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Birding the Americas Trip Report and Planning Repository1 - 15 August 1996
by Barry Levine
In that this was our first trip to S. America, many of the 294 birds listed were lifers. Great trip with a lot of help from others who had passed that way previously. Also our 2 guides were invaluable: Fausto at La Selva lodge and Vinicio Perez in Mindo.
Fausto can be testy at times (especially if your Spanish is not serviceable enough to find the tough birds in a dense jungle), but he is also unbelieveably good at hearing/locating species. Vinicio is a wonderful person, who is good at locating species.
I hope there are not too many taxonomic errors. The order of the birds were listed using the Guide to Colombian Birds. I have listed (?) for the species that I didn't have reference materials in which to find their classification. The H beside some of the species stands for heard only.
The locations are based on the following key.
1= Napo River/La Selva
2= Cerro Blanco outside
of Guayaquil, Ecuador
3= Lima, Peru
4= Mindo, Ecuador
5= Machu Picchu/ Cuzco area,
6= Pasochoa, Ecuador
Black Vulture | C.atratus | 1 |
Turkey Vulture | C. aura | 2 |
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture | C. melambrotus | 1 |
Yellow-headed Caracara | C. chimachima | 1 |
Black Caracara | D. ater | 1 |
Red-throated Caracara | D. americus | 1 |
Roadside Hawk | B. magnirostris | 1 |
Double-toothed Kite | H. bidentatus | 1 |
Grey-backed Hawk | ? | 2 |
Black Hawk-Eagle | S.tyrannus | 1 |
Red-backed Hawk | B.polyosoma | 3 |
Plumbeous Kite | I. plumbea | 1 |
Plumbeous Hawk | L. plumbea | 1 |
Bat Falcon | F. rufigularis | 1 |
Laughing Falcon | H. cachinnans | 1 |
American Kestrel | F. sparverius | 5 |
Spectacled Owl | P. perspicillata H* only | 1 |
Tawny-bellied Owl | O. watsonii | 1 |
Common Potoo | N. griseus | 4 |
Paraque | N. albicollis | 1 |
White-collared Swift | S. zonaris | 6 |
Chestnut-collared Swift | C. rutilus | 4 |
Short-tailed Swift | C. brachyura | 1 |
Fork-tailed Palm-Swift | R. squamata | 1 |
Fasciated Antshrike | F. unduligera | 1 |
Bare-necked Fruitcrow | G. foetidus | 1 |
Amazonian Umbrellabird | C. ornatus | 1 |
Little Tinnamou | C. soui | 1 |
Marbled Wood-Quail | O. gujanensis | 1 |
Zigzag Heron | Z. undulatus | 1 |
Agami Heron | A. agami | 1 |
Torrent Duck | M. armata | 5 |
Wattled Guan | A. aburri H* only | 4 |
Variable Chachalaca | O. motmot columbiana | 1 |
Spix's Guan | P. jacquaca | 1 |
Blue-throated Piping Guan | P.? | 1 |
Azure Gallinule | P.flavirostris | 1 |
Bear-eyed Pidgeon | C.corensis | 3 |
Ruddy Pidgeon | C.subvinacea purpureotincta | 4 |
White-tipped Dove | L.verreauxi | 1 |
Gray-fronted Dove | L.rufaxilla | 1 |
White-winged Dove | Z.asiatica | 2 |
Croaking Ground-Dove | ? | 2 |
Plumbeous Pigeon | C. plumbea | 1 |
Dusky-headed Parakeet | A. wedellii | 1 |
White-eyed Parakeet | A.leucopthalmus | 1 |
Blue-winged Parrolet | F. xantopterygius | 2 |
Cobalt-winged Parakeet | B. cyanoptera | 1 |
Black-headed Parrot | P m. melanocephala | 1 |
Red-shouldered Parrot | ? | 1 |
