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Birding the Americas Trip Report and Planning RepositoryOctober 1995
by Mark Lockwood
Cindy and I visited the west slope of the Andes in October 1995. October is in the dry season and the weather was fantastic. It was cloudy most of the time with some light rain on some days. One day, the 21st, was bright and sunny and as a result the birding was quite slow. We arranged the trip through Neblina Forest and had no probleMs. They arranged a guide, Jonus Nilsson, for the drive from Quito to Mindo and a driver to take us back to Quito. We hired the guide for an extra day after arriving. We stayed at El Carmelo's for our entire stay in Mindo and walked the various road and trail in the Mindo Valley and up into the primary forest surrounding the valley. Carmelo's was rustic, but satisfactory.
The area referred to below as Tandayapa Pass is along the old Nono-Mindo Road from the very small village of Tandayapa to where it intersects the highway near Mindo.
15 Oct - Traveled from Quito to Mindo via Nono-Mindo Road
16 Oct - Birded Tandayapa Pass (TP) in the morning and above
Mindo in the afternoon. Stayed at El Carmelo's to the 21st.
17 Oct - walked from Carmelo's up ridge above Mindo
18 Oct - Birded disturbed habitats around Carmelo's and Mindo,
spent 2 hrs in good habitat above Mindo
19 Oct - walked from Carmelo's about 2/3 of the way to the
along Mindo Road
20 Oct - walked from Carmelo's up ridge above Mindo
21 Oct - Traveled from Mindo to Quito via Nono-Mindo Road
Cattle Egret | 3 above Carmelo's on the 15th |
Striated Heron | one seen at pond on the 16th, 19th and 21st |
Turkey Vulture | 5-10 daily |
Black Vulture | 5-20 daily |
Swallow-tailed Kite | 8 on the 19th |
Roadside Hawk | seen daily with a high of 7 on the 19th |
White-rumped Hawk | one adult at Tandayapa Pass on the 16th |
American Kestrel | 2 on the 19th and 1 on the 21st |
Sickle-winged Guan | a single bird flew across the road in front of the truck on the 21st and sat in the open for 2-3 min |
White-throated Crake | 1 at pond on the 16th |
Rock Dove | daily at Carmelo's and in Mindo |
Eared Dove | common in Quito and above Nono |
Band-tailed Pigeon | 5-10 daily |
Plumbeous Pigeon | three on the 18th |
Ruddy Pigeon | 5-20 daily |
White-tipped Dove | one observed on the 18th, heard daily |
Bronze-winged Parrot | seen daily on the north side of Mindo, max 50+ |
Red-billed Parrot | seen daily, max 20+ |
Squirrel Cuckoo | one to three seen daily |
Smooth-billed Ani | common in disturbed habitats and in open fields |
Common Potoo | a single bird found on the 16th at Tandayapa Pass |
Chestnut-collared Swift | 50+ on the 20th at Mindo, 50-75 near Tandayapa on the 21st. |
White-collared Swift | 50-200 daily over Carmelo's |
Gray-rumped Swift | a single bird seen on the mourning of the 16th |
White-whiskered Hermit | two observed on the 17th |
Tawny-bellied Hermit | two near Tandayapa on the 15th |
Long-tailed Hermit | one feeding in the yard at Carmelo's on the 20th |
Little Hermit | one near Carmelo's on the 18th |
Brown Violet-ear | one at an Inga Tree across the highway from the Mindo turnoff on the 15 and another above Mindo on the 19th |
Green Violet-ear | one observed along the road on the 15th |
Sparkling Violet-ear | common around Mindo |
Blue-tailed Emerald | a female observed on the 17th |
Green-crowned Woodnymph | excellent look at a male on the 18th, female on the 19th |
Andean Emerald | one or two seen daily |
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird | two or three seen daily around Carmelo's |
Speckled Hummingbird | Common along the Nono-Mindo road and TP |
Purple-bibbed Whitetip | male and female on the 19th |
Emperess Brilliant | one seen along the road to Mindo in the 15th |
Bronzy Inca | two above Mindo on the 17th |
Brown Inca | one across highway from Mindo Turnoff on the 15 and 2 at TP |
Collared Inca | one seen on the 15th-17th |
Buff-tailed Coronet | one at Tandayapa Pass on the 16th |
Velvet-purple Coronet | 1-2 across the highway from Mindo turnoff, seen in poor light, look dark, no purple seen |
Gorgeted Sunangel | one male at TP |
Sapphire-vented Puffleg | several seen above Nono on the 15th, 2 in the same area on the 21st |
