4 - 13 August 1996
by Mark Welford
The following is an extended summary of an Ecuadorian birding trip that I just completed (I apologize for any typos). I saw a total of 348 species of which 320 were life birds for me.
August 4: Statesboro, GA to Quito via Miami
August 5: Quito to Santo Domingo on Highway 30
August 6: Rio Palenque Research Station
August 7: Private Property adjacent to Rio Palenque
August 8: Santo Domingo to Finca Bellavista via
Pedro Vicente Maldonado, S. Miguel de los Bancos and old Nono Road
August 9: Finca Bellavista to Bancos and Mindo
August 10: Finca Bellavista and TRail #3
August 11: Finca Bellavista to Quito via old
August 12: Quito to Papallacta Pass
August 13: Quito to San Jose, CA via Guayaquil and
This was my first trip Ecuador and the first to South America.
In the report below:
H = heard,
M = male,
F = female,
I = immature.
August 5:
Birding around the grounds of the Mansion Samzara Hosteleria, in
south of Quito early in the morning yielded my first life birds for the
Eared Dove | 2 Blue & White Swallows |
Great Thrush | Hooded Siskin |
4 Sparkling Violet-ear | 1 Black-tailed Trainbearer |
6 Rufous-collared Sparrow | - |
We then departed first south on Highway 35 then west on highway 30
Santo Domingo at about 7:30am and birded en-route. Birds seen along the
route before our first stop included:
White-collared Swift | H Chestnut-crowned Antpitta |
Southern Yellow Grosbeak | - |
At the western most end of the town Manuel Cornejo Astorga (Tandapi)
we turned acutely left onto a dirt logging road. We birded the first
or so of this dirt track for 2-3 hours until lunch finding the
within the first 100 yards:
Southern-beardless Tyrannulet | 2 Blue-tailed Emerald |
2 Swallow-Tanager | H Masked Trogon |
Ornate Flycatcher | 1 Barred Hawk |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | Green Violet-ear |
Golden-headed Quetzal | Crimson-rumped Toucanet |
My first tropical flock yielded:
1 Smoke-colored Pewee | Rusty-margined Flycatcher |
1 Tricolored Brush-Finch | Yellow-bellied Seedeater |
Olive-striped Flycatcher | Buff-throated Saltator |
Lemon-rumped Tanager | H Tropical Parula |
Montane Woodcreeper | 2 Golden-rumped Euphonia |
Golden-naped Tanager | - |
Other smaller flocks and birding yielded:
2 Golden Tanager | 3 Slate-throated Redstart |
Purple-throated Woodstar | Squirrel Cuckoo |
Dull-colored Grassquit | Blue-gray Tanager |
Metallic Green Tanager | Red-headed Barbet |
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager | H Slaty Spinetail |
Rufous-winged Hummingbird | Andean Emerald |
Short-tailed Hawk | Black Vulture |
Turkey Vulture | 2 Red-faced Spinetail |
Following lunch we continued on toward Santo Domingo but turned on
a bridge over the Toachi River where we found:
2 White-capped Dipper | 2 Torrent Duck |
Torrent Tyrannulet | - |
Just before reaching Hotel Tinalandia we turned acutely left onto a
dirt road adjacent to the lodge's grounds and birded this road for 2
Birds seen included:
Boat-billed Flycatcher | Roadside Hawk |
Bay Wren | Palm Tanager |
Marble Faced Bristle-Tyrant | Orange-bellied Euphonia |
Cinnamon Becard | 2 Orange-billed Sparrow |
Tropical Gnatcatcher | 1 Ochraceous Attila |
Slaty-capped Flycatcher | White-shouldered Tanager |
White-winged Becard | Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager |
H Little Tinamou | H Southern Nightingale-Thrush |
H Pacific Fire-eye | 4 Bronze-winged Parrot |
Pale-mandibled Aracari | Cattle Egret |
2 Buff-rumped Warbler | 2 Crimson-rumped Toucanet |