Blue-and-yellow Macaw | A. ararauna | 1 |
Scarlet Macaw | A. macao | 1 |
Chestnut-fronted Macaw | A. severa | 1 |
Red-bellied | A. manilata | 1 |
Blue-headed Parrot | P> menstruus | 1 |
Orange-winged Parrot | A. amazonica | 1 |
Yellow-crowned Parrot | A. o. ochrocephala | 1 |
Mealy Parrot | A. farinosa | 1 |
Red-lored Parrot | A. autumnalis | 2 |
Little Cuckoo | P. minuta | 1 |
Squirrel Cuckoo | P. cayana | 1 |
Violaceous Jay | C. violaceus | 1 |
White-tailed Jay | ? | 2 |
Crowned Woodnymph | T. colombica | 4 |
Blue-tailed Emerald | C. mellisugus | 1 |
White-necked Jacobin | F. mellivora | 1 |
Rufus-tailed Hummingbird | A. tzacati | 4 |
Little Hermit | P. longuemareus | 1 |
Green Hermit | P. guy | 4 |
Andean Emerald Hummingbird | ? | 4 |
Purple-throated Woodstar | P. mitchellii | 4 |
Sparkling Violetear | C. coruscans | 4 |
Tourmaline Sunangel | H. exortis | 6 |
Buff-tailed Coronet | B. flavescens | 4 |
Buff-breasted Coronet | ? | 4 |
Giant Hummingbird | ? | 5 |
Straight-billed Hermit | P. bourcieri | 1 |
Long-tailed Sylph | A. kingi | 6 |
Violet-tailed Sylph | A. coelestis | 4 |
White-tipped Hummingbird | ? | 4 |
Racquet-tailed Hummingbird | ? | 4 |
Golden-headed Quetzal | P. auriceps | 4 |
White-tailed Trogan | T. viridis | 1 |
Violaceous Trogan | T. violaceus | 1 |
Black-tailed Trogan | T. melanurus | 1 |
Black-throated Trogan | T. rufus | 1 |
White-eared Jacamar | G. leucotis | 1 |
Broad-billed Motmot | E. platyrhynchum | 1 |
Rufous Motmot | B. ruficapillus | 1 |
Yellow-billed Nunbird | M. flavirostirs | 1 |
Black-fronted Nunbird | M. nigrifrons | 1 |
White-fronted Nunbird | M. morphoeus | 1 |
Swallow-winged Puffbird | C. tenebrosa | 1 |
White-necked Puffbird | N. macrorhynchus | 1 |
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher | C. inda | 1 |
Crimson-rumped Toucanet | A. haematopygus | 4 |
Many-banded Aracari | P. pluricinctus | 1 |
Lettered Aracari | P. inscripyus | 1 |
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan | R. swainsonii | 4 |
Yellow-ridged Toucan | R. culminatus | 1 |
White-throated Toucan | R. tucanus | 1 |
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker | V.callonotus | 2 |
Golden-olive Woodpecker | P. rubiginosus | 2 |
Andean Woodpecker | ? | 5 |
Spot-crowned Barbet | C. maculicoronatus | 1 |
Black-spotted Barbet | C. niger punctatus | 1 |
Toucan Barbet | S. ramphastinus | 4 |
Scarlet-crowned Barbet | C. aurovirens | 1 |
Red-headed Barbet | E. bouricierii | 4 |
Little Woodpecker | V. passerinus | 1 |
Linneated Woodpecker | D. lineatus | 1 |
Crimson-crested Woodpecker | C. melanoleucos | 1 |
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper | G. spirurus | 1 |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper | L. souleyetii | 2 |
Buff-throated Woodcreeper | X. guttatus | 1 |
Black-banded Woodcreeper | D. picumnus | 1 |
Strong-billed Woodcreeper | X.promeropirynchus | 1 |
White-breasted Woodcreeper | ? | 1 |
Chestnut-winged hookbill | A. strigilatus | 1 |
Pacific Hornero | ? | 2 |
Slaty Spinetail | S. brachyura | 4 |
Red-faced Spinetail | C. erythrops | 4 |
Plain Xenops | X. minutus | 1 |