Booted Racket-tail | females commonly seen along road and around Mindo, a male guarded a group of flowers along the road above Mindo, seen on the 16th, 17th and 19th. |
Black-tailed Trainbearer | three seen on the outskirts of Quito, including a male with a very long train |
Tyrian Metaltail | common above Nono |
Violet-tailed Sylph | common in the forests around Mindo |
Wedge-billed Hummingbird | a male observed on the road to Mindo |
Purple-crowned Fairy | single males on the 16th above Mindo and on the 20th at the pond |
Purple-throated Woodstar | an adult male on the 18th, possible imm male on the 17th |
White-bellied Woodstar | male and female on the 19th |
Masked Trogon | three at TP on the 16th, one above Mindo on the 17th |
Golden-headed Quetzal | a female at TP and a male above Mindo on the 16th, 3 males and a female above Mindo on the 20th |
Rufous Motmot | one on the way down to Mindo in the 15th, four above Mindo on the 20th |
Broad-billed Motmot | one above Mindo on the 20th |
Ringed Kingfisher | female at pond on the 18th and 20th |
Red-headed Barbet | pair above Mindo on the 18th and a female on the 19th |
Toucan Barbet | two at TP, two above Mindo on the 16, 17th, and 20th and two along road on the 21st |
Crimson-rumped Toucanet | 3-10 daily above Mindo |
Pale-mandibled Aracari | 1-10 on the 18th-20th at Carmelo's (twice in the yard) |
Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan | six seen above Tandayapa on the 15th |
Choco Toucan | one observed above Mindo on the 17th |
Smoky-brown Woodpecker | 1-3 seen daily around Mindo area |
Golden-olive Woodpecker | one observed on the 18th |
Powerful Woodpecker | two above Mindo on the 17th |
Montane Woodcreeper | common at TP |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper | one above Mindo on the 21st |
Spotted Woodcreeper | three observed along Mindo road on the 19th |
Plain-brown Woodcreeper | one seen above Mindo on the 16th and 20th |
Strong-billed Woodcreeper | two above Mindo on the 17th |
Pale-legged Hornero | two pairs near Mindo (one nest), one at TP |
Red-faced Spinetail | abundant in disturbed habitats around Mindo |
Azara's Spintail | two observed on the 15th along N-M road, many more heard |
Slaty Spinetail | two near Tandayapa on the 15th, 1-2 seen daily in Mindo area |
Pearled Treerunner | one at TP, fantastic looking bird |
Spotted Barbtail | one at TP |
Streaked Tuftedcheek | two at TP |
Striped Woodhaunter | one above Mindo on 17th |
Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner | common in forests around Mindo |
Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner | one on the 17th, two on 19th & 20th |
Plain Xenops | one on Mindo road on the 19th |
Streaked Antwren | two near the pond on the 18th, one in town on the 19th |
Long-tailed Antbird | male (16th) and female (19th) in same bamboo patch along Mindo Road |
Unicolored Tapaculo | one well seen on the 21st along the N-M road |
Golden-faced Tyrannulet | one above Mindo on the 17th |
Ashy-headed Tyrannulet | one above Mindo on the 17th |
Black-capped Tyrannulet | one along N-M road on the 21st |
Rufous-winged Tyrannulet | two along Mindo Road on the 19th |
White-tailed Tyrannulet | common at TP, 1-5 above Mindo daily |
Yellow Tyrannulet | one seen on the 17th above Mindo, and on 19th along Mindo Road in bamboo |
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet | three seen in orchard above Carmelo's on the 17th |
Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant | 3 on 17th and 2 on 20 above Mindo, one on N-M road on 21st |
Yellow-bellied Elaenia | one above Mindo on the 18th |
Sierran Elaenia | 2 along N-M road on 21st |
White-crested Elaenia | common along N-M road on 15th and at TP |
Torrent Tyrannulet | 2-3 along river near Carmelo's |
Streak-necked Flycatcher | five along N-M road on 15th, 2-3 at TP |
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant | three near Carmelo's on the 18th |
Common Tody-Flycatcher | two in yard at Carmelo's daily |
Ornate Flycatcher | common above Mindo |
Cinnamon Flycatcher | three along N-M road on 15th, 2 at TP, 1 on 21st along N-M road |
Flavescent Flycatcher | one above Mindo on the 17th |
Bran-colored Flycatcher | three-five in disturbed habitats on the 18th and 19th |
