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8-22 July 2004
by George Livingston
This was a family trip with my parents and brother. We rented a car on
both islands and drove to each establishment we stayed in. The birding
I undertook was almost exclusively in either rainforest or secondary
growth, except for several brief visits to Nariva Swamp and Bucco
Marsh. Aside from driving on T&T’s roads, the trip was enjoyable
and I would recommend a visit during this period of the year.
Rain came in short <30 min bursts most days that were never a
hindrance to birding. Humidity and heat were nearly unbearable if
without shade for any significant period at midday. Morning and evening
were pleasant.
Birded for several hours one afternoon with Nicholas from the sea
turtle monitoring facility in Grand Riviere. If you are looking for
Trinidad Piping-guan, he can help you locate a reliable location or
contact me. However, I am a bit concerned about possible disturbance at
this site. Otherwise, I was own my own.
Except for a general attempt by many locals in the more urban
areas to force some service upon you, we didn’t encounter any problems
Mosquitoes were a problem only at dawn and dusk in most areas. If you
find yourself sweating much at all, DEET lasts only about and hour and
a half. Wearing pants and reapplying DEET on your arms and hat often
will minimize bits. Chiggers were not encountered.
Boots and an umbrella is all you need. A rain poncho is unbearable. I
also brought a spotting scope which was useful on several occasions.
-Do stay at one of the Paria Springs Eco. Comm. Houses in Brasso Seco.
-Do stay at Mt. Plaisir Est. in Grand Riviere.
-Do stay at Cuffie River Nature Retreat.
-Don’t stay at Bel Air International.
-Don’t use Econo rentals.
Books taken:
Insight Guide to T&T
-- Don’t use, Rough Guide far better.
A Birder’s Guide to T&T --
Old edition (1995), is now updated, still was very useful.
A Guide to the Birds of T&T
-- Plates useful in field for most species and text is good, for more
difficult ID’s consult Hilty.
Birds of Venezuela --
Excellent, though large, it was a great supplement to the above.
A Neotropical Companion --
Great resource on tropical ecology and other topics.
Trip List
Legend Codes:
GR: Grand Riviere
BS: Brasso Seco or the road leading to it
B: Blanchisseuse Road, mostly the higher portion, and adjacent side
roads and trails
N: Nariva Swamp
PA: Piarco Airport
ASA: Asa Wright
CU: Cuffie River Nature Retreat and vicinity
BM: Bucco Marsh
Bird list
with locations and abundance (excluding some of the more common
1. Little Tinamou--2, GR (heard only)
2. Least Grebe--1, BM
3. Brown Pelican
4. Magnificent Frigatebird
5. Little Blue Heron--1, Arnos Vale
6. Green Heron--2, BM
7. Striated Heron--1, N
8. Cattle Egret
9. Black bellied-whistling Duck--5, BM
10. Black Vulture
11. Turkey Vulture
12. Pearl Kite--1, N
13. A. Swallow-tailed Kite--1, B
14. Gray-headed Kite--1, BS
15. Plumbeous Kite--2, B, 2, N
16. Zone-tailed Hawk--1, B
17. Gray Hawk--1, ASA
18. White Hawk--1, BS
19. Savanna Hawk--1, N
20. Common Black-hawk--1, BS, 1, N
21. Yellow-headed Caracara--1, N
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Rufous-vented Chachalaca
23. Trinidad Piping-guan--5, GR (heard only as they came in to roost 45
min after sunset)
24. Common Moorhen--4, BM
25 Wattled Jacana--2, N, 2, BM
26. Southern Lapwing--3, PA, 2, GR
27. Laughing Gull--2, GR, 10, Tobago
28. Royal Tern--1, Arnos Vale
29. Rock Pigeon
30. Scaled Pigeon--3, BS, 1, GR
31. Pale-vented Pigeon--2, CU
32. Eared Dove--1, CU
33. Ruddy-ground Dove--8, BS
34 White-tipped Dove--1, B, 20+, CU
35. Gray-fronted Dove--4, BS
36. Green-rumped Parrotlet--6, N, 4, CU
37. Lilac-tailed Parrotlet--30, BS
38. Blue-headed Parrot--3, B (heard only)
39. Orange-winged Parrot
40. Squirrel Cuckoo--1, N, 1, GR
41. Greater Ani--2, B
42. Smooth-billed Ani--1, BS, 1, CU
43. Spectacled Owl--1, B
44. Common Potoo--1, CU (heard only)
45. White-tailed Nightjar--3, CU, 1, BM
46. White-collared Swift--3, GR