Spotted Barbtail | P. brunnescens | 4 |
Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner | P. rufus | 4 |
Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner | P. ruficaudatus | 1 |
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner | A. ochrolaemus | 4 |
Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner | A. infuscatus | 1 |
Slate-throated Foliage-gleaner | ? | 4 |
Fasciated Antshrike | C. lineatus | 1 |
Great Antshrike | T. major | 1 |
Immaculate Antbird | M.immaculata | 4 |
Scale-backed Antbird | H. poecilonota | 1 |
Spot-backed Antwren | H. dorsimaculatus | 1 |
White-flanked antwren | M. axillaris | 1 |
Warbling Antbird | H. cantador | 1 |
Mouse-colored Antshrike | T. murinus | 1 |
Cinerous Antshrike | T. caesius | 1 |
Plain-winged Antshrike | ? | 1 |
Rufous Antpitta | G. rufula | 6 |
Chestnut-bellied Gnateater | C. aurita | 1 |
Black-faced Antbird | M. myotherinus | 1 |
Blue-crowned Manakin | P. coronata | 1 |
Glove-winged Manakin | ? | 4 |
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock | R. p. aequatorialis | 4 |
Bright-rumped Attila | A. spadiceus | 4 |
Cinnamon Attila | A. cinnamomeus | 1 |
Ringed Antpipit | C. torquata | 1 |
Spangled Cottinga | C. cayana | 1 |
Plum-throated Cottinga | C. maynana | 1 |
Cinerous Mourner | L. hypopyrrha | 1 |
White-winged Becard | P. polycopterus | 1 |
Black-and-white Becard | P. albogriseus | 4 |
One-colored Becard | P. homochrous | 4 |
Chestnut-crowned Becard | P. castanus | 1 |
Collared Becard | ? | 4 |
Black-tailed Tityra | T. cayana | 1 |
Masked Tityra | T. semifasciata | 4 |
Black-crowned Tityra | T. inquisitor | 1 |
Common Tody-Flycatcher | T. cinereum | 4 |
Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher | T. sylvia | 1 |
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant | L. pileatus | 4 |
S. Beardless Tyrannulet | C. obsoletum | 2 |
Slender-footed Tyrannulet | Z. gracilipes | 1 |
Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet | M. minor | 1 |
Ochre-bellied Tyrannulet | M. oleaginea | 1 |
Ashy-headed Tyrannulet | P. cinereiceps | 4 |
Yellow-faced Tyrannulet | ? | 4 |
Scarlet-crested Pygmy-Tyrannulet | ? | 4 |
Ornate Flycatcher | M. ornatus | 4 |
Olive-stripped Flycatcher | M. olivaceous | 4 |
Yellow-bellied Elaenia | E. flavogaster | 4 |
Lesser Elaenia | E. chiriquensis | 4 |
Sierran Elaenia | E. pallatangae | 4 |
Gray-tipped Peewee | ? | 4 |
River Tyrannulet | S. hypoleuca | 1 |
Red Water-Tyrant | ? | 1 |
Tropical Kingbird | T. melancholicus | 1 |
Social Flycatcher | M. similis | 1 |
Gray-capped Flycatcher | M. granadensis | 1 |
Streaked Flycatcher | M. maculatus | 4 |
Boat-billed Flycatcher | M. pitangua | 1 |
Great Kiskadee | P. sulphuratus | 1 |
Crowned Slaty-Flycatcher | E. aurantioatrocristatus | 1 |
Sirystes | S. sibilator | 1 |
Brown-crested Flycatcher | M. tyrannulus | 1 |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher | M. tuberculifer | 1 |
Blue-and-White Swallow | N.cyanoleuca | 4 |
White-banded Swallow | A. faciata | 1 |
White-winged Swallow | T. albiventer | 1 |
Gray-brested Martin | P. chalybea | 1 |
