied Euphonia | F,V |
Rufous-bellied Euphonia | V |
Blue-naped Chlorophonia | V |
Paradise Tanager | V |
Saffron-crowned Tanager | V |
Bay-headed Tanager | V |
Golden-naped Tanager | V,L |
Beryl-spangled Tanager | V |
Blue-and-black Tanager | V |
Yellow-bellied Dacnis | V |
Blue Dacnis | S,F,V |
Green Honeycreeper | V |
Red-crested Finch | S,F |
Black-hooded Sierra-Finch | C |
Peruvian Sierra-Finch | L |
Plumbeous Sierra-Finch | C,L |
Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch | C,U,L |
Gray-crested Finch | T,C |
White-winged Diuca-Finch | C,L |
Short-tailed Finch | L |
Rufous-sided Warbling-Finch | T,C |
Black-and-chestnut Warb-Finch | T |
Cochabamba Mountain-Finch | C |
Ringed Warbling-Finch | F,T,C |
Black-capped Warbling-Finch | F,T |
Puna Yellow-Finch | U |
Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch | C,U,L |
Greenish Yellow-Finch | C |
Saffron Finch | S,F,T,C,E |
Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch | S,E |
Great Pampa-Finch | C,E |
Blue-black Grassquit | S,E |
Rusty-collared Seedeater | S,E |
Lined Seedeater | S,E |
Double-collared Seedeater | S,F |
White-bellied Seedeater | S |
Tawny-bellied Seedeater | E |
Band-tailed Seedeater | C,L |
Dull-colored Grassquit | F |
Moustached Flower-piercer | V,L |
Gray-bellied Flower-piercer | A,V,C |
Deep-blue Flower-piercer | V |
Bluish Flower-piercer | V |
Masked Flower-piercer | A,V,L |
Black-backed Grosbeak | S,F,A,E |
Buff-throated Saltator | F,V |
Grayish Saltator | S,E |
Golden-billed Saltator | F,T,A,C,U |
Rufous-bellied Saltator | C |
Ultramarine Grosbeak | F,T |
Crested Oropendola | S,F,V,E |
Russet-backed Oropendola | S,F,V |
Yellow-rumped Cacique | V,E |
Red-rumped Cacique | E |
Mountain Cacique | V |
Solitary Cacique | E |
Epaulet Oriole | T |
Campo Oriole | S,E |
(Icterus jamacaii) | |
Yellow-winged Blackbird | C,L |
Unicolored Blackbird | E |
Chestnut-capped Blackbd | S |
White-browed Blackbird | S |
Scarlet-headed Blackbird | S,E |
Chopi Blackbird | S,F,E |
Bolivian Blackbird | C |
Velvet-fronted Grackle | E |
Bay-winged Cowbird | T,C,E |
Shiny Cowbird | S,T,C,V,E |
Giant Cowbird | S,V |
- | |
- | |
Mammals seen: | |
- | |
Silvery Marmoset | S |
Bolivian Squirrel | S |
Capybara | S,E |
Wild Guinea Pig | C |
S. Amazon Red Squirrel | V |
Vicuna | U |
Three-toed Sloth | E |
Red Brocket Deer | E |
S. American Fox | E |
Pink River Dolphin | E |
Red Howler Monkey | E |
Night Monkey | E |
Crab Eating Raccoon | E |
Armadillo sp? | E |
Bat sp? | E |
Roger Boyd,
Baldwin City, KS