2 Yellow-tufted Dacnis | - |
We then returned to Highway 30 and continued to Santo Domingo where
we stayed at the Hotel Zaracay. On the grounds of the hotel we saw:
Scrub Blackbird | Pacific Hornero |
Gray-breasted Martin | - |
August 6:
Early on Tuesday we drove the 48 km to Rio Palenque Research Centre
on Highway 25. The centre is now run by Richard Dotson and a small fee
is requested. Once on the property we drove through quite disturbed
habitat that yielded many more lifers:
H Rufous-browed Peppershrike | Shiny Cowbird |
H Thick-billed Seed-Finch | Gray-lined Hawk |
Southern Rough-winged Swallow | Golden-olive Woodpecker |
Gray-capped Flycatcher | 2 Masked Yellowthroat |
Streaked AntWren | Crimson Finch-Tanager |
Yellow-bellied Elaenia | H Pervian Pygmy-Owl |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper | Black-winged Saltator |
Variable Seedeater | Great Antshrike |
Blue-black Grassquit | Smooth-billed Ani |
Ecuadorian Ground-Dove | - |
On reaching the native, uncut lowland forest we took the right-hand
road and walked along the forest edge. This yielded:
Violet-bellied Hmmingbird | Common Tody-flycatcher |
Whiskered Wren | White-thighed Swallow |
F Guayaquil Woodpecker | Bananaquit |
2 Laughing Falcon | F Rufous-tailed Jacamar |
Harris Hawk | H Yellow Tyrannulet |
Pale-vented Dove | 1 Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift |
Gray-rumped Swift | H Pacific Parrotlet |
Barred Puffbird | Snowy-throated Kingbird |
White-tailed Trogon | One-colored Becard |
Following the forest edge we arrived at the entrance to Dotson's
This is a dirt road cut through the forest. We birded and ate lunch at
this spot. Birds seen included:
H Black-headed AntThrush | Red-rumped Woodpecker |
2 Chestnut-mandibled Toucan | White-bearded Manakin |
H Pallid Dove | 5 Dusk-faced Tanager |
Olivaceous Piculet | Golden-faced Tyrannulet |
After lunch we birded (with permission) around Dotson's house
Rufous Motmot | Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
Band-backed Wren | Blue-necked Tanager |
2 Orange-fronted Barbet | 2 Masked Water-Tyrant (Seen Across Valley) |
Striated Heron (Seen on River) | Pied-billed Grebe (Seen on River) |
F Blue-chested Hummingbird | Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet |
M Green Honeycreeper | Linneated Woodpecker |
H Chestnut-backed Antbird | Pacific Cacique |
M Dot-winged AntWren | Blue-headed Parrot |
Black-tailed Trogon | F Plain Ant-Vireo |
Plain-brown Woodcreeper | Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner |
2 Purple-throated Friutcrow | I Hook-billed Kite |
Checker-throated AntWren | 2 (Violet) Crowned Woodnymph |
At the house a series of trails radiate across the property, all are
worth exploring, due to a lack of time we only birded trail #3 which
3 Choco Toucan | F Blue-black Grosbeak |
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant | Pallid Dove |
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher | H Brown Wood-Rail |
5 Little Hermit (At Lek) | Southern Nightingale-Wren |
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher | H Dusky Antbird |
Lesser Greenlet | Wedge-billed Woodcreeper |
White-whiskered Puffbird | Pied Puffbird |
Little Cuckoo | H Western Slaty Antshrike |
White-necked Jacobin | 2 Bay-headed Tanager |
August 7:
We drove back to the vicinity of Rio Palenque and birded private farm property on either side of Highway 25. Much of what we explored was grazed to second growth forest, some palm-oil plantation and some riparian areas.
