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Annapolis County
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Bear River Chimney Swift Roost Site
-- former Oakdene School The village of Bear River sits astride the river of the same name, with Annapolis County to the east and Digby County to the west. The former Oakdene school is in "downtown" Bear River on the Annapolis County side, on the northeast side of the road immediately west of the United Church of Canada, where the road starts to climb the hill as you leave the village in the direction of Clementsvale. Locator Site The chimney is not visible from the front, but park in the schoolyard and walk around to the right side of the school as you face it, proceeding down a bit of a slope. Turn around and look at the back of the school and you will see the one and only chimney. The roost site has been active for many years. Posted June 2005. Information provided by Jean Timpa. |
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Site A5 - Tracadie Harbour
(Northumberland Shore) From the junction of Myette Road and Hwy 4, go north on Myette Road for 2 km to Myettes Beach, linking Tracadie Big Island to the east with Bowman Head to the west. Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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are numerous impoundments surrounding the River Hebert West Wastewater
Treatment Facility. For an aerial view of the wetlands click here. To reach the wetlands take route #242 west from Maccan, cross River Hebert, and turn right (north) on Barronsfield Road. The wetlands (most cells to the east) will be within 500 metres. You can drive a road between two cells to reach the gate of the water treatment plant. |
Creek Ducks Unlimited Marsh (Northumberland Shore). The marsh lies off the east side of Route 366, 100 metres south of the turnoff to Heather Beach and Cameron Beach (Toney Bay Road). GPS = N 45°51'55.8", W 63°45'31.4" Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
Beach Ducks Unlimited Marsh (Northumberland Shore) The marsh lies off the north side of Route 366, to the west of the access road to Northport Beach Provincial Park. GPS = N 45°55'27.9", W 63°50'43.8" Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
Seagrove Road is a dirt road
running 800 metres north of Route 366 to the shore of Baie Verte, east of Tidnish Head. There is a good view of the Bay from the road. Junction of Seagrove Road and Route 366, & GPS = N 45°59'24.6", W 63°59'19.8" Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
Ketchum Hiking Trail & Swinging Bridge (Northumberland Shore) The trailhead (GPS = N 45°58'31.2", W 64°2'40.7") lies just east of Ketchum Road, 300 metres from the road's junction with Route 366, which lies just west of the bridge over the Tidnish River in the village of Tidnish Bridge. The trail (1+ km) is fairly level, and passes through mixed-forest and fields, and crosses the Tidnish River on a sturdy suspension bridge. Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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Site A4 - Pugwash Harbour
(Northumberland Shore) Pugwash Point -- Pugwash Point Road ends at a private lane leading north. At this junction walk west on a dirt road 200 metres to the beach south of the point proper. Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
Site E4 - Wentworth Provincial
Park (Interior) As of April 2005 this park is listed as closed. The picnic site is still available, however. Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
Site B1
Amherst Point Migratory Bird Sanctuary (& John Lusby Marsh) The signs for the Boomer Loop road are missing at both ends. Posted April 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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Digby County
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Addition to Site A4 - Digby Neck In the village of Little River there is a dirt road leading to a parking area for two trails. The inconspicuous road leads west from the only intersection in the village (location); watch for the Little River Trading Company Kwik-Way store on the east side of Route 217. The dirt road passes between two private homes, climbs Neck Ridge, and arrives at the parking area 450 metres from Route 217. There is a sign on Route 217 indicating the trails, but it is easy to miss. There are two marked trails leading from the parking area. The shorter one, the Little River Overlook Trail, runs 200 metres to a fine viewpoint, through mixed forest and unique trail "landscaping". The second trail, 1 km in length, leads west (and descends 70 metres) to Tommys Beach on the Bay of Fundy. This trail follows a former road, now no longer fit for cars. Posted May 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
Trail Locator Map, Trail Map, & Description "Take exit 26 from Highway 101 and turn towards Acaciaville. Continue approximately 6.5 km through Acaciaville to Mill Road on the left. Go to the end of Mill Road (dirt) and park in the area provided." Trail Length: 2.47 km. For more info visit the trail web site. Posted June 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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A5 - Long Island The road to Boar's Head Lighthouse is gated at the edge of the village of Tiverton (location), but you can still walk the 1 km to the lighthouse, and the absence of vehicular traffic improves the birding. Note that the road climbs steeply 45 metres before descending to the lighthouse (at 10 metres elevation). Posted May 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