47. Chestnut-collared Swift--4, GR
48. Gray-rumped Swift--10, BS
49. Band-rumped Swift--15, BS
50. Short-tailed Swift--15, GR
51. Rufous-breasted Hermit
52. Green Hermit--3, BS, 1, ASA
53. Little Hermit--1, BS, 1, ASA
54. White-necked Jacobin--10, ASA, 6, CU
55. Green-throated Mango--2, N
56. Black-throated Mango--1, BS
57. Ruby-topaz Hummingbird--3, CU
58. Blue-chinned Sapphire--1, ASA
59. White-chested Emerald--1, ASA, 1, GR
60. Copper-rumped Hummingbird
61. White-tailed Trogon--1, BS, 1, ASA, 1, GR
62. Collared Trongon--2, B, 1, CU
63. Violaceous Trogon--1, ASA, 1, GR
64. Ringed Kingfisher--1, N (female, N. end of swamp)
65. Green Kingfisher--1, N, 1, GR
66. Blue-crowned Motmot--1, B, 8, CU
67. Rufous-tailed Jacamar--1, GR, 15, CU
68. Channel-billed Toucan--2, BS, 2, GR
69. Golden-olive Woodpecker--3, BS
70. Lineated Woodpecker--2, GR
71. Red-crowned Woodpecker--2, BM, 2, CU
72. Red-rumped Woodpecker--1, BS
73. Plain-brown Woodcreeper--1, BS
74. Buff-throated Woodcreeper--1, CU
75. Stripe-breasted Spinetail--1, B
76. Streaked Xenops--1, ASA, 1, BS
77. Gray-throated Leaftosser--1, CU
78. Great Antshrike--1, BS, 2, GR
79. Barred Antshrike
80. Black-crested Antshrike--2, N
81. Plain Antvireo--1, CU
82. White-flanked Antwren--1, B, 1, GR
83. White-fringed Antwren--3, CU
84. Silvered Antbird--1, N
85. White-bellied Antbird--1, GR (heard only)
86. Black-faced Antthrush--2, B (heard only)
87. Bearded Bellbird--2, ASA, 2, BS
88. Golden-headed Manakin--3, BS, 1, GR
89. White-bearded Manakin--8, ASA
90. Blue-backed Manakin--11, CU
91. Tropical Kingbird
92. Gray Kingbird--2, CU
93. Boat-billed Flycatcher--1, ASA, 4, BS
94. Streaked Flycatcher--6, CU
95. Great Kiskadee
96. Brown-crested Flycatcher--3, CU
97. Venezuelan Flycatcher--3, CU
98. Tropical Pewee--10, BS
99. Fuscous Flycatcher--1, CU
100. White-throated Spadebill--1, CU
101. Yellow-breasted Flycatcher--1, GR
102. Yellow-bellied Elaenia--2, BS
103. Southern Beardless-tyrannulet--1, GR
104. Slaty-capped Flycatcher--1, B, 2, GR
105. Ochre-bellied Flycatcher--3, GR, 4, CU
106. Black-tailed Tityra--1, ASA, 2, GR
107. White-winged Swallow--6, GR
108. Caribbean Martin--3, CU
109. Gray-breasted Martin--2, GR
110. Southern Rough-winged Swallow--5, B
111. Rufous-breasted Wren
112. House Wren
113. Tropical Mockingbird
114. Long-billed Gnatwren--1, ASA, 1, GR
115. Cocoa Thrush--3, BS, 1, ASA, 3, CU
116. Bare-eyed Thrush
117. White-necked Thrush--1, ASA, 3, CU
118. Rufous-browed Peppershrike
119. Red-eyed (Chivi) Vireo
120. Golden-fronted Greenlet
121. Scrub Greenlet
122. Shiny Cowbird--1, ASA, 2, CU
123. Crested Oropendola--2, ASA, 40, BS, 10, GR
124. Carib Grackle--1, BS
125. Yellow Oriole--1, BS
126. Golden-crowned Warbler--1, BS
127. Bananaquit
128. Purple Honeycreeper--5, BS, 6, ASA,
129. Red-legged Honeycreeper--2, ASA
130. Green Honeycreeper--8, ASA, 10, BS, B
131. Blue Dacnis--1, GR
132. Trinidad Euphonia--2, GR (heard only)
133. Violaceous Euphonia
134. Speckled Tanager--2, B
135. Turquoise Tanager--4, BS, 2, GR
136. Bay-headed Tanager--20, BS, B, ASA
137. Blue-gray Tanager
138. Palm Tanager
139. Silver-beaked Tanager
140. White-lined Tanager--1, BS, 2, B, 1, GR
141. White-shouldered Tanager--20, BS, B, GR
142. Grayish Saltator--1, BS
143. Blue-black Grassquit
144. Black-faced Grassquit
Possible Sightings:
Red-billed Tropicbird-Several distant birds of the coast from Grand
A Stripe-breasted Spinetail was observed building a nest in the
midstory level along Blanchissuese Road. Many juveniles were sighted
and flocks of family groups were a common sight, as were larger mixed
species feeding flocks with juveniles present. Nectar feeders rarely
flocked, except when the odd tree was in flower (as some were).
Other Wildlife:
Red-howler Monkey--GR
House Gecko
Unk. yellow striped/black snake
Unk. brown racer sp.
Leatherback Turtle--GR (Nesting at night)
Tiger Lizard
Bat sp.
Army Ants, Leafcutter Ants
Terrestrial Land Crab Sp.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at
George Livingston
Bellevue ID