West side of highway yielded:
Chestnut-throated Seedeater | Olive-crowned Yellowthroat |
Scaled Pigeon | Wattled Jacana |
Ringed Kingfisher | Pacific Parrotlet |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper | Yellow-tailed Oriole |
Laughing Falcon | 10+ Smooth-billed Ani |
Peruvian MeadOwlark | 2 Elegent Cresent-chest |
Purple Gallinule | 3h Whtie-throated Crake |
Sooty-headed Tyrannulet | Tumbes Tyrannulet |
Peruvian Pygmy-Owl | Blue-necked Tanager |
2 White-whiskered Hermit | Band-backed Wren |
Ruddy Pigeon | Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner |
M Green Honeycreeper | F Violaceous Trogon |
Sooty-crowned Flycatcher | M Great Antshrike |
H Rufous-headed Chachalaca | Streaked AntWren |
4 Striped Cuckoo | Green Kingfisher |
Gray-rumped Swift | Black-cheeked Woodpecker |
East side of highway in addition yielded:
Red-billed Scythebill | 2 One-colored Becard |
M Ecuadorian Mango | Neotropic Cormorant |
2 Yellow-tufted Dacnis | 2 Guira Tanager |
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker | Pacific Elaenia |
M Thick-billed Euphonia | - |
August 8:
Left Santo Domingo and drove to Finca Bellavista via Pedro Vicente Maldonado, S. Miguel de los Bancos and the old Nono Road. Our first stop was along a dirt road just west of Vicente, turning left off the main highway that runs toward Mindo. We drove to a "T" junction and took the right-hand road and began birding where the road stopped at a barb-wire fence. This is highly disturbed Choco forest habitat.
Birds observed within 200yds of the end of the dirt road included:
3 Black-tipped Cotinga | M Long-tailed Tyrant |
5+ Maroon-tailed Parakeet | Rufous Motmot |
2 Golden-hooded Tanager | 1 Emerald Tanager |
Bay-headed Tanager | Palm Tanager |
Blue-gray Tanager | Social Flycatcher |
Thick-billed Euphonia | Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant |
Streak Flycatcher | Masked Tityra |
M Purple Honeycreeper | Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo |
Birds seen on drive back towards highway:
M Green Thorntail | Black and White Becard |
Violet-bellied Hummingbird | White-necked Jacobin |
Black-striped Sparrow | Purple-crowned Fairy |
Gray-backed Hawk | 2 Swallow-tailed Kite |
One small flock in the same tree yielded:
Blue-whiskered Tanager | Scarlet-browed Tanager |
Yellow-bellied Siskin | Orange-crowned Euphonia |
M White-bearded Manakin | Slate-throated Gnatcatcher |
We rejoined the Old Nono-Mindo road and drove up to Bellavista
Violet-tailed Sylph | Masked Trogon |
Spotted Nightingale-Thrush | White-rumped Hawk |
2 Plate-billed Mountain Toucan | H Tanager-Finch |
At Bellavista before a splendid vegetarian dinner we had the
Blue-capped Tanager | Collared Inca |
Speckled Hummingbird | Buff-tailed Coronet |
H Narino Tapaculo | Cinnamon Flycatcher |
H Andean Solitaire | Southern Yellow Grosbeak |
Fawn-breasted Brilliant | Brown-capped Vireo |
Band-tailed Pigeon | 2 Russett-backed Oropendula |
August 9:
In the early morning with rain threatening at Bellavista we drove
to Las Bancos and after finding a local property owner birded some
forest to the north of Las Bancos. We found the following:
Black-billed Peppershrike | 3 Golden-bellied Warbler |
5+ Club-winged Manakin (Displaying, Calling at Lek) | |
Tawny-breasted Flycatcher | Golden-naped Tanager |
H Spotted Nightingale-Thrush | Moss-backed Tanager |
Spotted Woodcreeper | Uniform Treehunter |
White-eyed Trogon | Thrush-like Manakin |
Silver-throated Tanager | Wedge-billed Woodcreeper |
2 Glistening-green Tanager | Russet Antshrike |
Rufous-rumped AntWren | Plain Xenops |
2 Crimson-bellied Woodpecker | Groove-billed Ani |
White-whiskered Hermit | - |
Returning to the Mindo-Nono road we found:
Violet-tailed Sylph | 2 Black-crowned Tityra |
Golden-headed Quetzal | Gray-headed Kite |
Smoky-brown Woodpecker | Mountain Wren |
H White-tipped Dove | 2 Plate-billed Mountain Toucan |
2 Scaly-naped Parrot | Speckled-faced Parrot |
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta | - |
August 10:
Staying close to Bellavista we birded trail# 3 in the morning --
Parsons maintains a number of trails on his property and all are worth
exploring (todate 154 species of birds have been observed from the
or on the trails on his property):
Striped Treehunter | Strong-billed Woodcreeper |
Black-crested Warbler | 2 White-sided Flower-piercer |
Rufous-naped Brush-Finch | 3+ Blue-fronted Parrotlet |
White-faced (Nunbird) Puffbird | H White-throated Quail-Dove |
Beryl-spangled Tanager | Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant |
Blue-black Tanager | Long-tailed Antbird |
Smoke-colored Pewee | Rufous Spinetail |
Masked Flowerpiercer | White-tailed Tyrannulet |
Glossy-black Thrush | H Powerful Woodpecker |
Russet-crowned Warbler | White-banded Tyrannulet |
Grass-green Tanager | Streak-necked Flycatcher |
Spectacled Redstart | Streaked Tuftedcheek |
Tawny-breasted Hermit | Black Flowerpiercer |
Plush-capped Finch | Flammulated Treehunter |
This same trail has yielded GIANT ANTPITTA, roosting MOTTLED OWL and COMMON POTOO. In addition, in the very early morning LYRE-TAILED NIGHTJAR has been observed in and around Bellavista.
In the afternoon we birded down the Mindo Rd. which is still being
We saw the following:
Gorgeted Sunangel | 4 Turquoise Jay |
Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager | H Crested Quetzal |
White-rumped Hawk | Flavescent Flycatcher |
Rufous Wren | Bluish Flowerpiercer |
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker | 3 Hooded Mountain-Tanager |
Grass-green Tanager | Pearled Treerunner |
August 11:
We had a terrible day -- the sun shone mercilessly down. Not a cloud
in sight as we drove and birded up the Mindo-Nono Rd. back to Quito.
Three-striped Warbler | Golden-crowned Flycatcher |
Yellow-faced Grassquit | Chestnut-collared Swift |
Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant | 2 Rusty-winged Barbtail |
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager | Red-backed Hawk |
Great Thrush | H Toucan Barbet |
Hooded Siskin | Peregrine Falcon |
August 12:
We birded up and over the Papallacta Pass. On the first drive up to
the summit we found:
Shining Sunbeam | 2 Puna Hawk |
Many-striped Canastero | 10's Plumbeous Sierra-Finch |
Brown-bellied Swallow | Sedge Wren |
Tawny Antpitta | - |
Over the pass and just before the reservior we stopped for a flock:
Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager | 7+ Black-backed Bush-Tanager |
White-throated Tyrannulet | White-banded Tyrannulet |
2 Cinereous Conebill | Blue-backed Conebill |
3 Black-headed Hemispingus | Superciliaried Hemispingus |
Pale-naped Brush-Finch | Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager |
Agile Tit-Tyrant | - |
Driving back to the summit we found:
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle | Glossy Flowerpiercer |
Descending back toward Quito on our left is the beginning of the
that proceeds down off the mountain. At the first dirt track (the old
road) we found (we had lunch here in a windy, driving rainsquall):
2 Carunculated Caracara | Red-crested Cotinga |
Shining Sunbeam | - |
Descending further you proceed pass a small village, Cuchauco. We
through this village using the old highway - now a dirt road, this road
parallels the now deep ravine and had the following:
2 Andean Gull | Band-tailed Seedeater |
Tufted Tit-Tyrant | Rusty Flowerpiercer |
H Giant Hummingbird | - |
In the late afternoon we drove back to the summit and up to the
tower, this yielded my last lifers for the trip:
Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant | M Ecuadorian Hillstar |
Andean Tit-spinetail | Stout-billed Cinclodes |
Sadly all good things must end. I will return to Ecuador, and I recommend to all of you visit Bellavista -- cloud forest is something that needs to be experienced at least once in a lifetime.
Mark R. Welford,
"Life is short: enjoy it,
travel widely, and you
Dept. of Geol. &
will have no regrets".
Georgia Southern University PHONE: (912) 871-1154
Stateboro, GA 30460-8149 FAX: (912) 681-0668