Bay Wren | T. nigricapillus | 4 |
Thrush-like Wren | C. turdinus | 1 |
Fasciated Wren | ? | 2 |
Coraya Wren | T. coraya | 1 |
Gray-brested Wood-Wren | H. leucophrys | 4 |
Mountain Wren | T. solstitialis | 4 |
House Wren | T. aedon | 4 |
Half-collared Gnatwren | M. cinereiventris | 1 |
Slate-throated Gnatwren | P. schistaceigula | 6 |
Long-billed Gnatwren | R. melanurus | 1 |
Tropical Gnatcatcher | P. plumbea | 2 |
Glossy-backed Thrush | T. serranus | 6 |
Black-billed Thrush | T. ignobilis | 1 |
White-necked Thrush | T. albicollis | 1 |
Ecuadorian Thrush | ? | 4 |
Yellow-tailed Oriole | I. mesomelas | 2 |
Yellow-rumped Cacique | C. cela | 1 |
Crested Oropendula | P. decamanus | 1 |
Shiny Cowbird | M. bonariensis | 1 |
Giant Cowbird | S> orizivora | 4 |
Russet-backed Oropendula | P. a. angustifrons | 1 |
Olive Oropendula | G. yuracares | 1 |
Oriole Blackbird | G. mexicanus | 1 |
Moriche Oriole | I. chrysocephalus | 1 |
Red-eyed Vireo | V. olivaceus | 4 |
Brown-capped Vireo | V. leucophrys | 1 |
Tropical Parula | P. pitiayumi | 4 |
Three-striped Warbler | B. tristriatus | 4 |
Orange-and-yellow Warbler | ? | 4 |
Slate-throated Redstart | M. miniatus | 4 |
Green Honeycreeper | C. spiza | 1 |
Purple Honeycreeper | C. caeruleus | 1 |
Blue Dacnis | D. cayana | 1 |
Bananaquit | C. flaveola | 4 |
Golden-naped Tanager | T. ruficervix | 4 |
Metallic-green Tanager | T. labradorides | 4 |
Rufous-throated Tanager | T. rufigula | 4 |
Glistening-green Tanager | C. phoenicotis | 4 |
Swallow-Tanager | T. viridis | 4 |
Golden Tanager | T. arthus | 4 |
Flame-faced Tanager | T. parzudakii | 4 |
Beryl-spangled Tanager | T. nigroviridis | 4 |
Blue-necked Tanager | T. cyanicollis | 4 |
Turquoise Tanager | T. mexicana | 1 |
Bay-headed Tanager | T. gyrola | 4 |
Green-and-gold Tanager | T. schrankii | 1 |
Yellow-bellied Tanager | T. xanthogastra | 4 |
Opal-crowned Tanager | T. callophyrs | 1 |
Beautiful Tanager | ? | 4 |
Beige-headed Tanager | ? | 4 |
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager | A. flavinucha | 4 |
Blue-gray Tanager | T. episcopus | 2 |
Silver-beaked Tanager | R. carbo | 1 |
Lemon-rumped Tanager | R. icteronotus | 4 |
Bald Tanager | ? | 1 |
White-lined Tanager | T. rufus | 4 |
Dusky-bellied Bush-Tanager | C. semifuscus | 4 |
Thick-billed Euphonia | E. lanirostris | 4 |
Orange-bellied Euphonia | E. xanthogaster | 4 |
Rufous-bellied Euphonia | E> rufiventris | 1 |
White-eyed Euphonia | ? | 1 |
Fawn-breasted Tanager | P melanonota | 4 |
Tricolored Brush-Finch | A. tricolor H | 4 |
Stripe-headed Brush-Finch | A. t. assimilis | 6 |
Red-capped Cardinal | P. gularis | 1 |
Black-capped Cardinal | P. ? | 1 |
Buff-throated Saltator | S. maximus | 2 |
Black-winged Saltator | ? | 4 |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | Z. capensis | 3 |
Yellow-bellied Seedeater | S. nigricollis | 4 |
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater | S. casteneiventris | 1 |
Grassland Sparrow | A. humeralis | 1 |
Hooded Siskin | S. magellanicus | 3 |
Feel free to contact me for any particulars.
Barry Levine
1025 N. E. 72nd St.
Seattle Wa. 98115