Smoke-colored Pewee | 1-5 seen daily |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | wood-pewee's were common in open habitats on the 17th-20th, several Eastern's heard |
Tropical Pewee | 1-3 seen daily above Mindo |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | one on the 19th |
Black Phoebe | three at bridge near Carmelo's, two along N-M road on the 21st |
Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant | one seen on the 21st, several heard on 15th |
Streak-necked Bush-Tyrant | two in Quito on 15th, one along N-M road on 15th & 21st |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | 1-5 seen daily around Mindo |
Rusty-margined Flycatcher | 3-5 around Carmelo's daily |
Social Flycatcher | two at Carmelo's on 20th, two along Mindo Road on the 19th |
Gray-capped Flycatcher | two around the pond daily |
Golden-crowned Flycatcher | one to three daily above Mindo and at TP |
Streaked Flycatcher | one on the 17th above Mindo |
Tropical Kingbird | several seen daily in disturbed habitats |
Cinnamon Becard | one to three seen daily |
White-winged Becard | a pair observed at TP and a male above Mindo on the 17th |
Black-and-white Becard | one male observed above Mindo on the 17th |
One-colored Becard | a pair observed above Mindo on the 17th |
Black-crowned Tityra | an adult female in the orchard at Carmelo's on the 20th |
Masked Tityra | one male observed above Mindo on the 18th |
Rufous Piha | a single bird near Carmelo's on the 18th |
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock | found while watching Mtn-Toucans, a male sat in the open for at least five minutes along N-M road on the 15th |
Club-winged Manakin | six to ten displaying males seen and heard on the 17th and 20th at the top of the trail above Mindo, two females were also observed on the 15th |
Brown-bellied Swallow | numerous individuals around Quito and Nono on the 15th and 21st. |
Blue-and-white Swallow | abundant around Mindo and along N-M road |
Southern Rough-winged Swallow | a few individuals seen daily around Mindo |
Barn Swallow | 2-3 daily around Mindo |
Turquoise Jay | four small flocks of 3-5 birds seen along N-M road on the 15th and one individual seen on the 21st |
Mountain Wren | one at TP on the 16th and one above Mindo on the 18th |
House Wren | common in disturbed habitats |
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren | common at TP, above Mindo, and along N-M road, only 2 actually seen |
White-capped Dipper | a pair along the Rio Mindo and another pair along N-M road |
Andean Solitaire | one seen on the 15th, many heard daily |
Great Thrush | abundant at high elevations on 15th & 21st |
Ecuadorian Thrush | one individual seen twice near Carmelo's (19th & 21st) |
Brown-capped Vireo | common in flocks in good forest |
Red-eyed Vireo | common, mostly in second growth and disturbed areas |
Tropical Parula | common in all habitats around Mindo, TP, & N-M road |
Blackburnian Warbler | common in flocks along N-M road, TP and Mindo |
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat | males observed on the 18th & 19th; a pair w/ 4 juvs. observed on the 20th |
Slate-throated Redstart | common around Mindo, TP and along N-M road, many juvs. |
Spectacled Redstart | one adult was seen on the 15th and 21st above Nono |
Three-striped Warbler | fairly common at TP and above Mindo, adults feeding juvs. at TP |
Black-crested Warbler | a flock of 10-15 birds observed along the N-M road |
Russet-crowned Warbler | several at TP, excellent look at one along N-m road on 21st |
Bananaquit | 2-3 seen daily around Carmelo's |
Cinereous Conebill | 2 observed above Nono on the 15th and a few seen near Nono on the 21st |
Capped Conebill | several seen at TP; excellent looks at a pair along N-M road on the 21st |
Glistening-green Tanager | one seen above Mindo on the 17th |
Golden Tanager | the most common Tangara, present in most flocks along N-M road, TP and Mindo |
Silver-throated Tanager | one observed at Carmelo's on the 20th |
Flame-faced Tanager | common at TP and above Mindo |
Rufous-throated Tanager | one above Mindo on the 17th, five along Mindo Road on 19th |
Bay-headed Tanager | one along Mindo road on the 19th |
Golden-naped Tanager | second most common Tangara, present in most flocks along N-M road, TP and Mindo |
