Birding the Americas Trip Report
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12 - 17 March 2003
by Joseph Thompson
Venezuela, long popular with birders, has seen a marked decrease in tourism
following the 2 month general strike in late 2002. This report briefly
details a trip I undertook to Henri Pittier National Park in March, and I
am pleased to report that I encountered no problems of any kind.
The people remain extremely friendly and welcoming, there were no problems
whatsoever at police checkpoints, and gasoline was plentiful in all locations
that I visited.
Mar 12: arrive Caracas and overnight.
Mar 13-15: H. Pittier NP, staying in El Limon on the outskirts of Maracay,
close to H. Pittier. We stayed at an excellent inn called 'Posada El
Limon', owned by the enthusiastic and welcoming Bernardo von der Hock.
This inn is used to catering to birders and can arrange early breakfasts,
etc. Tel: (58)-(0243)- 2834925. Email:
Website: Accepts credit cards.
Mar. 16: Ocumare: Cumbato Rd.
Mar. 17: Colonia Tovar (afternoon)
Mar. 18 departure for US
Logistics and Guide: Chris Sharpe, a British expat who
has lived in Venezuela for 13 years, has a well deserved reputation as an
excellent guide who is both personable and knowledgeable. He has made
numerous contributions to Venezuelan ornithology and contributed significantly
to Mary Lou Goodwin's recent site guide to Venezuela. He leads for
major tour companies, but is also available for private tours. He also
arranged our accomodation, and we utilized his 4-WD for transport.
Phone: (58-(0)212-7309701).
Significant bird records by site (HO=Heard Only):
1) Rancho Grande, H. Pittier NP; 1050-1700
meters elevation:
Band-tailed Guan
Helmeted Curassow-(HO)
Venezuelan Wood-Quail---excellent
views on 2 diff. Days
Violaceous Quail-Dove
Lined Quail-Dove (HO)
Blood-eared Parakeet
Lilac-tailed Parrotlet (HO)
Foothill Screech-Owl---pre-dawn,
close to research station entrance
Short-tailed Nighthawk ssp. schaferi
Sooty-capped Hermit
Lazuline Sabrewing
Violet-chested Hummingbird---in
heliconias behind station
White-tipped Quetzal
Moustached Puffbird
Groove-billed Toucanet
Scaled Piculet
Crested Spinetail---building nest
at Research Station
Guttulated Foliage-gleaner---2
sightings, including once from road near Research Station
Grey-throated Leaftosser
Red-billed Scythebill
Venezuelan Antvireo
White-fronted Tyrannulet---excellent
scope views.
Rufous-lored Tyrannulet
Venezuelan Bristle-Tyrant
Golden-breasted Fruiteater
Handsome Fruiteater
Fulvous-headed Tanager
2) Choroni Rd., 1350-1530m:
Solitary Eagle
Band-winged Nightjar
Scalloped Antthrush---seen well,
a spontaneously calling bird that responded well to tape
Venezuelan Tyrannulet
Olive-striped Flycatcher
Flavescent Flycatcher
Black and White Becard---one male
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager
Rufous-cheeked Tanager
Ochre-breasted Brush-Finch
3) Cumboto Rd., Ocumare, 30m
Bicolored Hawk
Rufous-breasted Hermit
Stripe-throated Hermit
Buffy Hummingbird (actually seen
on hillside opposite Cata hi-rise condominiums)
Russet-throated Puffbird
Black-crested Antshrike
Black-backed Antshrike
Northern White-fringed Antwren
White-bellied Antbird
Fuscous Flycatcher
Venezuelan Flycatcher
Lance-tailed Manakin
Glaucous Tanager (actually in
Cata residential area)
4) El Limon/lower Ocumare Rd. area; 500-600m
Rufous vented Chachalaca
Copper-rumped Hummingbird
White-vented Plumeleteer
Stripe-backed Wren
Bare-eyed Thrush
Black-striped Sparrow
5) Colonia Tovar: Cortada de Maya Rd.; 2070m
Caracas Tapaculo
Black-throated Spinetail
Green-tailed Emerald----1 male and 2
females of this species were seen at 1600m on the road from La Victoria to
Colonia Tovar, feeding on flowering mimosas.
Joseph Thompson
Los Angeles, CA