A5 - Long Island The Balancing Rock Trail is "closed" while the municipality and the village sort out legalities and liabilities. In the meantime people are still hiking the trail, but they simply park outside the roped-off parking area. Posted May 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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Hants County
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Akin Marsh Trail Take Exit 7 of Hwy 101 (Falmouth) and drive south 400 metres to Hwy 1 (junction). Turn right on Hwy 1 and continue for ~1.5 km to the junction with Bog Road (third road on the left). Continue on Bog Road for ~4 km (keep right at first junction) to the trail parking lot. The trail goes behind the marsh and through varied forest types, and is maintained by Ducks Unlimited & the Hants West Wildlife Association. Posted May 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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Kings County
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Palmeters Woods This birding location is popular with local birders. Directions: take Exit 14 of Hwy 101, and drive east on Hwy 1 in the direction of Kentville. Drive for ~ 4.5 km to the Evergreen Home for Special Care, 655 Park Street, north side. "There is an entry driveway between the two buildings, just after the pond. Drive straight through until you see a parking lot at the back near a gate that leads to the old bird sanctuary. Park, go through gate (ignore sign), cross walking trail (former rail line) and continue on narrow roadway as it winds towards the Cornwallis River." (directions courtesy of Patrick Kelly) Aesthetic Rating = ☼ Birding Rating = 2 stars (May-July), 1 star (Aug-Apr) Posted May 2005. |
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Site D4
-- Franey Corner route Indian Falls Park -- This is a very scenic diversion off the Newburne Road section of the route, just north of Newburne. The road to the park (junction) is signed on the west side of Newburne Road, 200 metres north of its junction with Veinnotte Road. Follow the gravel-surfaced road west for several hundred metres to a 3-way junction, and turn left on an unmarked road (the road ahead is gated), and continue to the parking area just east of the falls. A short easy trail leads you to Indian Falls, and the pool below the falls makes a fine swimming hole. The road to the falls is lined with decent forest, providing good birding. Aesthetic Rating = ☼☼ Posted July 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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Pictou County
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Temperance Street School The school's chimney is a regular roost for Chimney Swifts. They arrive mid-May and depart by early August. The school is at 334 Temperance Street in the town of New Glasgow. Take Exit 25 of Hwy 104, and go north for ~ 2.5 km on Route 348 (East River Road) into New Glasgow. Turn right on Marsh Street, and then right on Temperence Street. Continue one block to the school. Posted May 2005 by Blake Maybank. |
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Queens County
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McGowan Lake Chimney Swift roost Directions: "On Route 8 go north of Caledonia
4.1 km , in the community of Harmony, and turn to the right (eastward)
where you see the sign "McGowan Lake Fish Hatchery". Drive down a
road 2 km and turn left at another Fish Hatchery sign. The hatchery is
0.2 km up that road. The chimney is located about 30 m
north of the northern hatchery outdoor raceway where fish are
raised. The swifts use a low and sturdy chimney in an abandoned
blacksmith shop owned by NS Power. NS Power is aware the birds
use it and are keeping the building locked and unused and intend to
maintain the chimney. You can drive or walk a small road right to
beside the building. There are lots of places to park without a
problem." Locator
![]() photo © 2005 by Pete Hope "The area offers a great expanse of sky where on many nights there is a great spectacle of the swifts cicrling in their ever-decreasing funnel before they enter the chimney. There have been many counts of 200 swifts or more. Allow a half hour before dark to see them well." Posted June 2005. Information courtesy of Pete Hope. |
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Richmond County
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Cape Auguet Eco-Trail --
Isle Madame This is a 9 km trail starting in the community of Boudreauville, on Isle Madame (trailhead location). The trail runs SW toward Cape Auguet. There is no offical web site for the trail, but some information is available here. Habitats include coastal coniferous forest, coastal barrens, open bogs, nearshore harbours and coves, open ocean, rocky shorelines, streams, and barachois. Aesthetic Rating = ☼☼☼ Birding Rating = 2 stars Posted July 2005 from information provided by George Digout. |
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