Metallic-green Tanager | one near the highway at Mindo turnoff on 15th, three seen on the 20th above Mindo |
Blue-necked Tanager | one to five seen daily, in disturbed habitats mostly, around Mindo |
Beryl-spangled Tanager | common along N-M road, TP and Mindo |
Black-capped Tanager | one male seen at TP on 16th |
Blue Dacnis | one male above Mindo on 17th |
Orange-crowned Euphonia | a pair was well observed at close range for several minutes on the 18th |
Golden-rumped Euphonia | a pair was along the Mindo road on the 19th |
Orange-bellied Euphonia | common along N-M road, TP and Mindo |
Thick-billed Euphonia | one imm. male above Mindo on the 17th |
Fawn-breasted Tanager | three birds were frequently seen in the tall tree near Carmelo's |
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager | about 10 individuals seen above Nono on the 15th, 3-4 in the same area on the 21st |
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager | common along N-m road, TP and above Mindo |
Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager | one seen at TP on the 16th |
Hooded Mountain-Tanager | two seen along N-M road on the 15th |
Grass-green Tanager | two individuals seen at TP |
Blue-capped Tanager | one seen along N-M road on 15th and 3 on 21st, one at TP |
Blue-gray Tanager | common around Mindo |
Palm Tanager | 1-3 seen daily around Mindo |
Ochre-breasted Tanager | one seen above Mindo on the 17th and 1 along N-M road on 21st |
White-shouldered Tanager | one near Carmelo's on the 19th |
Summer Tanager | three individuals total around Mindo, one male on 20th |
Flame-rumped Tanager | abundant in disturbed habitats around Mindo |
White-winged Tanager | single birds seen on 17th, 18th and 20th |
Plushcap | one seen briefly on the 16th at TP |
Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager | one individual near Carmelo's on the 19th |
Dusky Bush-Tanager | common at TP, one or two seen on the 17 above Mindo |
Yellow-green Bush-Tanager | one individual above Mindo on the 17th and 18th |
Yellow-throated Bush-Tanager | common above Mindo |
Superciliaried Hemispingus | one above Nono on the 15th |
Swallow-Tanager | fairly common around Mindo, high of 7 on the 19th |
Grayish Saltator | two singing birds above orchard at Carmelo's on the 20th |
Buff-throated Saltator | two to three seen daily near Carmelo's |
Black-winged Saltator | one near Tandayapa on the 15th, three along Mindo Road on the 19th, two above Mindo on the 20th |
Southern Yellow-Grosbeak | seen at all elevations from Mindo to Quito |
Rufous-naped Brush-Finch | two to five seen above Nono on the 15th & 21st |
Tricolored Brush-Finch | one seen near Mindo on the 15th and 17th |
Orange-billed Sparrow | one adult near Carmelo's on the 19th |
Blue-black Grassquit | common in the fields and weedy edges around Mindo |
Variable Seedeater | uncommon in the fields and weedy edges around Mindo |
Yellow-bellied Seedeater | common in the fields and weedy edges around Mindo |
Plain-colored Seedeater | a few individuals near Quito on the 15th |
Yellow-faced Grassquit | two birds along the Mindo Road on the 19th |
Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch | two males and a female near Quito on the 21st |
Masked Flowerpiercer | one above Nono on the 15th, several seen at TP, and one-two daily above Mindo |
Black Flowerpiercer | 15 seen above Nono on the 15th, 1 on the 21st |
White-sided Flowerpiercer | common around Tandayapa, a few around Mindo |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | common at upper elevations, a few near Mindo and TP |
Hooded Siskin | a pair seen above Nono on the 15th |
Lesser Goldfinch | about 10 near Tandayapa on the 15th |
Shiny Cowbird | common around Mindo |
Giant Cowbird | abundant around Mindo |
Russet-backed Oropendola | two along N-M road on the 15th, two above Mindo on the 17th |
212 species
The following birds were heard only. Most were identified by Jonus Nilsson.
Wattled Guan
Rufous Spinetail
Rufous-breasted Antthrush
Tawny Antpitta
Scaled Antpitta
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta
Ash-colored Tapaculo
Rufous-rumped (Spillmann's) Tapaculo
Lineated Foliage-gleaner
Tufted Tit-Tyrant
Plain-tailed Wren
Pale-eyed Thrush
Mark Lockwood
Austin, Texas 78745